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Okay, girls, I need a plan to drop a quick 25 pounds right after Christmas.

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I don't know what you mean by quick, or how heavy you are to start with. Obviously, if you are obese, it's easier to lose faster than if you are just mildly overweight. . .


But, assuming you don't really mean to go on a starvation diet that will trash your body and lead to regaining 35 after you lose 25. . .


Then I suggest exercise!! I love couch to 5 k. I started that Aug 31. . . then did Bridge to 10k, and am now aiming for an April half marathon.


This morning on a typical training run, I ran 7 miles in 83 minutes, burned over 800 calories. . . Sure makes losing weight a whole lot easier when you burn those kinds of calories most days.


In 3 1/2 mos, I've lost 17 lb & dropped from a size 14 pant to a size 10, and I now have a healthy BMI. I eat pretty similarly to how I usually have eaten, probably on average making healthier choices just b/c I have more respect for my body & the fuel it needs. . . But I'm burning 3000-4000 or more each week in exercise, so I'm losing a pound a week or so just from that. If I *dieted* then obviously I could have lost much faster, but I didn't need to lose it fast & I want it to be a life-long change, not a flash in the pan.

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My uncle lost 40 lbs in 3 months using Medifast.


I tried it for 8 days and lost 10 lbs.


The food isn't great and it isn't cheap, but it works. I stopped because it was effecting my milk supply. I have another weeks worth waiting to go after Christmas. I think I'll just do a week at a time every so often until I lose the weight.

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I need a way to quickly lose 20 pounds before Christmas. Any ideas for that? :)


chop off your right arm and leg?:lol:


I'm SERIOUSLY going to work out after the new year. I'm not going to diet, per se, but I do have to do the Candida diet (HANG ME NOW!!!) and then will just continue to eat healthy, being cautious of what I take in.

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My uncle lost 40 lbs in 3 months using Medifast.


I tried it for 8 days and lost 10 lbs.


The food isn't great and it isn't cheap, but it works.


I'm doing Medifast right now and my mom did it years ago, losing probably 50-60 lbs with relative ease and keeping most of it off. I'm just on Day 12, but I've already dropped 9 lbs! They say average weight loss is 2-5 lbs a week.


Medifast has been well studied over a long course of years, prescribed by many doctors and is very safe if used correctly. It used to be only available with a prescription (as it was when Mom used it), but you can get it on the internet now. It is a very low calorie diet, but it is well and carefully balanced nutritionally. Surprisingly, I actually feel better on it than I did eating normally...hungrier, but lots more energy, sleeping less and much more upbeat. It is nearly gluten free...can be completely gluten free if you want it to be, and there are modifications available for several health conditions. I think it is the low carb part that is doing it for me.


I'm sure I sound like I sell it, but I promise I don't! :D I'm just really pleased with my own quick results and how good I feel as compared to other diets, as well as having my mom's own success to look back on. As Meriweather said, the food isn't great...but it is pretty good. I've found what I like and don't have a problem sticking with it so far. Good, home cooked meals are allowed at dinner time as well, which works well for the family.


Good luck...HTH!

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Figure out how many calories you would need at 20lbs lighter. Then just eat at that caloric level. Toss in 45 min cardio 5 days a week and 40 mins of weights 2 days a week. You will lose the weight.


I lost 40 lbs, 3 years ago, doing just that and it is still off.


I like spark people as a way to track my calories. If I had an Iphone I would use the app 'lose it'. My mom swears by lose it.

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I'm doing Medifast right now and my mom did it years ago, losing probably 50-60 lbs with relative ease and keeping most of it off. I'm just on Day 12, but I've already dropped 9 lbs! They say average weight loss is 2-5 lbs a week.


Medifast has been well studied over a long course of years, prescribed by many doctors and is very safe if used correctly. It used to be only available with a prescription (as it was when Mom used it), but you can get it on the internet now. It is a very low calorie diet, but it is well and carefully balanced nutritionally. Surprisingly, I actually feel better on it than I did eating normally...hungrier, but lots more energy, sleeping less and much more upbeat. It is nearly gluten free...can be completely gluten free if you want it to be, and there are modifications available for several health conditions. I think it is the low carb part that is doing it for me.


I'm sure I sound like I sell it, but I promise I don't! :D I'm just really pleased with my own quick results and how good I feel as compared to other diets, as well as having my mom's own success to look back on. As Meriweather said, the food isn't great...but it is pretty good. I've found what I like and don't have a problem sticking with it so far. Good, home cooked meals are allowed at dinner time as well, which works well for the family.


Good luck...HTH!


Which products do you get? I hate the shakes and the scrambled eggs, but I think the soups are fine. I haven't tried most of the products, though, and would like recommendations. I encourage you to stick with it if you can. I didn't gain the weight back when I went off so I think it is real weight loss.

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My uncle lost 40 lbs in 3 months using Medifast.


I tried it for 8 days and lost 10 lbs.


The food isn't great and it isn't cheap, but it works. I stopped because it was effecting my milk supply. I have another weeks worth waiting to go after Christmas. I think I'll just do a week at a time every so often until I lose the weight.


:iagree: That's what I'm doing, only I'm using the Jillian Michaels whey protein shakes instead of the Medifast food, because it's cheaper. You have to mix them with water, and it's only the powdered kind, not the premade. It also takes 3-5 days to get into the fat burning mode, so they suggest doing it at least two weeks to see how it works for you. High numbers the first week are often mainly water. :001_smile: I pretty consistently lose 4-5 lbs a week on it though. I've lost 38lbs since 10/25! Water intake has a direct correlation to weight loss for me with this, though. I drink at LEAST 12 cups of water a day. Maybe this is why it hasn't affected my milk? I don't know.

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What would happen if you ate like a cave woman? Cooked meat and veggies. Nothing else. Just whatever cave people could hunt or gather in a day. Grilled. Without butter/oil.



:iagree: Like a Paleo Diet. I have lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks eating just meat and veggies. No grain, dairy, sugar, legumes, or potatoes. And with only a little exercise.

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Toss in 45 min cardio 5 days a week and 40 mins of weights 2 days a week. You will lose the weight.


I lost 40 lbs, 3 years ago, doing just that and it is still off.




I started WW right before Thanksgiving. I gained the 1st week, but then thigns kicked into gear. I started working out at the gym, like above, except I do weights 3X wk. And I track my food and activity on WW website. The 2 wks after Thanksgiving I lost 11.6 lbs.

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I have never lost weight by exercising. What worked for me was cutting sugar and carbs drastically. Eating salad as a meal and including some form of protein (such as tuna, salmon, hard boiled eggs, chicken) works wonders for me. Also eating meat, veggies, and only a small amount of anything starchy. I gave up sweet tea and only drink water and coffee. Watch labels too - we think of yogurt as a healthy food but it's loaded with sugar. Also, I don't use low fat anything. Fat triggers the full response and is perfectly healthy in moderation. I eat fruit, but I try to make sure I'm eating more veggies than fruit since most fruit has a good bit of sugar in it.


Some books I like are Real Foods: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck, and The Belly Fat Cure.

Edited by LizzyBee
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Which products do you get? I hate the shakes and the scrambled eggs, but I think the soups are fine. I haven't tried most of the products, though, and would like recommendations. I encourage you to stick with it if you can. I didn't gain the weight back when I went off so I think it is real weight loss.


I really like the soups, though I admit to adding a bit of salt! My fave is the chicken and wild rice. The chocolate chip pancakes are really good and the eggs work well for me with a bit of pepper or a little bit of salsa. I hated the oatmeal when I got started but now I like it a lot...just needed to figure out how to make it correctly! I actually like the shakes, but my favorite thing to do is to warm up the chocolate flavor so it tastes like hot chocolate! If you've got french vanilla to use up, add a tsp of cooking cocoa powder (counts as one condiment) to make it chocolate and heat up. I've read about people making cookies out of the shakes but I don't know how that works yet.


I LOVE the soft serves and the capachino and I've yet to find a bar that I don't like. I've heard good things about the parmesan puffs, but haven't tried them. I like the crackers...garden veggie flavor. The brownies are good but not great...I'm a chocolate snob, so nothing but a really good one will do there! Most people rave about them. Overall, I've noticed that if I use a fork to whisk any of the microwave foods before I cook them, I get a better result. The HealthMate Blender they sell is also worth its weight in gold for the same reason, IMO!


If you get on the message boards over there, you'll find a lot of tips about how folks get creative with the food without going off plan. :D

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Take a look at the South Beach Diet. It incorporates some of the suggestions you've already read here -- eliminating carbs and sugars. Phase 1 is a pretty intensive two-week period in which you can drop up to 15 (give or take) pounds. I've been very happy with my weight loss but also, and more importantly, with banishing the cravings that made my weight creep up in the first place.

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When I had my first child, I didn't even lose as much weight as he weighed at birth. How's that for crazy?


I had that happen, but within a few days the weight came off. I think it was water from the IV.


With my first I lost more than I had gained. I only gained 15, he weighed 9 and I was minus 3 lbs by day three. That is not exactly going to happen with number 5 this time. ;)

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Originally Posted by Tylianna viewpost.gif

After I had my 3rd dd, I only lost 8 pounds.... She weighed 7lb 13oz... I have no clue how I didn't lost more than that... :001_huh:


When I had my first child, I didn't even lose as much weight as he weighed at birth. How's that for crazy?


On the first one, I gained weight. I weighed 2 lbs more after delivery, than in triage, both on the same hospital scale. No IV, no food, no water, no nothing. It was totally unfair.

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