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We finally watched Avatar

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So many people have told me they loved Avatar so we finally rented it. I have to assume that the special effects were REALLY good in the theater. It was very predicatable and the bad guy was so one-dimensional. Did it really look that good in the theater??

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So many people have told me they loved Avatar so we finally rented it. I have to assume that the special effects were REALLY good in the theater. It was very predicatable and the bad guy was so one-dimensional. Did it really look that good in the theater??


Nope. We read the hype, then spent the money to watch it in 3D Imax. Not a single one of the 5 of us (3 teen boys) felt it was worth it. We fell for the massive advertising just like bunches of other people. Usually we don't fall for advertising, but I suppose this shows we're human.


I'd have much rather watched it in 2D at the cheap theater or rented it as you did (just to know what all the talk was about). You didn't miss a thing IMO.

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I thought it was dumb & the acting stunk. Actually, I fell asleep. Hubby thought it was okay but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why it has so much hoopla surrounding it. We just rented it. We don't like 3D movies and rarely go to the theater.

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I recently saw it on cable and I felt the same way. While it held my attention and the science fiction was good enough, it was not any kind of original remarkable story - especially for science fiction of which I am somewhat of an expert. In fact - it was pretty much white people bad and greedy and blue people not.


But it was pretty to watch - I just can't imagine those people who were depressed because they couldn't go live on Pandora. Be-Zar. :001_huh:

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I enjoyed myself when I saw it, but I knew in the moment, it would be fleeting and forgettable. My mother saw it with me and raved and raved about how great it was. I was like, "Yeah, it was fun, I guess." She jumped all over me.:rolleyes: But my mother is well known for her over-enthusiasm for everything in the moment. I feel like in this case the whole nation just happened to catch that particular trait from her in describing this film.

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Yeah..you had to see it at the theater..in IMAX 3D to make it watchable, lol.


The effects were A++++ while the storyline was a C- (maybe even a D).


I just kept thinking..didn't we already see this..oh yeah, it was called "Fern Gully".



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It was basically Blue Pocahontas in Space, but the detail of the animation was pretty cool. :001_smile:


I didn't think of Pocahontas, I thought it was more Dances with Wolves--just as drawn out too. It was a beautiful movie, but I didn't see the appeal.:001_huh:

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I thought it was dumb & the acting stunk. Actually, I fell asleep. Hubby thought it was okay but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why it has so much hoopla surrounding it. We just rented it. We don't like 3D movies and rarely go to the theater.


:iagree:Could have posted this verbatim.

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:lol::lol: Oh yeah. You had to have SEEN the animation and special 3-D EFX on the large IMAX screen, tho'. That is what is amazing. I would never have rented it as it will look disappointing on the TV.


Hubby and I both agree with special EFX were "it" -- but the script and plot was very predictable. My teen son loved it (but he has no clue what a good movie is) and it made a great evening out. Personally, I was very upset (as a Native American) to see the stereotypical white man come in to save the native race. Like excuuuuse me? Could not the protagonist be ORIGINALLY Alien/Native and kick butt??? OMG. :glare:

Edited by tex-mex
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We went into the IMAX 3-D expecting a pathetically dumb story and fantastic eye candy. That's exactly what we got :-)

:iagree::iagree::iagree: That is the movie review in a nutshell. Gotta see in IMAX 3D for the full experience, tho'.

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Yeah..you had to see it at the theater..in IMAX 3D to make it watchable, lol.


The effects were A++++ while the storyline was a C- (maybe even a D).


I just kept thinking..didn't we already see this..oh yeah, it was called "Fern Gully".


I didn't think of Pocahontas, I thought it was more Dances with Wolves--just as drawn out too. It was a beautiful movie, but I didn't see the appeal.:001_huh:


Dh and I decided it was a cross between these two when we first saw it.

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So many people have told me they loved Avatar so we finally rented it. I have to assume that the special effects were REALLY good in the theater. It was very predicatable and the bad guy was so one-dimensional. Did it really look that good in the theater??


Yes, especially if you saw it in IMAX 3-D. I saw it again in Real 3-D and it was nowhere close to being as good, but the IMAX was STUNNING!!!!



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Sorry, I can't give James Cameron any of our money. I just can't do it.


No matter how "visually stunning" a movie is, if you can't watch it on a 13" screen and still get something out of it... I don't think you can say it is actually good movie. JMO. I can understand it being better in a theatre...but....


I am sure it will look just as silly as Titanic does now in a few years. That is what happens when you rely on a gimmick and technology over plotting and writing.


But, WTH do I know... I haven't seen it. :tongue_smilie:

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Sorry, I can't give James Cameron any of our money. I just can't do it.


No matter how "visually stunning" a movie is, if you can't watch it on a 13" screen and still get something out of it... I don't think you can say it is actually good movie. JMO. I can understand it being better in a theatre...but....


I am sure it will look just as silly as Titanic does now in a few years. That is what happens when you rely on a gimmick and technology over plotting and writing.


But, WTH do I know... I haven't seen it. :tongue_smilie:


It was a mind-blowing experience in IMAX 3-D. Kind of a dumb movie (and certainly a "derivative" one) otherwise, but being inside that world with the bright vivid colors, big screen, and smooth 3-D of IMAX was really something to experience. Honest.



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It was a mind-blowing experience in IMAX 3-D. Kind of a dumb movie (and certainly a "derivative" one) otherwise, but being inside that world with the bright vivid colors, big screen, and smooth 3-D of IMAX was really something to experience. Honest.




I guess we're in the minority here, but we felt we wasted money on it by going to an IMAX 3D to watch it and wished we'd rented it instead (just to be in the loop).


Maybe it's just that pretty pictures don't make a movie to us. We go to National and State parks to see pretty scenes, so anything man-made looks, well, man-made and certainly not stunning.


It's interesting reading everyone's thoughts and realizing how different we all are.

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So many people have told me they loved Avatar so we finally rented it. I have to assume that the special effects were REALLY good in the theater. It was very predicatable and the bad guy was so one-dimensional. Did it really look that good in the theater??


My husband and 9 year old son saw it in the theater. Neither of them thought it was even worth seeing!

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I disliked it for many of the reasons that have already been stated, but I did think it was an interesting psychological experiment. The film's purpose was to get the human audience to completely disassociate from their species and root for the aliens -- and for the majority of viewers, they were successful in accomplishing that. Hell, the propaganda was so good that some people even committed suicide after seeing the film.


I think that's a pretty telling theme for Western society today, wouldn't you say?

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I disliked it for many of the reasons that have already been stated, but I did think it was an interesting psychological experiment. The film's purpose was to get the human audience to completely disassociate from their species and root for the aliens -- and for the majority of viewers, they were successful in accomplishing that. Hell, the propaganda was so good that some people even committed suicide after seeing the film.

I think that's a pretty telling theme for Western society today, wouldn't you say?


I hadn't heard of that!

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Yeah, there was a bit of buzz going around about it shortly after it debuted in theaters. Here's one of many articles out there:


North American fan site 'Avatar Forums' has received 2,000 posts under a thread entitled 'Ways to cope with the depression of the dream of Pandora being intangible'..."After I watched 'Avatar' at the first time, I truly felt depressed as I 'wake' up in this world again."


And another one:



"I still don't really see any reason to keep doing things at all. I live in a dying world."


"I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora."





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My oldest son was disgusted by all the hype for it, and kept saying, "It's a planet of blue people! Who cares?!"


I hate 3D glasses - they give me a headache. I have no desire to ever see this movie.


But why does Titanic look silly now? I just watched it a couple of years ago and it was fine.

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My DS12 called it the most overrated film ever.


But he is 12, so he had limited experience. :D


Well, we agree with him and we've had a few more laps around the sun. BUT, we don't usually fall for the hype associated with movies, so there may have been others. I'm still rather displeased with myself that we fell for this one's advertising and are out the bucks we paid to see it in IMAX 3D.


Live and learn.

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