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I am afraid to say that it may be necessary to bomb the Bronx!

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I trained down the street from this zoo (and if you want to see scary, look at the victim of a gorilla mauling), and knew the "snake bite specialist" for the city. Most snake bites took place in the men's room at JFK.


Okay, rather than tell you why, let me see if a few of you can guess about why that was so.


P.s. nothing "dirty" involved.


Sewer snakes?

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I am very sorry for you if you live in New York City and especially in the Bronx. Please understand that I mean no offense to your people, the New Yorkers of the Bronx. I am sure you are all a very fine people.


But, alas, the Bronx Zoo has lost, according to CNN, a viciously dangerous Egyptian Nile Cobra. Now, all snakes are evil. This one is beyond evil and wicked...there just aren't words to describe.


So, please evacuate because frankly, if they have to drop a Nuke over the zoo in order to save mankind, I am for it!


Faith, the rabid, neurotic snake hater of the world.


:lol: You're kidding, right?!


So... considering the temperatures in the Bronx right now, do you think it will live out in "the wild" on its own?

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They can capture him very easily. Turn the air conditioning to the coldest temperature and set out one heat lamp over a nice small snuggly box complete with a small snack. With the a/c on he'd be likely to get out of any vents if he happened in there. Didn't they mention he's 20 inches long???


Now there's thinking! Hey, y'all, it can't be that bad. It's only 20 inches long??? And it's sub-freezing outside all night??? I'm not worried.

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Hungry??? HUNGRY??????????????????? Are you kidding me? What the #$%^&* does it want to eat? Manhatten?


Seriously, it's time to call out the National Guard!




It's a 2' snake. Poor thing is probably curled up under (or inside) the nearest fridge trying not to freeze to death. (ETA: It would be warm under the fridge or up inside the coils.)


Seriously, it's cold there and it can't have gone far.

Edited by darlasowders
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My son just got his 5th snake this evening. Yes, I live with 5 snakes now. That said, this escaped Cobra thing freaks me out and I am very thankful I am nowhere near New York!!! :ack2::ack2::ack2:




And we have a python. One of my son's friends (the one he got the python from) has a venomous snake capable of killing someone faster than you could dial 911. I don't get why anyone would want to own something like that.:001_huh:

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Oh, help me!


The kids were just asking when we would be going to the Bronx Zoo again. Now I know the answer...NEVER!!!!




But that would be the safest place to be, considering that it is the ONE place they are sure the snake isn't. ;)

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Just wondering, has the snake been recovered? I live in NY, nowhere near NYC, at all, but I am quite bothered by all of this. I have such a fear of snakes & I don't care if it is irrational or not.


Reassure me, said snake can't slither upstate, correct?


It can't. It would die before it got more than a block from the zoo (probably WAY before). Reptiles are cold-blooded, and it's freezing in NY.


Oh, and they really really hate to be out in the open. It will be hard to find because it's going to crawl up inside something and stay there (They can go a very long time without food.). Not because it left.

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The cobra's twitter feed is hysterical! http://twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra


Normally, I detest all snakes equally on the grounds that they are equally likely to kill me either by venom or sheer terror. But this one... he's got caché. I give him props. :thumbup1:



ETA: I think it's going to be over soon. Apparently, the Mongoose is on the case. http://twitter.com/BrnxZooMongoose :lol:

Edited by Audrey
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The cobra's twitter feed is hysterical! http://twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra


Normally, I detest all snakes equally on the grounds that they are equally likely to kill me either by venom or sheer terror. But this one... he's got caché. I give him props. :thumbup1:



ETA: I think it's going to be over soon. Apparently, the Mongoose is on the case. http://twitter.com/BrnxZooMongoose :lol:


LOL! I am now officially following both. Should be an interesting night. :D

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The cobra's twitter feed is hysterical! http://twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra


Normally, I detest all snakes equally on the grounds that they are equally likely to kill me either by venom or sheer terror. But this one... he's got caché. I give him props. :thumbup1:



ETA: I think it's going to be over soon. Apparently, the Mongoose is on the case. http://twitter.com/BrnxZooMongoose :lol:


OH, thank goodness. I was wondering where Riki Tiki Tavi was and could he be brought in to assist with the annhil...I mean, SEARCH AND RESCUE of the snake. :lol:

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:lol: Mongoose! We should all get a pet mongoose. DS4 has just recently gotten a book about cobras. A loose one would not please me. I think I am going to double check the reptile house next time we go and make sure all the snakes are constrictors.


Y'all go right ahead. Mongooses (Mongeese??) are weasels and weasels are stinky. The only reason I agreed to move this far north is because there are no poisonous snakes in this province. :tongue_smilie:



Umm... except at the zoo. :001_unsure:



But right now it's -5°C, and I'm over 100 miles from the zoo. Pretty sure Mr. Snakey-poo will be Mr. Snake-sicle before he gets even halfway here. :cheers2:

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Y'all go right ahead. Mongooses (Mongeese??) are weasels and weasels are stinky. The only reason I agreed to move this far north is because there are no poisonous snakes in this province. :tongue_smilie:



Umm... except at the zoo. :001_unsure:



But right now it's -5°C, and I'm over 100 miles from the zoo. Pretty sure Mr. Snakey-poo will be Mr. Snake-sicle before he gets even halfway here. :cheers2:



My 2 ferrets were quite offended by your post. I talked them out of reporting you to the moderator this time. But they said to watch the slander. Or is it libel? Anyway... :D



just kidding

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Life imitates art ... there is a book about a deadly poisonous snake that ends up in Central Park. They catch the the snake, eventually, I think, but the book has an ending worthy of the "Jaws" theme tune - and we all know what happens when you hear that tune.

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"Want to clear up a misconception. I'm not poisonous as has been reported. I'm venomous. Super venomous, but not poisonous so don't worry." :D


I think I read this on this forum some time ago:

"If it bites you and you get sick, it's venomous.

If you bite it and you get sick, it's poisonous."


(seemed appropriate)

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And we have a python. One of my son's friends (the one he got the python from) has a venomous snake capable of killing someone faster than you could dial 911. I don't get why anyone would want to own something like that.:001_huh:


What? That is downright scary and irresponsible. Is this person a minor? What is wrong with his parents? Holy smokes.

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The cobra's twitter feed is hysterical! http://twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra


Normally, I detest all snakes equally on the grounds that they are equally likely to kill me either by venom or sheer terror. But this one... he's got caché. I give him props. :thumbup1:



ETA: I think it's going to be over soon. Apparently, the Mongoose is on the case. http://twitter.com/BrnxZooMongoose :lol:

Here is the BronzZooKeeper feed: http://twitter.com/BronxZookeeper

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I think I just had some sort of mental break down.


What is the criteria for this job? I mean, I think it needs to involve some sort of Green Beret/Navy Seal boot camp in which the drill sergeant beats the phrase, "DO NOT LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN" into the recruits brains so that just like, "we never leave a man behind", "we don't let lethal animals roam the neighborhood" becomes a part of their soul!


See, this needs to be some sort of NASA engineer level job. The kind of thing where we will pay you scads of money because you are completely brilliant and are loathe to get people killed. The dude that closes the door to the snake cages should have a PH.D. in Logic, plus some search and destroy training that rivals Rambo and Terminator. Then we should pay him or her a half million dollars a year to see to it, that the door is always closed!


"The snake is no real threat." Sure, and the Titanic will never sink.




Faith - Too funny! You are totally invited to my house for tea and cookies whenever you are in town. I promise that there will be no snakes! LOL. McGyver snake. :)





Tree - I just have on thing to say to you ... EEEEEK!

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What? That is downright scary and irresponsible. Is this person a minor? What is wrong with his parents? Holy smokes.


He's a very experienced handler (16, maybe 17 years old--so not a little kid), and I don't think he actually takes it out of it's enclosure. Still... it would never live in my house.

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