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A facebook friend posed the question: Would you want to be a teenager again...

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NO WAY! My 21 year old is dating a young man whom she thinks will ask her to marry him. She's asking me if she should or shouldn't. I'm not even going there anymore. Been there, done that, and so glad it's over!! I hate the dating game.:lol:


But I love the answer your daughter gave. Awesome testament to you mom!

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Thats beautiful. I hope my kids have fond memories of homeschooling! I suspect they will have fond memories of parts of their childhood- they are very priveleged kids.


No, I would not want to be a teen again...but I was not a happy teen. If I knew then what I know now? Yes, that could be ok.

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I'm glad your teen's answer is the way it is. I'm opposite. I grew up with rote learning and the thinking I'm doing in college is frustrating me to tears some days. I miss having the answers in the book. My education classes are really big into constructivism and I'm just not good at taking in new information, mixing it with old knowledge to create a new understanding. All I create is more confusion! :tongue_smilie:


And there is no way on earth I'd go back to being any age younger than 28. That was when I started feeling like an adult with some smarts.

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What a lovely answer! Well done, Mama Faithe!


Personally, I would go back IF AND ONLY IF I could take along the knowledge I have now. Not book knowledge, or in the know-how-it-all-turns-out sense, just the experience of being able to think over things more deeply and make wise choices.


I was pretty well guided by approval seeking, unhealthy personal relationships and directions to the latest party. Lots of wasted time, that. Praying that my kids make better youthful choices than I did.

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I hope my kids will have fond memories of being homeschooled as well. (I worry sometimes that they will curse my name for giving them such an abnormal childhood that they couldn't integrate with society afterward...lol...)



As for me...no, I wouldn't go back. Not under any circumstances. You could not pay me enough. I still wake up some mornings deeply grateful never to have to be there again. Especially on those nights when I have dreams about it...shudder. Nope. No teenage-hood for me. (Have I said no enough times yet? :) I think I'll add just a few more for good measure. No. Uh uh. No way. No how. Not me. Nope.)

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I would kill to have my teenage body and metabolism back, but I would never in a million years want to be that age again.


OP, your dd is so sweet! What a wonderful answer. It must be nice to see all those years of hard work raising her pay off. Good job momma!

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What a lovely answer! Well done, Mama Faithe!


Personally, I would go back IF AND ONLY IF I could take along the knowledge I have now. Not book knowledge, or in the know-how-it-all-turns-out sense, just the experience of being able to think over things more deeply and make wise choices.


I was pretty well guided by approval seeking, unhealthy personal relationships and directions to the latest party. Lots of wasted time, that. Praying that my kids make better youthful choices than I did.


:iagree:That's my answer, too! Wouldn't it be wonderful to go back and do things RIGHT the first time around?!

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