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who's pregnant?!

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We are!!!! I am 15 weeks along and it has been one heck of a roller coaster ride for about 10 weeks-meaning I have been really sick, exhausted and asking myself "why did we do this?" :tongue_smilie: Now that I am starting to feel a little bit better, I am getting excited. This will be kiddo #5 and the entire family is looking forward to his or her arrival in March. Best of luck to everyone expecting or looking forward to future pregnancies. :grouphug: :001_smile:


Shannon in NC

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Me. We're still in shock, because this was so not in the plans.


This is me too. We are trying to sell the house and move. (All while feeling very nauseous) This was definitely not in the plans. Now we are praying that we get enough from the sale to cover a down payment on the new home, and help fund the "big van" that we will now need. YIKES!

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I'm due with our 4th and surprise baby Dec. 3rd. This time around I have felt the best throughout (minus the fact that vitamins have made me gag since before I realized (or admitted) I was pregnant through now). I eliminated dairy (already GF), which has made a huge difference in terms of acid reflux (now I only have very mild acid reflux at night that I can control with papaya enzymes). I'm looking forward to meeting Little Bean, but am still needing to buy so many things (we got rid of all our diapers and baby clothes when ds#3 out grew them thinking we were done).

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I'm due with #8 around April 11. I'm feeling fine--I don't really ever have many pregnancy symptoms, and I'm just a little more tired than usual, I'd say. Our first 4 were boys, but since we moved to VA, we've had 3 girls. So now the burning question is whether this baby will tie things up or not! I'm very ambivalent, LOL. We have plenty of stuff for either gender! : )

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#7 here, due "right around Christmas" I keep telling everyone, because I don't like due dates. But when figured out, my EDD is Dec. 21. But see, saying 'around Christmas' keeps me more positive, giving me a few days of cushion before I start feeling overdue. Ok, so, the entire last month and a half I feel 'done' and border on 'overdue' but anyway LOL

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So many expecting mamas! I am too. Baby girl is due around Chinese New Year next year - early February 2011. Although my previous two were planned, this baby is definitely a surprise baby! To a PP, I know how it feels to be shocked. I was. Now, at 20 weeks, I'm happy :)

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I am and due December 21st. I spent last night puking from whatever random illness I caught and I am pretty sure I have a bladder infection. So I am sitting here nauseous, uncomfortable, sipping on ginger ale while contemplating cancelling school for today.


I sure hope you cancelled school! Your student is only 5, right? No reason to do it at all if you decide not to. :D When I was pregnant with Schmooey, I had to give it up as a bad job before too long. The girls were 6 and 7, I think. No one died (because I stopped trying to fight with them about school) and they are still pretty well educated. ;)

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I am. It was a major shock because I just had a baby 11 months ago. Our last baby had a lot of complications, and I swore I would never have any more babies. Oh well....I am scared and excited at the same time.

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