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Comfort Food...

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My dh has had rough week. I thought a guy movie, a back rub, and a comforting meal would help.


Does comfort food get much better than this?


Potato soup, rolls, and banana pudding (ala Karen CO)


Okay...knowing I'm at the bottom of the heap when it comes to cooking queens (and kings), I'm sure it *DOES* get much better than that. ;)


So what's your favorite comfort food? Not just for the spouse or family, it can be for you.



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Some nights, for ME, feeding everyone else pizza is comfort food. I don't have to cook it, and there are no dishes to wash up afterward. ;)


For eating: Slow Cooked Roast Beef, with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy.


DH says Steak and Lobster... but I don't think that's really his comfort food. Despite loving the meal, he always feels awful after eating those. ;)


I also like soup. Soup is definitely a comfort food for me. Soup of all kinds. Soup and bread. Crusty on the outside and soft on the inside. Mmmm.....

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Warm, moist turkey with homemade cream biscuits.


Chicken & dumplings with a great salad and crusty buttered bread.


Beans & rice with homemade warm tortillas (and a single, icy cold beer)


Shepherd's or Cottage Pie with fresh green beans.




There are others, but I'm making myself hungry....




...Can you tell I'm easily comforted by food? ;)

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A huge bowl of popcorn dripping with real butter and lots of salt. I call it a heart attack waiting to happen! This will be a meal for me on a bad day. Which, of course, makes my day worse. So how can it be a comfort food!?:tongue_smilie:


Cheryl, I can see we could be good friends!!

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:drool:I like nachos, or a good curry. I guess its the spiciness (warms me) and the fat.


Other comfort foods we eat:


Cauliflower cheese

Peanut butter pumpkin soup

Taco soup

Balinese black Rice pudding

Indian kheer (rice pudding)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

definitely homemade soup or stew and bread

homemade mac and cheese

Rice and beans

fried chicken that I didn't cook

chocolate chip cookies

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a platter of my dad's chicken -fried round steak. I only get it once every few years, when he visits and I remember to have round steak on hand (he is in S. California, I am in, well, Illinois). I've already told him that the evening of our first day's visit in June I expect chicken-fired round steak! If my sister comes over, he will have to double the batch, as we go into our chant of "Fried meat!! Fried meat!!!" prior to descending on the platter of beefy goodness like crazed women.


I can never get it to turn out right if I try to make it - and if I do, hubby carefully scraps all the breading off and the kids won't go near it. Idiots.


Oh, yeah - meatloaf is great comfort food, too - I love it - and, of course, NO ONE here but me will eat it!!!!

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Comfort food for me is broccoli chicken casserole- lots of calories, but it is delish.



1 6 oz. box of chicken stuffing

4 Tbsp. of margarine for stuffing

2 cans Cream of Chicken soup

16 oz (1 lb.) frozen broccoli cuts

8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese

8 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese

2-3 medium sized chicken breasts



1. Cook stuffing and broccoli cuts according to package directions.

2. Cook chicken.

3. Drain the broccoli and pour it on the bottom of the casserole


4. Then spread a thin layer of cheddar and mozzarella cheese.

5. Spread a thin layer of cream of chicken soup.

6. Spread another thin layer of cheese.

7. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces and spread in casserole


8. Spread a thin layer of cheese, a thin layer of cream of chicken

soup, and another thin layer of cheese.

9. Spread the stuffing.

10. Spread a thin layer of cheese, a thin layer of cream of chicken

soup, and top off with cheese.

11. Bake at 375 degrees for about 15-20 minutes or until cheese on

top is melted.


Some of this can vary according to your preferences, such as the

amount of cheese and the amount of chicken. The amounts will vary

according to the size of your casserole dish as well.

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OK --- I have two. Both were made by my mom (who has been gone 20 years now.) :crying:


1. Bread and gravy --- white bread but her homemade pot roast or roast beef gravy


2. Scrambled egg sandwich --- crack an egg into melted butter on a hot skillet; scramble it with a fork while it's cooking; serve on white bread with a bit of salt and a bit of ketchup.


And neither of these were the same if my mom didn't make them.


P.S. I guess we only ate white bread! And it was served at every meal!

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1. Hot chocolate (yes, any time of the year)

2. Brownies

3. Hot crusty bread and butter

4. Buns (toasted in a pan with butter) with strawberry or grape jelly

5. Tenderloin sandwich and onion rings from my favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant. I don't live near it now, so I rarely get this.

6. White Castle hamburgers

7. Pizza

8. Mushroom roast and mashed potatoes

9. My meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

10. Grandma's cornbread dressing and turkey

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My dh has had rough week. I thought a guy movie, a back rub, and a comforting meal would help.


Does comfort food get much better than this?


Potato soup, rolls, and banana pudding (ala Karen CO)


Okay...knowing I'm at the bottom of the heap when it comes to cooking queens (and kings), I'm sure it *DOES* get much better than that. ;)


So what's your favorite comfort food? Not just for the spouse or family, it can be for you.




Homemade ice cream with raspberries, bananas fried with choc chips on top.

In cold weather any kind of soup.

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Ugh ... I'm starving now! For my dh - mashed potatoes, meatloaf or potroast, chicken and dumplings, the super-buttery popcorn and ice cream would all work. He also adores (though he won't admit it) fried bologna sandwiches! I'd never heard of such a thing, but with some toasted (white) bread and spicy mustard, they are pretty good.

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We love cobbler and brisket. I have both of my recipes on my blog in the last week.


Brisket is so good and SO easy. Five minutes of preparation tops, you just have to remember to do it in the morning so it can cook all day. All I do is pour a bottle of barbecue sauce an a bottle of beer over the brisket, then cook it for about 9 hours at 250F till it's falling apart. Be sure to get a brisket that is NOT trimmed. You need the fat so it will be moist and tender.


Enjoy your time together!

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For DH, cookies, bread, potatoes -- those make him very happy.


For me, meals from childhood that mom fixed and I loved:


her Vegetable soup, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits with country ham and some sorghum, country fried venison with gravy and potatoes and biscuits. I rarely have any of this stuff though.


I do love popcorn with Parmesan cheese on it though!

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Comfort food was for dinner tonight...


DH made awesome scrambled eggs...with diced sundried tomatoes, fried onions, mexican cheese and crumbled bacon and of course chocolate chip pancakes rounded out this delicious meal. This meal was like a warm hug!:D

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Depends on what I want comfort about.


If I'm angry, tense or anxious: popcorn with lots of butter and salt, bugles or chex mix.


If I'm sad, mashed potatoes with meat loaf or chicken legs from KFC.


If I'm hormonal, molten chocolate cake, or a hot fudge brownie sundae.

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