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The bright, shiny, new curriculum is taunting me


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Next year's books and curriculum are slowly arriving on my doorstep and I am having to fight the urge to scrap the rest of this year and jump into next year's books. While it would make no sense to do this with areas where we are staying the course (Rod and Staff English, SOTW, CLE Math, SWO), the bright and shiny new RS4K, Singapore Math, Prima Latina, and Artistic Pursuits are calling me. DD talked me into starting her CLE LTR and math programs (well... it didn't take much talking) and we did break out the Artistic Pursuits last week (I mean... I already had ebony pencils and drawing paper so it seemed crazy not to do it.... right???). I could jump into a course on American History at any minute just because it's there.... waiting.... And then there's that chemistry program.... ooohhhh.... I love chemistry... and I'm tired of piecing my thoughts together... and there it is all in a nice little package... looking at me... calling to me... telling me to drink the tea....


Tell me I'm not alone. Tell me the books call to you, bending you to their will. Tell me I'm not the only one who cheats on their old curriculum with the bright, new shiny one. :D

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Think for just one minute how this years curriculum will feel when it finds out. And it will find out!


Think of how loyal its been this year? Think of how the two of you made it through all the rough parts of your relationship and how with a little counseling, I mean supplementing you guys are almost to the end? Can't you just hang in there a little more?


Do you really want to face your HS Co-op and have to put with all the scandal? What will your family and friends think of a curriculum hopper? *tsk, tsk*

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Well, I wish I still felt your excitement. New math and spelling books do not call to me anymore, but they used to! :001_smile: The only thing I get really excited about is my new SL core, but we're still so deep in our current one, that I'm not really itching to actually start it until August or September.



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I'm safe from the siren call of new curriculum. I receive it, look at it for an afternoon, and then excitedly share it with my friend. She holds on to it, studying it carefully, deciding whether to buy or not. So there it stays, out of sight, out of mind... Hmmm, better give her a call...

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I'm in the same position and I did actually cheat and start using some of our new curriculum for about 2 weeks (fully intending to use it from here on out), but then I came to my senses and packed it back away. We're going to be moving at the end of the school year and the fact is, I really can't deal with such teacher-intensive materials right now, as much as I'd really, really love to, LOL. So, I'm going to have to force myself to be good and stick with our same boring materials for the remainder of the year and focus my energies on moving (hopefully to a house with a beautiful "school room!"). That said, in between de-cluttering and whatnot, I am getting all of my planning & scheduling done for next year, which is half the fun of new curricula anyway. :-)

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Oh it beckons! We did the first chapter of Artistic Pursuits last week and now the kids are begging for more... I guess since I don't do any art at this point, there's no harm in letting them at it now... It's not like I'm cheating on my current art program because it doesn't exist, right?

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Think for just one minute how this years curriculum will feel when it finds out. And it will find out!


Think of how loyal its been this year? Think of how the two of you made it through all the rough parts of your relationship and how with a little counseling, I mean supplementing you guys are almost to the end? Can't you just hang in there a little more?


Do you really want to face your HS Co-op and have to put with all the scandal? What will your family and friends think of a curriculum hopper? *tsk, tsk*




I do know how you feel OP. I have purposely kept my LfC B all boxed up so there's no temptation. I also have not yet bought the AG for SOTW 2, so I can resist the temptation to exit ancient Rome more quickly and move on to Medieval times (more interesting to me). I'm in the purchase and wait for boxes to arrive phase and I'm trying to do it slowly as not to tempt myself too much!

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Tell me I'm not alone. Tell me the books call to you, bending you to their will.

Oh yeah, I am definitely part of this party.


As my signature says- Are we there yet? I want to play with new curriculum!


I put everything for next year on my shelves that I am staring at when I walk into the gameroom. This may have been a mistake. :tongue_smilie:


We have already started the Spelling Power and Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter in February. Yeah, all he had to do was ask.


A couple of weeks ago ds took the new math textbook to bed with him. We wrapped up what we were using last week, so guess what we started. This week we started our new math!:)


This summer I really want to get a unit study (leaning heavily towards Konos) and some of the Make It Real math books. I have the Make It Real book, but I better purchase a unit study before CC ends to help me keep my grubby paws off the history and science that I have loosely coordinated with CC for next year.



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Think for just one minute how this years curriculum will feel when it finds out. And it will find out!


Think of how loyal its been this year? Think of how the two of you made it through all the rough parts of your relationship and how with a little counseling, I mean supplementing you guys are almost to the end? Can't you just hang in there a little more?


Do you really want to face your HS Co-op and have to put with all the scandal? What will your family and friends think of a curriculum hopper? *tsk, tsk*


Stop! Don't do it! :lol: Keep some of that excitement bottled for next year. You'll need it after the first three weeks or so. ;)




I try to spread out the love so I get a little new at a time. I start planning it, then get bored ... and get something else to play with for awhile. I know I'll be ready to ditch it come November. :tongue_smilie:

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Our Spanish program arrived in the mail last week. It sat on the shelf for 2 whole days before we succumbed to the temptation!


We do this every year. For us, it's a good thing. By this time in our school year, we are all so burned out with school. More and more subjects are falling by the wayside in favor of enjoying the nice weather. Starting something (1 thing) new breathes new life into our day and helps us finish the year strong.


The trick is to leave the rest of the books alone when they arrive on Wednesday. Yes, I am diligently tracking my package as it makes it's way across the U.S. :D

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I totally understand the feeling. I'm ready to cast off the old, stale curricula and take on the new! But I'm committed to taking the summer off, so we won't be starting until August anyway. So we might as well eke out the last few weeks of the old... It's fun to pore through the TMs though!

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I would totally do the art too, if I wasn't doing something else. Art is the first thing that gets pushed aside when there is something "more important" going on. So when you have time and everyone is loving it, do it! There is no grade level on art. You don't have to wait until the new year... you aren't cheating there!

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Think for just one minute how this years curriculum will feel when it finds out. And it will find out!


Think of how loyal its been this year? Think of how the two of you made it through all the rough parts of your relationship and how with a little counseling, I mean supplementing you guys are almost to the end? Can't you just hang in there a little more?


Do you really want to face your HS Co-op and have to put with all the scandal? What will your family and friends think of a curriculum hopper? *tsk, tsk*




I feel the same way about new curriculum. I'm usually so bored by this time that I need something new and fresh. This year, we seem to be finishing stuff earlier so our day is getting lighter and lighter. I'm hoping to hold out but I admit that AAS and doing more art is a temptation.

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I have that problem too!


However for dd11, we did start her new curricula. Why? Because the only thing left not yet complete is math and bible. Since here school goes until June, we needed something to do!


My biggest problem is I have a cart full at Christian Books waiting to be ordered for dd14. She isn't done her stuff yet, so there is no rush to order it... but I want to SO bad!

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... and there it is all in a nice little package... looking at me... calling to me... telling me to drink the tea....


Tell me I'm not alone. Tell me the books call to you, bending you to their will. Tell me I'm not the only one who cheats on their old curriculum with the bright, new shiny one. :D



You are not alone! I have been there many times. A lot of our curriculum for next year arrived a couple of months ago, so it called to me for a while. But now, it is piling up and threatening to eat up my last remaining free time -- along with clouding my thoughts on the goals for this year and generally being a major distraction. I've arrived at the stage where I am beginning to regard it as the enemy to both free time and constructive lessons for the remainder of the year. I think it's going on a vacation to the upstairs hallway where it can no longer disrupt my life and it will no longer look at me reproachfully. :D



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I usually buy a few fun things we can start now when I'm ordering new curriculum. :blush: I just bought DD an Artpac to start now, and my 4yo just got some R&S workbooks. I've also been known to pick up a board game or read aloud this time of year. As long as our main curriculum stays the same, I don't mind adding some fun new extras. :001_smile:

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