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Does anybody else sneak to eat certain forbidden foods?

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I'm just not that 'in' to food, honestly. I can't think of any food that I love so much that I really care if the boys eat it.


I have been known to hide the one last beer in the back of the fridge, out of the reach of Dh's "scanning" range. It's not my fault if he isn't willing to exert the effort to really search, is it? :)

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Well, at my house it has nothing at all to do with forbidden food, and everything to do with the "locust phenomenon".


:lol: I have this problem too. I indulge in treats that my dc don't get, and I give them treats that I don't get. I can't afford for everyone to have their own candy/treat stash, and I wouldn't want my dc to have a candy/treat stash.


I relish having a moment of calm silence and eating something yummy in that brief moment of my day. Something that I want to eat when I want to eat it and how I want to eat it. Sometimes I just don't want to have to answer to the locusts.

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The second they see me eating candy, they ask me about it and want some for themselves (even if they haven't eaten anything decent all day, because they're being picky), and I can barely taste the treat because I have to answer questions while I'm trying to eat it.


I just want to have the 30 seconds for the chocolate to actually melt on my tongue without those precious 30 seconds getting derailed with a conversation. I get interrupted SO MUCH every single day, that sometimes I just want that half a minute of pure pleasure all to myself without ANYTHING spoiling it.


The candy isn't hidden, but I will palm a mini Butterfinger bar and take it with me to the bathroom or my bedroom and eat it in peace when they're not noticing.

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I relish having a moment of calm silence and eating something yummy in that brief moment of my day. Something that I want to eat when I want to eat it and how I want to eat it. Sometimes I just don't want to have to answer to the locusts.
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Well, at my house it has nothing at all to do with forbidden food, and everything to do with the "locust phenomenon". You have one eleven year old. I have three kids under the age of nine. Anytime I eat *anything* that they are not eating, they converge. Any time I turn on the television, they converge. Even if they've had a snack and I haven't. Even if they've had their screen time, and I haven't watched anything in days. And I do set standards, explain, rinse, repeat. But it's tiring. So yeah, sometimes I just wait until they are not around to put food in my mouth, because then I get to actually chew and swallow without answering questions about what I'm eating, where I got it, and how much there is even though the kids just freaking ate. They get treats. I bake. We buy little things. Stewart's usually gets us good during the ice cream sale, since we know everybody down there and they're competing to sell the most half-gallons. But they are just plain not entitled to sample or comment on every goldarn thing I eat, anymore than I would raid their stockings or Halloween stash without asking.


It is possible to indulge oneself in the act of being in the moment while eating something tasty without having a disorder, an unhealthy attitude toward food, or some sort of weird dualism with one's kids.



you are living my life!!!!

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Wow! Is it any wonder people have food hangups?


No, I don't sneak food. My bag of Jelly Bellys is mine. Dd has her own. So does dh. If I want ice cream in the middle of the day, I'll fix a bowl for who ever is home.


I also do not consider any food forbidden. Yes, we've eaten chocolate cake for breakfast, and pie for for dinner.


All things in moderation.



I've worked really hard to overcome an eating disorder and fix my relationship with food. I do not hide or sneak. I will serve my kids pie for breakfast if we have it. We will share an afternoon treat. I even share my favorite chocolate with my kids. I'm teaching be example how to make good choices and have a good relationship with food. If I need a stress releif break, I take a walk or sit outside.

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I avoided posting in this thread until now, but I will come clean. I buy Pringles, hide them in my bedroom and snack on them at night after my kids are in bed. They wouldn't last 5 minutes if I didn't.


My kids have plenty of their own snacks (healthy and otherwise), but I keep that one snack stashed away for me.

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I avoided posting in this thread until now, but I will come clean. I buy Pringles, hide them in my bedroom and snack on them at night after my kids are in bed. They wouldn't last 5 minutes if I didn't.


My kids have plenty of their own snacks (healthy and otherwise), but I keep that one snack stashed away for me.



Thank you for joining our "secret" society.

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Well, at my house it has nothing at all to do with forbidden food, and everything to do with the "locust phenomenon". You have one eleven year old. I have three kids under the age of nine. Anytime I eat *anything* that they are not eating, they converge. Any time I turn on the television, they converge. Even if they've had a snack and I haven't. Even if they've had their screen time, and I haven't watched anything in days. And I do set standards, explain, rinse, repeat. But it's tiring. So yeah, sometimes I just wait until they are not around to put food in my mouth, because then I get to actually chew and swallow without answering questions about what I'm eating, where I got it, and how much there is even though the kids just freaking ate. They get treats. I bake. We buy little things. Stewart's usually gets us good during the ice cream sale, since we know everybody down there and they're competing to sell the most half-gallons. But they are just plain not entitled to sample or comment on every goldarn thing I eat, anymore than I would raid their stockings or Halloween stash without asking.


It is possible to indulge oneself in the act of being in the moment while eating something tasty without having a disorder, an unhealthy attitude toward food, or some sort of weird dualism with one's kids.


:lol: :iagree:

Well said!

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Okay, I kind of get it now. But I've got to say I don't think it is ever something that I will ever do.


So to answer the OP's question. No, I do not have food hidden from dd or dh. On the other hand I do have a stash of chocolate, Twizzlers and Jelly Bellies that is mine and mine alone. Just as dh and dd do.

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Someone who does this, and there are quite a few of you, explain why. Is it the thrill of not getting "caught" by your children? Is it a selfish streak? Do your spouses know? How often does this happen? Is it like getting a fix or something?


Well, at my house it has nothing at all to do with forbidden food, and everything to do with the "locust phenomenon". Anytime I eat *anything* that they are not eating, they converge. Any time I turn on the television, they converge. Even if they've had a snack and I haven't. Even if they've had their screen time, and I haven't watched anything in days. And I do set standards, explain, rinse, repeat. But it's tiring. So yeah, sometimes I just wait until they are not around to put food in my mouth, because then I get to actually chew and swallow without answering questions about what I'm eating, where I got it, and how much there is even though the kids just freaking ate. They get treats. I bake. We buy little things.


I hide some things at my house just so I get a chance to actually eat them. I don't deprive my kids of anything I personally eat, but sometimes, a body just wants to have a little treat in peace and not find an empty container!


As I've already said, Wolf will surprise me with a treat now and then. Sometimes its a cinnamon bun for breakfast. Sometimes its an evening snack for both of us to share. He also will pick up a 3 pack of Lindor chocolates for me. I have 3 kids at home. Can you imagine the insanity if they realized Mommy had 3 pieces of chocolate? Even when they've just hoovered choc bars of their own, they're still vulture-eying my Lindor.


Some folks like a drink, a glass of wine. For us, its a little something sweet. My dh knows I'd rather have Lindor than flowers any day. Well, ok, roses are nice sometimes, but the kids knock over the vase constantly if its in the kitchen, if they're in my bedroom I never see them unless I'm going to bed/getting up...so, until the kids outgrow the racing around the house, "Lemme help! Whoops!" factor that is rampant right now, Lindor is preferred :lol:


Kids get everything here...Once in a while something just for the adults won't hurt them.

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You've waited a week to eat a Twix bar? I'm impressed. I'd last about 5 minutes, tops.


:lol: Dh brought it home for me and I forgot about it and then I wanted to wait till I could really enjoy it! He knows not to bring them home too often - I'm not a big sweets person but Twix bars are my weakness.

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I wrote my 1st reply half-way through this thing and it got eaten. :glare:(no pun intended)


Then I read the locust phenomenon post and that is EXACTLY what I experience at my house. And it is not just with treats. If I've been running around all morning, finally get their breakfast cleaned up and then sit down with some toast and tea the vultures start hovering demanding 2nd breakfast. Are you kidding? I just got finished cleaning up first breakfast and this kitchen is closed until lunch.


My 3 big reasons for not sharing treats


1. My kids don't eat their veggies and are very picky about their dinners. Their pickiness is in excess of normal kid pickiness. They get plenty of junk in plenty of other ways but I'm not sharing my after dinner treat with them. I ate my dinner thank you very much and I don't want to hear them whine about it and have to explain for the millionth time why they don't get a treat so I prefer they not know I have treats. :001_smile:


2. My kids are messy. I can graze on a bag of chips without getting one single crumb on the floor. It's a talent. ;) If I let my kids join me. Holy Cow!! The cleanup is not worth it.


3. Sometimes I feel like a bag of M&M's. It's been a hard day. I'm a little stressed. But I can't afford to buy 9 bags of M&M's everytime I need a little pick-me-up. So yes, I hide it from the vultures. :001_smile:


I'm so glad I'm not alone. I was feeling a little guilty. I think I was starting to forget all of the perfectly sound reasons to keep my snacks hidden.

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Absolutely. I want better for my dc, and I try really hard to set a good example, but I still have the horrible old habits my parents let me gather (because they were told if they let us eat all we wanted, we wouldn't have a desire for it... ha!)


I'm not selfish. :confused: :glare: It's not that I want more for myself. I could just buy more, if that was the case.

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Does anybody else sneak to eat certain forbidden foods?



They aren't forbidden foods by any means, but if I buy M&Ms or Hershey's Kisses I usually keep them in my nightstand drawer. So yes, I qualify as a hider.

My husband has a habit of standing in the pantry and eating every piece of candy he can find. If there is to be any chocolate around when I really want it, I have to keep it hidden.

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The second they see me eating candy, they ask me about it and want some for themselves (even if they haven't eaten anything decent all day, because they're being picky), and I can barely taste the treat because I have to answer questions while I'm trying to eat it.


I just want to have the 30 seconds for the chocolate to actually melt on my tongue without those precious 30 seconds getting derailed with a conversation. I get interrupted SO MUCH every single day, that sometimes I just want that half a minute of pure pleasure all to myself without ANYTHING spoiling it.


The candy isn't hidden, but I will palm a mini Butterfinger bar and take it with me to the bathroom or my bedroom and eat it in peace when they're not noticing.


This is exactly why I'll have my own little treats alone, nearly word for word (except I don't like Butterfingers--right now I'm cursing you all for introducing me to Nutella) :lol: The kids know exactly where the candy is, where the Nutella is. If they ask me for a spoonful, I'll most likely give them a tiny one. But sometimes I just want a treat in peace! It magnifies the pleasure of the treat exponentially. I don't know why!

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In this house, snack food is generally kept in the loft near the tv and anything in there is free to all on a first come first serve basis. I sometimes also have mine own stash but all the kids know where it is. They will ask before helping themselves though. If someone is going through a kick in which they prefer one particular snack then others will ask before eating that. If people move something to the fridge (say a soda or piece of candy) they will lable it so others know that it is their's and was put there to chill. People always ask before taking the last of something.


I did use to sneak off to KFC for chicken when the kids were younger and very ardent vegetarian's heavily influenced by PETA. They have become much more tolerant in the years since then so I can actually bring chicken home now if I wish. Somehow, it is less appealing this way. Previous, I could only get it when away from the children so anytime I was away from them that is automatically what I got. Now that I can have it anytime, I don't feel near as compelled to pick that everytime.

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If Mrs. Mungo can join in with the confessions, so can I.


I'm the lone carnivore in a house of vegetarians. (We have a sort of informal deal: dh gets to raise them vegetarian, I get to raise them Catholic.) Dd14 and dd7 always thought meat looked icky anyway. But dd3 is drawn to it and demands it if she sees me eating any, and has a little fit if I say she can't have it.


So I sneak my meat. What else can I do?


BTW when we're in the depths of Lent, dh is good enough to sneak his treats. Now and then one finds a chocolate bar wrapper wedged next to the driver's seat, but he's good about it.


The food-hiding family is the happy family! At least in our case.

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Someone who does this, and there are quite a few of you, explain why. Is it the thrill of not getting "caught" by your children? Is it a selfish streak? Do your spouses know? How often does this happen? Is it like getting a fix or something?



Maybe it has something to do with "forbidden food." The only thing we forbid is food with artificial sweeteners because there are members of our family that can not tolerate them. Is that the case? Is it like sneaking in peanut butter when you are not allergic to it, but one of your kids is?



Um, none of the above.

I absolutely do it here. The reason why? None of that drama listed.

If I didn't, I wouldn't get any, just as simple as that.

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So I sneak my meat. What else can I do?




That line made me literally LOL!


I sometimes hide snacks, but not often. What I usually do is wait until dd is at her dad's house, then I'll have whatever it is I want without having to share. Or, I'll buy it on the way to work and just keep it at work.


I do hide food that is meant for something specific because sure enough, my son will come grazing through and zero in on that and it's gone. I've taken to either hiding or labeling it with black sharpie, "DO NOT TOUCH!"

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If Mrs. Mungo can join in with the confessions, so can I.


I'm the lone carnivore in a house of vegetarians. (We have a sort of informal deal: dh gets to raise them vegetarian, I get to raise them Catholic.) Dd14 and dd7 always thought meat looked icky anyway. But dd3 is drawn to it and demands it if she sees me eating any, and has a little fit if I say she can't have it.


So I sneak my meat. What else can I do?


BTW when we're in the depths of Lent, dh is good enough to sneak his treats. Now and then one finds a chocolate bar wrapper wedged next to the driver's seat, but he's good about it.


The food-hiding family is the happy family! At least in our case.


OMGosh, I love this post!




It just tickles me.

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