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OK, this made me laugh for two reasons: "Disco Inferno!" and the ROTFL smiley at the end. I think she'd rather not have him turning back AND forth. LOL.


Yeah, my last dd kept doing that (home birth). Once she turned all the way anterior, I had my midwife break my water because I wanted to keep her there! Her labor was looooong because of her positioning. To bad we don't have a nice LOA smiley. :)

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Midwife came this morning, I'm at closer to 3 cm now, and baby's head is in a better position. The contractions are a lot stronger (I pretty much have to stop what I'm doing when they come), but I still have a ways to go. I went ahead and had her strip my membranes (ugh), but she and I are both leery of breaking the waters because it puts things on a timer (infection risk and all that) and since I have a high aminotic fluid level and he's not down THAT far yet, it could increase risk of cord prolapse, or shifting him back OUT of position, etc.


As far as I'm concerned, one of the major perks of homebirth is that I can be on my body's timetable, not someone else's "average."

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Midwife came this morning, I'm at closer to 3 cm now, and baby's head is in a better position. The contractions are a lot stronger (I pretty much have to stop what I'm doing when they come), but I still have a ways to go. I went ahead and had her strip my membranes (ugh), but she and I are both leery of breaking the waters because it puts things on a timer (infection risk and all that) and since I have a high aminotic fluid level and he's not down THAT far yet, it could increase risk of cord prolapse, or shifting him back OUT of position, etc.


As far as I'm concerned, one of the major perks of homebirth is that I can be on my body's timetable, not someone else's "average."


Absolutely! :) My labor had stopped completely at 6cm because baby turned full posterior. I took a nap, went out to lunch (fully aware that my old doc would have sectioned me for "failure to progress"), had a cry, spent some time with dh ;), and did some more exercises. She turned LOA and contractions started again with earnest. My midwife came back. I was 7cm and baby was +1. That's when I requested AROM.


It sounds like your little guy is making his way toward the exit. That's good! :)

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