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So Dh's work puts out a new organizational chart and he's not on it. What?!

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Is this the new way to layoff folks? On a Sunday evening?


He checked his email at the hotel after the funeral visitation and discovered that he's no longer a manager and is left wondering if he's even employed.


This isn't a huge surprise with the myriad of layoffs during the past two years.


Anyway if you're placing bets do you think he's still employed (moved to another position) or unemployed?


After this weekend's trip, funeral for my uncle, Thanksgiving guests cancelling on account of "already seeing you" at the funeral, and negotiating hillbilly family politics I've got to make this into a funny or I'll be checking into the nut house.


Truly feels like the future is depending on somebody I don't know flipping a coin.

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Is this the new way to layoff folks? On a Sunday evening?


He checked his email at the hotel after the funeral visitation and discovered that he's no longer a manager and is left wondering if he's even employed.


This isn't a huge surprise with the myriad of layoffs during the past two years.


Anyway if you're placing bets do you think he's still employed (moved to another position) or unemployed?


After this weekend's trip, funeral for my uncle, Thanksgiving guests cancelling on account of "already seeing you" at the funeral, and negotiating hillbilly family politics I've got to make this into a funny or I'll be checking into the nut house.


Truly feels like the future is depending on somebody I don't know flipping a coin.


Forgot to add there was a merger a couple months back. He called his manager and supposedly she was completely shocked too and didn't know what's up.


I can't talk with him until this evening so hmmmmmm...... glad there's no homeschooling planned today cuz I'm gonna clean, clean, clean, clean something!

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I'm thinking it's a misprint. I can't imagine any company being callous enought to layoff someone that way.


Too bad I don't live closer if you're in a cleaning mood. I'd love some company and I'd offer plenty of hot chocolate!

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:confused::confused::confused::grouphug::grouphug: Hope it was simply a miscommunication, a heart wrecking miscommunication. Wow?! I've seen cold. I worked in a building in the 90s where the company above us had the new owners come and in and told people when they were at their cubicles who had a job and who didn't. They had to pack up immediately if they didn't.


But in a chart? That's just cowardly.

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I wouldn't be shocked if they are letting him go and this is his way of finding out. DH's s.o.b. company just has the manager go into the employee's cubicle on Friday after the employee leaves, gather up their personal effects, and put it in a box, take it to FEDEX and pay for Saturday, Next Day air delivery to your home. You get a memo in your in-box on Saturday telling you not to come to work on Monday and that your personal effects will be arriving soon. Well, not all of them. The managers, no joke, keep whatever personal effects you have that they like. Dh has seen managers who keep a collection of coffee mugs as if they are trophies representing people they've fired. Sick, sick, sick....


The other method is that people will get a letter delivered on a weekend by currier, stating that they should not come to work on Monday and that their health benefits are being terminated in seven days unless they choose to pay cobra.


I hope it's a mix up but I would not be shocked if it wasn't.




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I know a guy that this exact scenario occurred. He was let go a couple of weeks later.


He had a 'spy' in the front office that faxed him the new draft ORG chart, w/o his name or position on it, and he used the few weeks to start looking for new work. The day after the chart was 'officially' released, his boss called, had him meet up at the airport (the home office was many states away), and the new boss handed him his last paycheck, his last earned bonus, and his severence check...and collected his company computer...


It was a different era economically...he had a new job the next day.


Hoping that I'm wrong...

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If it's any consolation, dh's company is going through closing one facility, restructuring, and spin-off. One week dh is reporting to one boss, and the next week he is reporting to another. One week he is not on the org chart, the next week someone calls to ask him for a picture for the org chart, and he has a different assignment. After months of this, I have resigned myself to accepting whatever comes. He's working hard and receiving kudos for his work. There is nothing more he can do in terms of his current job, and we know the Lord has a plan. We have discussed the game plan if he loses his job. These are difficult times for many people. A time for prayer and compassion.

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If it's any consolation, dh's company is going through closing one facility, restructuring, and spin-off. One week dh is reporting to one boss, and the next week he is reporting to another. One week he is not on the org chart, the next week someone calls to ask him for a picture for the org chart, and he has a different assignment. After months of this, I have resigned myself to accepting whatever comes. He's working hard and receiving kudos for his work. There is nothing more he can do in terms of his current job, and we know the Lord has a plan. We have discussed the game plan if he loses his job. These are difficult times for many people. A time for prayer and compassion.


Yes, and yes. It's just very hard on the morale. We need the severance package or we'd have put plan B rolling.

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Is the OC missing just his job title, or actually his name? It's possible his job has been retitled.


I do hate that this - the holiday season - is the time of year when companies do this type of dirty work.


No. The org. chart is by the type of work being done and the names of the division leaders, unit manager, and worker bees for each area. His area of work is on the chart but not his name. He was one of three managers and there are three managers listed. But not his name.

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I was once asked to put together an org chart and presentation. Guess who wasn't on it? Yep, me. I asked about it and was told, "We're not sure we need you and your job." I said, "Fine. I'm going home. Call me if you decide you need me."


Heh heh heh. They called within 2 hours. This was a long time ago, and no one else in the 100 person company could use the software to make the slideshow and org chart. :001_huh:


Hoping your dh does still have a job! :grouphug: If he does, I'd take it as a heads up that perhaps his job function was "up in the air" at some point in the discussion, and make plans accordingly.

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I was once asked to put together an org chart and presentation. Guess who wasn't on it? Yep, me. I asked about it and was told, "We're not sure we need you and your job." I said, "Fine. I'm going home. Call me if you decide you need me."


Heh heh heh. They called within 2 hours. This was a long time ago, and no one else in the 100 person company could use the software to make the slideshow and org chart. :001_huh:


Hoping your dh does still have a job! :grouphug: If he does, I'd take it as a heads up that perhaps his job function was "up in the air" at some point in the discussion, and make plans accordingly.

WOW! Although I'd have been tempted to ask for a raise, bonus, and/or additional vacation days before agreeing to go back.

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Forgot to add there was a merger a couple months back. He called his manager and supposedly she was completely shocked too and didn't know what's up.



If he is in fact being laid off, it's strange that his manager isn't aware of it (unless she is aware, and just isn't admitting it).


My last two years in the corporate world, I handled about 25 layoffs (I had to lay off my entire department, and was then laid off myself). New org charts were created, but were NEVER released until the individual/s removed from them had already been notified. I must say though that my company handled layoffs extremely well in our case - we knew about a year in advance, we were given the criteria for which positions/skill sets would be laid off/retained, there was tons of communication all along, and generous severance packages. Perhaps not your typical layoff.


I hope this was simply a mistake (they do happen) or that your DH's position has been moved and will show up on another org chart. If he is being laid off, :grouphug: and I hope this leads to something much better for him!

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No. The org. chart is by the type of work being done and the names of the division leaders, unit manager, and worker bees for each area. His area of work is on the chart but not his name. He was one of three managers and there are three managers listed. But not his name.


Ouch, that does sound bad. Sorry. I hope it was an oversight or that they mixed up a name or two.

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WOW! Although I'd have been tempted to ask for a raise, bonus, and/or additional vacation days before agreeing to go back.


It worked out. I quit after my next vacation and went to grad school full time. They hired me on as a contractor for a bit, and worked around my schedule until they finally figured the really did need the position and found a suitable replacement. :001_smile:


I hope it all works out fine for your husband soon!

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"He will move with his unit in the interim."


Huh? :confused:


Interim. How long? What then?


That's what the cluster manager had to say yesterday. Today he's called a meeting to discuss this with dh. Hope that doesn't mean he's going to "have a bad day."



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"He will move with his unit in the interim."


Huh? :confused:


Interim. How long? What then?


That's what the cluster manager had to say yesterday. Today he's called a meeting to discuss this with dh. Hope that doesn't mean he's going to "have a bad day."

:grouphug::grouphug: So cold, the day before Thanksgiving? :grouphug:

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Praying for you. :grouphug:


My DH got laid off in May and it was a huge shock! It couldn't have come at a worse time actually - I had been planning on quiting my job in a month or two to be a SAHM and we were in the middle of doing IVF (on his insurance of course). He hated his job though so it really turned out to be a blessing. We decided to start a business rather than having him look for another job and now I'm planning on giving my notice at my job in a few months. At the time it was really stressful but in the long run it turned out to be such a blessing.


Please let us know what happens. You're family will be on my mind today.

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Praying for you. :grouphug:


My DH got laid off in May and it was a huge shock! It couldn't have come at a worse time actually - I had been planning on quiting my job in a month or two to be a SAHM and we were in the middle of doing IVF (on his insurance of course). He hated his job though so it really turned out to be a blessing. We decided to start a business rather than having him look for another job and now I'm planning on giving my notice at my job in a few months. At the time it was really stressful but in the long run it turned out to be such a blessing.


Please let us know what happens. You're family will be on my mind today.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


Fortunately he's been invited to buy into my folks rental business. They've got 5 duplexes and a unit with multiple (10?) townhouses. They want to sell the multiplex and keep the duplexes for their own income. It's not an income generating business though but it is self-sustaining. More of an investment for our future than anything. The duplexes are paid for so that'd become my folks income. DH and I would manage the properties so my dad can "retire."


So DH'd still need a job for a while longer. But it is less expensive to live in that area of the country. Now with my uncle passing away and his wife wanting to move off the farm they rented from my folks there's a way for us to live there and work on selling our home. We'd take over the rent for that place. She'll move in the next 6 months after the dust settles. DH will get 7 months severance so it's not like we're completely dead in the water financially.


Plan B is just another job away. We do need a severance. The next 6 months are going to be a roller coaster ride. But you're right. In the end it will be for the best.

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I hope everything works out for you, and I admire you so much for making plans and taking action so quickly. It's so much easier to sit around and mope and feel sorry for yourself, and it's clear that you and your dh aren't doing that (although you definitely have good reason to feel sorry for yourselves and break out the good chocolate.)


What a rotten way for your dh to find out that he was losing his job!!!



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