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What does your DH do when......


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you are spending your time drooling over curriculum catalogs, researching curriculum, or planning your week?????


Mine is studying or teaching............he's a PhD student and an online professor. Thank goodness we don't share a laptop! :001_smile:


So, how does your hubby keep from getting bored? And how does he get out of all the curriculum conversations?? :lol: Mine wants to run and hide when the catalogs start coming in............



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He just tells me that I should pick what I think looks good. He trusts my judgement. And he will listen, but he glazes over after a while. :lol: Kind of like I do when he talks about certain video games or something.


The bad thing is, I drool over yarn, and fabric as well. He will ask, "more yarn? more fabric?" :lol: At least he doesn't say "more curriculum?"

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Well my poor husband actually had an opinion tonight. I was hanging out with the sonlight catalog (old one) and the HOD catalog. I was still trying to decide whether to start our history cycle from the beginning or if we should start with American History. I thought he was sleeping, but asked his ideas anyway. I was soooo shocked. He actually had an opinion--one based on sound reasons as if he had actually thought about it before. Looks like we are definitely starting with the Ancients. And you know what else--he expressed that he had been hoping we would try SL this year.


Well there you go!! I think I'll give him a break tonight and ask about science tomorrow. But, surely his eyes will glaze over when we discuss whether to start Latin this year or wait until next. lol.

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He likes talking curriculum more than many other interests I have. He might not put down the playstation controller or make eye contact but he engages in conversation. If I really need his full attention I trap him when he is in the shower and has nothing distracting him :lol:

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At this time of year, he's watching basketball or catching up on all the shows he missed while watching basketball.


He doesn't mind if I babble about curriculum but for the most part, he leaves decisions up to me. He actually just mentioned last night that he sees all the work I put in to planning school out and knows that I'm working hard and doing a good job. This came up because both of us did a mini-vent about our respective mothers - mine is worried about them being able to handle standardized tests if I suddenly had to throw them in school, while his is worried about socialization. :glare:

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He just tells me that I should pick what I think looks good. He trusts my judgement. And he will listen, but he glazes over after a while. :lol:

This :lol:. He completely trusts me to make the choices, and will listen patiently as I explain why I am choosing everything (knowing that I am really just talking it out with myself and just need someone to stand there so that I can flush it out verbally).

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He likes talking curriculum more than many other interests I have. ... If I really need his full attention I trap him when he is in the shower and has nothing distracting him :lol:


This is my dh too! He doesn't really want to talk about knitting, cross stitch or scrapbooking. :lol: He will listen about curriculum, though. I wish he WOULD express an opinion about what we use. Maybe I should drag him to NCHE this year.


When I need to talk to mine I trap him in the car. :D

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He listens. :svengo: A couple years ago I was rambling on about how I did not believe a curriculum would be a good fit for us and why. A year later, I was drooling over the curriculum again and ran it past dh. He immediately nayed it on the grounds that we'd already determined it would not be a good fit for us. I honestly thought he didn't listen to a word of my rambling, but he remembered the conversation!? :001_huh: So no curriculum hopping for me now! :lol:

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My husband is also pouring over seed catalogs and making intricate diagrams, graphs and charts on how he is going to upgrade our garden this year.


He's a little obessed !:lol:


Wait a minute, that sounds just like me with my homeschooling catalogs and very detailed and precise homeschooling planning for next year ! :001_huh:


He also hands me his wallet and says "Here, buy whatever you need, just please, please, do not tell me what, why, where, when or how you are going to use it."


Homeschool Curriculum and planning bores him to death ! :glare:


We have a deal, I don't tell him about my homeschooling plans for next year and he doesn't go into detail after detail on how, what, where, when and the why's of what he is planning on doing with our garden. :001_smile:


We just both show up when all is planned and done. He supports me in homeschooling the children by paying for whatever we need and building or making any book shelves, rolling book racks, desks, or anything else I dream up that I need built. He also helps me to cook, clean and hold down the fort so to speak so I can put my time into homeschooling our children.


The children and I support his garden passion by helping him with weeding and tending the gardens, orchard and greenhouse (spring and summer science unit in our home) while he is at work and harvesting, processing, storing and cooking all the goodies up (home ec).


It is a win/win situation in our marraige ! :001_smile:

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He's usually trying to sleep, as I do that while everyone's in bed (I get no peace otherwise). So he's trying to sleep, and I'm asking him what he thinks about this, that, or the other idea. Then he reminds me that he's trying to sleep and tells me to get whatever I need because he's not the expert. Every once in a while he'll surprise me with an opinion, but mostly he just wants to sleep. lol

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SO plays WoW, catches up on his TV shows (I don't watch any, so this is a perfect time for him to do something next to me but separate from me), goes and flies a plane, reads. He is NEVER bored. Never. He's very handy and likes to build things and fix things, too, so he always has something to do.

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My husband is also pouring over seed catalogs and making intricate diagrams, graphs and charts on how he is going to upgrade our garden this year.


He's a little obessed !:lol:


Wait a minute, that sounds just like me with my homeschooling catalogs and very detailed and precise homeschooling planning for next year ! :001_huh:


He also hands me his wallet and says "Here, buy whatever you need, just please, please, do not tell me what, why, where, when or how you are going to use it."


Homeschool Curriculum and planning bores him to death ! :glare:


We have a deal, I don't tell him about my homeschooling plans for next year and he doesn't go into detail after detail on how, what, where, when and the why's of what he is planning on doing with our garden. :001_smile:


We just both show up when all is planned and done. He supports me in homeschooling the children by paying for whatever we need and building or making any book shelves, rolling book racks, desks, or anything else I dream up that I need built. He also helps me to cook, clean and hold down the fort so to speak so I can put my time into homeschooling our children.


The children and I support his garden passion by helping him with weeding and tending the gardens, orchard and greenhouse (spring and summer science unit in our home) while he is at work and harvesting, processing, storing and cooking all the goodies up (home ec).


It is a win/win situation in our marraige ! :001_smile:


Your dh sounds so cool! Mine is great--really supportive of what I want and agreeable. His eyes definitely gloss over when homeschool talk comes up. I wish he would have some hobbies like this, though. He just watches movies...all the time.

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He's at work...


He would probably not be impressed at the amount of time I take (read: waste) scouring curriculums.


He trusts me, takes an interests sometimes, throws in suggestions, is generally happy knowing where the kids are at, hopes I don't spend too much money :blush:

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He just tells me that I should pick what I think looks good. He trusts my judgement. And he will listen, but he glazes over after a while. :lol: Kind of like I do when he talks about certain video games or something.


The bad thing is, I drool over yarn, and fabric as well. He will ask, "more yarn? more fabric?" :lol: At least he doesn't say "more curriculum?"


:lol: This describes DH and I, but I stopped mentioning the yarn buying a while ago... least he gets socks out of some of it!

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well ours has been and up and down since we started..


first year (3rd grade).. he had imput-- Buy it in a box


second year(4th grade and K)... he didnt say anything and didnt want to know (still boxin it)


third year (5th grade and 1st) - rollled his eyes when i said the box isnt working im branchin out.. and said dont spend too much and i dont want to know


fourth year (6th grade and 2nd)- I went and got most things from a convention in the area.. he questioned a few things.. put imput in on a few things


Fith year (7th grade and 3rd)- a little more imput as i looked at catalogs.. I bounced ideas off him.. and in the end said i trust you


sixth year- (our upcoming 8th and 4th)- this year is different hes in korea for a year so I emailed him some things to look over he gave me his opinion via skype and then said you can have the tax return but dont spend it all please! .. yah love that man of mine :)

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