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CC :-) Clinton Content -No flames, please

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I'll admit, I sometimes miss the Clinton years. :D


But I'm amazed that having him take over a presser got a pass. Can you imagine if any other President had done that? :glare:


David Gergen was talking about that on CNN-apparently it happens, but the sitting Prez has never left the podium-perhaps stands off to the side (which, of course if you watch any news conferences you've seen).


Talking heads say Obama is sure enough of himself to allow it. I say he didn't want to answer questions and let Clinton handle it because he's a better communicator. :tongue_smilie:

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Did anyone else love watching Bill Clinton behind the White House podium today?


Yes, yes, he was naughty, but I love him sumthin awful. :001_smile:



Trying to take a board break, but sneaking in to say :iagree: Always a guilty pleasure.



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Okay, not flaming here, but gotta ask, sincerely: What is the draw?


All I saw was that Obama couldn't stand on his own with this tax plan. What did you see?


As I just read elsewhere:


a quasi-abdication of office, live across the dial on cable news, so that the most powerful man in the world could go sit on Santa’s lap and tell him that all he wants for Christmas is the START treaty ratified.




I like (former) President Clinton. He's a very alpha male. Which is probably part of why I like him. Say what you will about what he has done in his personal life, he knows how to operate in a political arena. Then again, so does his wife, whom I also like.






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What do you like about her, asta?


I like that she is an intelligent woman who, though operating in what has traditionally been a male environment (law, politics), has taken time to raise a beautiful, articulate daughter.


She has never come across (as far as I've seen) as not being aware of exactly who she is as a person, or who her husband is. I rather suspect he has always been a philanderer (it's a type, after all), but that he has qualities she loves and likes regardless. They strike me as two people who complement one another intellectually and wouldn't be too sure of what to do if the other suddenly wasn't there. I think there are worse things in the world than two people who are willing to stick together through thick and thin.


I don't know... maybe I just have a soft spot for her. When I was growing up, the message was all about "you can have it all! You can have a career, a family - and nothing will suffer!" Of course, we all know now that that is bunk - something always has to give. But for one moment, on election night, there were millions of women my age who I suspect were all thinking the same thing: Was it possible? Can the ceiling be broken?


Even people who didn't agree with her personally or politically were saying it. It kind of fell into the "dreams die hard" category.


Perhaps it is just a generational thing.




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The Clintons seem to have mellowed out through the years. When Bill was first running for president, they were much more radical -- and of course they were even worse during their college years. I saw Hillary last summer in person at a State Department function, and she was very pleasant, even charming. I want to hope she's matured and gained some wisdom.


Wanted to add: My good opinion of Hillary isn't because of the fact that she was pleasant at this one occasion. Any fool can go to charm school and learn some manners. She seems to have taken a more sensible political stance over the past ten years. I find myself agreeing with her sometimes now, whereas in the past I disagreed with almost everything she said and did.

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Did anyone else love watching Bill Clinton behind the White House podium today?


Yes, yes, he was naughty, but I love him sumthin awful. :001_smile:


We actually toured the White House yesterday morning, but I missed the speech. What did Clinton do?



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Talking heads say Obama is sure enough of himself to allow it. I say he didn't want to answer questions and let Clinton handle it because he's a better communicator. :tongue_smilie:


She seems to have taken a more sensible political stance over the past ten years. I find myself agreeing with her sometimes now, whereas in the past I disagreed with almost everything she said and did.



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Wanted to add: My good opinion of Hillary isn't because of the fact that she was pleasant at this one occasion. Any fool can go to charm school and learn some manners. She seems to have taken a more sensible political stance over the past ten years. I find myself agreeing with her sometimes now, whereas in the past I disagreed with almost everything she said and did.


Actually I'd read that initially she was the more moderate of the pair.


I can't claim to agree with all of BC's politics but I can't help but appreciate his skill as a politician. If ever a man had nine political lives, it was him. ;)

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We actually toured the White House yesterday morning, but I missed the speech. What did Clinton do?




That sounds like a fun field trip to tour the White House. Love to hear more on that. anyway... that's for another time.


According to news articles out there, B. Clinton was given the podium to discuss tax plan while Obama stood off to the side. Then, President Obama excused himself from the rest of the press conference saying that he needed to attend holiday gatherings and that he didn't want to keep his wife waiting. Clinton makes a little lite humor joke while the President leaves. then, he did the rest of the conference.


maybe cspan has a video clip? I'm curious what happened now :)



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I can't claim to agree with all of BC's politics but I can't help but appreciate his skill as a politician. If ever a man had nine political lives, it was him. ;)

:iagree:Excellent speaker, great politician, ability to land on his feet in any situation. He still has loads of potential, and it will be interesting to see what he does with it in the future.


When I saw replays of his speech last night, I almost couldn't help but think, "Remember when?"

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:iagree:Excellent speaker, great politician, ability to land on his feet in any situation. He still has loads of potential, and it will be interesting to see what he does with it in the future.


When I saw replays of his speech last night, I almost couldn't help but think, "Remember when?"


Yes, it was rather interesting to watch. As O walked out, you could physically see Bubba morph back into his old role. His demeanor shifted, his facial expression changed, and he just... took command of the situation. It was wild to watch. There is a vid of that moment (but not the whole presser) here.


I haven't been able to find vid of the entire presser.




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That sounds like a fun field trip to tour the White House. Love to hear more on that. anyway... that's for another time.


According to news articles out there, B. Clinton was given the podium to discuss tax plan while Obama stood off to the side. Then, President Obama excused himself from the rest of the press conference saying that he needed to attend holiday gatherings and that he didn't want to keep his wife waiting. Clinton makes a little lite humor joke while the President leaves. then, he did the rest of the conference.


maybe cspan has a video clip? I'm curious what happened now :)




he WHAT?????

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There was a 30 minute clip from PBS on Google's front page earlier today. Maybe it's still there?





Ok, interesting observation: for the first 11:15 of the presser, Clinton has his shoulders hunched, and he is in complete beta mode. At 11:18/19, when O leaves, he squares his shoulders and morphs.




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Well, I hate to bash and run, but that's what I've got to do today.


Clinton is a pig. He cheated on his wife and humiliated her publicly. Think what that poor child of theirs must have gone through. And frankly, it makes me ill to hear women gush about a lying, cheating adulterer. How would you like it if your husband did that to you?


For Pete's sake. I have zero admiration for any man who could do that to his family. Naughty? Where is the vomit smiley?

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Well, I hate to bash and run, but that's what I've got to do today.


Clinton is a pig. He cheated on his wife and humiliated her publicly. Think what that poor child of theirs must have gone through. And frankly, it makes me ill to hear women gush about a lying, cheating adulterer. How would you like it if your husband did that to you?


For Pete's sake. I have zero admiration for any man who could do that to his family. Naughty? Where is the vomit smiley?


I can seperate out his family relationship skills from his political abilities. I have a doctor that cheated on his wife (well, wives, if the rumors are true) but that doesn't diminish the fact that he's an excellent doctor and well-respected surgeon. I wouldn't want to be married to him :tongue_smilie:but he's been my doctor for 25 years and I'll be sticking with him until he retires.

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Well, I hate to bash and run, but that's what I've got to do today.


Clinton is a pig. He cheated on his wife and humiliated her publicly. Think what that poor child of theirs must have gone through. And frankly, it makes me ill to hear women gush about a lying, cheating adulterer. How would you like it if your husband did that to you?


For Pete's sake. I have zero admiration for any man who could do that to his family. Naughty? Where is the vomit smiley?


You simply need to be able to compartmentalize Remudamom. :lol:

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Well, I hate to bash and run, but that's what I've got to do today.


Clinton is a pig. He cheated on his wife and humiliated her publicly. Think what that poor child of theirs must have gone through. And frankly, it makes me ill to hear women gush about a lying, cheating adulterer. How would you like it if your husband did that to you?


For Pete's sake. I have zero admiration for any man who could do that to his family. Naughty? Where is the vomit smiley?


He's not my husband, he's Hillary's. I presume, as they are still married, that they have worked that out. I figure it is none of my business.




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I can seperate out his family relationship skills from his political abilities. I have a doctor that cheated on his wife (well, wives, if the rumors are true) but that doesn't diminish the fact that he's an excellent doctor and well-respected surgeon. I wouldn't want to be married to him :tongue_smilie:but he's been my doctor for 25 years and I'll be sticking with him until he retires.



Well, I love my dad, who apparently is your doctor. But I wouldn't vote for him for president, and I sure don't excuse his disgusting behavior with other women as naughty.

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He's not my husband, he's Hillary's. I presume, as they are still married, that they have worked that out. I figure it is none of my business.





I didn't say it was any of my business and I couldn't care less if they are working it out or not, except that I do feel for the daughter. That is so far from the point that I can't believe I'm even quoting you.


He's untrustworthy, a proven immoral cheater. So I don't think he's worthy of any office of any type of responsibility. His wife can't trust him, how can the country?


Ya'll go ahead though. Bow to the Clinton. After all he's so Alpha! That ought to make up for his other deficiencies.

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he WHAT?????


Yup. President Obama left, citing his waiting wife. Bill was up there solo answering questions for, oh, what looks like 15 minutes, but I didn't watch the entire thing. If you watch the linked video, Obama left during the 11th minute, and it continued for another 15 or so minutes.


Further compartmentalizing here, removing thoughts on the ramifications of never-ending posturing by leaders, I can say: Watching politics is absolutely fascinating.

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As O walked out, you could physically see Bubba morph back into his old role. His demeanor shifted, his facial expression changed, and he just... took command of the situation. It was wild to watch.



:lol: I guess it's true...there's someone for everyone.


Personally, though, I didn't find his treason so arousing...



Edited by Barry Goldwater
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Well, I love my dad, who apparently is your doctor. But I wouldn't vote for him for president, and I sure don't excuse his disgusting behavior with other women as naughty.


There is a big difference between keeping a doctor or a mechanic if you found out about this behavior; although, personally, I would still use someone else given that integrity matters to me.


But Presidents? No.


They may still be able to steer the ship, we may profit in some ways, but some vital cargo goes straight over the edge and there is a price to pay. I believe we have seen that price in terms of how our youngsters view sexuality since that administration. I believe there is a price on how we think of marriage and how women should be treated.


You can mentally compartmentalize, but the actual effects of things in reality do not compartmentalize just because you can. (general you)

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Yes, it was rather interesting to watch. As O walked out, you could physically see Bubba morph back into his old role. His demeanor shifted, his facial expression changed, and he just... took command of the situation. It was wild to watch. There is a vid of that moment (but not the whole presser) here.


I haven't been able to find vid of the entire presser.






Watched this and your other clip of the full thing.


The body language is fascinating, isn't it? The president clearly anxious for Clinton to finish up, changing positions, moving closer, crossing his arms as Clinton continues to talk. Then makes his exit. And Clinton is clearly at ease with the subject and the whole scene, hand in pocket, leaning on podium, expanding.


I'm sure they did intend for it to be a couple minutes, but Clinton was famous for this kind of thing .... waxing eloquent on any and all topics. I would imagine that the reporters in the room enjoyed the event as well.


The downside for the president is that Clinton does have that charisma and the passage of time mellows the offenses in people's minds and he doesn't look as strong standing off to the side waiting for the opening to check his watch and excuse himself to head to a holiday party with his wife when the country's economic situation is being discussed.


Thanks for posting the links.

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:lol: I guess it's true...there's someone for everyone.


Personally, though, I didn't find his treason so arousing...




Oh, I never found him (or his follies) arousing - don't assume that.


He's just a charismatic individual. I'm not sure that has ever been disputed, even by people who strongly disagree with him politically or personally. It is what made/makes him so effective/dangerous, depending on how you look at it.


Hmm. That is a good question. Who here has ever met a charismatic individual in person?


I've met one. The way they could switch it on and off to suit their purposes was frightening.






ETA: that China thing *still bugs me...

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Hmm. That is a good question. Who here has ever met a charismatic individual in person?


I've met one. The way they could switch it on and off to suit their purposes was frightening.



I know three. One is my husband. He is always himself, but so charming and he just makes people feel so good. EVERYBODY loves him, no matter how much they may disagree with him. It's actually something I've had to warn him about - be careful...people think you're their best friend. He has to consciously change his behaviour to maintain an appropriate level of distance in some situations.


The other two are one of my uncles and a good friend from high school. They're like social chameleons, morphing to suit the social situation. It's kind of terrifying - leaves you wondering which is their real persona. Fascinating to watch, though. ;)


I don't personally know any truly charismatic women.

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Thanks for the clips. I didn't have much time this morning to search for them. I enjoyed watching the morph.


What made me laugh was when Citizen Bill said to President Obama, "please go". It just caught me as really funny.


And this was a neat thing Clinton said I'm happy to be here because the bullets fired aren't going to hit me. (or close enough to that. I don't feel like a dictation exercise right now.)

love that! around the 21 minute mark.

The look on his face is great.


I'm not a supporter of Clinton in general, but this is a fascinating to watch video just from the public speaking side of it and the whole press conference lessons. Usually I avoid threads like this, but I'm glad I watched the video. fun. looking forward to my dh getting home from shopping so he can watch.... should make for fun conversations in our house. :)


and yeah, I've met some charismatic leaders in person. Some of them made me shudder in fear, others made me ooh and ahh.



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Clinton... cheated on his wife and humiliated her publicly. Think what that poor child of theirs must have gone through...


I have zero admiration for any man who could do that to his family. Naughty? Where is the vomit smiley?


:iagree: I'm not a fan of Hillary either, by any stretch, but I still feel sorry for how that situation must have affected her, and Chelsea too.


The downside for the president is that Clinton does have that charisma and the passage of time mellows the offenses in people's minds and he [Obama] doesn't look as strong standing off to the side waiting for the opening to check his watch and excuse himself to head to a holiday party with his wife when the country's economic situation is being discussed.



:iagree: I think having Clinton come in undermines Obama's authority--makes him look like he couldn't handle things, so someone higher up had to come in and take care of it for him.

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Oh, I never found him (or his follies) arousing - don't assume that.


Thank you for clarifying. Apologies for the insinuation.


ETA: that China thing *still bugs me...me too!




You (general you) have to admit, however that his charisma, and dare I say 'sex appeal/alpha male' had a lot to do with his outward success, as well as the aid of a fawning media.


However, success as a president...impeached (not convicted) and disbarred by the ABA, agenda largely stopped in its tracks by the 1994 Congressional election, personal scandals, controversial (and I say seditious) policy-making (one example in my earlier post)...these things can be hard to judge fairly w/o the context of time, but it should be interesting over time how he ranks overall in effectiveness.


And what does your (and others) reaction mean for poor BHO? I'm sure many, many noticed it...I would say further weakens him, politically. It looks bad, yes?

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:iagree: I think having Clinton come in undermines Obama's authority--makes him look like he couldn't handle things, so someone higher up had to come in and take care of it for him.


Or how about, he doesn't have time to talk to us about his tax plan, because he has to go to a Christmas party.


Hello, Barack! It's a big issue for the country! Do you think you could spare some time?

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Or how about, he doesn't have time to talk to us about his tax plan, because he has to go to a Christmas party.


Hello, Barack! It's a big issue for the country! Do you think you could spare some time?


I was surprised to see it handled this way. I would have thought they'd have lined Clinton up for a round of Sunday morning talk shows.

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