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Some people are SO tacky!!!!!

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That's crass and inappropriate.


I have seen lots of shirts like that. Sometimes, I admit that they make me laugh. My favourite one says "Farmers... for when you need a good ploughing." I see it for sale every time we go to the feed mill. I so want to get it for my dh, but he'd never wear it. It's neither plaid, nor flannel.

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That's better than the barefoot shoppers I used to see in NC! Who goes to Wal-Mart barefoot? Gross!

Me. And my kids. Well, actually we don't have Wal-Mart, and if we did I wouldn't shop there, but we do shop barefoot sometimes. Bare feet are clean (provided they are washed regularly, of course) as well as healthier than shod feet. The necessity of wearing footwear to maintain hygiene is a cultural construction.

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The slogan is:


"My Mom is a MILF"


which, no matter how ya think about it is.....GROSS!!! :ack2::banghead:


Which is BEYOND STUPID because the "I" stands for... "I"! That means the baby is saying it in the first person! HELLO?! McFly?! Uh... did i just get riled up enough to use a 1980's Back To The Future phrase?


Going to have more coffee now.


<slinks back out of thread>




(I can't believe a LOT of these stories, people are nuts, I tell you. Nuts!!!!)

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Dh owns a t-shirt that says, "I am a great mother f---er" on the back. On the front it says, "Ask my wife." He only wears it for working on stuff around the house, but it's one of his favorites... Oh, and it says "f---er" (not the actual word), because that's just what I need my burgeoning reader to sound out.

LOL! Well, I wouldn't judge someone for owning that shirt and wearing it to... I don't know, the corner bar or something.


But for the love of peanut butter and jelly, don't wear it to a children's party! Please!?

No kidding!

They originated here in Hampton Roads VA, right along with those who go out to the store in a bathrobe slippers and hair in curlers.

:iagree:I've been there people, she's not joking.

OK, so I can't say anything redeeming about the OP's sighting, but let me share a quick couple of stories.


Story 1: Woman shows up to my house to babysit wearing a purple tank top. On the front, it says "Saturday Night Beaver." On the back, under her hair, is the logo that reads "P*rn Star."


Story 2: Woman shows up at my sister's high school graduation wearing leather pants so tight that they leave NOTHING to the imagination.


Kicker: This woman, in both cases, is my mother.




Of course, if we're talking mother "fashions" then that puts many of us in the dangerous situation of having our children decrying our own "fashion sense." My mom once wore purple velour pants with a hot pink sweatshirt, black crocks, and green and blue striped socks to a doctor's appointment. My sister had the honor of going with her that time. *snort* I was just sorry I missed it.

why would you wear that shirt??


Worst t-shirt I've seen in public read "if you are riding my @ss, you'd better be pulling my hair."

Dh bought me that bumper sticker.




He's so reading this thread tonight.

I saw that on a bumper sticker.

Ack :blush:

The slogan is:


"My Mom is a MILF"


which, no matter how ya think about it is.....GROSS!!! :ack2::banghead:

:iagree: (I was thinking the exact same thing as Nance)

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The slogan is:


"My Mom is a MILF"


which, no matter how ya think about it is.....GROSS!!! :ack2::banghead:



Yeahhhhhh... yeahhhhh.... again, nothing redeeming to say.


I don't see a ton of horrible T-shirts around here, thankfully, but UGH the bumper stickers!! And I know my son can read them, and my daughter's pretty close, so all I can do is mentally hope the questions don't follow.

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I saw some YOUNG kids, like barely teens, walking around wearing t-shirts that said something like "sl*t" or "who*r*" WHAT PARENT would allow THAT???


Dd goes to the public middle school across the street every day for band. This morning she came home and told about a t-shirt that a girl in her grade (8th) was wearing. "I HEART Boobies!" :001_huh: with the "I" and the picture of the heart pretty, um, strategically placed on the front of the shirt. This girl is one of the most popular girls in school (small wonder, that) and comes from an involved, educated household. Dd has known her since preschool.


I cannot BELIEVE that she wasn't sent home. Or maybe she was. Band was from 8:30-9:30 today.





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Dd goes to the public middle school across the street every day for band. This morning she came home and told about a t-shirt that a girl in her grade (8th) was wearing. "I HEART Boobies!" :001_huh: with the "I" and the picture of the heart pretty, um, strategically placed on the front of the shirt. This girl is one of the most popular girls in school (small wonder, that) and comes from an involved, educated household. Dd has known her since preschool.


I cannot BELIEVE that she wasn't sent home. Or maybe she was. Band was from 8:30-9:30 today.






There is a new breast cancer awareness campaign that uses that word in its slogans. I'm wondering if that shirt is part of the campaign?

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The slogan is:


"My Mom is a MILF"


which, no matter how ya think about it is.....GROSS!!! :ack2::banghead:


Ah, I see. In that case I have to agree with Nance:


Which is BEYOND STUPID because the "I" stands for... "I"! That means the baby is saying it in the first person!


:iagree:Double ew.


Dd goes to the public middle school across the street every day for band. This morning she came home and told about a t-shirt that a girl in her grade (8th) was wearing. "I HEART Boobies!" :001_huh: with the "I" and the picture of the heart pretty, um, strategically placed on the front of the shirt. This girl is one of the most popular girls in school (small wonder, that) and comes from an involved, educated household. Dd has known her since preschool.


I cannot BELIEVE that she wasn't sent home. Or maybe she was. Band was from 8:30-9:30 today.






I agree with Imprimis that it's a breast cancer awareness thing, but one can do breast cancer awareness without being suggestive.

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Best one: "Two for the pink, one for the stink." And a picture of a hand with ring finger pointed down, other three fingers up.


Some of you have laughing out loud while I cringe, but I just do not get this one. I'm not sure I really should want to know, but can someone enlighten me anyway?

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Some of you have laughing out loud while I cringe, but I just do not get this one. I'm not sure I really should want to know, but can someone enlighten me anyway?


From a fellow cringer IDK either but since most of these shirts are disgusting to me so I prefer to remain ignorant. BJ on a onesie, seriously sick and sad, IMO. This is one thread I regret opening, not sure why I did it twice.:tongue_smilie: I haven't seen any shirts like that around here. I'm putting my head back in the sand.


ETA- I guess I reply too slow. I have gained another nugget of knowledge from the Hive.

Edited by Happyhomemama
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It's called "the stinger" (I think), I saw something about it being one of those things kids did in the 70s to ruin pictures.


Ummm, that would be two where babies come from and one where... the sun don't shine, if you get my meaning ;)


It is called the Shocker. Apparently, the people at Wichita state are clueless....

Edited by Hathersage
Also a mascot for WSU.
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I am still astounded that people put up with this.


I have had people escorted out of malls for vulgar shirts and have no issue in facing people down when they behave in this manner.


It is not a laughing matter and symptomatic of the collapse of civility in our society. Having to explain shirts to my children raises my ire and I become a little less friendly than my normal affable self:-)

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From a fellow cringer IDK either but since most of these shirts are disgusting to me so I prefer to remain ignorant. BJ on a onesie, seriously sick and sad, IMO. This is one thread I regret opening, not sure why I did it twice.:tongue_smilie: I haven't seen any shirts like that around here. I'm putting my head back in the sand.


Never, EVER, visit the website "ugliest tattoos." :lol: I admit, I learned things I wish I'd never known existed.

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A former foster-daughter of my moms had a visit with her birthmom at her school one day. The mom showed up with a shirt that said something about her being a b**ch and proud of it. The office employees made her stick 'Hello, my name is:' stickers all over the front of her shirt to cover it up. :hurray:

Maybe you all should start carrying nametag stickers around with you.....just in case. :lol:

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I think that's something you're going to have to google, as I can't come up with any nice way to explain it.


Well I'm glad it was explained nicely, because I think most people wouldn't want to google some of these! LOL! If you think the shirts are bad, I'm sure the googling, and what you'd see and learn along the way to "define" the shirts would be worse! :svengo:

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Me. And my kids. Well, actually we don't have Wal-Mart, and if we did I wouldn't shop there, but we do shop barefoot sometimes. Bare feet are clean (provided they are washed regularly, of course) as well as healthier than shod feet. The necessity of wearing footwear to maintain hygiene is a cultural construction.


I'd love to go barefoot except for the broken glass, dirty diapers or substances that may well be puke in most parking lots.


Oh, and snow. That's a big deterrent here. :tongue_smilie:

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It is not a laughing matter and symptomatic of the collapse of civility in our society. Having to explain shirts to my children raises my ire and I become a little less friendly than my normal affable self:-)


I'm generally a "to each his own" type of person, but I, too, find it disturbing that some people think nothing of exposing others (including children) to unquestionably vulgar sentiments.

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I'm generally a "to each his own" type of person, but I, too, find it disturbing that some people think nothing of exposing others (including children) to unquestionably vulgar sentiments.



I am very much the libertarian and they can wear whatever they want in their house or in a club with a cover charge that caters to that sort of thing, but in public?


Vulgarity....no, and I know that debate about what constitutes vulgarity.


Political expression....go for it.

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I am still astounded that people put up with this.


I have had people escorted out of malls for vulgar shirts and have no issue in facing people down when they behave in this manner.


It is not a laughing matter and symptomatic of the collapse of civility in our society. Having to explain shirts to my children raises my ire and I become a little less friendly than my normal affable self:-)



Once we were in a family type sandwich shop in line to order. I noticed my dd turned around with her head at an angle like she was trying to make something out. When I look around I saw a man with a tee shiirt with f*** printed vertically like an arcostic. I can't remember what else it said, nor do I really want to. Anyway, I went up to the counter and complained. The answer I received was that he was a paying customer just as I was. I said wrong, that I was no longer a paying customer and walked out.


And to top it off the man with the shirt had the gall to wink at me.

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Life if more fun when you can laugh at stuff like this.:lol:


OK, so I can't say anything redeeming about the OP's sighting, but let me share a quick couple of stories.


Story 1: Woman shows up to my house to babysit wearing a purple tank top. On the front, it says "Saturday Night Beaver." On the back, under her hair, is the logo that reads "P*rn Star."


Story 2: Woman shows up at my sister's high school graduation wearing leather pants so tight that they leave NOTHING to the imagination.


Kicker: This woman, in both cases, is my mother.




(To be fair, in the case of story #1, she had no clue what it meant. My mother really is that naive. She's sweet, but she likes purple and just thought it was a really cute pun. She had never read the logo because it was a brand-new shirt. I quietly e-mailed her a link to 'beaver' in the urban dictionary a few days later. In the case of story #2, she had arrived in brand-new leather pants on the back of her boyfriend's motorcycle (she was newly divorced at the time). My sister and I got her out of the auditorium and talked to her after the graduation ceremony. We never saw either the shirt or the pants again. She now avoids anything like that unless she runs it by me and my sister first. I'm just grateful that she can be taught!)

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Well I'm glad it was explained nicely, because I think most people wouldn't want to google some of these! LOL! If you think the shirts are bad, I'm sure the googling, and what you'd see and learn along the way to "define" the shirts would be worse! :svengo:




THANK YOU to lionfamily1999 for explaining it as "nicely" as possible! If googled it, I'd probably never have recovered. :svengo:

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..I feel horrible for people like that. It breaks my heart. People of walmart makes me cringe with sympathy--that they're being made fun of, and because they may have no idea why what they're wearing is tasteless. They may not have the money, they don't have the education...


I can't get mad at them and I feel terrible for them. I would never embarrass them further by asking that they leave. That's too much like pointing and laughing and I couldn't even imagine how devastated I would be. I couldn't do it to another person.

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I can't get mad at them and I feel terrible for them. I would never embarrass them further by asking that they leave. That's too much like pointing and laughing and I couldn't even imagine how devastated I would be. I couldn't do it to another person.


There is a world of difference between tacky and vulgar.


I would never challenge anyone because they are wearing, say PJs at a store, but if you wear shirts with obscenities on them then absolutely I will challenge you, I will embarrass you, I will ask that you be ejected from the store and I will use you as an example for my children of some of the flotsam of society.


Do not decieve yourself, people wearing obscene tees know exactly what they are doing.


The only way to stop it is to challenge them.

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There is a world of difference between tacky and vulgar.


I would never challenge anyone because they are wearing, say PJs at a store, but if you wear shirts with obscenities on them then absolutely I will challenge you, I will embarrass you, I will ask that you be ejected from the store and I will use you as an example for my children of some of the flotsam of society.


Do not decieve yourself, people wearing obscene tees know exactly what they are doing.


The only way to stop it is to challenge them.


I think the shirts with all these vulgar logos are disgusting as well, but do you really think shaming and embarrassing someone, and showing your butt in front of your children, is the best way to handle it? Most people do not react well to that, and you are likely to get cussed out or punched in the face, at least around here. I believe you could discuss it with your children without resorting to challenging the offender.

Edited by Nakia
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I think the shirts with all these vulgar logos are disgusting as well, but do you really think shaming and embarrassing someone, and showing your butt in front of your children, is the best way to handle it? Most people do not react well to that, and you are likely to get cussed out or punched in the face, at least around here. I believe you could discuss it with your children without resorting to challenging the offender.


Generally I have my wife walk away with the children while I go up to said individual. I have yet to be hit and yes I do believe that confronting people is the best way. The problem with today's world is that we no longer do that.


Cut in front of me in line and I will challenge you.

Wear a vulgar tee and I will say something.

Use foul language in front of my children and I will say something.

Hit a woman and I will get involved.


This is, in my view, a societal responsibility.

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There is a world of difference between tacky and vulgar.


I would never challenge anyone because they are wearing, say PJs at a store, but if you wear shirts with obscenities on them then absolutely I will challenge you, I will embarrass you, I will ask that you be ejected from the store and I will use you as an example for my children of some of the flotsam of society.


Do not decieve yourself, people wearing obscene tees know exactly what they are doing.


The only way to stop it is to challenge them.











Edited by justamouse
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People are flotsam.





Some are, especially those who would knowingly wear some of the more offensive tees described in this thread.


Actually someone who would have a child wear clothes that say "My mom is a M**F" is not simply flotsam, they are scum.

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Generally I have my wife walk away with the children while I go up to said individual. I have yet to be hit and yes I do believe that confronting people is the best way. The problem with today's world is that we no longer do that.


Cut in front of me in line and I will challenge you.

Wear a vulgar tee and I will say something.

Use foul language in front of my children and I will say something.

Hit a woman and I will get involved.


This is, in my view, a societal responsibility.


As long as you realize that it is probably a very bad idea for a woman with her kids to challenge young men.

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..I feel horrible for people like that. It breaks my heart. People of walmart makes me cringe with sympathy--that they're being made fun of, and because they may have no idea why what they're wearing is tasteless. They may not have the money, they don't have the education...


I can't get mad at them and I feel terrible for them. I would never embarrass them further by asking that they leave. That's too much like pointing and laughing and I couldn't even imagine how devastated I would be. I couldn't do it to another person.


I'm with you in that I don't find the "People of Walmart" site funny or entertaining. I don't delight in laughing at someone because of what they're wearing. (I do understand some people enjoy the site because they like to people watch---not slamming anyone, it's just not my thing.)


And, I have no problem with tacky---after all, one person's tacky is another's high fashion.


However, I really think most people recognize vulgarity---and, imo, wearing clothing with overtly s*xual messages on them or with words that are universally recognized as obscene, shows a lack of respect for others.

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