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Forty by Fall!

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I'd love to say it's "baby weight" but my little sweetie is almost 9 weeks old now and truth be told it was here before she was. Lingering from a child or two ago. :nopity:I know. I know.



Anywho, I'm thinking it'd be nice to try and lose a bit of the bulge. . .so the plan, the very doable plan, is to drop forty by fall! That's a little over 5 months to work with - who's with me??


Anyone else want to embark on this challenge? :D


Fall will arrive on time either way!

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Okay, I'm not comfy at this point revealing my numbers...but let's just say, my recent trip to the doctor left me in shock. I'm the heaviest I've ever been...and my youngest is 6! I'm so in. What's your plan of attack?


oh yea...I guess I should probably formulate a plan of attack :lol:


I think I'm going to pull out my good ole' weight watchers stuff. I did well with this a couple years ago, but then with the miscarriages, I resorted to comfort food a little too often. I also plan to walk a minimum of 30 minutes a day. I really need the exercise, I'm starting to "feel" my age. :glare:


No revealing numbers. We can opt for the "weight down" weekly updates. We can also share any great tips or healthy recipes.


Any other ideas?

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Okay, I'm not comfy at this point revealing my numbers...but let's just say, my recent trip to the doctor left me in shock. I'm the heaviest I've ever been...and my youngest is 6! I'm so in. What's your plan of attack?


My youngest is 13. I think I'm beyond calling it "baby fat." LOL


I fell off the WW Wagon this winter, but I want back on!

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I promised my 6 year old we would start walking, and she's already nagging me...so, I'm thinking she'll help keep me accountable! LOL! And yes, I agree with the comfort food thing. This last year has been particularly stressful with me, in a number of ways. It's obvious, after my doctor visit, that I have indeed been comforting myself by eating. I've noticed the pattern in my life, using food to comfort or reward myself. I'm going grocery shopping this weekend, and thankfully we're already eating pretty "crunchy/healthy" over here. I'm just going to resist the temptation of adding in those "mommy treats" I sometimes add to the buggy. ;)

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I have 41 left to lose and was shooting for Sept 10 when we leave for Disney World.

I joined Weight Watchers 4 weeks ago and LOVE the new program. I have lost 10 pounds in four weeks. :) I usually lose about a pound a week, so I am stoked.

WW started a 6 weeks 5K challenge and is encouraging everyone to train and walk or run a 5K on May 22nd so I am also doing that.


That gives me 22 weeks to lose 41 pounds.


I am SO in!!

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I'm in.


I've given up gluten, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine. It started as a quest to fix stomach issues. Trial and error says the gluten isn't a problem, but the other two are. However, I've lost 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. So, I'm going to keep it up. The no-gluten is easier than lo-carb for me. I can still eat fruit and the occasional baked potato or rice so that I don't really notice the bread.


My youngest is 5. She's still a baby, right? But she turns six in the fall, so I need to lose the baby weight by then. :)

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I've gained 17 pounds since my mother died, coincidentally 17 months ago. As I'm only 5'1", the weight is noticeable to me. I'd love that weight, and maybe a bit more, to be gone forever. At almost 45, if I don't lose it now it will become more difficult to lose.


Last week I started tracking my food and exercise on SparkPeople. I've been using the elipitical for 20 minutes every night, with the goal of getting up to 30 minutes per day. I'd prefer to walk outside and maybe I will once the weather changes from cold and rainy.

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I'll join you, if I may.. I have a few more than 40 to lose but that'll be a good start! And committing to walk every day is going to be difficult, but necessary. I'll be on the Cambridge Diet, if that matters.. don't bash me.. it really does work for me!!

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I'd love to say it's "baby weight" but my little sweetie is almost 9 weeks old now and truth be told it was here before she was. Lingering from a child or two ago. :nopity:I know. I know.



Anywho, I'm thinking it'd be nice to try and lose a bit of the bulge. . .so the plan, the very doable plan, is to drop forty by fall! That's a little over 5 months to work with - who's with me??


Anyone else want to embark on this challenge? :D


Fall will arrive on time either way!


When I complain of being fat, dh lovingly says, "You aren't fat -- you're ex-babyful!" I love him!!:001_smile: Problem is, "baby" is turning 16 in August!:D

I'm in! I joined WW a few weeks ago -- I'm not losing much, but I know that would improve if I would just follow the plan!:tongue_smilie: Sis and I are trying P90X three times a week (notice the word 'trying'), and I do Tae Kwon Do three times a week. My muscles are strong, and my endurance and flexibility are pretty good, but I'd like to get rid of that flexible middle!:glare:


As for weight, let's just say I will be happy to see that "1" as the first number.

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I'm in too! I had lost 50lbs right before I got pregnant with my twins, and have gained almost all of it back. I started back on weight watchers last Tuesday and I'm already down 6lbs! My neighbor/friend is doing it with me and we are also walking in the evenings. I'm excited to see how we all do. It will be great to have people to hold us accountable. :001_smile:

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My youngest is 13. I think I'm beyond calling it "baby fat." LOL


I fell off the WW Wagon this winter, but I want back on!


Counting you in :D


I promised my 6 year old we would start walking, and she's already nagging me...so, I'm thinking she'll help keep me accountable! LOL!


Yep, kids are good at that! My 8 yo will act as the food police if I tell her anything. Shhhh!


I have 41 left to lose and was shooting for Sept 10 when we leave for Disney World.


I joined Weight Watchers 4 weeks ago and LOVE the new program. I have lost 10 pounds in four weeks. I usually lose about a pound a week, so I am stoked.


WW started a 6 weeks 5K challenge and is encouraging everyone to train and walk or run a 5K on May 22nd so I am also doing that.


That gives me 22 weeks to lose 41 pounds.


I am SO in!!


Sounds great! Tell me about the new program. Is it worth attending a meeting for?


I'm in.


I've given up gluten, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine. It started as a quest to fix stomach issues. Trial and error says the gluten isn't a problem, but the other two are. However, I've lost 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. So, I'm going to keep it up. The no-gluten is easier than lo-carb for me. I can still eat fruit and the occasional baked potato or rice so that I don't really notice the bread.


My youngest is 5. She's still a baby, right? But she turns six in the fall, so I need to lose the baby weight by then.


Congrats on the 8 already! Yeah, 5 still counts for baby :D


I've gained 17 pounds since my mother died, coincidentally 17 months ago. As I'm only 5'1", the weight is noticeable to me. I'd love that weight, and maybe a bit more, to be gone forever. At almost 45, if I don't lose it now it will become more difficult to lose.


Last week I started tracking my food and exercise on SparkPeople. I've been using the elipitical for 20 minutes every night, with the goal of getting up to 30 minutes per day. I'd prefer to walk outside and maybe I will once the weather changes from cold and rainy.


I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


20 minutes on the elliptical sounds pretty good to me. I could never stay on that darn thing for more than a few minutes before I started getting looks of concern :w00t:


I'll join you, if I may.. I have a few more than 40 to lose but that'll be a good start! And committing to walk every day is going to be difficult, but necessary. I'll be on the Cambridge Diet, if that matters.. don't bash me.. it really does work for me!!


You're in :D No bashing here. What is the Cambridge Diet?


When I complain of being fat, dh lovingly says, "You aren't fat -- you're ex-babyful!" I love him!! Problem is, "baby" is turning 16 in August!

I'm in! I joined WW a few weeks ago -- I'm not losing much, but I know that would improve if I would just follow the plan! Sis and I are trying P90X three times a week (notice the word 'trying'), and I do Tae Kwon Do three times a week. My muscles are strong, and my endurance and flexibility are pretty good, but I'd like to get rid of that flexible middle!


As for weight, let's just say I will be happy to see that "1" as the first number.


What a sweet hubby!


P90X, - hey, hey! You're brave! I ordered it for dh last year and after it sat in the box unopened for 3 weeks, I sent it back. I knew that program wasn't for me but I thought the big guy might give it a go ;) I can do some beginning Tae Bo, but the advanced kicked my rear!


I'm embarrassed to say that I used to be an AFAA certified fitness instructor. I headed up the ministry at my church until the concrete floor did my knees in. I couldn't walk without pain for the longest time. So that didn't help. I HAVE to exercise to keep the weight off. :tongue_smilie:


I'm with you on the "1". That took me a minute to get, LOL!


Is WW still doing points?

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I'm in! I signed up for WW online but have'nt made myself sit down and figure it all out yet. Oy. I joined a fitness center, went once, and then my family and I came down with the stomach flu. I think I will be back to normal tomorrow, then I can start exercising again.


I feel so unhealthy -- I must change things up!!!!!!

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I'll join! I have a good 30-35 pounds to lose. I'm only 5'1" and the extra weight can't be hidden anymore - especially since summer is coming up and I can't use sweaters to hide in. :(



My dh is so sweet about it (the extra weight) - he is always very encouraging and tells me I'm beautiful. BUT - I certainly don't feel beautiful carrying this extra 30 around. He knows I want to lose it and has even made me a bet - for every 10 lbs. I lose I get xxxx amount of dollars (you can figure out the amount from the number of x's) but I just can't seem to be serious about it and do it. sigh


So please - hold me accountable! Kick my butt! (in a nice way, of course :) )

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The new plan rocks. They now count carbs so a lot of things have higher points, but you also get more daily and weekly points.


Most fruits and veggies are zero points now. I am never ever hungry, this is a great plan.


Some people are overeating fruits (just because they are zero obviously doesnt mean you get to eat a million a day) so they recommend still watching your fruit servings. They are trying to teach people to turn to fruit and veggies and no processed foods.


I was laways scared to use all my points on the other plan and would hoard them for a night snack in case I was hungry, which led to a bad habit of night eating. On this plan I can break up my daily points and eat throughout the day an dnot worry about being hungry at night because I can always have some fruit or a salad if I am hungry and no harm done :)

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I'm in, but I've been at it since the 2nd week of January and am down 19 lbs. (in 13 weeks) - another 21 lbs to go. :)


I am only 4 pounds away from my pre-children weight and 14 away from what I weighed when I got married. Once I hit my goal (to drop 40 lbs.), I'll be right in the middle of healthy on the BMI charts -- I feel so close, yet so far at the same time!

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Awesome!!! I'm so glad we have a good number of people who want to participate in the challenge. Forty by Fall. . .we can do this!




I'm planning my *official start* for Monday (it's a mental thing!) but will go ahead and get that exercise in starting today! What's your plan??


Has anyone tried the Bosu Trainer? I used to love Step Aerobics but with bad knees I have to be careful not to injure them or I'll be sidelined. Walking will be my main exercise, but I have to have variety.


Guess the next step is to drag out that dreadful scale for the starting point. what.gif


Maybe someone could share how to get those "weight lost" tickers for our signatures lines?


Any good starting advice from those of you who are already on track with losing?

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... What's your plan?? ... Has anyone tried the Bosu Trainer?


I'm officially styarting Monday, but have been back on the treadmil for a few days. I also did one of the P90 exercises today, but just to get to know it.


I'm saving for a Bosu ball, LOVE it! I've been fighting tendonitis for about 6 months now, and a bosu ball would really help. My prior PT had a few and used to give me tons of exercises to do on it.


ETA: I cut coffee back to one small pot in the morning, and I'm eating more. I was drinking coffee alllllll day long and barely eating.

Edited by amo_mea_filiis
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You're in :D No bashing here. What is the Cambridge Diet?


Thank you! :)


It's a VLCal diet - it has some bad press because some people don't think it's healthy, but to each his own I think - it sure works brilliantly for me.


I think I'm going to be cycling for my exercise. It's a bit easier on the ankles. ;)

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I'm in! I need to lose 40 pounds too. I was on week 8 of C25K but had to take the past two weeks off because on an injury. I also fell off the Sparkpeople wagon. Today was my first day back on the treadmill and I need the accountability to get back on track.

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I'd like to join to lose 30 by 30 (my 30th birthday in November:D). I keep putting it off, but I want to be serious now! I may have to get busy and lose that 30 a lot faster than that though, because I want to get pregnant soon too, and I can't be losing weight then!

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I could use some accountability as well. I need to lose 30lb, and fall seems doable. My first pregnancy was the best thing I ever did to lose weight. I was so sick through it all that the day I left the hospital I wieged less than before I became pregnant. 2nd pregnancy, not the same story. And now I'm on a medication that has caused me to gain 30lb in one year. :glare: My goal this week was 3 periods of 15 min of elevated heart-rate (my bil is in school to become a personal trainer.) That didn't happen. :glare: I went a whole month without sugar about 6 months ago. I lost 1 lb. :glare: And we can't afford a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. Inexpensive food= carbs. Pasta and rice are eaten 3-4 times a week here.


So give me a daily kick in my butt and I'll pray for a miracle. At the bigining of last year I did a personalized training schedule that was suppose to help me lose 2lbs/week. I gained 4lb in 6 weeks and I lost heart. :glare:

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Reassure me that it gets easier, please. I've been using my treadclimber for a few days, but can't comfortably go more than 7-10 minutes inclined (usually because of my foot). After that I'll put it flat and continue until about 30 minutes. Yesterday I tried one of the power 90 workouts, only phase 1. I'm not sore, so I know I didn't push myself, but I couldn't do it. :(


It's so hard to be motivated to continue since I can't do it yet.

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Thank you!


It's a VLCal diet - it has some bad press because some people don't think it's healthy, but to each his own I think - it sure works brilliantly for me.


I think I'm going to be cycling for my exercise. It's a bit easier on the ankles.


Guess I haven't tried all the diets :D I though for sure I had!


Hey! Can I join? My goal isn't to lose more weight, but I need all the accountability I can get. I love these threads because they keep me working out. I'm currently doing Insanity and running.


So what is Insanity? (we're not talking extended family here right? :lol:)


I'm in! I need to lose 40 pounds too. I was on week 8 of C25K but had to take the past two weeks off because on an injury. I also fell off the Sparkpeople wagon. Today was my first day back on the treadmill and I need the accountability to get back on track.


I hope you heal and get back on track soon. Sounds like you were doing well being on week 8 and all :) What is Sparkpeople? Am I the last to know?


I'd like to join to lose 30 by 30 (my 30th birthday in November:D). I keep putting it off, but I want to be serious now! I may have to get busy and lose that 30 a lot faster than that though, because I want to get pregnant soon too, and I can't be losing weight then!


30 by 30, good plan :D


I'm in.

My 40th birthday is Sept 7, so my goal would be forty pounds gone by then. (Five months from yesterday!)




I could use some accountability as well. I need to lose 30lb, and fall seems doable.



I need a little sign like this one :iagree: that states "You're in!", lol! And just in case I've inadvertantly missed anyone in replying. All are welcome!!


Reassure me that it gets easier, please. I've been using my treadclimber for a few days, but can't comfortably go more than 7-10 minutes inclined (usually because of my foot). After that I'll put it flat and continue until about 30 minutes. Yesterday I tried one of the power 90 workouts, only phase 1. I'm not sore, so I know I didn't push myself, but I couldn't do it.


It's so hard to be motivated to continue since I can't do it yet.


Baby steps. 7-10 minutes is better than 0 minutes! It gets easier. I know I certainly will not be able to start out at the level of intensity and duration I could 10 years ago. . .but with time it'll happen. Think positive!

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The new plan rocks. They now count carbs so a lot of things have higher points, but you also get more daily and weekly points.


Most fruits and veggies are zero points now. I am never ever hungry, this is a great plan.


Some people are overeating fruits (just because they are zero obviously doesnt mean you get to eat a million a day) so they recommend still watching your fruit servings. They are trying to teach people to turn to fruit and veggies and no processed foods.


I was laways scared to use all my points on the other plan and would hoard them for a night snack in case I was hungry, which led to a bad habit of night eating. On this plan I can break up my daily points and eat throughout the day an dnot worry about being hungry at night because I can always have some fruit or a salad if I am hungry and no harm done :)


Thank you for the details! I liked the last plan, it was very doable. I lost consistently week after week, got to minus 25, found out I was pregnant and well. . .I already mentioned how that went. :crying:


The weekly weigh in's helped me stay focused, but the meetings. . .argh! I used to get so annoyed because half the time was spent with folks sharing ways they had found to "cheat" the plan. That was the reoccurring theme week after week. :001_huh:


Anywho, I might just have to go at least a time or two to learn about the newest plan! :D

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Sparkpeople It's great for keeping track of your diet and exercise and there are lots of groups to keep you motivated.


We have a private spinoff team from the WTM boards called the Well-Trained Sparks. If you join sparkpeople and pm me your username, I can send you an invitation to join us.

We'd love to have you and anyone else who'd like to be a part of our team!

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  • 4 months later...

Fall is creeping up on us...I wanted to check in on this thread and see how everyone is doing?


I got off to a very slow start, but have lost over 20+ lbs as of last week! Trying to kick it up a notch these next few weeks in hopes of reaching my forty by fall goal :D


Started day one of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred...ouch...might be more aptly renamed 30 Day Dead :lol:


Updates anyone?

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I'm about where you are. I can't quite hit the 25 pound mark.


What are you doing that's working?


For me, it's low carb eating and cheating on Sundays! However yesterday we went to the county fair so friday became Sunday, and Sunday will also be Sunday, so I might have problems going into next week!


Eta: duh just realized you said Jillian Michaels. Not familiar with her!

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  • 1 month later...
Well I didn't quite make the fall date...but I'm happy to say I have reached the -40 goal! :party:


I've had the munchies the past couple days...need my treadmill fixed so I can balance it out lol!



Wow! Congratulations!





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