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My neighbor strikes again...(long).

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Okay, just to give you some back ground information I copied this from a thread just recently about bad neighbors.


Our neighbor has called the police on us 4 times. The first time was because she said she could hear our TV in her house - the cops said they couldn't even hear it from outside right next to the wall the tv was on. Next she called the police because a guy that was picking my husband up had his radio kind of loud - the cops told her there was nothing they could do about it after the fact and that we couldn't be sited for something someone else did. She told them that since we knew him we should have to go to court and pay a fine. Then she called the cops one day because she wanted to yell at me about my husband starting his motorcycle in the morning to go to work; I wouldn't answer the door so she called the cops and told them that she thought something was wrong in my house - the cops apologized for bothering me all the time during this visit. A week later she called them to go ahead and complain about the motorcycle - the cops told her there was no law against my husband starting a vehicle to go to work. They then told me to send her a registered letter telling her she couldn't trespass on our property and told us to call the Post Master about her leaving notes in my mailbox. I did both. She came to my door once more after that and I answered without looking to see who it was. Once I saw it was her I slammed the door in her face and yelled through the door that she was trespassing and I was calling the cops. She ran off, got into her car, parked it in front of my house and ran back to her house. She left her car parked there for 3 hours and then came back and got it. She also called the homeowners association on us twice for things we weren't even doing wrong and called the city codes department on us once claiming we had a derelict vehicle parked in our driveway. I had to go out and start it for the codes guy to prove it wasn't derelict. She told my husband, from across the lawn, that we were crazy for not wanting to be friends with her. Dh told her she was nuts and she started screaming at him that we were bad people and that she was going to call DCS on us. When dh asked what on earth she was talking about she she said, "Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about!" That was about 3 months ago. Haven't had any run-ins for a while but we are probably due. I try not to have hate in my heart but I really hate that woman.


I didn't include it here but in the middle of all of this (its been going on for a couple years) she caught me outside one day and asked if she could apologize and said she wanted to be friends. I told her that I was willing to let it all be water under the bridge but that I didn't trust her. She then tried to hand me the key to her house and asked if I could keep it just in case she ever lost hers or in case I ever needed to borrow anything and she wasn't home. WHAT! I told her I didn't want the key and then told her that I had to run. I tried very hard to keep my voice even and not show any agitation at all. I tried to be polite as possible while still being honest. About a week after that she caught me going to the car (I swear she watches out the window) and ran out and said she was going out of town and could I water her plants in her front yard while she was gone and tried to hand me $50 as payment. I said I would but refused the money and told her I had to run so that I didn't have to make small talk with her. So I did water her plants but she never said thank you or anything about it when she got back. Which was fine with me.


She also kept "accidentally" getting our mail by mistake and would open it then write "wrong address" on it and put it back in our mailbox. It was only important mail too. She constantly was putting notes in our mailbox after I blocked her phone numbers and sent her a registered letter that she was not to trespass on our property so she couldn't come to the door or leave notes on the door. We called the PostMaster and he sent a letter to her letting her know that it was a federal offense to go into another persons mailbox...even to drop a note. We haven't had issues with that since.


And then there was yesterday (I knew we were overdue). Dh was vacuuming out the back of the car and he looked up just in time to see her calling ds4 over to her to see a baby she was holding (she probably stole it). He called to ds to come back to our yard and then sent him in the house. She said,"Look at what I've got" to dh and then he told her, in a very quite, subdued voice, that he didn't want to talk to her and could she just leave us alone. She asked why and he said because of all the grief she has put us through we don't like her or trust her and that we don't want to be friends with her. He turned to go back to vacuuming and she said, "I'm on my property aren't I?" He said, "Yes, so stay there and stop talking to me." He said she stomped back into her house and then ...yep, you guessed it...30 minutes later I had two cops knocking on my door. They asked to talk to dh and then asked him what happened. He told them and they said okay thank you very much and left.


Dh called this morning to see if a complaint was filed and they said it was just logged as a neighbor dispute; no report was filed so we don't even know what she told the cops. I don't understand. I. just. don't. get. it. First I'm angry that she can just call the cops for no good reason and they show up on my doorstep for all the neighborhood to see. My kids asked why the police come to our house so often and asked if we are doing something wrong. I feel like crying. I hate living here. I'm to the point that I'm afraid to walk out my front door for fear I'm going to have to deal with her. I pray all the time that she will move. I've considered calling her landlord and complaining but I doubt anything will come of that.


Then of coarse I keep wondering why, when dh and I are so careful about how we treat other people, always go out of our way to be helpful, have extremely strong faith and try to live according to the will of God, we keep having to deal with this. I'm not saying that we should be excluded from having difficult issues in our lives because we try to be good people but ... I don't know I guess I just wish we could be treated the way we treat others. The biggest thing we keep coming back to is wondering what on earth we have done wrong or not done in order to deserve this (is it a test). Or is it all just arbitrary and we just have the misfortune of having a crazy person rent the house next to us. I waffle between ignoring it and trying to carry on and feel sorry for her, and wanting to reciprocate her treatment of us and make her wish she had never moved in next to us.


Thanks for letting me rant. I wish I could say it made me fell better.


UPDATE on post #53.

Edited by 5LittleMonkeys
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You know what? I'd see about getting a restraining order. She is obviously harassing you. There are plenty of police reports to back this up. Call a lawyer. If you have any fear that she will hurt you, your dh or your kids you need to articulate that. You also need to articulate that you are afraid that she will escalate and do something that is illegal and basically frame you or your dh or your kids.


ETA: I've thought about this some more. Get copies of each and every police report. See if you can get a copy of what the post master sent to her. Document Every. Single. Thing! Even the key and the flowers, narrow it down to the week of such and such date she approached you to do ____

Edited by Parrothead
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You know what? I'd see about getting a restraining order. She is obviously harassing you. There are plenty of police reports to back this up. Call a lawyer



She is clearly unstable. You need to establish her issues to protect your family.


And :grouphug::grouphug: It really stinks.

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We had/have a neighbor like this in our condo complex!!! (We have two home but spend the majority of our winters on the farm)


We had to hire an attorney to write a her a letter and basically tell her to shove off. The condo association ignores her mostly. Luckily for us, she's never gone to the police (as far as we know) but she has outright lied about our family for YEARS.


There are whackos in the world. It stinks when you end up within living proximity to one. Mine is elderly so DH and I laugh everytime we head down there, just hoping she's finally kicked it.


She is the most unpleasant nutjob in the world and we think she's jealous because DH and I are pretty happy with our family.


My whacko called the condo president when DH and I were sitting on our deck one afternoon. I was in his lap and we were reading something and laughing about the squirrel that came to the feeder. The condo president walked up and said, "Are you two having sex out here?" On our deck? At 2:00 in the afternoon when the neighbor kids are having a cookout 20 feet away? Uh. No. We told him to come back at 3:00 a.m. and he just laughed.


We're just waiting for her to die bascially. :glare:

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I'm agreeing with the others about the harassment, the lawyer, the locked mailbox, and maybe even some cameras on the property. Can you put up a fence? A tall one? I'd also talk to the police about it what you can do about this, if you haven't already. I agree that it sounds like she's escalating, and I'd want all of these instances on record in as many places as possible, especially if she's mentioning calling child services!!!


ETA: As for why you, I don't think there's a way to answer that question :grouphug: It's really unfair. The older I get, the more I realize that there are SO MANY crazy people in the world, I'm surprised we all don't have one of these neighbors. Maybe, somehow, you're in this position to protect someone else from her in some way? Maybe you're learning a lesson that will prove handy later on? I don't know, but I do tend to believe everything happens for a reason :grouphug:


ETA again: I think I might also consider a home alarm system. I know that may be going a bit far, but they're not that expensive. Maybe even just something that makes a lot of noise when the doors or windows are opened? Something that would prevent her from trying to get into the house.

Edited by melissel
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You know what? I'd see about getting a restraining order. She is obviously harassing you. There are plenty of police reports to back this up. Call a lawyer. If you have any fear that she will hurt you, your dh or your kids you need to articulate that. You also need to articulate that you are afraid that she will escalate and do something that is illegal and basically frame you or your dh or your kids.


ETA: I've thought about this some more. Get copies of each and every police report. See if you can get a copy of what the post master sent to her. Document Every. Single. Thing! Even the key and the flowers, narrow it down to the week of such and such date she approached you to do ____


I would also consider getting a mailbox with a lock.



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You know what? I'd see about getting a restraining order. She is obviously harassing you. There are plenty of police reports to back this up. Call a lawyer. If you have any fear that she will hurt you, your dh or your kids you need to articulate that. You also need to articulate that you are afraid that she will escalate and do something that is illegal and basically frame you or your dh or your kids.


ETA: I've thought about this some more. Get copies of each and every police report. See if you can get a copy of what the post master sent to her. Document Every. Single. Thing! Even the key and the flowers, narrow it down to the week of such and such date she approached you to do ____


Good luck getting that restraining order. In our case, there were 2 officers and a dispatcher that knew what was happening to us was harassment.. I even pointed out to a pair of officers that what our old neighbors were doing to us was stalking under our state laws... we couldnt get a restraining order. The court and the police kept referring us back and forth to eachother for help. No one wanted to get their hands dirty. Its ridiculous! Like I said- good luck, youre going to need it.

Edited by sassyscrapperinid
After posting this, I realized my first response to your issue didnt make it :(...
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She is NUTS! I thought there were laws against filing false reports with the police? My old hairdresser dealt with a neighbor in her apartment that kept calling the police on her for her kids being noisy. It was just regular, little kid noise, and she did her best to keep them quiet, but babies DO cry and toddlers DO throw the occasional tantrum. The police finally told the lady (I think it was after the 3rd or 4th time) that what she was doing was considered harassment and she would be charged next time she called them out there for a false report. I think she was just trying to get my hairdresser to move.

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Thanks for all the hugs guys.


We would love to move! In fact we are planning on putting our house on the market in January (or sooner if dh gets laid off in October). There is no telling how long it will take us to sell since the market isn't great here right now. Then I have this whole new fear that if she sees a for sale sign in the yard she will try to sabotage our selling in some way.


We have talked about seeing a lawyer just to get an idea of how to protect ourselves. One of our biggest fears is that she will accuse dh of something (threatening her or something). I've told him that if she tries to talk to him again that he should completely ignore her; not even make eye contact.


Dh is looking into cameras too. We don't trust her at all. It would be so wonderful though if we could just move. I keep asking dh if we can just put the house on the market now. He wants to save up enough money for moving expenses though since we will probably just break even on the sale.


As I'm typing this I look out my front window and see that she is pulling her van up in front of my house. She got out and walked back to her house. She is trying to provoke us. I hate that woman. I'm so angry I'm shaking.

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Thanks for all the hugs guys.


We would love to move! In fact we are planning on putting our house on the market in January (or sooner if dh gets laid off in October). There is no telling how long it will take us to sell since the market isn't great here right now. Then I have this whole new fear that if she sees a for sale sign in the yard she will try to sabotage our selling in some way.


We have talked about seeing a lawyer just to get an idea of how to protect ourselves. One of our biggest fears is that she will accuse dh of something (threatening her or something). I've told him that if she tries to talk to him again that he should completely ignore her; not even make eye contact.


Dh is looking into cameras too. We don't trust her at all. It would be so wonderful though if we could just move. I keep asking dh if we can just put the house on the market now. He wants to save up enough money for moving expenses though since we will probably just break even on the sale.


As I'm typing this I look out my front window and see that she is pulling her van up in front of my house. She got out and walked back to her house. She is trying to provoke us. I hate that woman. I'm so angry I'm shaking.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I so feel for you! I am so happy and grateful we were able to move. When our trouble got a little beyond comfortable, we put our house for sale too, but then rented it out as a last resort just to get out of there. Im so sorry for what you are going through. I hope you have better luck with a lawyer than we did. I spoke to few lawyers on the phone and none were willing to help us even though what they are doing is illegal. Funny you should mention cameras- our old neighbors put cameras up to stalk us and watch our every move and try to drive us crazy- the cops went over and they moved the camera so it was pointing at the street instead of at our front door like they had told some people we knew. Its insane! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You can PM me if you want or just need to talk.

Edited by sassyscrapperinid
spelling... ooopppsss
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As I'm typing this I look out my front window and see that she is pulling her van up in front of my house. She got out and walked back to her house. She is trying to provoke us. I hate that woman. I'm so angry I'm shaking.


Oh my word. That would make my head explode. I'm so sorry :grouphug: Take comfort in knowing it won't be for much longer now.

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She sounds disturbed, maybe mentally ill on some level. I like the locking mailbox idea. You also might need the cameras for any wild and crazy story she comes up with, to disprove it later in case you're accused of something. (for example, what if she sabotages her house and blames you?) Also the kids need to know they can't go over there. She's probably harmless to your kids, but I wouldn't take a chance on it.


Who in the world would let her have a baby?

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oh OC Mom, I am so sorry. :( uh, there is a neat house 2 streets away from me that I want to buy, maybe you should come look???


I hope you guys are documenting all of the crazy stuff from your neighbor, too- incase you need to file a complaint or restraining order.


I hope you smile and wave to the camera when you out....


to the OP, I am so sorry for you, praying for you today. And I think you should document everything and look into a restraining order and talk to the police.

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You mentioned not wanting to contact the landlord, but do you think it might be worth a shot? Even if it comes to nothing, that would be one more piece of documentation that shows what you've had to deal with.


When we had dreadful renters next door to us (though not nearly as dreadful as your neighbor, thank goodness), we called the rental agency several times. Not much came of it at the time, but their lease was not renewed, and we suspect our complaints, coupled with those of other neighbors, had something to do with it. The rental agent just didn't want to have to deal with us any more.


Good luck, OP. You have my deepest sympathies.

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to the OP, I am so sorry for you, praying for you today. And I think you should document everything and look into a restraining order and talk to the police.



Thank you for the prayers. I feel I really, really need prayers today. I haven't felt this much venom in my heart in a long time. I just talked to dh on the phone and he said to try to calm down. That if I let her get me this riled up she is accomplishing exactly what she is setting out to do. Parking her van in front of my house is her way of trying to "get at me", and I hate to admit she has. He also called a lawyer from work and was told that unless she is causing damage to our property or has physically threatened us there isn't much we can do. Of coarse that was only one lawyers opinion. We do document every single incident that happens. I just took a pic of her van with her license plate and my mailbox number in view. But really, its a public street and she can park wherever she wants. :glare:


Please, if you are at all religious, do say a prayer for me. Not that she will go away and not that we can move soon (well, yah, say a little prayer for that too) but for this hatred to leave my heart. I really, really dislike feeling like this more than I dislike that woman.

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I am praying for you, Amie.


I am praying for peace for you today. What about looking into stalking laws? Those are kind of new, there might be something useful in it.


We don't like people parking in front of our house, either..most of my neighbors are the same. When the college boys renting a few houses down forget and start parking in front..we will start leaving our own car in that spot and then the college boys will park somewhere else. Worth a try? Or leave your trash cans out? Or...at our old house my dh had our sprinklers set high so they sprayed onto the curb, people wouldn't park there because they didn't want their cars sprinkled on.

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This gal sounds like she could be a stalker. I wonder if your area has any stalker laws that could be applicable? I would really press for a restraining order. Whatever you do and no matter how much she pushes you, DO NOT deal directly with her. It sounds like she is trying very hard to provoke you to doing something she can nail you or your dh for. I would explain to the children that they are to stay far away from her too. Her parking in front of your home is a blatant attempt to make you flip out. DON'T...count to ten and breath deep. The street is public and she knows you can't do anything about it.


You said she was renting, is there any way that you can contact the owner of the home and notify them that their tenant is harassing you? Tactfully explain (preferably in writing by registered mail) that their tenant is acting in a manner that could become a liability for them. I would also explore the possibility of charging her with abuse of police and emergency services. The police have got to be tired of dealing with her. I know from working in the court system that we were able to act on people who filed frivilous lawsuits. I think it might be the same type of thing. It is a kind of obsessive illness and the courts will recognize that in some cases. I think the time is right for proactive solutions. She has to be stopped.

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:grouphug: Aime, I'm praying for you. If you do nothing else, at least invest in a locked mailbox.


My mom owned rental property and had a neighbor contact her about something going on with the tenant (not mowing). They obtained her mailing address through property tax records. She was extremely grateful and remedied the situation immediately.

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I am praying for you, Amie.


I am praying for peace for you today. What about looking into stalking laws? Those are kind of new, there might be something useful in it.


We don't like people parking in front of our house, either..most of my neighbors are the same. When the college boys renting a few houses down forget and start parking in front..we will start leaving our own car in that spot and then the college boys will park somewhere else. Worth a try? Or leave your trash cans out? Or...at our old house my dh had our sprinklers set high so they sprayed onto the curb, people wouldn't park there because they didn't want their cars sprinkled on.


:confused: really?


I admit there are times I am annoyed when someone parks in front of our house (esp. the retired couple who own 4 cars for the 2 of them :tongue_smilie:) but I know I don't *own* the spot. It is a public street.

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Two words: Air horn. Every time she opens her mouth, give it a blast.


Its really, really effective on the phone. Not that I'd know from first hand experience or anything. :tongue_smilie:


Oh my goodness! That made me laugh. Thank you...I needed to laugh!

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:grouphug: Aime :grouphug: I'm praying for you. It sounds like a horrible situation.


I think there's more than one way of dealing with this, and it depends on how you view your own actions in the framework of God's will.


"All things work together for good to those that love God, and are called according to his appearing." There is a reason for this nutcase making your life difficult. I think God could have something for you to learn here.


Prayer is crucial. So is resting in God's strength. Believe me I know that it is very hard to do, but I can assure you that it achieves the best results - sometimes far better than you even imagined. Keeping talking about it, don't feel bad asking people to pray for you, because God can work miracles. :001_smile:

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Oh my goodness! That made me laugh. Thank you...I needed to laugh!

You're welcome! I was serious though. ;)


Funny how the creepy crawly mouth breather quit calling after the air horn. Back before I had caller id...and I'd probably get sued for assault in today's world too.

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:confused: really?


I admit there are times I am annoyed when someone parks in front of our house (esp. the retired couple who own 4 cars for the 2 of them :tongue_smilie:) but I know I don't *own* the spot. It is a public street.


Yes, it is a public street but I have to admit the thought of making her get all wet to retrieve her car did cross my mind. I don't think I would ever do it but it makes me smile thinking of it. Sometimes crazy people make us do crazy things.

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Yes, it is a public street but I have to admit the thought of making her get all wet to retrieve her car did cross my mind. I don't think I would ever do it but it makes me smile thinking of it. Sometimes crazy people make us do crazy things.


Believe me, my neighbor has had me furious. Just yesterday, in fact.


But there is being angry and venting/talking about it and then DOING something inappropriate. Not that I think you have done anything inapproriate.

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:grouphug: Aime :grouphug: I'm praying for you. It sounds like a horrible situation.


I think there's more than one way of dealing with this, and it depends on how you view your own actions in the framework of God's will.I know I could never do anything in retaliation, even if I knew I wouldn't get caught, but I am going to protect my family. I think the thing about getting a restraining order or calling her landlord that bothers me though is that she has two kids (divorced) and I wouldn't want to be the cause of them loosing their home or causing strife in their life. I couldn't live with that.


"All things work together for good to those that love God, and are called according to his appearing." There is a reason for this nutcase making your life difficult. I think God could have something for you to learn here.See this is what I want to believe. I want to believe that there is some purpose behind it. The thought that it is just random scares me. I just wish the reason wasn't so vague...is that bad to say?


Prayer is crucial. So is resting in God's strength. Believe me I know that it is very hard to do, but I can assure you that it achieves the best results - sometimes far better than you even imagined. Keeping talking about it, don't feel bad asking people to pray for you, because God can work miracles. :001_smile:


My heart feels so much lighter now than it did earlier today. I know that it is because I'm giving the situation over to God and because of everyone's prayers, thoughts and kind words here. I wasn't going to post about the situation but I'm glad I did. Without everyone reminding me where my strength lies and all of you, I might be out there puncturing her tires right now.


Impish, I told my dh what you said and he said he likes you very much.;)

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Impish, I told my dh what you said and he said he likes you very much.;)

Funny how guys tend to get my sense of humour more than women.


Wolf says its the evil glint in my eye, but I dunno. I prefer to think I'm just...creative. Perhaps overly creative.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. Does she harass other neighbors?


I tend to be very forgiving of people, but I would not trust her. From what you've written I don't believe she's trying to be forgiven. I think shes up to something. Trying to get you to take the key takes the cake.


Maybe it is simply (okay I know they aren't simple) a mental illness, but she sounds sinister and conniving.


I also agree about dh totally ignoring her. Better to have no record of him speaking to her.

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You know, I probably wouldn't report on stuff she does on her own property. I'd probably document everything quietly and completely ignore her UNLESS she came on my property or BOTHERED my property or my family or my belongings. Otherwise, I would go about my business. I would completely ignore where she is parking.


If she is breaking the rules for the HOA, let someone else turn her in. Just don't play her game.

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You know, I probably wouldn't report on stuff she does on her own property. I'd probably document everything quietly and completely ignore her UNLESS she came on my property or BOTHERED my property or my family or my belongings. Otherwise, I would go about my business. I would completely ignore where she is parking.


If she is breaking the rules for the HOA, let someone else turn her in. Just don't play her game.


You know your probably right. Well, I already left a message though. Typically they don't tell the violator who complained.

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Wow....I would be seriously freaked out about that lady. She truly sounds like something may be wrong with her.


I'd try to move as quickly as possible.


Does she live alone? Is she married? Does anyone ever visit her? Just wondering if you could get more insight into her if you talked with family that visits or something. Not sure how much good that would do though.

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Aime, my thought behind not reporting on every little thing like she is doing is to give yourself more credibility. If you do the same thing she is doing, then it appears to be a *cat fight* type situation, just two neighbors who don't get along. If you are judicious as to what you report, i.e. actual breaking of law, infringing upon your rights, etc., you will have more credibility with the authorities and hopefully get taken SERIOUSLY if this ever DOES escalate. kwim?



I would want out sooooo badly!

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Wow....I would be seriously freaked out about that lady. She truly sounds like something may be wrong with her.


I'd try to move as quickly as possible.


Does she live alone? Is she married? Does anyone ever visit her? Just wondering if you could get more insight into her if you talked with family that visits or something. Not sure how much good that would do though.


She is divorced with two kids. dh looked her up on facebook a while back and she has tons of friends but not much activity from her. He also found out through public records that she has 2 lawsuits against her and that she has moved about every two years for the last 10 years. She has been here going on 3 so maybe she is due to move again. She is on disability for something I can't remember (she told me this one day when she was trying to "make up" with me)so she is home all day long, she also told me she has a step-daughter addicted to drugs. I actually saw the police show up one night and put the step-daughter into the back and drive off...she came over and told me (this was before the first time she called the cops) that she had called the police to pick her step-daughter up because she thought she stole some of her medication. I see the dad occasionally but he just pulls up in the driveway, the kids get in or get out and then he drives off. He never hangs around or goes into the house. I have no desire to talk to anyone associated with her. I have a feeling it would be pointless.

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Aime, my thought behind not reporting on every little thing like she is doing is to give yourself more credibility. If you do the same thing she is doing, then it appears to be a *cat fight* type situation, just two neighbors who don't get along. If you are judicious as to what you report, i.e. actual breaking of law, infringing upon your rights, etc., you will have more credibility with the authorities and hopefully get taken SERIOUSLY if this ever DOES escalate. kwim?



I would want out sooooo badly!


I do know what you mean and you are definitely right. Thanks.

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Thanks for all the hugs guys.

As I'm typing this I look out my front window and see that she is pulling her van up in front of my house. She got out and walked back to her house. She is trying to provoke us. I hate that woman. I'm so angry I'm shaking.


1) Call a tow truck. Anonymously if possible.


2) Take pictures of it. Right now, and every time that she does this. Digital pictures, with a time stamp.


Take pictures when she parks, as she's walking home, and when she finally moves it if you can. Document them carefully and continue to call a tow truck...

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1) Call a tow truck. Anonymously if possible.




What would this profit? The road is public access, I'm assuming? I think it would make the OP look *petty* if she ever needed to be taken seriously. It may even make her appear as if she *caused* some of the negative behavior. kwim?

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re: sprinklers... yes. They went on twice a day and if they happened to wet the right side of a car, and they decided they didn't want to wash their car more often and so they naturally parked elsewhere, yes.


our last house, it was very common, a cultural thing- for houses to have several generations living together. The house next to us had 12 cars. It was depressing to have your view outside be a bit of your grass and then a line of cars bumper to bumper.


where we live now, most people park in their own driveways, once in a while a car in front is no big deal..but everyday having a line of cars to look out was annoying.

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