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At what age/grade did your DC learn multiplication/division?

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I don't know what is baseline, but my son is learning the basics of multiplication and division this year. We're "doing" first grade. We're using Singapore Math. He is not expected to memorize the facts, and the division sign isn't introduced, but the basics of both concepts are taught.




I think when I taught public school [but I taught Kindy], multiplication was introduced in 3rd, division in 4th? Not 100% sure.

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For my DD, it was introduced in 2nd, and really hit upon in 3rd.


The CA state math standards have the 2's, 5's, and 10's in 2nd, and the rest of the times tables and a multi-digit number by a single digit number in 3rd. ETA: short division is on the 3rd grade standard and long division is on the 5th grade standard.


Back when I was going through school, we memorized all the times tables in 3rd and then did multi-digit multiplication in 4th. ETA: we did short division in 3rd and long division in 4th.

Edited by Crimson Wife
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We also touched on it in Singapore 1B, it is definitely an introduction though, not complete mastery of the topics! DD was 5yo in 1B. We are now in 2A (she just turned 6yo) and have yet to come back around to multiplication and division this year. We are doing borrowing and carrying with 3 and 4 digit numbers.

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Formally, in 1st grade (Singapore 1B). As a concept, much earlier, just via exploration. However, my DD is pretty "mathy", and DH and I both have graduate studies in math (DH)/Math ed (me), so I think we tended to recognize those early explorations and label them as specific concepts earlier than most would. At this point, starting 3A, DD has skip counting pretty solid and can derive the tables, but does not yet have all the facts to automaticity, and has not yet done multi-digit multiplication and division except via exploration.

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Formally, in 1st grade (Singapore 1B). As a concept, much earlier, just via exploration. However, my DD is pretty "mathy", and DH and I both have graduate studies in math (DH)/Math ed (me), so I think we tended to recognize those early explorations and label them as specific concepts earlier than most would.


Pretty much the same here (outside the advanced math degrees). We played with "division" though exploration and exposure at four. It certainly did not include doing long division or multi digit multiplication but I did try to plant the "big picture" seed of what these terms mean and helped create some play that reenforced the concept.



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I teach multiplication in second grade and by the end of second they are starting division. Conceptually there is some multiplication and division earlier than that but mostly through manipulatives only, teaching grouping and regrouping. Long division begins in 3rd or 4th grade.

Edited by LaissezFaire
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My big girl just completed the Multiplication/Division Units of SM 1b. Just exploring with C-rods and what was presented in the textbook and workbook. She is also pretty "mathy" and went through both units with ease...I'm very proud of her as I am NOT mathy.:D


My niece, who is in 2nd grade at ps, hasn't started Multiplication yet.

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I use Saxon math with my crew. My 7yo is in the 3rd grade book and doing multiplication; I believe division is also introduced this year.


This was us, except mine was 7 turning 8, second grade (April b-day). Some concepts (big picture) introduced earlier.

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It depends on if you mean formal multiplication or informal.


I introduced the concept of doubling/multiplying in Kindergarten/1st grade after addition and before subtraction. I don't really do formal multiplication memorization until 2nd/3rd.


I've found the game Tumblin' Dice to be good for early multiplication use (the dice are multiplied by 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on where they land). My 2nd grader loves it. Personally I like to go slowly into the memorization. It can overwhelm some children. (You could make your own board more cheaply then buying.)

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When I was a child, it was very definitely a 3rd grade thing to learn. In fact, cursive and multiplication defined the third grade curriculum in my mind.


At the local PS here - which uses TERC Investigations, it is introduced in third grade and expected to be mastered in fourth.


My older daughter dabbled in multiplication and division in kindergarten and first grade at a montessori school. She mastered it in second (at home).


My younger daughter has single digit multiplication mastered in first grade, though only because her big sister did it first and she really, really wanted to learn it.


So -- anywhere between kindergarten and fourth grade would seem pretty normal :-)

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