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For fun - what word, song, phrase is stuck in your head?

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I know you feel the beat so clap your hands and stomp your feet. Here we go now, here we go now.........


We just had VBS a couple weeks ago and those songs stay burned into your brain all year, lol.


Oh my! I'm thinking we had the same theme for our VBS! Did you also have,

"The journey begins, we're all getting in, into the word of God..." Then some more lyrics that are escaping me (but I have the tune!), with a chorus of, "Let the vast voyage begin, whoa-oh hey! - Let the vast voyage begin!"


I had finally gotten some of that out of my head, then I read your post...aahh!!!:tongue_smilie:

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The theme from the Pink Panther is stuck in my head. I visited a blog from a local homeschooling family, and they have that music on one of their pages. Anyway, I went to bed without closing out the page...so it played all night. My husband asked me this morning, what's the deal with the pink panther on our computer. He couldn't figure out where it was coming from, LOL! Funny thing, my ds17, with autism, loves music and picks up tunes easily, even though he doesn't talk much. He doesn't use the computer, or really hang out in our dining room where it's located, but obviously it filtered through to him. He sat down on the couch next to me this morning humming the familiar "da-dum, da-dum, da-dum-da-dum-da-dum, da-dum-da-dummmmmm!"

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"76 Trombones" from "The Music Man"


This music was going through my mind so much that I checked out the movie from the library (had only seen it once back in the '60's!!!), hoping watching the movie would somehow wipe the song out of my mind (you know - acknowledge it and it'll go away . . .) - but now the music is stuck even firmer . . .

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"can you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men?". We just listened to the Les Miserables cd. Can't get it out of my head!


Oh, in January this one will be running through my head, too, as my dd will in a production of Les Mis.


But she just finished CATS last week, so right now I have a constant stream of "Old Deuteronomy" and "Grizabella the Glamour Cat" running through my head.


I work backstage for the rehearsals and performances, so I hear the songs OVER and OVER and OVER. Gah!

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want your bad romance... there's a funny utube with a group of college guys singing this Lady GagGa song and my dd and i laughed and really enjoyed these guys (not her actual video) and now I've got it stuck in my head...:glare:

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We've been watching a lot of Dr. Who and the Sara Jane Adventures. I've got Raxacoricofallapatorius stuck in my head. It runs around there in a little sing-song voice.:lol:
A friend of mine and her family just named their new puppy Raxacoricofallapatorius. :D


I have this song stuck in my head at the moment. (I like the comment at the bottom: "Not even Twilight can ruin Muse." Amen. I have loved MUSE for years but I do not like Twilight.)

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