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I have the baby blues

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I don't know how many times I've typed out this post then closed the window. This is hard for me to talk about, not sure why, but maybe if I just put it out there it will help how I'm feeling. I hate postpartum. I hate the crying for no reason, the sadness, the heaviness I feel that I didn't even feel while pg. I'm thankful that this is not PPD and I know I'll get through this again, but the getting through is hard. I just need to know there are others out there who've btdt and can relate. I am exercising, eating right, doing all the things I should do to help, but the reality is that time is the only thing that will help.


That's all. Sorry for the pregnancy/baby post as I know there are many sites I could post on but I won't allow myself on sites that are pg/baby related...not good for the emotions.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy



The first little while is so hard. You say you are taking care of yourself but I didn't see sleep on that list. I have a theory that the worst part of baby blues and PPD is caused as much by sleep loss as by hormones. Take naps with the wee one as often as you can and let someone else watch the fort. Ask for help and don't feel guilty about taking nap after nap after nap after nap.



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The first little while is so hard. You say you are taking care of yourself but I didn't see sleep on that list. I have a theory that the worst part of baby blues and PPD is caused as much by sleep loss as by hormones. Take naps with the wee one as often as you can and let someone else watch the fort. Ask for help and don't feel guilty about taking nap after nap after nap after nap.




:iagree: Sleep deprivation gets to me like nothing else can.

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talked about why ladies in Asian countries did not suffer from PPD. The news story attributed that to the fact that Asian countries (as well as some others) ate plenty of cold water fish and consumed a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids. I wonder if you would benefit from some supplemental Omega 3s.

So sorry you are going through this! Having a newborn is a rollercoaster ride. I remember this...one minute I felt madly in love with this new little person, the next minute I felt so sad and overwhelmed.

Sending warm thoughts your way!


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:grouphug:BTDT with 2 out of 3 kids. Except I got full blown PPD. It sucks big time. It is also one of the main reasons I decided to not have any more kids. I cannot stand to not be in my right mind. I hate crying, feeling out of control, yelling at my kids, all of it. If you find that it lasts past 6 weeks, call your dr for meds. My dr said that up to 6 weeks is baby blues. Past 6 weeks and it's PPD.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry. I always thought newborns were hard! I remember a few times when I thought I would just crack up because it was noon and I was still in my pajamas with my disheveled hair in a ponytail. It just felt like I was such a loser cause I couldn't even get my act together enough to brush my hair and get dressed.


It's true that it goes quickly, but it never felt that way at the time. :nopity:

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The first little while is so hard. You say you are taking care of yourself but I didn't see sleep on that list. I have a theory that the worst part of baby blues and PPD is caused as much by sleep loss as by hormones. Take naps with the wee one as often as you can and let someone else watch the fort. Ask for help and don't feel guilty about taking nap after nap after nap after nap.




:iagree: I'm getting better at this:001_smile:, but it's always so scary hard.


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I hope things get better soon. I have been there.


I found that it was hard for me to have a good perspective on what was going on with my emotions, because at the time, everything I was thinking and feeling (such as "everyone thinks I'm an awful mother") seemed totally rational to me.


Please consider getting an outside opinion from someone you trust, such as a friend, pastor, midwife, or OB, about whether you may have crossed over from baby blues to PPD.

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Have you had trouble with this after any other pregnancies? You may not wa to wait until the six week mark to talk to your doctor. If it progresses to PPD, it's can be harder to ask for help (well, it was for me). You may not even need or want meds, but it helps to talk to someone. Oh, I second taking the omega-3; I've read that it can help. I'm glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself. Hang in there. I'm praying for you and your family.:grouphug:

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I've dealt with this with all 3. Actually, looking back it might have been mild ppd. I agree with all the suggestions to sleep when you can. Just tell yourself that this time will pass, maybe try to go outside a few minutes everyday. For me, one day I'd wake up and just feel better. I hope this happens for you soon!

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I remember going through that will all 7 of my kids, and it really is an awful feeling. My emotions were out of control all the time. I truly felt that I was at the mercy of my ever-swinging hormones. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Oh honey! :grouphug:


It happens to the best of us. You are no less of a mom and woman because of this. Heck, you have successfully birthed 8 kids! What an amazing blessing! I know it is really, REALLY hard right now to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but 8 healthy babies! You are a hero in my book. Again, many :grouphug: as you navigate these difficult waters.

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:grouphug: I never had the baby blues, but did have a bout of pre-natal depression with #2. I never want to do that again! I really don't think newborns are very much fun. My youngest is 18 months and I still want to beat up middle aged women who tell me to relax and enjoy because they aren't young long enough.




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Big hugs to you!


My little guy is now almost 5 months--I can't believe it. I had quite a case of baby blues with this guy. I wept and wept and wept. My kids would walk in the room while I was nursing and wonder~ what on earth? But I just let myself cry and get it out of my system. It did take me longer than six weeks to be free from the intense weepiness I experienced. But I think that was related to the fact that my baby had a rough go of it which intensified all emotions.


Hang in there! It'll be over before you know it.

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Many :grouphug: - I remember those days! I always had a bad case right around 2/3 weeks post partum - I remember reading somewhere that there is a huge hormonal "reorganization" around that time (for lack of a better word). Explained a lot to me! Hope it blows over quickly for you.

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It's been a while since I've dealt with it, but reading God's Word, trying to eat right and drink plenty of water, and exercise were the only things that helped me. I spent time in God's Word and asked Him for scriptures just for me. When I felt the darkness descending, I'd try to have scriptures on notecards and read them aloud and focus on them. I also took them on all my walks. It was just a moment-by-moment thing.

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