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Do you ever get the distinct feeling you are on someone's

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AUGH!!!! Is that what's wrong with me? I ate raw armadillo on my pizza when I was younger?!?!?


And you keep changing your avatar! You're trying to confuse me, aren't you?!:lol::lol:


Never! We of the Clan Armadilla never practice subterfuge.....(we've perfected it! The bespectled pooch is our lookout!)

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I think I'm tired, coffeefreak. I read your sig line as:


"Cucumber? We don't need no stinkin' cucumber! It's summer, baby!"




SNORT! OK, I'm done. I'm going to have to go to bed. Or pee my pants from all the hijinks on the boards tonight!

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The last time I saw an armadilla was on a canoe trip.


It just kind of meandered into our area and tried to meander into my tent. I was shrieking at it and trying to ward it away with a water noodle, the armadilla hissed at me and meandered away.


They seem to just sort of saunter. I am not sure of the average land speed of a threatened-with-water-noodle armadilla but that one was not fast moving :lol:

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They seem to just sort of saunter. I am not sure of the average land speed of a threatened-with-water-noodle armadilla but that one was not fast moving :lol:
I'm not sure of their running speed, but in my experience they are fast diggers. I'd take the zoo one out for a little exercise (he needed it :tongue_smilie: ) and he'd have dug a hole and disappeared before you could say 'lickety split.' It never happened on my watch, but I heard stories that sometimes reinforcements had to be brought in to get him back out again.
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Official Public Retraction/Apology to Armadillos Everywhere


I just asked dh (in order to confirm the knowledge that I earlier bestowed on readers of this thread), "It's leprosy that armadillos carry, right?" He replied, "they CAN".


So, in order that I may no longer besmirch the good name of all Healthy and Non-Leper Armadillos.....I am now correcting my earlier error.


Not all armadillos are lepers. Please do not make assumptions of the ones you encounter. (Although, to be honest, I am still not touching one, even with somebody ELSE'S hand!)


Great thread! And although I am sure I am on somebody's "ignore" list... I do not ignore anyone. Too much fun to read all of the posts! :D

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Oh my! My kids keep asking me what is so funny. Cyndi, I might have told you this before, but you are one of my favorite people EVER!!! And that armadillo snuggie or whatever you called it looks like an armadillo that was napping on the road and got smushed. Poor thing. The knitted armadillo, though, is too cute!! You must make it. I wish I could knit. Oh wait, I can. I just can't knit anything other than a rectangle, making scarfs my specialty.


I have a confession. I had never heard the expression "cat's pajamas" until this thread. But I have indeed seen a cat in pajamas, and a dress, and socks, and a baby carriage. My middle dd dresses her cat all the time. Poor Oscar.


Thank you all so much for proving that I am not on the coolest WTM people's ignore lists. :D

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That's true, and I used to feel that way, but when you get to the point that you know that every thing a certain poster says is going to annoy or upset you, it's time to ignore. I have had a much harder time over the last year or so getting over little things (witness my Paperback Swap problem), and so I find that I am much happier and healthier and complain to my husband less if I can just head those things off at the pass.

I suppose I just didn't have enough bad experiences with any single person here. (*knocks on the wood*) It never even crossed my mind to block somebody, since I try to keep a low profile on the "dangerous" threads, and I normally don't get upset or irritated by what people say. I guess that if I REALLY had an issue with somebody - as in, if I were ALLERGIC on what that person has to say :lol: - then I would block them to spare myself those allergic reactions.


But most of the time on "hot" topics I hardly pay attention to whom I'm quoting anyway - since my reasoning is that I'm dealing with this specific argument, not with the person who wrote it (of course, if I "know" the person from the boards, it will necessarily influence how I view the argument as I will have more context). The same way, I can "manually" ignore things (and I do that), arguments, or even people, that I know will irritate me if I start discussing them or with them. I disagreed with a whole lot of people on a whole lot of things, from "innocuous" topics to more controversial ones, but I suppose I never had THAT bad experiences with anyone in particular to block them. Some people also managed to surprise me with time; when I had personal issues with somebody, we took it to PM.


Sometimes I find it fascinating that most people have obviously (still) not blocked ME, though. :D I feel like one out of twenty posts I write happens to be something helpful and substantial, while in the rest nineteen I manage to say AT LEAST one wrong thing per post which makes me sound stuck-up, provocative, aggressive about my opinions, ranting, not enough PC, fundamentally illiterate in this language and culture, etc. :lol: It used to frustrate me a lot in the past, but now I just laugh too.

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I don't worry about it. I figure they're ignoring me for a reason and it's easier than me having to ignore them :p


Besides, Nakia, you're one of the nicest people here. I imagine if you're on an ignore list then it must be an endless list ;)


Ester, anyone that ignores you misses out on way too much great information.

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You cannot, the pm appears to go out but you never receive it.
Did you conduct an experiment?


I feel like one out of twenty posts I write happens to be something helpful and substantial, while in the rest nineteen I manage to say AT LEAST one wrong thing per post which makes me sound stuck-up, provocative, aggressive about my opinions, ranting, not enough PC, fundamentally illiterate in this language and culture, etc. :lol: It used to frustrate me a lot in the past, but now I just laugh too.
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I don't even know how to ignore someone. Well, not on the boards anyway. I have perfected the art of ignoring people IRL. I just figured out how to subscribe to a thread. Then I had to figure out how to find what I subscribed to. :tongue_smilie:

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...I don't really see the point in something like a message board on the internet if you're going to censor it (even just censor your own view of it). I like being able to read all the messages even if I strongly disagree.




Edited by Jinnah
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Besides, Nakia, you're one of the nicest people here. I imagine if you're on an ignore list then it must be an endless list ;)




Thanks! "Nice" is not really a word many would use to describe me. Maybe I am just nicer here than irl. :lol:

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Paranoid? Maybe. Or, we have very high opinions of ourselves and think everyone should care about what we say :001_smile:

I think it's just that since this is a community where we reply to messages, if your message doesn't receive a reply you question the actual value of your participation. To never receive acknowledgment that are even here would cause some pretty icky feelings.

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Okay, so the consensus is that few of us actually have an ignore list because we are too nosey, but all of us think we are being ignored by everyone else. Paranoid much?

Uh-oh. Where did I leave that box of tin foil? I've got to make a garment.

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Which reminds me jazzyfizzle, every time I see your avatar, I'm reminded of my childhood. My dad has always had border collies, so I feel like they're my brothers or sisters. They're such great dogs and so misunderstood. Is this a picture of your dog?


Hi Dorina, are you still a border collie person? I have been a sheltie person for 36-ish years and just this year I have my first border collies. They definitely have their own way, much different from the shelties, but I am loving it. That one isn't my dog, but I love how it captures the intensity.


Hopefully soon I can use one of my own clan.



Edited by jazzyfizzle
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Hi Dorina, are you still a border collie person? I have been a sheltie person for 36-ish years and just this year I have my first border collies. They definitely have their own way, much different from the shelties, but I am loving it. That one isn't my dog, but I loved how it captures the intensity.


Hopefully soon I can use one of my own clan.




We adopted a Border Collie mix last year, and he is the.best.dog.ever. I love him so much!!

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The last time I saw an armadilla was on a canoe trip.


It just kind of meandered into our area and tried to meander into my tent. I was shrieking at it and trying to ward it away with a water noodle, the armadilla hissed at me and meandered away.


They seem to just sort of saunter. I am not sure of the average land speed of a threatened-with-water-noodle armadilla but that one was not fast moving :lol:



Sis REALLY need a sig line that reads:


"I fearlessly protect my family from armadilla attack with my Pool Noodle of Strength."

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Thanks! "Nice" is not really a word many would use to describe me. Maybe I am just nicer here than irl. :lol:

Aren't we all? :smilielol5:

Okay, so the consensus is that few of us actually have an ignore list because we are too nosey, but all of us think we are being ignored by everyone else. Paranoid much?

I don't think everyone ignores me, I get into too many arguments for that :p

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I've only ever seen the "napping" armadillos in the wild. If you can call the interstate the 'wild'? But, I have always been fascinated by them. Whenever my fil is coming for a visit, I ask him to stop in texas and pick me up an armadillo. I'm not too worried about the leprosy because I don't plan to eat it. As I type this, my dd is snuggling with her stuffed armadillo, Howie. My brother gave it to her but kept calling it an anteater. How do you not know an armadillo when you see one?


Oh, I cannot get my cat to wear to pj's. He insists on sleeping in the buff :glare:.


OK, I think I am caught up now.

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I think it's just that since this is a community where we reply to messages, if your message doesn't receive a reply you question the actual value of your participation. To never receive acknowledgment that are even here would cause some pretty icky feelings.


I was just joking. I completely understand since I've had plenty of responses ignored and entire posts where no one commented :001_huh:

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Oh, I cannot get my cat to wear to pj's. He insists on sleeping in the buff :glare:.


OK, I think I am caught up now.



I was just joking. I completely understand since I've had plenty of responses ignored and entire posts where no one commented :001_huh:
I hear you.:tongue_smilie:
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I have yet to use the ignore list feature. Even those I disagree with from time to time I'll find myself agreeing with at others...And if I ignore anyone, I run the risk of not learning something I might need.


Or, I *could* be just plain nosey.


Nah, that couldn't be it. Its the learning thing. Yup. :D

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I'm beginning to think I'm on the ignore list of the world. No new email in 2 days.


When you find out how you did that, will you share with the rest of us? I can log in 20 times a day and there will still be 5-10 unread e-mails in my in-box!


Hi Dorina, are you still a border collie person? I have been a sheltie person for 36-ish years and just this year I have my first border collies. They definitely have their own way, much different from the shelties, but I am loving it. That one isn't my dog, but I love how it captures the intensity.


Hopefully soon I can use one of my own clan.




I am, but I won't get one unless we buy a large piece of land where it can run. The hardest thing about having border collies growing up was we kept moving and would have no backyard. The poor dogs would get so cooped up, they would get excited when kids would run through the house and nip at them. :scared: Not. good. I see so many of them at the shelters, it makes me sad. :crying: They are considered the most intelligent dog breed, but they need room to run. Sigh, now I miss my dog, and the girls have been begging for one for two years.


Then again, an armadillo doesn't need any room to run. . .

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