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UPDATE on Impish!!!

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Hey Imp!!! I am so glad you were able to get out of the house, even if it was only for a little bit. You have such a great spirit about you , and still have that ability to make me laugh even when you are in pain. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Get lots of rest!!!:grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks everyone.


There are times when I do get on and just read the site, but don't respond. Usually because I can barely *read* it, let alone type. So please, don't think that I'm being a snot or anything, ok?


Was feeling good enough to go to Walhell with SpecialMama last night.


And it was wonderful, had a good time, got home...and BAM! Hit the wall. Talking pain shooting up, swaying, I think Karyn even said my colour went too. Took meds, went to bed.


Laid there for 2 hours. Got back up, went downstairs. Wolf was just going to bed.


I sat down on the couch, flipped through a few channels...and the next thing I know, Wolf's standing in front of me, saying, "Time to get up, Party Girl" :001_huh:


So, got up with him, having had no memory of falling asleep at all. Made his lunch, and he made his specialty, oatmeal. When I make oatmeal, I measure everything. He just eyeballs it, measures it by fist fulls...and his is always superior to mine.


Add oatmeal to the list of things I can eat!!! Wooo hooo!


After he left, I sat down on the couch. Bad idea. Kids are waking me up, and I tell them to go ask Daddy. They inform me that its Monday. I say, "So??" My five yr old patiently explained that Daddy works on Mondays. *facepalm*


Thank God that Karyn showed up with Timmies not long after. Jet fuel. Yummy.


Now to keep moving so I don't pass out again.


And a bad note: I don't know what is going on, but the dentures are causing me so much pain in one area, I almost cry putting them back in. I see the denturist tonight.

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Just letting you know I'm thinking of you and and yours. I am sorry you are still hurting so much. I wish you could have a day of bliss. Pain is so exhausting all by itself, it is so much harder when you are trying to heal at the same time.



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Taking it easy is beyond my mortal control. Doing Xmas crafts with the kids...normally I'd be baking by now, and haven't...So feeling behind already.


Not to mention the shopping I should have done...Makes me wanna cry.


I think I've pushed too far. I hurt more, and feel like I'm running a fever despite the antibiotics I'm on. Dunno if its activity level that I pushed too far, or trying to eat something other than pudding...but I'm paying for it now. :crying:

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Taking it easy is beyond my mortal control. Doing Xmas crafts with the kids...normally I'd be baking by now, and haven't...So feeling behind already.


Not to mention the shopping I should have done...Makes me wanna cry.


I think I've pushed too far. I hurt more, and feel like I'm running a fever despite the antibiotics I'm on. Dunno if its activity level that I pushed too far, or trying to eat something other than pudding...but I'm paying for it now. :crying:


From one person who has to take it easy or end up in the hospital to another, it is not beyond your mortal control. You do not have to bake. There are bakeries in Canada. It may not be your tradition or mine, but this is what we have to do this year. Make a bakery list - not of ingredients but of finished products. Give it to Wolf or whoever else shows up on your doorstep wanting to help.


You do not have to go out to shop. This is why God allowed online shopping.:) PM me if you need me to look up something online for you. It's not my forte but I will do it for you because I can manage sitting at a computer better than you can right now.


:grouphug: I know it is tough. I'm living it even though the details are a bit different. We can do it but we have to be reasonable with our bodies. If family members get bent out of shape, tough. (I had to tell that to my dad this morning - I'm doing my best to get things to them but they need to be gracious too.)

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No, shopping online would require a credit card with a higher limit than what mine has :lol:


I know this sounds insane, or whiny, or insanely whiny, but RSD has taken so much from me now...I'll be da*ned if it takes Christmas too, you know? *foot stomp*


I feel mutilated. I do. I feel like I paid someone to mutilate me. In my head I know all the right reasons, so its not that I don't know the sensible thing here...its that my heart isn't following, and being a complete tool about the situation. *sigh*

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No, shopping online would require a credit card with a higher limit than what mine has :lol:


I know this sounds insane, or whiny, or insanely whiny, but RSD has taken so much from me now...I'll be da*ned if it takes Christmas too, you know? *foot stomp*


I feel mutilated. I do. I feel like I paid someone to mutilate me. In my head I know all the right reasons, so its not that I don't know the sensible thing here...its that my heart isn't following, and being a complete tool about the situation. *sigh*

I can very well imagine it does feel that way. :grouphug:


I'm keeping up with your adventures and praying for you. But life hasn't been conducive to much computer time over the past 3 days. Stay strong.

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From one person who has to take it easy or end up in the hospital to another, it is not beyond your mortal control. You do not have to bake. There are bakeries in Canada. It may not be your tradition or mine, but this is what we have to do this year. Make a bakery list - not of ingredients but of finished products. Give it to Wolf or whoever else shows up on your doorstep wanting to help.


You do not have to go out to shop. This is why God allowed online shopping. PM me if you need me to look up something online for you. It's not my forte but I will do it for you because I can manage sitting at a computer better than you can right now.


I know it is tough. I'm living it even though the details are a bit different. We can do it but we have to be reasonable with our bodies. If family members get bent out of shape, tough. (I had to tell that to my dad this morning - I'm doing my best to get things to them but they need to be gracious too.)


No, shopping online would require a credit card with a higher limit than what mine has :lol:


I know this sounds insane, or whiny, or insanely whiny, but RSD has taken so much from me now...I'll be da*ned if it takes Christmas too, you know? *foot stomp*


I feel mutilated. I do. I feel like I paid someone to mutilate me. In my head I know all the right reasons, so its not that I don't know the sensible thing here...its that my heart isn't following, and being a complete tool about the situation. *sigh*




I hear you -- yes, rsd has taken so much from you - I know that - in fact dd30 and I were talking about it on Saturday night. But, Imp, you have to look around at the here and now, and with all that you are feeling (everything of which is totally valid and totally real) make things the way they 'can' be now.

And, all that being said, you have to give yourself the opportunity to heal and rest from last week's ordeal. Please be kind to yourself.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I am praying for you --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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From one person who has to take it easy or end up in the hospital to another, it is not beyond your mortal control. You do not have to bake. There are bakeries in Canada. It may not be your tradition or mine, but this is what we have to do this year. Make a bakery list - not of ingredients but of finished products. Give it to Wolf or whoever else shows up on your doorstep wanting to help.

... We can do it but we have to be reasonable with our bodies...


I hear you -- yes, rsd has taken so much from you - .... But, Imp, you have to look around at the here and now, and with all that you are feeling (everything of which is totally valid and totally real) make things the way they 'can' be now.

And, all that being said, you have to give yourself the opportunity to heal and rest from last week's ordeal. Please be kind to yourself.


Preach it, ladies! I've tried and failed miserably. She's a firecracker, that one! :lol: Stubborn as a mule! But man, has she got a beautiful smile! :001_smile:

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Preach it, ladies! I've tried and failed miserably. She's a firecracker, that one! :lol: Stubborn as a mule! But man, has she got a beautiful smile! :001_smile:


Yeah - RoughCollie says I'm stubborn as a mule too. But unfortunately if you overdo, there are those natural consequences. I hate those natural consequences!


Imp: Don't make me come up there!!!!!!!:toetap05:


And, Karyn -- yes, anyone who was up and about two days after having that surgery and talking on the phone -- Imp is an incredibly strong woman!!!!!!!!!!! And, I am so glad to hear about the smile!:D But I'm afraid, Karyn, you are have a tough nut to crack there!;)


IMP: BEHAVE!!!!!!!!:tongue_smilie:


And, Jean knows whereof she speaks! Listen to her!;)

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Thanks everyone.


There are times when I do get on and just read the site, but don't respond. Usually because I can barely *read* it, let alone type. So please, don't think that I'm being a snot or anything, ok?


Was feeling good enough to go to Walhell with SpecialMama last night.


And it was wonderful, had a good time, got home...and BAM! Hit the wall. Talking pain shooting up, swaying, I think Karyn even said my colour went too. Took meds, went to bed.


Laid there for 2 hours. Got back up, went downstairs. Wolf was just going to bed.


I sat down on the couch, flipped through a few channels...and the next thing I know, Wolf's standing in front of me, saying, "Time to get up, Party Girl" :001_huh:


So, got up with him, having had no memory of falling asleep at all. Made his lunch, and he made his specialty, oatmeal. When I make oatmeal, I measure everything. He just eyeballs it, measures it by fist fulls...and his is always superior to mine.


Add oatmeal to the list of things I can eat!!! Wooo hooo!


After he left, I sat down on the couch. Bad idea. Kids are waking me up, and I tell them to go ask Daddy. They inform me that its Monday. I say, "So??" My five yr old patiently explained that Daddy works on Mondays. *facepalm*


Thank God that Karyn showed up with Timmies not long after. Jet fuel. Yummy.Now to keep moving so I don't pass out again.


And a bad note: I don't know what is going on, but the dentures are causing me so much pain in one area, I almost cry putting them back in. I see the denturist tonight.


Ah, my Canadian girlfriends! :lol: I love you girls! I am glad Karyn was able to be with you.


You know, I can see Canada from my son's hockey rink! I could probably see it from my house if Bflo wasn't so darn flat.


Impish, hang in there. I'm praying and praying. :grouphug:

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Ok, lets see here:


If it makes folks feel better, I'm going to bed either before the Littles or with them. I even try to nap during quiet time. So I'm about as 'slowed down' as I can be.


Mariann, I snorted at the 'behave' comment. :lol:


I saw the denturist yesterday. He's pleased, said I'm healing well. He made a small adjustment, b/c it was to the point that I was in tears taking them out and putting them back. Also gave me some numbing cream to put on if stuff like that starts up again. It'll be another 6-8 wks before he can make a 'big' adjustment, but said anytime I run into trouble, have questions, that he'd be more than happy to help, he didn't want me in pain waiting for the 6-8 wk mark.


I know its thanks to all of you, your prayers that I'm doing so well. Thank you. Thank you, thank you! :grouphug:


I'm thinking that cookies need to wait another week. Or they won't make it til Christmas!

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Karyn is right -- you are a firecracker!!!!!!:001_smile:


I am so pleased to hear that the denturist appt went well. Still praying for relief and everything else that is on our list for you.:grouphug:


I'm in NJ this week (THIS is not a knock on NJ -- I was born in Newark and raised in Essex County and lived in Morris County for years) - but boy there truly is NO PLACE LIKe HOME!


I am mostly just 'here' and doing what I can to help Stacey and Mario and Allison and Emily. And homeschooling, and FREEZING!!!!! IT IS SO COLD HERE!


I will pencil Imp in for next week --:auto: -- you've been warned -- and I'm going to swing by NH and bring Denise with me!:D So look out! You better get with the program, girl! And, Denise and I will bake cookies (slice and bakes, right?:D).


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all -- I'm not on much while we are here b/c there is so much to do but you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I will update on stacey in another thread - but she is doing well and clearly being uplifted in prayer.

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I'm glad to hear that your denturist is doing his best to help you be as comfortable as possible -- although I know that right now, "incredible pain" is about your comfort level. :(


I hope you start to feel better soon. The pain must be terrible, and I'm sure you're exhausted.



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Please also pray that the woman will eat/drink. I had to threaten her. She was politely not impressed :lol: but she seriously needs nourishment. She hadn't had anything substantial all day. I called today and her dh was making her porridge which is a good start. Please pray she will get the nourishment her body needs in order to fight the fever.

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