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Christmas Dilemma ... American Girl or Target Our Generation?

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After a few years of getting the American Girl Dolls catalogue in the mail the girls have decided that's what they want for Christmas. The ones we have been looking at are Felicity and Elizabeth. Since they are being discontinued this will be our only year to be able to buy them. I'm only interested in buying one of the historical dolls, not the modern dolls since I think that's what makes the American Girl Dolls different from every other doll out there. It's going to be a tight Christmas and that will be our only present to them but I think they'll be okay with that. Here's the problem - the other day Sophia and I were at Target and she was looking at the Our Generation Dolls, which are $30 vs the $110 for an American Girl doll. She told me that she'd be okay with one of those dolls instead. The problem is that the Our Generation Dolls don't have any historical dolls and that was my main attraction to the American Girl Dolls, otherwise I wouldn't be looking at any dolls and instead get them stuff I know they'll get tons of play with like Playmobils and Legos.


Like I said earlier that if we are ever going to get them the historical dolls this would be the year because the only two dolls they like are being discontinued.


WWYD? American Girl Dolls or Our Generation or skip the whole doll thing and get something else?

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We own 2 of the Our Generation Dolls. So I can't even comment on the AG dolls. No, they are not historical, but you could get historical clothes for the OG Dolls if you wanted. The one thing about the OG dolls that I ddon't think is a real issue with the AG dolls is the hair. The hair of the OG dolls get pretty snaggled and icky (for lack of a better word), but if you keep them in braids or at the least pony tails, they aren't too bad.


Don't know if that helped or not...but my daughter LOVES her dolls.



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If you can swing it, I would get the AG doll. In our family the AG will be kept forever and I'm just not sure another doll would be the same. My DD got an AG doll last year for her b-day and MIL is getting her another one this year for a combo b-day/Christmas present. I wanted MIL to get this one for her because she will always remember "my Grandma gave me that doll when I was 7".

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I too love the historical AG dolls. They are the only ones my children want. Even my dd8, who does not usually play with dolls, loves and plays with her AG dolls. I just think they are special and my kids love them. I do not regret getting them. Dd8 is about to get Felicity for her birthday and I can't wait to see her face.

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Dh and I faced a similar dilema when the Samantha movie came out.

Dd was four years old at the time and we didn't want to spend $100 for a doll which a four year old was going to play with. I purchased a look alike doll at Hobby Lobby, purchased Samantha clothes on Ebay and viola!

Samantha has been much loved and cared for. The only complaint I have about the look alikes is the hair.

It is made from plastic and once it goes frizzo it's hard to tame back down.

This past year after reading Rebecca 1914 Dd asked for an AG doll.

Dh and I told her if she saved half of the money we would pay the other half as her birthday present.

Dd saved above/beyond what we asked so she was able to purchase Rebecca's accessories too.

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Guest TheBugsMom

We bought the Target doll last year and was perfect for what I wanted..to see if my dd really wanted a doll like this (not babydoll) and if she could handle dressing her without spending the $$ for the AG doll she was asking for. This is her favorite doll and plays with it constantly. Sadly the hair is a mess. No matter how much I comb it, it will knot up...even as I comb it. I have trimmed it, washed it, hoping this will help...nope. I try to keep it in a braid for now.


I am now willing to spend the $$ on an Ag doll knowing my dd will take care of it and play with it. So the $30 spent on the Target doll was worth it.

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We got my Daughter a newer OG doll for Christmas one year, and within less than a month her hair was matted and gross.


BUT....If you can find one of the OLDER Our Generation dolls on Ebay - they were much better quality than the newer ones.

We found one at Goodwill and it has held up almost as well as my oldest daughter's real American Girl doll.


Just for a reference...here is what the newer ones look like



and here are what the older ones look like


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We have two AG dolls - Emily and Molly. Both dds love them and have asked for another one this year. The hair on Emily is awesome but the hair on Molly is horrible. Its just like any other store bought doll. Its matted, tangled and frizzed and I can do nothing with it. I guess you're supposed to never take her hair out of the braids.:glare: I'm thinking of sending it in the "doll hospital" for some hair repair.

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You can find historic 18 inch dolls made by Gotz (Goetz is another way it is spelled). They are the same quality or better than those made by AG. Actually, before Mattel bought AG all of their dolls were made by Gotz. We have both and like the skin colorings of the Gotz better. Both have cloth bodies and wigs hair. I can find the Gotz for much less usually than AG - sometimes in the $40 or less range at Tuesday Morning or other outlets. The difference is that the Gotz doesn't have the books and other accessories that come with AG. We didn't like the OG dolls at Target or similar versions at other stores either. The plastic parts don't feel as nice, the hair on the cheap ones is terrible, and the bodies of the knock-offs are not always cloth.


If you just like the historical clothing, and you know how to sew, you can find lots of sewing patterns for 18 inch dolls by McCalls, Simplicity, Vogue, and others.

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We started out with an American Girl Bitty Baby given by grandpa. Then we found another Bitty Baby at the Goodwill for $2.50 in perfect condition. That said, her first doll was ruined quickly. Scuff marks on her head. Too many to count...over and over again, a new one every few days. The painted on hair does not last long when you have a young girl pulling her around close to the ground. She was too young for it. The second doll, found about six months ago when my daughter was six, is being cared for beautifully.


For her 7th birthday, she wanted an American Girl, Molly doll. We could not afford it. We opted for Target Our Generation. It was a good compromise. The hair is not optimal, but it's not nasty either. Again, I think it's how well you care for the doll. My daughter asks me to brush her hair daily. We use my daughter's hairbrush for fine hair and it's been fine. During the day her hair is down, and at night we pony tail it with the band that came with the doll. Again, it's not AG quality, but for the significant cost savings it has been worth it. She will have this doll forever. She really loves her and she is holding up well.


That said, now that I know that my daughter will take good care of her doll, I feel more comfortable in purchasing a more expensive doll. Her eighth birthday is my target and she will be well surprised. <g> We too, like the historical aspect of AG.


That said, Target's OG dolls are an reasonable, more affordable option.

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I would go for the American Girl doll. My daughter has several and it is the kind of doll that your daughter will pass on to her daughter.


Plus if you ever make it to New York City the American Doll store is a really fun place to visit and have lunch (with your doll of course).


Or Los Angeles. For my dd's 15th birthday a couple of years ago, we went to LA AG Place, and took two other 14yo girls with us. They all brought their dolls (that they had had since they were 8yo or so). It was so dang cute. :) It was a weekday, so the restaurant wasn't very crowded, but everybody else had very young children. One mom stopped by to say how sweet she thought it was that these teenagers would still bring their dolls to the cafe.


Gets me all teary-eyed to think about it.


All that to say - I think you should get the AG dolls if you can afford it. As others have said, they will probably have the dolls forever and they will have some great memories.

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If you can manage it, get the AG dolls. They are much higher quality and have the historical component which was a huge selling point for me. In fact, these are the only dolls DD has ever been interested in BECAUSE they have stories. Felicity is lovely! DD got her from my MIL for an end-of-school present this summer. We've been reading her series and doing a lapbook. The stories are beautiful and DD is learning a lot. We read a story for school a couple weeks ago and there were minutemen in the story. She said, "They had those in Felicity's time!" She also recognized the tea party in the story we read from some of Felicity's stories. If you feel these dolls will get a lot of play then the expense will be worth it. If you can't do it, maybe it's something the grandparents would be willing to do. As far as clothes and stuff, you can buy patterns and make your own, or buy reproductions on e-bay.

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Get the AG dolls, if you can afford it.


FWIW later, I have found the AG furniture to be JUNK. I buy wooden furniture for the dolls at craft fairs and paint it white. It's cheaper and holds up WAY better.


I agree on both accounts. The AG dolls and clothes are awesome, but the furniture is not. Also, the furniture and accessories from Target OG are worse.

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Thanks so much. Sounds like AG dolls it is.


On a lighter note - I told DH my dilemma and he looked at me like I'd grown horns. He explained that dolls were not his specialty. Luckily I had you guys to ask!

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If your girls would take very good care of it, you could get the AG doll; there is so much to go with them! But otherwise you could start with the other one, they could mess them up, and in two years if they are still interested, you could invest in the AG doll!

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Popping in late here, but I agree that the AG dolls are superior, as is the clothing, but the Target OG clothing is good, too. Sometimes the OG doll boots don't fit the AG dolls properly (or the OG dolls, either), but most of the outfits work well. Someone said they didn't like the OG furniture - the only piece we have is the closet (they call it the Our Generation Wooden Trunk for Dolls), and it's wonderful for storing the clothing, shoes, accessories, etc.

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Another thought - the AGs hold their value, and can be resold on eBay for a fairly decent amount, whereas the Target version has pretty much no resale value. Either way, there are a lot of options for clothes that are cheaper than the AG catalog. There are free patterns online for some of the historical outfits. We've also enjoyed making cookies, brownies, and donuts out of sculpy/Fimo for the dolls, modeled on the AG ones. (Frankly, I like ours better!)

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WWYD? American Girl Dolls or Our Generation or skip the whole doll thing and get something else?


Let me tell you our story.....


My dd had been saving up for an AG doll. We told her some time ago that if she saved half, we'd spring for the other half. So she worked and saved and was close to her goal. Then Gramma bought her the AG doll for Christmas! She was pleased and played with it for about half a year.


Then we visited the Turner Doll company in Indiana. Turner Dolls used to be a really big thing. Virginia Turner had over 30 employees and loads of business. She makes all the dolls herself and does tours of her shop.


After the rise of AG and the downturn of the economy, her doll business shrank. But the dolls are still wonderful! they are big and gorgeous and beautifully made. It was a lot of fun to see them.


As we were leaving, we noticed a special at the counter. It was one doll, called Julie D, (just a bit smaller than AG) with several changes of outfits, and three or four different wigs. The wigs are able to be changed and stuck on with velcro. She's just darling. DD's eyes got all big and she asked me to go halfsies with her like I told her I would for the AG doll.


It was a great choice. My daughter has played and played with this doll, way more than the AG doll. It's so versatile! She had a little trouble changing the wigs in the beginning and making them stick, but she got the knack of it, and now every few days she has a "different" doll at her bedside.


Apparently, Virginia's customer base goes for the bigger, toddler-sized collector dolls. Virginia bought this smaller doll form, but it didn't take off. So she's selling the last of the 500 she made at a great price. I think it was $100 for everything including the outfits and wigs, but if you had two girls and wanted two dolls, the second was $30. Ours was signed and numbered (etched).


Sorry this was long. Virginia doesn't have a picture of Julie D on her site, but a page there does mention contacting her with any questions. I have to say she was very, very sweet to my girl. She really *wanted* to hook her up with a bit of magic, and when she saw the stars in dd's eyes, she bent over backward to make it happen.


I think there were 7 Julie D dolls with all their gear (from ice skates to Little Red Riding Hood!) left in mid-August. :001_smile:


All the best,


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My dd wanted an AG doll all year. But with the job change/move we just couldn't put that much into birthday this year. She had some of her own money but there were some little things she also wanted for her birthday.


So when most grandparents sent money we went to Target for the My Generation doll. No, it's not historical but she bought the one into horses. She also had enough money for the large horse :tongue_smilie: So she is pleased with her own purchase and she saved money by getting the MG doll.


It's held up so far to the constant dressing/undressing and horse riding :tongue_smilie:


We are pleased with it. Perhaps in the future she will want an AG doll but for now she's happy with the MG doll.

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