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Can I just say how much I

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hate diabetes!! My 11yr old dd's blood sugar went low today and she became unresponsive. I had given her 2 juice boxes, and ended up using the glucagon too. She still wouldn't come around, so I had to call 911. They gave her more glucose in the ambulance, yet her blood sugar did not come up until an hour later in the ER after they gave her dextrose through an IV.


This has never happened before, and it was so scary! Her siblings were so scared and as we rode away in the ambulance, her older sister stood at the door of our house crying. :(


DD11 is exhausted, and now, of course, her blood sugar is swinging wildly in the other direction. :(


We aren't sure why this happened, other than the possibility that she loaded the wrong insulin in her needle this morning. I'm so glad she's okay!


Thanks for listening to my vent. Diabetes stinks!

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My dd2 has a simlar problem with blood sugar, although her problem is completely genetic. We are constantly having to race her to the ER and it is exhausting and upsetting to everyone. I so understand what you are going through. I hope she feels better soon and you can get back to normal after today. :grouphug:

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HOW SCARY! :grouphug:

My oldest dd is married to a man that is a brittle diabetic. It is something they fight every day and so very scary. She has woken up in the middle of the night with him thrashing around. She takes his blood sugar and it has dropped off the charts. She is learning to live with it and what to do but still.

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:grouphug: My 10 year-old son is diabetic, I understand your fears and frustrations. We recently had an episode of raging high BGs and ketosis. We've not experienced an extreme low...yet.


Ds has been on an insulin pump for about 4.5 years, now, and we really like it...once we got over the initial resistance to change. :)

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My DD11 also has diabetes. I have never had to use Glucagon so far and I am dreading ever having to. I definitely have those days where I want to break something because I hate that kids have to deal with this.


How long since your DD was diagnosed? It seems like even when you feel like you have a handle on it, it throws you a curveball.


Ironically, just as I am typing this my DD yells to me. "Hey Mom, I'm 51, I'm having some glucose tabs." *sigh*

Edited by LaissezFaire
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Dd is Type 1 and I completely understand. We haven't had a low that bad, but it is always a parent's worst nightmare. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

If they haven't told you already, let her run high for a few days to replenish her liver's glycogen stores. And be very careful for the next 24-48 hours. Statistically, it's more likely to experience another low within this period. I would reduce her basal rates for the next few days.

ETA I reread your post and see you are on shots. Ask your endo about lowering Lantus (or Levimir, or whatever long acting insulin she's on) for a few days. Now is not the time to be worried about highs.

Edited by Lawana
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I'm glad she's OK!


Is she a candidate for a pump? We have one family in our HS group that started homeschooling specifically because the ps simply wasn't handling their son's diabetes well, and he ended up with some VERY scary incidents. I was amazed, even only seeing the child occasionally, how much the added stability of the pump has made a difference-he simply is a healthier acting, happier child. And his mom looks MUCH less stressed, too.

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:grouphug: Very scary, but sounds like you did everything right! You had the right tools, you just had to use more of them than ever before.


If the error was an insulin switch this morning, then you (and dd) will learn from it. What else are you going to do? DON'T let dd feel as if she is being punished for a mistake, though. If she makes (or thinks she has made) the mistake again you want dd to say something right away so you can monitor closely. Mistakes happen. What can you do to prevent? Color code. If you are using vials, you can use colored tape over the labels on the vials to make them more distinguishable. Covers the labels, yes, but you can write on the colored tape if need be too.


If you are interested in a pump, there are some great options out there. I have been out of the loop the last couple years, but I know they continue to improve them. Coverage for pump supplies used to be an issue for some insurance companies, but I have no idea how that has changed, and imagine it can be different from state to state within the US. I used to work for a diabetes center - PM me if you need to.

Edited by JoyfulMama
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Regarding the pump (and you may not even be considering it...I'm not trying to push it) -


We had an Animas for 4 years and it was great. Very easy to use and the customer support was superb.


We switched to a Mini-med this year because they have a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) which communicates with the pump. I thought I'd like that feature more than I really do.... It seems to require a lot of calibrating and the insertion needle is large and painful (the skin really has to be numbed). They're supposed to be coming out with a new insertion set by the end of the year. Can't wait for that!


Our insurance (BCBS) covered both the pump and the CGM supplies cost, at least much of it...we have a high deductible plan.

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Man we should start a whole diabetes support group here. How to homeschool while juggling a diabetic and a newborn? BTDT. Never had a low that bad, though. I can't imagine how scary. So glad your dd is okay.


Pumps can introduce a whole new element of the "What the heck is causing these numbers game." We just got our second replacement pump in a year. Very frustrating.

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Never had to use Glucagon yet but have had hypo seizures,never fun.

Def. run her higher for the next 48 hours.

Hang in there.

My daughter was 430 earlier today while playing with friends after a 4-H scrapbook mtg, now she has the exercise induced lows :(. Long night for mom.

We use the Omnipod and love it, we also use a CGMS (Dexcom)..

We could never get basal rates right on MDI but I know many who do just fine with it so whatever works for you is the way to go.


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My daughter was 430 earlier today while playing with friends after a 4-H scrapbook mtg, now she has the exercise induced lows :(. Long night for mom.


We were there last night, too. It does make for a long night. :grouphug:

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I had no idea so many families on here with type 1. Does anyone here go to the CWD forums? My 5yo dd has type 1 - she was diagnosed a little over a year ago. Just when you think you have this diabetes thing down, it throws you a curve. We haven't had to use big red yet (knock on wood) but we came close just last night.


Hope your dd is doing well. :grouphug:

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I heard that they can train dogs to detect drastic swings in blood sugar levels and alert someone. They are considered work dogs like seeing/eye dogs. My niece is diabetic and my Brother and SIL are looking into getting a dog for her when she goes off to college or after college.


Anyway, I thought it might useful information for someone.

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So sorry! My son is also a T1D. It is such an exhausting disease to manage....I try to stay positive and just be thankful it's a disease that can be treated..it could be so much worse! That being said, I really wish I could get a diabetic vacation...I haven't had a worry free nights sleep in 3 years. Thankfully no big red for us either. My son refuses to even consider using a pump. He won't take injections in his stomach and is not thrilled about having something"stuck on him". I'm hoping to get pumping next year. Take care:grouphug: I had no idea there were so many T1D families on the WTM forums. It's great to find support:)

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For those of you with kids who are afraid to take on the pump...I hope you can get your kids to reconsider! The level of freedom is just so worth it. Of course it comes with it's own issues but my dd will never go back to injections. Putting the site in is very simple and it's once every 3 days generally vs all the sticks of injections.


Also for those of you craving a break I highly recommend diabetes camp! I pick up my DD's tomorrow from a week at camp where I know they have had the time of their lives and I have had a much needed break. (Only 1 dd has t1d but her sister was allowed to go along to camp too).


I started a group here on WTM for parents of diabetic children. If anyone wants to check it out.

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