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Poll-Does your teen dd still cuddle with dh while watching tv/movies?

Poll-Does your teen dd still cuddle up with dh while watching TV/Movies?  

  1. 1. Poll-Does your teen dd still cuddle up with dh while watching TV/Movies?

    • Yes, we don't think twice about it.
    • Sometimes-I've never really given it much thought till now.
    • Sometimes-It depends on her moods.
    • No. She feels she's too old.
    • No. Dh feels she's too old.
    • Other

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I would lay on the couch with my dad to watch TV and movies as a younger teen - I don't remember at what age I stopped. We only had one couch and an easy chair in the living room, so there weren't many alternative places to sit. I think as I got older he would lay on the couch and I would sit curled up at the end by his feet. I have very fond memories of those bonding times with him when he would teach me about film history and how to analyze the plot and cinematography.

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I voted other, but would have chosen an unqualified "no."


Maybe they both think she's too old? Or maybe they just don't want to? I'm not sure, but guessing they would both feel awkward sitting there all snugged up.


I voted Other too, and the answer would be "no." Neither would be interested, but I am not sure it has much to do with age. I usually share the couch with dd, and she would love me to rub her feet or back. Most of the time I pass on that, lol.

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Ddis only 11 but goes back and forth. Sometimes she cuddles, right now she is in a prickly, parents are horrible, mood. I voted sometimes,depending on mood. When I was a teen, I remember sitting next to my dad on the couch, head on shoulder, but he was never a cuddler, not even with mom.

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Other, I don't think either of my older kids snuggled with their dad after the age of 5 or 6. He isn't a physically demostrative person. He will give them a generous hug if they promt him for it, but he doesn't reach out to them.


DD12 will curl up on the couch with me. Ds will come sit beside me.

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I put other, because I'm the one cuddling with dh- no room for anyone else..sometimes I'll have a kid cuddling on my other arm, or sometimes one on the other side of dh..but he likes to be on the arm of the couch.


I get the special spot.:D

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My kids have always been more demonstrative with their affection than I ever was... I loved my father immensely, but we just wouldn't do that! We were both shy and Scandinavian I guess. My husband, on the other hand, is from a family that hugs everyone, and so my children aren't so shy about showing their familial love. :) I like it. Since my husband's illness, all of the girls are especially close to their dad and they sit with him often and snuggle. Even our grown-up and married son sits with his his dad and holds his hand. They are very close. This affection is very special for my husband, I know, esp. during such a rough time.


:grouphug: Beautiful. Tender. Precious.

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I dont think I ever snugged up to my dad ever- not as a kid, or as a teen.


Dd16 still has an affectionate relationship with her dad, as I do with both teens- plenty of hugs- but dh doesn't watch TV with us - he has his own TV in his own room- so its not something that comes up. Dd16 in fact has her own chair in our living area with her art supplies next to it- she draws and paints while watching TV. I knit. Ds15 eats or plays on his computer. Dh- in another room- plays spider patience on his computer while watching TV. So...I guess the answer is no but its not like anyone is avoiding anyone (lol, it sort of sounds like we are, doesn't it?) and we all hug frequently at other times.

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I did. Movie time with Dad was pretty scarce when I was teen because of his work/church commitments, but even though we butted heads *a lot* and were often fighting movie time was that sacred "we won't let anything interfere with the fact that we love each other" time. I liked to sit curled up with my head on his shoulder and his head on the top of mine. Our mutual love of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and other movies (and the time spent watching them) is probably what saved us from killing each other :p

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