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If you've been hs-ing for a while, how long did it take you to...

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How long did it take before you felt like you were covering everything you wanted to cover each week?


I always feel like we just don't get to some of the things I want to do! I feel like it's getting better, but I still haven't figured out how to balance the time completely. Does it get easier to fit it all in?

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Actually, the more I homeschooled, the more I realized that I couldn't cover everything and that trying only served to frustrate us all. It took experience to feel comfortable knowing we were doing okay. I would make changes if I felt something was not going well but I stopped doing a mega-amount within the first 2 years of homeschooling. By this I mean using redundant materials such as more than one LA program or math program.

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How long did it take before you felt like you were covering everything you wanted to cover each week?


I always feel like we just don't get to some of the things I want to do! I feel like it's getting better, but I still haven't figured out how to balance the time completely. Does it get easier to fit it all in?


This is our 4th year and while it's been much better this year, there are still some areas lacking. I figure it out a little more each year. Maybe by the time I'm ready to graduate them I'll have it all figured out. ;)

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Oh, sorry, you were serious. ;)


It has actually become worse for me. Each year, as we learn new things in our homeschooling work, my dc pick up more and more and more interests, and it has become a three-thousand ring circus around here.


Really, I'd say that if you are doing it right, it gets harder. :D At the end of the week, I tell dh about all the things we did (who else could I tell?) and he laughs about what a wide and crazy variety of things we have accomplished, and yet I have a list of things we didn't get to. They just keep rolling forward...


The important thing, though, in the first few years, is to make sure you ive the first potion of time to those skills that are absolutely fundamental to later learning: reading, writing, thinking, speaking, math, discipline and habit.

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Hoping to hear the responses too! I have a 'schedule' but most days, the subjects at the tail end of the day slide off.. I don't know how, but doing English (Phonics), Math, Science, Mandarin and fine arts (Music/Art) for K-level takes a school schedule that's even longer than regular school (scratching head here).


I'm pretty sure I'm packing the schedule too tight, though! I have to struggle with not making DS a showcase student to justify the HSing (mostly to my family).

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I've learned in the past few years to set reasonable goals. I know that as much as I love the idea of lapbooks, they aren't going to happen. Unit studies, same thing. I am a checklist maker, and a lesson planner. As long as I do both, we get everything done. When I try to go to "do the next thing" or throw in a different style, it never works.

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How long did it take before you felt like you were covering everything you wanted to cover each week?


I always feel like we just don't get to some of the things I want to do! I feel like it's getting better, but I still haven't figured out how to balance the time completely. Does it get easier to fit it all in?

We are on year 4 since PS K... and in about the same place as you are.;)

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This is our third year, and I have accepted that I will not be able to cram everything into the regular 36 week school year. We now school in the summer on a light schedule and will keep this up for the forseable future. We do extras (geography last year), catch ups for programs we didn't finish during the year, a supplementary grammar program and additional math to cement concepts (using a program we don't use during the year). I also do read alouds all year round. This summer we will start Lord of the Rings.

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This is our 5th year and I still don't feellike we accomplish everything I want to each week. Often tough it is because I have planned too much for the week. For some kids it would be doable but for my bunch, plus work, plus appts etc I think I tend to still misjudge how much time is needed for each thing.


This year we have gotten better, and plan to do school through the summer to make up the difference. I have learned to drop some subjects to focus on others and then pick them up again when time permits. Such as right now we are not doing foreign languages or art, because we are doing a subject on juvenile law, and one focusing on ADHD as well as history of the horse. As those subjects come to a close we will pick up foreign languages and fine arts again.

Edited by swellmomma
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I've been homeschooling for 11 years, and I still don't feel like I get through it all. :tongue_smilie:


9 years here and I don't think I am any better at getting everything done that I would like to see done. I do think I am more content with what does get done and don't usually feel like I am doing it wrong or not doing enough but there is always more I'd like to see get done.

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Actually, the more I homeschooled, the more I realized that I couldn't cover everything and that trying only served to frustrate us all. It took experience to feel comfortable knowing we were doing okay. I would make changes if I felt something was not going well but I stopped doing a mega-amount within the first 2 years of homeschooling. By this I mean using redundant materials such as more than one LA program or math program.


I agree, altohugh it took me more than 2 years to get to that point!


I learned that I could *not* cover everything I wanted to. I learned to simplify, to prioritise, and to let go.

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