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Well, it seems Winter and Spring are over and we've gone right into summer here. :(

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I got up this morning to get my son ready for his school bus. The sun hadn't even come up yet when I opened my front door and was greeted by a hot humid wall of air in my face! UGH. The thermometer on my car read 94 degrees today at 1pm. It looks like our respite is over and summer has arrived. Blech! :ack2: :blink::willy_nilly::crying:

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We still have tonnes of snow. And ice.


*wonders what the shipping cost would be to redecorate Ibbygirl's yard with the frozen tundra in hers*


OOOOOH!!! Yes Yes!! I've never seen snow in person before!! I would love to play in it! :) :thumbup:

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yes, it snowed here yesterday. :tongue_smilie:


Wow! And i read this morning that the Northeast is supposed to get snow today and tomorrow! It's hard to believe that we're in the same country. It has been so hot and humid here already. I am NOT looking forward to August/September at all! Just kill me now! :ack2:

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OOOOOH!!! Yes Yes!! I've never seen snow in person before!! I would love to play in it! :) :thumbup:

Come on up. Cheaper for you to travel than to ship snow and ice.


Edmonton. We've had snow in the summer. There's a reason very few houses have air conditioning.

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It's snowing at home, and there was a tornado watch where I am in FL. It's not more than 68 out now. I guess it's Spring. lol


Are you in Central Fla on the Gulf side?? I saw on the news that there is a weather advisory for there tonight and it's supposed to make it's way south to us around 3am tonight. Ugh, I hope it's not crazy in the morning when I have to go outside and wait for the bus. I live in a townhome complex and my house is in the back so I have to wait out by the street for my son's bus. They were 40 minutes late this morning!! I hope it's not pouring and crazy tomorrow. :(

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Ibbygirl, I can commiserate! I'm in the Southwest and it's 91*F at 5:10pm right now. Ugh. All too soon we will have higher temperatures than you. Yes, yes, it's a dry heat. But, you know, after 105*F it's still HOT!


Heck yeah that's hot!! With the heat index it gets up that high here in August & September too. But it's a wet heat. It's like living in a steam room that you can't escape from! lol


Come on up. Cheaper for you to travel than to ship snow and ice.


Edmonton. We've had snow in the summer. There's a reason very few houses have air conditioning.


Awww you're so sweet! :grouphug: I would totally love to come up and visit you and Karyn!! Canucks have THE BEST sense of humor! :thumbup: :)


BTW, how are you feeling sweetheart?? I've been praying for you. :grouphug:

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The sun hadn't even come up yet when I opened my front door and was greeted by a hot humid wall of air in my face! UGH. The thermometer on my car read 94 degrees today at 1pm.


Trade you. That is my kind of weather as long as the buildings and cars are air conditioned.


It is so cold here that I ordered a scarf from Lands End this morning. I am going to wrap it around my head like a mummy. I haven't needed one before, but my face gets too cold when I take the dog out many times during the night. I have no idea where our balaclavas are.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Trade you. That is my kind of weather as long as the buildings and cars are air conditioned.


It is so cold here that I ordered a scarf from Lands End tonight. I haven't needed one before, but my face gets too cold when I take the dog out many times during the night. I have no idea where our balaclavas are.


They are all air conditioned! Gosh I can't even imagine cold like that. I wear my sandals year round even in "winter" lol I'll trade you for that cute little puppy in your pic you've got there! You can have all the heat you want! :):tongue_smilie:

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Awww you're so sweet! :grouphug: I would totally love to come up and visit you and Karyn!! Canucks have THE BEST sense of humor! :thumbup: :)


BTW, how are you feeling sweetheart?? I've been praying for you. :grouphug:

Thank you, its so appreciated! Sending you pm in a sec, but this thread will give you a rough idea of whats going on lately. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259659

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It's hot here too but it's supposed to be about 30 degrees cooler by Sunday and next week. So, I'm still hoping for a Spring.


Wow! That's a big difference in temperatures! Do you get sick when the temperature varies like that? I always do when it turns hot and cold and hot and cold. Blech!

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I got up this morning to get my son ready for his school bus. The sun hadn't even come up yet when I opened my front door and was greeted by a hot humid wall of air in my face! UGH. The thermometer on my car read 94 degrees today at 1pm. It looks like our respite is over and summer has arrived. Blech! :ack2: :blink::willy_nilly::crying:


Nope...winter refuses to leave. I am looking out of my window at a snow/ice storm. UGH! So stinkin' sick of it! It has been snowing since October...enough already!


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Wow! And i read this morning that the Northeast is supposed to get snow today and tomorrow! It's hard to believe that we're in the same country. It has been so hot and humid here already. I am NOT looking forward to August/September at all! Just kill me now! :ack2:


Yeah, I'm staring out my window at the snow coming down. I'm really ready for Spring but I'm sure we'll only get about two weeks of Spring-like weather (meaning rain every other day but nice temperatures) before it gets hot.

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So we have some posibilities for our next move= one place is mild weather, one get hot in the summer but not really hot and may get light snow in winter, and the last place has average daily temperatures of 105 in the summer months. We will be moving in the summer. I hate cold but I hate hot too. I have already warned dd's that we will be only going out at night people if we go to the last place. If it is the last place, I will be buying a new car (probably used) based on air conditioning strength.

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I got up this morning to get my son ready for his school bus. The sun hadn't even come up yet when I opened my front door and was greeted by a hot humid wall of air in my face! UGH. The thermometer on my car read 94 degrees today at 1pm. It looks like our respite is over and summer has arrived. Blech! :ack2: :blink::willy_nilly::crying:




I would love to have your problems! Its in the mid 30s here today- we ALWAYS have atleast 1 blizzard in May.... :crying:

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They are all air conditioned! Gosh I can't even imagine cold like that.


You may have the cute little puppy from 9 pm to 9 a.m., daily. He learned how to bark last night, and he has been having a lot of fun with that. The day before, he started chirping, but now it is a real bark.


I think my meds have something to do with how cold I feel. I haven't needed a scarf before, and I've lived in the Northeast for 22 years.

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Thank you, its so appreciated! Sending you pm in a sec, but this thread will give you a rough idea of whats going on lately. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259659


Got it! :grouphug::grouphug:


Put me on the jealous side of the group. It's snowing again here today. :P

:grouphug: Sorry. I wasn't trying to make anyone jealous. I was just complaining. lol Ugh, once the heat starts back up here, it just gets continually worse until November when it starts to taper off. The summer doldrums are so long and it's also a signal that hurricane season is just around the corner (June 1st- November 30th) and I'm just not wanting to think about it yet. :(

Nope...winter refuses to leave. I am looking out of my window at a snow/ice storm. UGH! So stinkin' sick of it! It has been snowing since October...enough already!




Yeah, I'm staring out my window at the snow coming down. I'm really ready for Spring but I'm sure we'll only get about two weeks of Spring-like weather (meaning rain every other day but nice temperatures) before it gets hot.

Crazy!! I've never even seen snow.


It is supposed to snow today.

It's hard to believe.


Snowed all night last night here. :glare: I am beyond jealous of your 94 degrees. I will take hot any day over SNOW.


I am done with winter.


Unfortunately, it is not done with me.




All ya'll that are dealing with the snow need to come on down and visit me. If I had a big enough house I"d seriously invite ya'll. I'm less than 2 miles from the beach (Atlantic side) and have a nice swimming pool. It was hot and sunny all day today without a cloud in the sky.

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So we have some posibilities for our next move= one place is mild weather, one get hot in the summer but not really hot and may get light snow in winter, and the last place has average daily temperatures of 105 in the summer months. We will be moving in the summer. I hate cold but I hate hot too. I have already warned dd's that we will be only going out at night people if we go to the last place. If it is the last place, I will be buying a new car (probably used) based on air conditioning strength.


LOL I hear that! I remember when I bought my Nissan Sentra back in 1990, they came stock from Japan and you had to add on all the extras to the base price. Air conditioning was considered an "option". I was like, "yeah right! That's no option in Florida it's a necessity!" I hope you're happy in your new move and aren't too hot.


85 here today in the sunny southwest. We're supposed to reach 90 on Saturday then only reach a high of 68 or so on Sunday. Gotta love the desert.

Wow! I've never been out west. One of these days I'd love to go out there and see it. :)


Cry me a river. ;) We woke up to four inches of snow. I really may have to kill someone.

LOL Sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy.

Well, that's South Florida for you.


It's snowing here, right now.

It's just amazing to me that in the same country we can be dealing with such variances in weather. The US is BIG!! lol


I usually don't let the weather get to me, but I have to admit, I'm getting REAL TIRED of being cold.

:grouphug: You can come hang out with me All ya'll! Come on down. This is our pool. There should be plenty of room for all of you. :)





This Ft. Lauderdale beach. My hometown. I grew up blocks away from this beach.



N. FL is just seeing the sun after a week of rain. Everyone here complained but I loved the rain. I'd just planted my garden.

It's sunny here today and HOT just sitting by the window.

I am so looking forward to living somewhere one day that I can actually enjoy the seasons. I hate summer.

I sometimes think that I want to live somewhere else that is less hot, but then winter comes and I freeze when we have the cold snaps and I just cannot imagine living anywhere that is colder. :svengo: I think I would just die. I don't. like. cold. And even though I hate sweating buckets too, I'd take that over shivering any day. Now if there were only a way to get rid of the hurricanes and the palmetto bugs....


BTW, I love the rain. Even when we get those tropical downpours in the summertime every afternoon I still love it. I just love water I think though.


We're having a heat wave, too. Yesterday it was 100!


Yikes! :eek: And it's going to just get a lot hotter too I imagine. What are your highs in the height of summer??

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I got up this morning to get my son ready for his school bus. The sun hadn't even come up yet when I opened my front door and was greeted by a hot humid wall of air in my face! UGH. The thermometer on my car read 94 degrees today at 1pm. It looks like our respite is over and summer has arrived. Blech! :ack2: :blink::willy_nilly::crying:


:001_huh: It still feels like winter here and my heat is still on...

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I would love to have your problems! Its in the mid 30s here today- we ALWAYS have atleast 1 blizzard in May....


Wow! May!! :svengo: That's CRAZY!!! :eek:


I was just saying to my dh that I thought we were going to get a little break in the clouds today and have a partially sunny day. I guess our nice day this Spring is going to be on a Wednesday or Thursday instead of a Friday.

Are you in Florida, Sherry??

You may have the cute little puppy from 9 pm to 9 a.m., daily. He learned how to bark last night, and he has been having a lot of fun with that. The day before, he started chirping, but now it is a real bark.


I think my meds have something to do with how cold I feel. I haven't needed a scarf before, and I've lived in the Northeast for 22 years.


Awwww what a cute puppy!! hehehehe I don't think I've ever heard a puppy chirp. I've never had a dog, but always wanted one. They're so cute. :) :grouphug: You keep taking those meds mama. We need you healthy around here. :)


Wish it were warmer here. We saw snow a few mornings ago.


Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but when it starts to warm up, I want it to stay warm.


I don't like the allergies, though!


The allergies have been bad this year. I've had them a lot more than normal. Thank God for Zyrtec though. That stuff is great!


I will also be happy to send you some snow

:hurray: I'd love to play in it!

:lol: You are going to get so little sympathy from all of us New Englanders who woke up to an April 1st snowstorm! :lol:

ROFL!!! I can see that! lol hehehehehehe

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