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does your school have a name?


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Guest Dulcimeramy

Burr Oak Story School


Our backyard has a huge burr oak tree. It dominates the whole property, visually, and provides lovely shade for reading or playing outdoors! We primarily use Sonlight for grades K-4, so I thought "story school" was appropriate.

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Bear Canyon Classical Academy


The name is based on a geographical feature very near our home. I've always thought we could have a neat southwestern (we live in NM) style bear logo on our official letterhead . . . but I've never actually bothered to make an official letterhead. :D Just haven't found the need for it. Honestly, we have no need for a name, either, but I like having it!

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Because our state requires we register our homeschool as a non-public

school, a name is mandatory...and it cannot be changed. So, we picked a non-cutesy title that would serve graduating seniors: L'Abri School.

Unlike a lady I knew, who thought she would only homeschool through elementary. In the long run, she ended up hsing through high school...those poor kids have diplomas from "Fry Elementary". Tragic.



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We picked ours the first week of homeschooling, and I thought it would be temporary, but the kids really like it. I also thought it would be overused, but haven't seen anyone else using it yet.


For my birthday this year (on Monday) dh hired a design team to design our logo. It's all I can do not to ask him how much it cost. I see everything in terms of curricula dollars and think of all the books I could buy. I'm not good at receiving pricey presents. But, it has been fun to be part of the design process. We're still in the middle of it.



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We are named - The Magicschool House. Our guiding idea right now is

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.


Albert Einstein

I have a more formal ReallyAwesomeMaidenName Classical Academy as our name for highschool transcripts because there is that big field on all those applications that ask for school name.

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I thought and thought unsuccessfully for a school name ever since my son started school. I wanted something imaginative, yet wouldn't sound dumb for a high school. One of the other posters here shared their school name and I fell in love with it: Chartwell. It makes me think of ships and stars and describes exactly what we're wanting to do in our school: chart a course of excellence for our children's futures. So I "stole" it and we are now


Chartwell Classical School.


Even though we are a mix of Classical, CM, and (newly) Waldorf, I think "Classical" in the name sounds nice. :D Thanks to whoever came up with this great name!

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For my birthday this year (on Monday) dh hired a design team to design our logo. It's all I can do not to ask him how much it cost. I see everything in terms of curricula dollars and think of all the books I could buy. I'm not good at receiving pricey presents. But, it has been fun to be part of the design process. We're still in the middle of it.



LOVE this idea! In the past, we have had business logos designed for us pretty reasonably by an online service. Just told hubby about it. ;)

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:thumbup: Under The Rock Christian Academy :thumbup: We did that because of the way people assume homeschoolers live under a rock and do not get <here comes the S word> SOCIALIZATION :D



We were called Breakaway Christian Academy but we had to change it. (we encountered to many people assuming my kids were kept in closets and dont ever see other people :smilielol5:)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Grand Oaks Christian Academy. I wanted it to sound like a real school.


Just wanted to encourage a little here: You are a real school!!!


We, homeschoolers, are not imaginary or non-existant. Our education takes place primarily, or at least based out of our home. But, it's real education. Probably more "real" than an institution can provide. Just sayin'.


I mean this in the kindest way :):grouphug:

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