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CPS/ DCYF harrassing homeschoolers in your state?

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Homeschooler-friendly legislator in my state are preparing several bills that could drastically change our home education law from moderate-to-highly regulated to practically no regulation. Personally, I'm in favor of as little regulation as possible :001_smile:


In one of the online panel discussions that we've had, the issue of educational neglect and Child Protective Services/Department of Children, Youth and Family. Someone of influence is claiming that in other states with no regulation (he cited Texas as an example), CPS often harasses homeschoolers.


I'm curious to know what happens in your state. Are you a low or no-regulation state? Does CPS (or whatever it is called in your state) harass homeschoolers for ONLY homeschool/ compulsory education reasons?


I know this is probably a hard question to answer, as you may not know what is specifically going on in your state, but if you have input, it would help me to clarify in my own mind which bill to throw my support behind and help me to develop my arguments.


Thank you!

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I hsed in TX for 5 years and never had any problem. My kids were never in school so I don't know how CPS would know unless someone reported us. You don't have to report or register in any way. If you're pulling your kids out, you tell the school that you will be hsing and that's it. I would think someone somewhere would have to 'put' CPS onto you if they were going to cause you trouble.

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I've lived in both highly regulated and no regulation. I wouldn't put the blame on the workers, but on people that are more suspicious of homeschoolers in unregulated states. At least in a regulated state, I have records AND people (aka evaluator, test facilitator, superintendent, etc) all backing me up. When people hear that you have accountability and hoops to jump through for "proof", they are more likely to back off. If they hear that you don't have to answer to anyone, then the ignorant, or those that think they know better than you do, get worried about something that isn't any of their business.

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I'm in IL (no regulation) and educational issues like educational neglect are supposed to be outside of DCFS's purview. It is an education issue, not a child safety issue. I don't know of anyone who has had contact with DCFS about homeschooling. I do know of people who were harassed by their local superintendent of schools who were overstepping their bounds. I know of people who were contacted by their superintendent about homeschooling, but it was handled by submitting an affidavit that stated that they were following the laws of our state. I wouldn't have considered that harassment.

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We're in NJ, a low regulation state, and never heard of DYFS (Div. of Youth and Family Services) harassing homeschoolers. Doesn't mean it never happens, just that it doesn't seem to happen enough to consider it systemic, as your panel discussion person asserts.


But then again, our Dept. of Ed. did a FAQ to help people know what's what as far as the law goes here. Link. I feel that having things spelled out from a Dept. of Ed. perspective does probably help the overall tone or attitude towards homeschooling in the state.

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We are a no regulation state (MI.) I am on the various state homeschool email lists and such, and dh gets legal brief stuff about dealing with homeschoolers. I have heard of a few instances, but they always seem to have other underlying factors not related to homeschooling, iykwim. I can only think of one case where someone was investigated for educational neglect, but it was a case of a special needs homeschooler who wasn't making progress in school, either.


They are trying to get laws passed to make us register now, though.

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I used to work as an investigator for DCF in Florida (moderate regulation) and we never got a single case that related to homeschooling. I only remember one case that involved children who were homeschooled, but the investigation had nothing to do with their education.

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Gosh, no. Not that I have heard. I've been in a large hsing group for about 8 years locally, and no stories about anything like that. None of my online friends have had any issues, either. I knew one family (online) about 8 years ago who were having issues with CPS for neglect, but there were some special needs involved; I think a Dr was responsible for the report. I think it ended ok.

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We live in UT, where we only have to send in a yearly affadavit and the law specifically states that we can't be asked to produce records (I keep some anyway for my own benefit, but I like that I won't have to explain them to anyone...lol...). None of the homeschoolers I know have ever been investigated, to my knowledge, and some of them have been at it for decades.

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I live in Idaho...we have no regulation here. I've never had any problems or heard of anyone having issues that I know of. If you check the HSLDA website you may be able to find some info as to the truth of those claims, but I doubt their veracity myself.

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I live in NY, a fairly regulated state, and haven't heard anything at the state level about more regulation etc. That said, my particular district is easy to work with. Other people in other districts might have a different story to tell


Right now, NY is BROKE so that's all the state is focused on. CPS doesn't need to go looking for people to investigate. They don't have the money for it anyway.


The state did a thing a couple years ago where the decided not to allow special ed services for homeschooled kids but they lost in court. I don't think they'll be trying that again.


Now, as a mom of a special needs homeschooling child, I am constantly on the alert about special education funding etc. That is a much more stressful situation. I feel like I have to fight every step of the way, but that isn't because of homeschooling. It's the same for every other parent of a special needs kid in the district.

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The state did a thing a couple years ago where the decided not to allow special ed services for homeschooled kids but they lost in court. I don't think they'll be trying that again.


Now, as a mom of a special needs homeschooling child, I am constantly on the alert about special education funding etc. That is a much more stressful situation. I feel like I have to fight every step of the way, but that isn't because of homeschooling. It's the same for every other parent of a special needs kid in the district.


I have a homeschooled child who receives OT/speech through the local school district, and the funding is sparse, must be divided among all the homeschooled kids equally, etc. It is a difficult system to work with. I am very grateful for the services provided, but we get less than we would if he were enrolled at the school.

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In Texas here. I've never had trouble. I'm in a group with several hundred hs families, and haven't heard of any issues (but that doesn't mean they aren't there). We know one family that was investigated because a neighbor called on them. There were some sour grapes about a dog issue and everything with cps ended without any problems.


I sent my kids to school this year, but the 10 year old only lasted 4 days there. When I withdrew her, they gave me information from the Texas Homeschool Coalition website to help me with homeschooling. No questions asked. We had a very positive experience going in and coming out of the schools as far as their reaction to our homeschooling was concerned.

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I'm in IL (no regulation) and educational issues like educational neglect are supposed to be outside of DCFS's purview. It is an education issue, not a child safety issue. I don't know of anyone who has had contact with DCFS about homeschooling. I do know of people who were harassed by their local superintendent of schools who were overstepping their bounds. I know of people who were contacted by their superintendent about homeschooling, but it was handled by submitting an affidavit that stated that they were following the laws of our state. I wouldn't have considered that harassment.


I am also in IL and our local super also belongs to the Rotary. The Rotary just donated really nice dictionaries to the 3rd graders in our CC group. She's a really nice lady and gets along well with homeschoolers. So, I haven't heard of any harassment.

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We are a high regulation state but I have not heard of any issues. DH works in the same office with CPS and often shares cases with them. He has made it a point to 'educate' any hapless individual who has asked him the dreaded socialization question, and he has often brought up our homeschooling in conversation. It helps that our kids are bright and I am that 'type A' mom who is more in danger of overeducating than undereducating! In fact, he has gotten his supervisor to read John Taylor Gatto.

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I have a homeschooled child who receives OT/speech through the local school district, and the funding is sparse, must be divided among all the homeschooled kids equally, etc. It is a difficult system to work with. I am very grateful for the services provided, but we get less than we would if he were enrolled at the school.


Huh. My 2 boys, whose private evals from speech and OT put them at the very bottom (less than 5th percentile), as well as the school psychologist (who put them at the same very bottom for VMI) do not qualify for school speech and OT.:glare:

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We homeschooled in Missouri and currently in Texas. I've "read" about issues in both states (the HSLDA website mostly), but never witnesses them or heard firsthand.


I do have to say that with the gigantic population of homeschoolers in Texas, it is considered more common here - and you see them out and about. Where we lived in Missouri, we were the only family in our subdivision that homeschooled and our neighbors thought we were odd.


I am very thankful to be homeschooling in Texas!

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I have a homeschooled child who receives OT/speech through the local school district, and the funding is sparse, must be divided among all the homeschooled kids equally, etc. It is a difficult system to work with. I am very grateful for the services provided, but we get less than we would if he were enrolled at the school.


In Michigan and Ohio, they are not required to provide any services at all. A few districts do (dh has worked with a few families in his district who get services,) but they don't have to by law.

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NJ here too and I've never heard of anyone having a problem with DYFS over homeschooling. I think the DOE website spelling things out so clearly, including that the burden of proof for education neglect falls solely to the complainer, and that the policy was put in effect through a lawsuit both help keep problems down. It probably doesn't hurt that we don't even need to tell the school district we are homeschooling.

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I have heard of a few instances, but they always seem to have other underlying factors not related to homeschooling, iykwim.


This is my general sense about the issue. I did a quick survey of HSLDA's current and recent cases, and there seems to be other factors involved. I think this "person of influence" on our webinar was trying to scare us into keeping some regulation (annual reporting) instead of total freedom


I really appreciate everyone's comments.

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I have a homeschooled child who receives OT/speech through the local school district, and the funding is sparse, must be divided among all the homeschooled kids equally, etc. It is a difficult system to work with. I am very grateful for the services provided, but we get less than we would if he were enrolled at the school.


Whoa. Divided among the homeschool students? In NY he gets the same services as if he were in school. There is no difference. I actually think he gets better service because I get a personal check in with the therapists every session. They almost never get to meet parents and seem to really like it. I also find my district school sort of bends over backwards to show me that they 'like' me even though I homeschool.

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I have a homeschooled child who receives OT/speech through the local school district, and the funding is sparse, must be divided among all the homeschooled kids equally, etc. It is a difficult system to work with. I am very grateful for the services provided, but we get less than we would if he were enrolled at the school.


I am appalled, if I can even spell it right. As much money in property taxes as we pay in the land of free Texas and they are treating you like that? I'm glad I haven't had to seek assistance through the school district. Ridiculous, they spend millions on football stadiums here in public schools. Most of the money goes to the schools.

Sorry to steal the thread for a small rant.

I haven't ever been harassed in 18 years of homeschooling in three states. Pennsylvania, high regs, Maryland, mid regs, and Texas.

I don't know of anyone being harassed by CPS who is a homeschooler.

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There have been some contacts by CPS in Texas (these are just HSLDA's contacts; THSC has dealt with others). All have been dismissed, and none, as far as I can tell, were specifically because of homeschooling. All were dismissed. That doesn't mean, though, that anti-homeschooling government types won't do whatever they can to harrass homeschoolers.


There are thousands of homeschoolers in Texas; I'm not surprised that some of us haven't known anyone personally who was contacted by CPS (or anyone else). :)

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