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  1. Maybe our boys could be penpals! My 11yo has loved theoretical physics for years. He's very much a big idea thinker and loves to talk about his thoughts, sadly we can't go nearly as deep as he would like on these topics. He enjoyed Michio Kaku's books and we have some great courses that he enjoyed, but he really wants to discuss these things. He has done math and science with his high school age siblings and really thinks much deeper than most high school texts go. He did love Ellen McHenry's Neurology and Carbon Chemistry. Chemistry is also a big interest now. He does a lot of research online, but I would love for him to be able to talk to someone as interested as he is. We have some opportunities opening up, but it has been quite a challenge to meet his needs in this area. Shannon
  2. We used Dave's cheap software product because it was in line with the teachings in the book. The initial budget took a lot of time. I don't think any product is going to eliminate the amount of time it takes to create a workable budget. It was so worth it. We just went through a ten month period of unemployment and because we had just a few months before eliminated all our debt and started growing the emergency fund it was not the devastating disaster it could have been. It is worth the effort to see it all the way through. Good luck, Shannon
  3. My 9yo has been told he has an accent. r's and l's are the issue. I would like to find something on CD. He can pronounce them easily if he tries. These seem to be habits developed from earlier years. Shannon
  4. I loved The One Year Bible for Children for ages 5-8. The passages were quick to read and I thought the questions were very insightful; I actually got a lot out of it. It was scripture not the goofy scenario type devotions. Shannon
  5. Umm, yes! I am determined that this is the year I don't try to put too much in my schedule. I have already spent the equivalent of a few days reading the latest Rainbow Resource catalog and found a list of books to research. I found many amazing resources and I really, really want to only buy what we can use with time to explore and learn and discuss. Will this be the year? We'll see, Shannon
  6. I wouldn't make her read them all. I have done Sonlight for years and realize it's a great fit for my daughter(voracious reader) and not so great for my son(likes reading technical manuals and computer parts catalogs). I pick certain books for my son to read and my daughter reads them all. I wish I had realized this a few years ago. Good luck, Shannon
  7. I wanted to do Latin but my son really wanted Greek. So that's where we started. I've learned if his interests are very strong and if we go in that direction he gets more out of it and it's a lot more fun. We are also doing MCT so he gets a lot of Latin there. Shannon
  8. We too had a hard time with my daughter telling time. Really had to stick with it for a long time. Shannon
  9. Here in CO they do it in 2nd grade. Even as a homeschooler they were willing to test my son. Good luck, Shannon
  10. I loved Creative Home Schooling - filled with resources I didn't know about. I'll have to look into the others. Thanks, Shannon
  11. That sounds advanced to me. I have a serious problem solver in the house. I think it's fun because I'm the same way. Shannon
  12. My youngest(9) loves math and is very naturally gifted in the area of math and physics. He loves to get inside a concept and look around and apply it to theoretical scenarios. It has been challenging to get him through all the basics but we have done it and he is now able to explore the math world in the way his mind works. There are a lot of supplements that a mathy kid will enjoy. My son loves the Penrose books, Calculus by and for Young People, Challenge Math type stuff. There are many great resources to pursue their natural bent, but it can be quite a process finding the right fit. Good luck, Shannon
  13. My son is very similar - highly capable and highly self-critical. I remember being the same way as a child so that does help me to see things from his perspective and encourage him to do and try more. It was a very powerful sense that everyone around me was better than me. It was ridiculous but very real. It is something that requires a lot of encouragement and patience because left to themselves they will avoid doing many things they are capable of and would love doing. Shannon
  14. I just took my hubby to the airport for a job interview in Bentonville. It looks rather promising so I'm waiting for word tomorrow on finding out what I can about homeschooling in that area. Waiting patiently, Shannon
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