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How fast could you be ready to move? And other questions.

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I thought I would ask as I go through all the things that I need to do to get moved ASAP.


How fast could you pack up your house, tie up any loose ends in the local area, and be on the road in the moving truck?


What things would you have to do before you could move? (Mostly looking for things I might forget!)


And the big question - what size U-Haul would you need to move all your things?



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I guess the biggest thing to hold me up would be the copying of any medical/school records for the children. I could get it done but the Dr's offices are usually slow and I don't know if I'd trust them to forward. After that, probably 3 days to pack, --I'd need a big pod and a little truck (and a large dumpster).



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Interesting question. We are putting our house on the market in 2 weeks and already starting to pack/sort etc. Its a lot.


Our house is 3400sf w/ 2 car garage w/ lots of storage, so there's just no way we could decently pack in less than 7 days. And thats assuming we could magically find the boxes/supplies needed, would have full-time child care for kids and didn't sleep much- LOL


We're going to use ABF and a 28 foot trailer that is dropped in our driveway, then picked up when ready and transported.


So realistically speaking, no way we could in less than 2-3 weeks. :)

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5 days, the big truck, and a storage unit. Don't forget to change utilities, forward mail, get any needed records. Make sure you keep any needed paperwork handy, like for insurance, school, etc.


Lots of trash bags, somewhere to donate stuff you don't want to move, and don't pack the pillows or the coffee pot...or the bottle of wine if you are so inclined.

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Wow, you guys are so organized!


I think it would take me months to get ready for a big move, and that's assuming that we hire the moving company to do the actual packing.


Clearly, we have too much stuff. :glare:



:iagree: It would take me three days just to get ready for new carpet!

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I haven't had to move myself in years, but will have to in spring 2012. Last time I moved myself it was literally 2 blocks away (one military house to another, they found black mold in the unit across the street and started having us all move to new houses but we had to do it ourselves) So we just got about a dozen fruit boxes from the grocery store and moved the house in 3 days room by room. We packed up one room, moved it and unpacked it at the new place, came back and did it all again. My dh and Mom pushed the washer and dryer through the field between the two streets on dollies, and my mom "rickshawed" our garden shed stuff using our bike trailer. It was hilarious to see, but we did it.


If I had to do it now I could be packed and moved in about 3 days, but would need the biggest uhaul available and would most likely need 2 trips for an in town move.

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Oh my goodness. I'm getting a headache thinking about it!


If we were moving to a similar house in this country, I suppose we could just pack up all the stuff where it currently is and unpack it in the new house. I would need a lot of boxes and probably a decent-sized moving van. I don't even want to think about the backyard, though. We have a shop and a couple sheds, a chicken coop, a Jeep ... :confused: We'd need a separate U-Haul for all the tools and yard equipment.


We're considering moving overseas, and then it gets a lot more complicated. We'd have to severely pare down, which means going through every.blasted.thing in our house, and we'd also have to prepare to be without our stuff for a couple of months. Since a lot of our furniture is nothing special, we would have a LOT to deal with donating & selling. This process would take weeks.

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working backwards

4.one day to load a Really Big Truck, haul garbage, donate things we're not taking, including food and clean the house, pack and move pets

3. previous day to pack bedrooms and kitchen and dining room, visit lawyer, sign docs needed for the next day re house/houses

2. the day before to pack main area and garage things, drain pool and hot tub

1. the first day to get boxes, paper, plan, etc. if i can recruit friends to come for a pizza and packing party, its way more fun, and goes faster. if there is time left over, i would move on to day 2 things. if friends come, it can often condense a day, or just be more fun...


the paperwork: i would have a list of places to call (check flylady.net), and would do it every hour for five-fifteen minutes as a break from packing.


an international move takes an extra day to sort things for storage and move it there.




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We had three weeks notice for our move last year. Dh handled all the phone calls to cancel and set up utilities. I did all the packing. We could do it all in a week if we had to. We used a small rental truck and several friends' cars/vans/etc.

Oh three weeks is nothing. We moved 3/4 of the way across the country when we had 3 weeks. One of those was drive time.


That was the shortest notice we've ever had. Usually we get 4-8 weeks.

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Wow, some of you could move fast! Thanks for giving me hope/inspiration for our next move! We hope to move this summer, but it will depend on dh getting a job. He wants a new job so bad, it will probably only give us 2 weeks to move. Last time we moved ourselves it was from one town to the next over. I did not think we would ever have everything moved! After our last move with movers, I know we would need the biggest u-haul and an infinite supply of boxes.

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I'll say one week, given that everybody in the chain of dominoes is available.


As far as UHaul size, estimate what you think you'll need, then go bigger. It may seem wasteful if you end up with lots of extra space, but the opposite outcome is an ordeal you don't want to experience, especially if you are moving out of the immediate neighborhood.


I am excited for you!

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Don't forget to return everything to the library.


This is a self move, right? I'd get the big truck early and start loading it. Check with the company to see if they have any deals.


Cancel all the utilities, eat up the food and just start packing. Label things well and consider a master list if you can.


http://www.flylady.net has a good moving list. You might check out her site for a tried and true plan.


Good luck and Blessings on you move.

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Ugh, I hate moving like a big old hatey thing. And we are moving again this summer. Ugh ugh ugh.


Oh yes, your question. No kids underfoot, probably 2 days, 3 days max. With the kids around, probably closer to a week. We're in a small apartment, though, and half of our stuff is already packed and sitting in a storage unit.


Good luck!

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I would need a few days, a big truck and some kerosene and matches. :lol: I have vowed that we will move only one more time in my life and that will be into mine and dh's dream home for retirement. Then, I just plan to start over. The four of us have so much stuff right now, there is no way I would even consider moving any of it. I seem to be the only one bothered by the amount of stuff though so I don't see is changing any time soon.

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I am a "organizer" type person but at the same time, time gets away from me and then I am scrambling to get it all done-LOL.


I think I could pull off packing the house up in a week. But that would be just getting everything boxed up and not actually go through it and decide what to keep and what to get rid of and not doing that would drive me bonkers.


Now that said. We are moving in next 3-5 months and really, I don't want to take most of what we have. We are planning to "start over" with a lot. But we would probably still need the largest truck that Dh would be licensed to drive.


I want to go with a plan of everyone gets to pack 5 big boxes each. I think we could pull that off easily. But I am not including household items, home decorating items, and books/school stuff.


For furniture I am planning only keeping my hutch (it was my grandma's), book cases (gotta have them for all the books!!), kitchen table (need new chairs), all the desks that are in good shape (I think there are 5 of them we will keep), my curio cabinet. I think that is it.


We need new living room furniture and bedroom furniture for all. All of these are old and falling apart.


I think the most time length waster would be getting all the medical records. Oh, and I would have to arrange with transfering youngest two school records since they attend ps. Forwarding mail... I may not bother-LOL. Everyone I want to keep in contact with I can just send an email off with change of address stuff.


Anything else wouldn't be that hard... dealing with utilities, etc... just call and cancel and settle the accounts. Car registration, car insurance, drivers license would be dealt with it after the move.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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Wow, you guys are so organized!


I think it would take me months to get ready for a big move, and that's assuming that we hire the moving company to do the actual packing.


Clearly, we have too much stuff. :glare:



:iagree:YUP! thats me. Way to much stuff. I still have things here that belong to my two married adult kids. UGH!

Realisticly it would take at least a couple of months, maybe more.

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:iagree:YUP! thats me. Way to much stuff. I still have things here that belong to my two married adult kids. UGH!

Realisticly it would take at least a couple of months, maybe more.



LOL, for the adult children still living in our home (and one who is on her own)... their stuff is their problem. I am taking nothing that doesn't belong to me, Dh, and the four kids moving with us.


And what I don't plan to keep... it will be donated or left for trash.

Hm... my kids sure would enjoy a huge bon fire.

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I like the way you think outside the box... and then set it on fire. ;) :D






I'm having to move faster as my mom put this place on the market Fri. evening and it needs to be mostly packed and done by Tuesday! I had the 12yo take his bed apart and stored it in our storage closet and I am stacking boxes where his bed was. Unofrtunately, dh is working so much that he isn't here to help with packing or dc.


I'll let you know how it goes!

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