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Increase in Stealing: Is this going on everywhere??

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I have noticed that since the economy tanked that there have been so many more robbery reports on the news, but the other day I was quite shocked when my mail man knocked on my door with a package and while he was handing it to me he asked me if it's okay to leave packages outside my door if he comes and I'm not at home. I told him, "yeah sure" because they always do that and then he tells me, "I just wanted to be sure, because a lot of packages are being stolen off of people's porches and I chased a bunch of kids just the other day who were stealing packages." :001_huh:


I have lived in this house for 14 years now and never once have we had a problem here with robberies or burglaries or anything of that sort. I'm bummed because now I feel like I need to be tied to my house in case a package should come because I did all of my Christmas shopping online this year and have a bunch of stuff coming in and not all of it has tracking where I know what day it is supposed to arrive. :(


I know that a lot of people are hurting financially right now, but in the case of these robberies, I really wonder if crooks are just using the economic downturn as an excuse to steal. I just have a really hard time imagining people with integrity stealing off of other people's porches because they are in that much need. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know, but I'm wondering if other people are having similar problems or have noticed an increase in these types of crimes in their neighborhoods.

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I've seen an increase in burglary and robbery reports in the local news. I've also seen an increase in the number of adults and teens going door to door offering services - leaf raking, rain gutter cleaning, and now snow shoveling. The economic situation just magnifies people's character. Some people's character is weak, so they try to steal their way to a better life; others' character is strong, and they are willing to work hard for a better life.

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Wow, we were just talking about the rise in theft this past weekend. I live in Mexico, so I am not sure what the numbers are, . They aren't exactly big on numbers or all that open about it here. Any how, dh and bil were talking about how there has been a rise in car theft where we live. It has always been a problem in this country, and is one of the reasons why many people have beaters they drive around in, even if they can afford something newer. It seems those aren't safe anymore either though. I guess, people steal them and sell them directly to junk yards as scrap metal.:confused:


Maybe theft rings aren't paying what they used to.



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The economic situation just magnifies people's character. Some people's character is weak, so they try to steal their way to a better life; others' character is strong, and they are willing to work hard for a better life.


I am thinking along those lines too. I just cannot imagine ever resorting to stealing someone else's property, but then again, I've never been in so much need that I've ever had to consider it either. If I were that desperate and couldn't find any work at all, I think I would beg on the side of the road for spare change before I could ever steal from someone.

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Wow, we were just talking about the rise in theft this past weekend. I live in Mexico, so I am not sure what the numbers are, . They aren't exactly big on numbers or all that open about it here. Any how, dh and bil were talking about how there has been a rise in car theft where we live. It has always been a problem in this country, and is one of the reasons why many people have beaters they drive around in, even if they can afford something newer. It seems those aren't safe anymore either though. I guess, people steal them and sell them directly to junk yards as scrap metal.:confused:


Maybe theft rings aren't paying what they used to.




That's horrible. I just can't imagine going out expecting to find my car and it's gone. :(

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It seems those aren't safe anymore either though. I guess, people steal them and sell them directly to junk yards as scrap metal.:confused:




A guy from dh's work had his beater stolen recently, the cops eventually found it, but it had been set on fire. It wasn't even sold for scrap.

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WE have actually had a decrease in crime here. Why? Well a burglar who had stolen from over 100 houses in our county was caught and is behind bars. Also, a out of state ring of burglars who was targeting South Asians was also caught.


What I don't like it that they leave packages but don't ring the bell. ALmost always someone is home.

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I would say yes - am currently working with a postal inspector to try and find out who in the local postal system is stealing gift cards from envelopes, iPods from Amazon boxes....(I have had TWO iPods stolen before they reached the house - one box was delivered into my hands empty and retaped along the bottom - the other was never delivered - online tracking shows the PO got the box...and it disappeared)

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Yes. Our formerly leave-doors-unlocked neighborhood has had a rash of thefts. Surrounding neighborhoods have been hit as well. These are car break-ins, home-entry; all when trusing people have left their places unlocked. The burgleries have taken place during the day and night, a sad commentary at so many levels.

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We have had convenience store robberies, a shooting in a Wal-Mart parking lot(leaving one person dead), an attempted robbery in a grocery store parking lot (in the middle of the day), several break-ins. It is awful. We were talking about this last night in church. It seems like the norm used to be people being nicer at Christmastime, but now you have to worry if you leave your presents under your tree that someone is going to come in and steal them. My husband wanted to take his dad out for a burger to celebrate his birthday, but then he decided it would be better not to be out after dark with a slow moving old man.

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Since I've moved to this city (in NY) my car has been rummaged through about once per week.


We used to have that happen when we lived in Jersey. Our car was being taken for joy rides, and in the morning we'd have to leave time to search for it on the street. Sometimes we found empty candy wrappers, empty cigarette packs, or the windows rolled down. Once I checked the odometer. They were putting 100 miles a night on that car! :confused: But they always brought it back in the morning. Heaven only knows what they were doing with it!

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According to our small town (less than 8,000 & we're the county seat), police blotter report in the paper, yes, there has been an increase in theft and robbery. And drunk driving. And domestic abuse. The depressed economy in our area has really increased illegal activity. :(

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A guy from dh's work had his beater stolen recently, the cops eventually found it, but it had been set on fire. It wasn't even sold for scrap.


That's horrible! Why would someone do that? What do you get out of hurting someone like that? All you do is inconvenience and other person, who probably really needs the car and the money they will loose in the process. I just don't understand that.:confused:



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I think this is what happens to those with a sense of entitlement who are using to *having* when the economy forces them to do without. Kids and adults are spoiled rotten and I can imagine that with that attitude they'd be willing to steal. (I don't think every rich or spoiled kid whose family is having to cut back a lot is automatically turning to robbery, of course. I just think that there are more people *willing* to steal in hard times and the sense of entitlement may have something to do with it.)

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Well, I know it's not a new crime. My DH, who is a wonderful man now, was stealing packages off porches 20 years ago, when he was a young teen. Thankfully he and his friends grew up and developed a better sense of right and wrong.


We had a box of checks stolen from our mailbox about 15 years ago, by some teenage/young adult men. :glare:That was a huge hassle for us. I'm glad your husband turned out well. :001_smile:


It is sad to think of people stealing packages from porches, but I guess it doesn't really surprise me.

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I will never understand people who are willing to hurt other people that way. We always had crime problems in our old neighborhood. We had to replace windows on our cars annual because people would smash a window either just because they could or to break in and steal things. I'd always wondered if they had even a glimmer of thought about the stress and financial hardship they were about to cause our family before they did it? We had packages stolen from our porch several times; once it was an outgoing package so we had to replace it for the buyer, making the loss to us double. The thefts and vandalism always made me feel angry, helpless, and hopeless.


Not long before we left, we started having a string of daytime break ins and attempts in our neighborhood. One neighbor had an attempted break in while her teenage son was in the shower. It happened right after she left, she they had obviously been watching her. They did get into her garage and steal some expensive stuff from there (bikes, generator). Another neighbor was broken into during the day; he came home to see them on their way out. Our drug dealer neighbor had an armed home invasion robbery two weeks before we moved.


This stuff was all happening before the economy, though, maybe it was because we lived in a lower income, "bad" part of town. Some areas didn't see it because they weren't economically depressed yet.

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The people on the corner here who were burned out a few weekends ago, have been having a terrible time. Thieves are raiding the construction supplies and every morning the contractor finds supplies missing. We live 10 miles from the nearest state police post and have no city police as we are a township with no funds. So, unless someone sees it happen and a squad car just happens to be fairly close by, nothing is done. The insurance company keeps tabs on how much was taken.


I am a little scared because this is very much a "if the law won't take care of it, then I will" kind of community and everyone is armed for Iwo Jima! I would not be shocked to hear that the men in the neighborhood are going to stake out the site with arms at the ready.


What we are seeing a huge increase in mostly though is crime related to drunkeness...bar brawls, DUI's, two guys get into a fist fight after drinking too much on their front porches, etc. We've got a VERY high unemployment rate and it seems that a higher number of individuals are burying their sorrows in alcoholism.



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Wow. I have just read every single one of your replies (thank you ladies :) ). This is really disheartening. I just can't help but wonder at what point does a human being become so fractured that they can actually commit such crimes and offenses to others and enjoy it even as in some of the cases listed here. It really boggles my mind. My default position is to think it has to do with drugs because I know an addict will do just about anything when they are desperate for a fix, but I really wonder if these cases are all drug related?


Some of your answers give me a mental picture of like these dregs of society coming out like zombies from under their rocks to prey on the people who actually are participating in life and in the world. It just fills my heart with sadness.


Reading your responses recalled to my mind a recent conversation that was going on at a ladies leadership meeting at my church. A lot of the ladies there live in well-to-do neighborhoods and they were talking about the increase in crime in their neighborhoods and how many people were getting robbed. But they weren't just break in/smash and grab type of thefts, they were armed robberies and some people had actually gotten killed. Some of them were pretty sophisticated in plot even, people dressing up as UPS men and when they opened the door rushed in with all guns blazing. Crazy stuff. I remember how shocked I was when I heard that. I just couldn't believe it. I live in a poorer neighborhood and we hardly had any burglaries oddly enough. I always figured we just didn't have anything that anybody would want to steal, but it seems as if it has caught up to us too. :(

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I've seen an increase in burglary and robbery reports in the local news. I've also seen an increase in the number of adults and teens going door to door offering services - leaf raking, rain gutter cleaning, and now snow shoveling. The economic situation just magnifies people's character. Some people's character is weak, so they try to steal their way to a better life; others' character is strong, and they are willing to work hard for a better life.


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Our local free paper had an editorial this week about the increase in crimes around the holidays. They contributed it to more people having packages in their cars, more crowds and people being distracted. The police blotter page had about 4 crimes listed for the area - a wallet stolen from an unlocked car, 2 DUI's (no accident, cops saw them driving erratically) and one marijuana possession.


The town I live in is 8 square miles, population of under 5,000 and has 13 full time and 4 part time police officers. It is not at all uncommon to see 2-3 police cars driving around at any time. They answer a lot of calls to scare away bears.

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