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Can I ask for prayers for my son. He was mugged.

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That's terrible.


I've lived in the city for years and it's never happened to me. Both DH and BIL have been mugged, though, both in a part of town that's supposed to be "nicer".


Running for the hills wouldn't be the best response. Hopefully he can change his routines up to make things safer for the future, though.



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Thank you for the prayers.


I am trying to count my blessings, as another employee the same age was mugged and killed a few weeks ago as he spoke to his mother on the phone.


He keeps telling me he is an adult, so I have to let him handle it, but I can tell you it does not matter how old they are, how big they get. The instinct to go down there and rescue him never leaves.


Again, thank you. It helps to know there is prayer surrounding him.

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Contact the local sherriff's office about where he can sign up for the next concealed carry course. Buy him a sub-compact handgun that he can easily conceal -- I recommend the Taurus 380, Rutger LCP or Kel-Tech P3AT.


Although he has to be mindful not to carry into a campus building with him, he can leave it in his car in the parking lot and carry it on him when he's not on campus.

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I didn't read all of the posts, but could he enroll in some self defense/karate classes to make you and him feel better?


Sadly, most martial arts schools here in the U.S. are only good for self-esteem and little else. Even if he became proficient in a UFC-style mixed martial art, there's no way he could defend himself from multiple attackers. Her son needs to familiarize himself with a firearm if he is concerned about self-defense. He was lucky they only took his wallet and suffered only minor wounds. Next time, he could be beaten to the point of having brain damage. Or he might be the murder victim of a gang's initiation ritual. Hell, a friend of a friend of mine who worked in the inner city of Detroit was taken hostage and then severely beaten and sodomized for two days for no apparent reason. The first line of defense starts with arming yourself -- if he learns from a trained instructor how to handle a gun, he will be much safer in the environment he's in.

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