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pitcures of HS rooms/areas


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Thanks Judomom..for the fast response. I love the yellow color & the clothes pin idea. BTW why do you love your copier so much? I have an HP I DO NOT like, and will be in the market for a new one soon..so I'd love to know your pros & cons....I am considering putting a white erase board up but "technically" it's my dinning area..so I am afraid to commit to it being permanantly installed.



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Thanks Jenny...the many books resemble my stash..we have 9 floor to ceiling book shelves..that need major weeding..but I store them downstairs in our "old" schoolroom.we find we school upstairs in the living/kitchen/dining area..thus my reason for seeking ideas on organizing..and integrating school/home/home/school...while maintianing some order..thanks again


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Thanks Jessica I love your timeline, and the shoe pocket for art supplies..I think maybe if I took my teacup collection down I could replace it with chapter books! That was a great use of space visable yet out of touch!! We use TOg too so it was great to see how you set up your stuff..Do you use primary lang lessons in place of the write source books? Thanks again you guys aregreat & fast at responding..I am envious of those with everything in one space...


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Thanks Jessica I love your timeline' date=' and the shoe pocket for art supplies..I think maybe if I took my teacup collection down I could replace it with chapter books! That was a great use of space visable yet out of touch!! We use TOg too so it was great to see how you set up your stuff..Do you use primary lang lessons in place of the write source books? Thanks again you guys aregreat & fast at responding..I am envious of those with everything in one space...



I have the Writers Inc book but I'm not using it yet, we went from First Language Lessons to Primary Language Lessons. I do plan on using Writing Aids but I'm still unsure when it'll take the lead in our writing instruction, we plan on using Intermediate Language Lessons and possibly Writing Tales, but I'll be reading Writing Aids to see if there is anything in it that would be worth our time to cover.


After 4 years of living here, I finally got the room just the way I like it and we're moving! The fun part of moving is being able to make a new space ours. Good luck with your schoolroom!

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Scroll down on the left to January posts, then scroll allllll the way down (well, almost!) to see part of our school room. On the opposite side of the table area is an art area that I can show you if you want. The room is sort of in a T shape, with the art area, and Nature Girl's area forming the top, and the pool table and Film Buff's area is in the long part. There are two small rooms off the art area and NG's area, too--one is a workroom/storage, and the other is a workout room. It's a walk-out basement. In my newest post, I took a picture of the back of the house--you can see the little basement door by the playground.


More than you wanted to know! :001_smile:

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Thanks Judomom..for the fast response. I love the yellow color & the clothes pin idea. BTW why do you love your copier so much? I have an HP I DO NOT like' date=' and will be in the market for a new one soon..so I'd love to know your pros & cons....I am considering putting a white erase board up but "technically" it's my dinning area..so I am afraid to commit to it being permanantly installed.




I've had my copier for about a year now. I copy and print a LOT and haven't had any problems with it. Because it is laser, I don't worry about having to constantly spend big $ on inkjet refills and I don't have to go over to Kinkos to run copies because the cost to copy is about the same at home now (about 2-3 cents/page). So in essence, I love it because it has saved me time and money!

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Mine is in my blog. It is always a mess...LOL...as we use tons of books. While we are working...the little people house always ends up in the middle with 10 million pieces...and 9 horses and 1 giant horse...and 2 barbie jeeps...LOL. My dining room has been transformed. I totally plan on painting it some time...I just dont want to put forth the energy so it remains ugly blue and yellow.

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I do not have a school room. Just our dining room and mudd room... the office holds books and some supplies... but we dont have a "room". My husband offered to build us a school house out front, but I would rather be in the house than a different location.


Here is a link to my dining room/mudd room school. :D


Koinonia Academy Day in the life post This is from a few months ago... but the set up is the same....

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We don't have a dedicated room. We store things used daily on shelves in the kitchen, things used regularly on shelves in our "office" area, and everything else everywhere else. Any open table (we have two) or chair or floor or bed is a potential school area.


These are our more "organized" areas:



This is the main work area in the kitchen.



The maps live in the hall.



A lot of our "waiting 'til the next kid" stuff and reference books are in the office way. back. there. Plus, there is another table to spread out on in there.



And we have a bunch of books spread around the house. We need more bookshelves, though.



Sorry, they aren't the greatest photos. :glare:

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Are the cube bookcases from Ikea? Can you stack them if you wanted? I love your dry erase board! If we had our own place I'd make a whole wall just dry erase.


Nope not Ikea. Target $39 bucks each on sale and yes you can stack them if you want. They also come in a light wood tone if you don't want white and they sell fabric "baskets" that you can buy to put in them if you want for things like manipulatives etc. My "white board" is just a $10 tile board I had cut to 4' X 6' to fit the space I had. I then bought some little things from the hardware section that hold the screw heads so they are in a little recessed dimple. I then just screwed the board right to the wall. Luckily the people we rent the house from told me to go for it as they have a gallon of the paint they used in the garage for touch ups when we move.

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Oh, I love a thread like this! Everything is so wonderful!


Our house is most like Tutor's. We don;'t have a hs room, but we do have lots of things spead out around our home.


A b it ago, I noticed that my kids always seem memorize whatever poems I have posted in the bathrooms. :lol: I've taken to hanging maps and such there now.

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Are the cube bookcases from Ikea? Can you stack them if you wanted? I love your dry erase board! If we had our own place I'd make a whole wall just dry erase.


The ones from Target are cheaper, though IKEA makes similar ones. :-) I really like the Target ones because they stack. I have two 3x3 ones for toys--they make 2x4 and 3x3. The 2x4 can also be set on its end. I love the boxes. You can get them at Home Depot or Lowes, too--I forgot which.

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I love the white boxed shelves... where did you get those?? Everyone’s rooms are so nice..... Now I want to convert! lol


They are from Target. They also come in a light wood color as well. I really like them I just wish the cubes were slightly larger so that a binder can fit in them standing up, but we make due by just putting the binders on top instead.

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They are from Target. They also come in a light wood color as well. I really like them I just wish the cubes were slightly larger so that a binder can fit in them standing up, but we make due by just putting the binders on top instead.


I have those white bookshelves too!! I'm addicted to them! Their great in everyroom of the house. You can also buy bins that fit inside the cubes. I use the shelves and cubes with my dc's toys - they're great! I have one in our family room and I bought different colors:

dark blue - Dh

Light Blue - DS

Red - me

Pink -DD

When I find little toys like cars, pretend food, transformer parts or wires (dh) - I put it in their boxes and they get to put them away. --still working on this, though :tongue_smilie:

I also found a way to store workbooks - I buy those cheap magazine (cardboard) holders from Ikea (or anywhere you find them) and I cut the top to fit into the cubes. Now my workbooks easily fit and are categorized.


scroll down for the shelves they are on sale for 39.99:


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Here is our schoolroom (formerly a dining room). I would love to take the wallpaper down this summer and paint the room a nice shade of green or maybe blue. I'd also like to put up more posters, handwriting strips, etc. and change the chandelier out for a ceiling fan with lights. Oh - and I am headed out in the next week or so to get a table and chairs to replace that tiny card table!




My desk, the children's table, and whiteboard




One of two sets of bookshelves in the room. DH found these at a used furniture shop and paid $100 for all 4 pieces!!!




Better view of the whiteboard and children's table



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I tried having a room dedicated to Hsing but we always ended up at the kitchen table. We moved six month ago to a house with a back porch swing and this is where my kids love to do school. My ds9 is a Kinesthetic (sp?) learner and the constant movement of the swing has helped his concentration a ton. I keep a bucket ( one for each child and one for group lessons like history , devtional items etc..) We also turned our family room into what we call the Library. We added book shelves instead of a TV and are filling it with books. This is also where we keep the fish and the maps. I love the way we have things set up. It is simple and works great for us.





ds9, dd7, dd5, twin boys 2

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Thanks tutor, this is much more like what we have, the maps are where mine are down the hall, the coat closet is the school closet...microscope down the kitchen hall..table in dining room books in basement & scattered here & there..

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Here is our old school roomthis was at our last house, we moved in Feb and now our school room is also our dining room/breakfast room. I have yet to get it all together yet but am working very hard and it will be ready for next year. WE end school in tomorrow and I will revamp for our new school year that starts in July.:001_smile:



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Whatever works for you is the best learning room available. Even though we have a learning room, all our 4-H demonstration stuff is in the dining room, quail eggs we are hatching are in my dd's room, bibles and devotions in the den on the coffee table, etc. Getting the picture?


Anyway, it would make Martha Stewart faint but we have a learning home, not a residence where everybody leaves in the morning and comes home in the evenings. Our home really gets lived in and it resembles that comment.

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I have loved all of these, I'll try to take some of ours as well.


I see from these photos as well that homeschooling is pretty special. A large portion of us are educating our dogs as well, and a good percentage of us believe a chandelier in our classroom is essential. :D

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