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Has your Walmart lost its mind?

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Barry, Remember to keep an eye out for the Michael's coupons...usually in the "supplements" of the newspaper. We don't buy the paper at this time, rarely, but several of our neighbors do and I can make arrangements to always inherit that Michael's section in any Sunday newspaper!!


Yes in deedy, yes in deedy, you can tell I'm a coupon-collecting bargain shopper. :D

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I am not exactly sure, but there is one whole row in our Walmart. As far as I can tell the products come from Mexico. I am in South Texas and about 5 hours from the border. Lived here all my life, and have never seen these products before.


I'm in CA and our Wal-Mart has had a section like this for as long as it's been open, however I have noticed it has gotten more extensive recently.


I hate Wal-Mart, but I go there frequently because it's about 2 miles from my house and it's nice to have the whole one-stop thing. Where else am I going to pick up a waterproof mattress pad and tomatoes all in one stop? Nowhere else in my area. I also hate that they only carry certain brands, so I have to occasionally go to Target, 20 min away, to stock up on things Wal-Mart doesn't carry. WinCo is cheaper than Wal-Mart for groceries, but again, if I just need a few grocery items and a few sundries, it's easier to go to Wal-Mart. I usually go in and do a great big grocery shop at Costco (my one true grocery love) and WinCo all at once and then use Wal-Mart to bridge any needs that come up between.


Thankfully, they don't have plans as of yet to discontinue our fabric dept, but the one in the town 20 minutes away was just remodeled to become a Super Wal-Mart and the fabric dept was eliminated except for a small selection sold in prepackaged 1-yrd pieces. Now the only options to get fabric in that town are JoAnns and a couple of severely overpriced quilting shops.

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Yes the Walmart close by here has also changed for the worst. The prices have gone up a lot. I used to purchase some items there, but noticed the price kept creeping up little by little until it was just slightly under the price of other stores. They stopped having lots of things I did purchase there at lower prices. It is not so crowded if you get up and go early in the morning. I made a huge mistake of going one evening. That trip was a night mare. All the open check out lines were long, the one I got in, the woman had her daughter go pick up about 15 different items while being checked out, and she had 2 buggies overflowing. I rarely shop there anymore, if I can't save money what is the point? It just take too much time, is unpleasant, and does not save me any money. The remodeling has done little for their image. They must be going for a more upscale look or something, but it did not work.

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It's okay, we'll recover together. Six pages worth of Walmart-haters can't be all bad, eh? :001_rolleyes:


Reading through this thread I'm nodding my head in agreement because I've SEEN nearly everything that's been said.... and I hate it. I never really "loved" WM in the first place, but the changes I've seen over the past year and a half have just driven the nail into the coffin. I hardly ever go there anymore.


I'm a much nicer person without Walmart. :lol:

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Not only did they rearrange everything, but the prices have gone up so much that they are no longer the cheapest store around!


This is what I'm finding, too. Since Walmart bought out Costco, which was the primary competition in our town, the prices at both places have gone up, up, up.



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Our Walmart is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad that I am on a personal crusade to stay out of the store as long as I can! DH thinks this is ridiculous because it is nine miles away and Meijers (which is ABSOLUTELY wonderful) is 32 miles away. But, since I get lots of my organic groceries at Meijer and go there every month, I am trying to discipline myself to make a list, plan ahead, and stay away from the evilmart.


Let me regale you with the travails of shopping at our Walmart.


A. They don't keep the shelves stocked...period.

B. If it is on sale, it won't be in the store because they will have purchased 3 of the item as a teaser and it is sold in the first minute after the ad comes out.

C. There are 20 check-out lanes. Only two regular lanes will have a clerk and one Fast lane will be manned. Average check-out time is 30 minutes and many times, longer.

D. The organics they used to have, they stopped ordering. I can no longer get Stonyfield yogurt, organic baby carrots, etc. basic items, not anything unusual by organic standards.

E. The junk food aisles keep increasing, the healthy aisles keep decreasing.

F. They re-organize the shelves every month so about the time you think you now understand where to find something, it changes.

G. If you need coffee filters, they are not with the coffee grounds. You have to go to the Coffee Maker section which is near the Garden Center on the far opposite side of the store.

H. The workers are rude.

I. You will wait 30 minutes at the customer service desk even if you are the only customer in line because more people are on break than are working at any given time in that store. Additionally, the C.S. desk workers and managers openly stand around gossipping about one another and discussing movies and soap operas. They will keep up these personal conversations for very long periods of time without acknowledging the customer in any way and I am convinced this is so that you will give up and go away and they can collect a paycheck for doing absolutely nothing.

J. The regional manager does not care about the complaints, and I quote, "Makes no difference to us here at Corporate because according to our map you are 32 miles from our nearest competition and therefore, we know we won't be losing business because we have your area over a barrel."

L. They discontinued the fabric, arts, and crafts section which was pretty much the only reason left to go in that store.

M. The school supply section is abyssmally low except for two weeks per year during the back to school sale. So, make sure you stock up because once they run out of that initial stuff, you won't find much on the shelves and it will be more expensive than getting it at Rite Aid or Walgreens.



Now that I've ranted, I will tell you that I have found perfect peace by buying what I can, even if I have to pay more, at the local pharmacies and hardwares/farm supply that are struggling to survive, and the remaining supermarket. I have also discovered an absolutely lovely Mennonite Country Store! I can buy thread, all kinds of sewing notions, an array of fabrics, kitchen wares, nice toys, the best brand of sport and dress socks at a very reasonable price, basic baby care items, and wonderful gifts. The perfectly lovely Christian woman who owns it, knows anything you'd ever want to know about homemaking and sewing, and is about as helpful as any human being can be. Her smile warms my day!


Let me now apologize to anyone who works at Walmart. I did not mean to offend you personally. I am sure your Walmart is very nice. You have a job and in this economy that's a very good thing!



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I used to shop Wal-Mart, but since moving to where it's at least 20 minutes away it is so not worth the drive. Crowded, crazy people, totally useless employees (I know it's not like that everywhere, just here probably). Now, I do shop at Sam's Club...but I've totally lost my desire to shop WM. I go there maybe twice a year now. And dread it each time.


I LOVE our Kroger too. We have a 'small' one about 2 miles down the road from us. It's an old-fashioned, food-only grocery store. And it has a Starbucks! And my husband works for Kroger, so we get a small discount on any Kroger Brand items that we buy. They actually make most of their own store brand, and we've been very happy with it!

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This is what I'm finding, too. Since Walmart bought out Costco, which was the primary competition in our town, the prices at both places have gone up, up, up.




WM bought out Costco? Are you sure about that?


Just googled and found this very recent article about competition between WM, Amazon, and Costco: http://industry.bnet.com/retail/10009998/why-walmart-amazon-and-costco-are-the-retail-leaders-of-tomorrow/

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Barry, Remember to keep an eye out for the Michael's coupons...usually in the "supplements" of the newspaper. We don't buy the paper at this time, rarely, but several of our neighbors do and I can make arrangements to always inherit that Michael's section in any Sunday newspaper!!


Yes in deedy, yes in deedy, you can tell I'm a coupon-collecting bargain shopper. :D


You can also register at Michaels.com for their online newsletter. They will email you the coupons. The link is at the bottom left hand corner of the page.



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J. The regional manager does not care about the complaints, and I quote, "Makes no difference to us here at Corporate because according to our map you are 32 miles from our nearest competition and therefore, we know we won't be losing business because we have your area over a barrel."




Now that I've ranted, I will tell you that I have found perfect peace by buying what I can, even if I have to pay more, at the local pharmacies and hardwares/farm supply that are struggling to survive, and the remaining supermarket.


Amen, sister! This is why I said earlier that I'm a much nicer person without WM. :tongue_smilie: I was seriously aggravated Every.Single.Time I came home from a WM trip... and exhausted. I do much better now, both emotionally and budget-wise, by planning carefully and shopping at other stores.

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I HATE THIS about ALL stores anymore. I go in Best Buy, "when is X game/movie/software/tech product come out?" They have no clue. It is SO annoying. I REALLY wish stores would go back to paying a living wage, get some decent employees and actually TRAIN them.

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I HATE THIS about ALL stores anymore. I go in Best Buy, "when is X game/movie/software/tech product come out?" They have no clue. It is SO annoying. I REALLY wish stores would go back to paying a living wage, get some decent employees and actually TRAIN them.


I should tell you about the Time Warner "tech" that came to our house a few weeks ago.... oh wait, we had THREE Time Warner "techs" in our house w/in about two months. And I'm putting "tech" in quotes for a reason. :glare:

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I should tell you about the Time Warner "tech" that came to our house a few weeks ago.... oh wait, we had THREE Time Warner "techs" in our house w/in about two months. And I'm putting "tech" in quotes for a reason. :glare:


Most of them are contractors. If you throw a big enough fit they'll send out the head contractor guy. Ask me how I know.

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Our WM is going through a remodel right now. Don't love WM, but *love* that they put in a gluten-free section in the new store!! Now I don't have to drive an hour and a half for GF cereal! :)


But of course, we don't have too much of a choice in where to shop. Our choices for groceries are a SuperWalmart, another SuperWalmart, an uppity-grocery store with really inflated prices and little selection, or the dirty little no-name grocery store. :glare: Oh, how I long for a Kroger...

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Other reasons to hate walmart:


Televisions blaring, startling me as I round corners and irritating me at the register. Why as I stand there with $200 worth of junk in my cart, half of which I probably don't need, are they still trying to sell me crap at the register?


They won't allow my 16yo daughter return a $12 item to my credit card even though she is an official signer on the account and has a card in her name.


It's really dirty.


The greeter just stares into space as we enter and exit. Pretty bad when the greeter looks depressed.


Why does walmart turn every child into a hellion? My own included.

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Walmart is a nutty place in general. Certainly, I see people there that I never notice anywhere else :lol: I think this website clearly demonstrates what I'm tyring to say:


http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ click on photos


(you might not want to open this if you have kids milling about or want to see some disturbing images - think spandex, shorts to short, and the just plain WEIRD! Some of the images might be offensive)

Edited by krisperry
Don't want to accidently offend some :)
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I'm pretty sure Wal-Mart did NOT buy out Costco. Wal-Mart owns Sam's Club, which is a similar setup to Costco.


The greeter just stares into space as we enter and exit. Pretty bad when the greeter looks depressed.



Heh. Most of the greeters at my local barely nod or mumble at you when you walk in. But there is one lady that I affectionately call the "Wal-Bot". She's SO enthusiastic about her job as a greeter, it's slightly terrifying. She walks toward, and yells to anyone entering the lobby, "WELCOME TO WAL-MART, HAVE A NICE DAY!!!". So if there are numerous people coming in at the same time, she's yelling, "WELCOME TO WAL-MART, HAVE A NICE DAY!!!" over and over and over again. I swear I've heard it 4-6 times walking through the lobby of the store. And she's so loud I can hear her quite a ways out into the parking lot.

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Other reasons to hate walmart:


Televisions blaring, startling me as I round corners and irritating me at the register. Why as I stand there with $200 worth of junk in my cart, half of which I probably don't need, are they still trying to sell me crap at the register?




One near me just remodeled and they now have TVs all over the store on motion sensors, so they just start talking when you go by. I hate it.


I stopped at that store to get a roll of film developed only to find out that they don't develop real film anymore.


I used to really like WM. We bought nearly everything there. Now I hardly ever go there because of declining quality and rising prices. There has been a definite change for the worse with quality.

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Our nearby Super Wal-Mart just finished remodeling. Prices are higher, significantly higher on some food items I buy regularly. The layout is crazy and it doesn't carry as many items as before. I was there yesterday and spent a long time trying to find some cosmetic items I've purchased there before. The employee stocking the area told me she was only working for her paycheck and didn't know anything about the items I needed. Finally, I talked with a manger. He confirmed that this Wal-Mart won't be stocking as many items as before. That's okay but why did they have to eliminate the ones I've been buying regularly. From now on I'm going to drive a bit farther to the Target.

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Not only did they rearrange everything, but the prices have gone up so much that they are no longer the cheapest store around!




Their prices have skyrocketed!! 32 oz of cheese is almost $8.00- Kroger cheese is almost always 32 oz for $6.00. You can find much better deals at the other chains. I think maybe their processed stuff is cheaper, but if you want deals on the good stuff, stay away from Walmart!

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I typically don't shop at Wal-Mart. It's 30 miles away, too big, and the produce and meat are higher than my local grocery store.


I did stop at Wal-Mart Monday, and they are going through the re-model. Stuff was literally in piles just thrown anywhere.


I did load up on the 25 cent comp. books. I love these.

Edited by LuvToRead
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I LOVE our Kroger too. We have a 'small' one about 2 miles down the road from us. It's an old-fashioned, food-only grocery store. And it has a Starbucks! And my husband works for Kroger, so we get a small discount on any Kroger Brand items that we buy. They actually make most of their own store brand, and we've been very happy with it!


I shop at at tiny Kroger's, too, and I have never bought a Kroger Brand product that I've been unhappy with. Unfortunately, this was is too small, so I still have to shop elsewhere to get everything I want.

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One more thing I can't stand about Walmart is (and I hope I'm not going to offend anyone) the 5-8 people who stand in front of the store with their little buckets and ask you for $$ to help a child with cancer. How do we know these people are legit?? Honestly, they look like homeless people, and I despise getting asked for money every time I walk into and out of that store!!!

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Care to elaborate on the bold?



Why sure. :001_smile:








Wal-Mart is China's sixth largest export market. In 2006, Wal-Mart imported $27 billion of Chinese goods. Wal-Mart's imports are responsible for 11% of the growth of the total U.S. trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2006. [Time, 6/19/05; EPI Issue Brief #235, 6/27/07]








Wal-Mart has been accused of selling merchandise at such low costs that competitors have tried to sue it for predatory pricing (intentionally selling a product at low cost in order to drive competitors out of the market). In 1995, in the case of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. American Drugs, Inc., pharmacy retailer American Drugs accused Wal-Mart of selling items at too low a cost for the purpose of injuring competitors and destroying competition. The Supreme Court of Arkansas ruled in favor of Wal-Mart saying that its pricing, including the use of loss leaders, was not predatory pricing.[15] In 2000, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection accused Wal-Mart of selling butter, milk, laundry detergent, and other staple goods at low cost, with the intention of forcing competitors out of business and gaining a monopoly in local markets


In the mid-1990s, Wal-Mart had a "Buy American" campaign. Yet by 2005, about 60% of Wal-Mart's merchandise was imported, compared to 6% in 1995.[93]

In 2004, Wal-Mart spent $18 billion on Chinese products alone, and if it were an individual economy, the company would rank as China's eighth largest trading partner, ahead of Russia, Australia, and Canada.[94] One group estimates that the growing US trade deficit with China, heavily influenced by Wal-Mart imports, is estimated to have moved over 1.5 million jobs that might otherwise be in America to China between 1989 and 2003.[95] According to the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), "Wal-Mart is the single largest importer of foreign-produced goods in the United States",




There is so much more, just search around.

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Dh watched a documentary on netflix about Walmart. Though before, he thought I was completely crazy to be avoiding the store like a plague, he is now getting on board.


My kids refer to Walmart as Chinamart. We get excited when we find something made elsewhere and if its a Nato country, we get just about giddy!



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I have two Wal Mart close to me. The one closest to me I rarely go to because:

A) Employees, including manager, are clueless and rude. I have been hung up on so many times. Actually only time, I can get someone on phone is to call national customer service and have them call.

B) You will wait in line for at least 30 minutes

C) Every single price checker is broken

D) The Store is always jumbled and dirty


The other Wal Mart has better service most of the time but they have more homeless hanging out in the parking lot.


New Layout cons

a) Taken away fabric and severely reduced crafts except expensive kits

b) Very little selection

c) Increased prices to point I don't save except on loss leaders

d) Virtually all things that are healthy have disappeared

e) Price Scanners have seemed to disappear


ALways an issue

a) Customer service is always poor though some stores are better than others

b) ALways understaffed -few check out lanes open

c) People that shop there are often the dregs of humanity -scary looking, inappropriately dressed, people who take 2000 items into the 20 items or less check out

d) Poor Quality stuff, most made in China

e) Can't run in and get milk, etc. All that stuff is in back of store (where as Kroger has a run in milk section)

f) Merchandise placement has no logic. Even before the remodel, I would yell out "OKay if I had a Wal Mart brain, where would I put this?" (which really isn't fair since most of employees don't know where anything is in the first place)

g) Meat is poor quality and spoils quickly


What I like

I like that pet food has been moved closer to grocery aisle

School Supply sales

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I haven't read through all the replies but I get the sense I'm in the minority here... ;)


We live out in the country, and the closest place for us to shop is Walmart (and even that is 25 min. each way).


Ours is a Super-Walmart, it's only about 5 years old, and it's VERY well organized, well staffed and offers a great selection. They have all the sections you'd expect (including a huge craft section) and I'm not aware of any plans to cut back. If anything, they seem to be adding more. They've even recently added a fantastic Gluten-free section (which is something we need). So that saves me an even longer drive to Whole Foods (which I realize is actually "a world apart" from Walmart ;)).


The only reorganization they've done recently is in their produce section, and that effort has improved the "flow" in that section and made it much easier to find what you're looking for.


They have several long-standing employees (I've been seeing many of the same faces there for the past several years), I've never experienced a rude employee and there are specific cashiers I frequent when they're there because they consistently provide extra fast and friendly service.


I have noticed that their prices are more and more "on par" with other places in town, but not to the extent that it's worth it for me to spend another 20 min. each way driving to get there.


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Walmart in any way and am not being paid for this endorsement... :D

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I haven't read through all the replies but I get the sense I'm in the minority here... ;)


We live out in the country, and the closest place for us to shop is Walmart (and even that is 25 min. each way).


Ours is a Super-Walmart, it's only about 5 years old, and it's VERY well organized, well staffed and offers a great selection. They have all the sections you'd expect (including a huge craft section) and I'm not aware of any plans to cut back. If anything, they seem to be adding more. They've even recently added a fantastic Gluten-free section (which is something we need). So that saves me an even longer drive to Whole Foods (which I realize is actually "a world apart" from Walmart ;)).


The only reorganization they've done recently is in their produce section, and that effort has improved the "flow" in that section and made it much easier to find what you're looking for.


They have several long-standing employees (I've been seeing many of the same faces there for the past several years), I've never experienced a rude employee and there are specific cashiers I frequent when they're there because they consistently provide extra fast and friendly service.


I have noticed that their prices are more and more "on par" with other places in town, but not to the extent that it's worth it for me to spend another 20 min. each way driving to get there.


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Walmart in any way and am not being paid for this endorsement... :D


:iagree: But, I will say that the Walmart closest to me is very different from the next two closest. I hate those and avoid them like the plague. But I love my local Walmart.

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We also live in the country and WalMart is the closest place to get a full selection of stuff. Ours in just 2yrs old and has a grocery. Maybe the managers try more because it is the only thing we've got, but everyone is nice and helpful. The store is clean and organized, always fully stocked and the prices are cheap, even cheaper than the WM the other direction which is toward more shopping options.

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I used to really like WM. We bought nearly everything there. Now I hardly ever go there because of declining quality and rising prices. There has been a definite change for the worse with quality.



I worked at Wal Mart (in the green house) and did shop there often (at least once a month). Now I cannot STAND it. Part of it is that I disagree with their whole philosophy of business but the other part is that I don't like having a horrible shopping experience only to bring home goods that are inferior in quality. I haven't been there in a year. I'm somewhat tempted because I saw huge cookie jars on a blog that WM had, but I can't get past the icky feeling I get when I'm there.

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I was looking for a power strip with a long cord. While I am looking and pricing, three Walmart employees come to the aisle where I am shopping. Conversation goes like this...


Employee 1: "Now that we have more shelf space, what do you think we should put here?"


Employee 2: "How about door knobs?"


Employee 3: "Let's see if they will fit and then they go here."


Meanwhile I am thinking to myself, just because it fits doesn't mean I would EVER look for a doorknob among power strips:glare: Oh well, it fits!

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I was looking for a power strip with a long cord. While I am looking and pricing, three Walmart employees come to the aisle where I am shopping. Conversation goes like this...


Employee 1: "Now that we have more shelf space, what do you think we should put here?"


Employee 2: "How about door knobs?"


Employee 3: "Let's see if they will fit and then they go here."


Meanwhile I am thinking to myself, just because it fits doesn't mean I would EVER look for a doorknob among power strips:glare: Oh well, it fits!


Are you SERIOUS? :001_huh:

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I live in Wal-mart country. Just an hour from Sam Walton's first store. The two supercenters I shop are clean, well organized and the workers are polite. Sometimes when I need actual help (rarely) I can't FIND a worker...but normally I have no trouble. I make my grocery list according to WM's lay out.


I know they are big business. That is a political issue that I have no desire to tackle. For my personal needs, they consistantly step up to the plate and I am happy to have them.

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