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If you've been in my situation...please tell me it will be OK

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I am 39. I have Type 2 Diabetes. Although I have lost 40 pounds, I am still 50-60 pounds overweight. This morning I found out I am pregnant. I am freaking out a little.


I am worried about gaining weight and my blood sugars. My blood sugars have been mostly ok, a few high days (130-145) once or twice so far this year, but mostly under 110.


Have any of you BTDT or doing it now?:svengo:

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you'll be fine! Try to stick to a low-glycemic diet. If you have a craving you HAVE to fulfill - have it (within reason) but then IMMEDIATELY go for a walk!!!


When I had gestational diabetes with #3 (hey - that's when my weight problems started. Hhhmmmmm. Wonder if there's a connection?) I was constantly monitoring my blood sugars. I did very well, for the most part, but specifically remember one day that I just *had* to have a pistachio muffin I saw while on a road trip. When I checked my blood sugars I was worried for the baby. They weren't horrific but they were higher than I was comfortable with. I immediately went for a walk and rechecked the sugars. They were normal!


Try to walk or do any form of exercise as much as possible.



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I am 39. I have Type 2 Diabetes. Although I have lost 40 pounds, I am still 50-60 pounds overweight. This morning I found out I am pregnant. I am freaking out a little.


Call your doctor and make sure you are not on any meds that are verboten in pregnancy. Do this today.

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I'm close to your age ;) and just gave birth. I've had gestational diabetes with my last two children (and I believe with others as well!) but I actually gained the least amount of weight with these pregnancies. I was diligent in following the diabetic diet and monitoring my blood sugars and that's really the most you can do on your end. . .but. . .if you do these things and walk regularly, you should do just fine!


My diet was 2200 calories, low carb, no sweets! I had three snacks and three meals each day, did blood sugar checks 4x a day and a morning ketone check daily.


If you aren't scheduled to do so, you can ask to meet with a nutritionist who is knowledgable in this area.



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I think the issue in your case is if you need hypoglycemics or insulin for bloodsugar control instead of just diet and exercise. That's why you need your Dr.'s advice.


I was assuming that you're already on medications since you're type 2. Is that correct?


Again - don't worry. Your doctors will be following you very closely. My doctors never HAD to put me on medication, but they monitored my sugars regularly and were prepared to do so.


Diabetic women get pregnant all the time. You'll be fine! Your doctors will monitor you very closely. Please don't worry!

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I was in your shoes at age 42 only I was about 75 lbs overweight. It was a pain to check my sugars all the time and be so aware of what I was eating, and I really didn't want to walk every day, but everything did turn out okay. My son was 9lbs 7 oz at 37 weeks and I did end up with a c-section because his head was fifteen inches in diameter and he couldn't descend into the birth canal. He was fine, and so was I. Just keep the faith and keep doing what you know you need to be doing!

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Are you on insulin? If not be prepared, you probably will be. Pregnancy does mess up your blood glucose levels. I found out I was pregnant because mine were soaring into the 300s consistently. That along with the fact I did not find out until I was about 17 weeks caused me A LOT of stress.

I was on Glimipride and Metphormin. There are, I was told, no oral meds that are considered safe for pregnancy so I had to go on insulin. Everything I read said that Type 2's go on Insulin. I am still on Insulin because I am nursing. My doctor has confidence I can go back to oral meds when I am done nursing.

The neat thing about Insulin is how much control you can have over your BG.

The key is to check your BG 1 hour after every meal. Keep a food diary to see how different foods at different times affect your levels.

After I started insulin and keeping track of my numbers I stayed within 80-100 for fasting and 90-120 for after meals.

The insulin took some getting used to there were many crashes. Especially at night.

I ate a lot of salads and fruit and protein. That's what I was craving. If I had bread it was only one slice of whole grain bread. If I wanted a brownie or something I took one bite and walked away. It was hard but I only gained 20 pounds my whole pregnancy and most of that was in the last few weeks. My baby was a gigantic 7pounds 1oz. :tongue_smilie: My OB kissed me he was so happy. LOL

As far as the pregnancy I was considered high risk through the whole thing. What that meant was I went to a high risk center for all of my ultra sounds and for heart monitoring. Basically the last trimester I went twice a week. Once for a ultra-sound and heart-monitoring and once just for heart monitoring.

I had to have an insulin drip and a glucose drip during labor. They checked my BG every hour if I was below 80 I got some glucose if I was above 140 I got some insulin. I think I had glucose twice and insulin once.

It was not always easy but the results were so worth it. :)

I used to go to a forum on called Diabetic Mommy. There was a ton of info there. Also there is a website called low carb friends that had some good recipes.

DO NOT GOOGLE HIGH BLOOD GLUCOSE AND PREGNANCY. I found I was pregnant on Christmas Eve. My OB could not see me until Jan. 12 I don't think I slept between those dates after googling.

Get into see your doc as soon as possible. Message me if you need any support.

I know I typed a book here. I probably added stuff you did not need and left out other stuff.

Hang in there and CONGRATULATIONS! :grouphug:

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I didn't have Type II Diabetes before becoming pregnant, but I did have Gestational Diabetes when I had my daughter at age 36. I was able to control my blood sugars with diet alone. During the pregnancy, I ended up losing weight. My daughter was actually underweight, though not by much, when she was born. She's a healthy 8 year old today!


Congrats! Here's to a healthy and happy 9 months:thumbup1:

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Thanks everyone. When I has my 7 yo ds I had gestational diabetes. I gained 19 pounds with that pregnancy and when that pregnancy started I weighed about 15 pounds more than I weigh right now. They had me on metformin and I had non-stress tests twice a week.


Three years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 and have been taking Metformin. I haven't taken the Metformin for several months because I have been controlling everything by losing weight and exercising. My doctor has been very pleased with what I have done. My last A1C was 6.0. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to get some official advice. I have a history of high blood pressure, but haven't been taking that medication for months either.


I am excited/scared and I just want it all to go smoothly. I have already proved to myself with the weight loss that I know how to be disciplined and basically, I am more motivated than ever right now.


DH is worried he is too old (46) and otherwise hasn't let it sink in yet.

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Yes, you may very well need insulin, but it isn't the end of the world. :)


I normally take Metformin and with this last pregnancy started needing insulin at 9 weeks. At 12 weeks I was approved for an insulin pump which I used until I finished nursing, and then resumed my oral meds. Be prepared, with pregnancy they are now more strict than ever with blood sugar levels, it's almost hard to get used to once you deliver.



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Yes, you may very well need insulin, but it isn't the end of the world. :)


I normally take Metformin and with this last pregnancy started needing insulin at 9 weeks. At 12 weeks I was approved for an insulin pump which I used until I finished nursing, and then resumed my oral meds. Be prepared, with pregnancy they are now more strict than ever with blood sugar levels, it's almost hard to get used to once you deliver.




Thank you. Insulin scares the heck out of me. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but thank you for the reassurance if it does! :)

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I am 39. I have Type 2 Diabetes. Although I have lost 40 pounds, I am still 50-60 pounds overweight. This morning I found out I am pregnant. I am freaking out a little.


I am worried about gaining weight and my blood sugars. My blood sugars have been mostly ok, a few high days (130-145) once or twice so far this year, but mostly under 110.


Have any of you BTDT or doing it now?:svengo:


My mom was in your exact situation when she was 42 and everything went just fine. (He was her "surprise" baby the year I got married.) Congratulations!

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Thank you. Insulin scares the heck out of me. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but thank you for the reassurance if it does! :)


Every Single Patient I've had who have been "scared the heck out by insulin" has later admitted it is really not a big deal. A hassle, but nothing scary.

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Every Single Patient I've had who have been "scared the heck out by insulin" has later admitted it is really not a big deal. A hassle, but nothing scary.




It was so amazingly easier to control my sugar levels when I was pregnant when I was on insulin. It's not bad at all - I actually felt like a human being most days because my levels were under control (I can't hardly think when they are high...and oooh am I grouchy!). Eating was easier. I felt better, and I knew it was better for the baby.


I'm back on metformin and some other pill now - so realize it's not necessarily a permanent thing to use insulin when pregnant. After your baby is born and your body adjusts, you may be back just on the pills again.

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First off, congratulations. I recently, in the last year, was diagnosed with diabetes and have needed to take insulin. It isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. It's not a big deal at all. If it comes to your needing insulin to control blood sugar, you'll be fine!



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I was terrified of having to go on insulin. I promise you that it is not that big of a deal. Especially after you get used to it.

Your A1C is great! Like I said you should be fine. My first trimester was spent with no idea I was pregnant and rapidly rising BG levels. My OB was very grim when he first saw my numbers.

Look at my avatar to see what my reward for those insulin shots was. :001_smile:

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