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Anyone ever measure 4wks behind at 1st ultrasound?

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I went for my first ultrasound this past Tuesday, which was supposed to be my approx. 10 week one. When the tech put the wand on my belly, she could hardly see anything, so she switched to the v*g. wand. She said she thought she could see a little flicker of heartbeat and the sac, but not much else. She measured what she could and it put me at 5 weeks 6 days. According to the date of my last period (April 13), I was supposed to be about 4 weeks ahead of that date. I took a pregnancy test on May 19th (cycle day 37) and got a faint pink line. I took another one the next day, and again the faint pink line. Then, I made myself wait and took a 3rd test on May 24th, and got a darker line that time.


I don't think I have ever had the textbook ovulate on day 14, period on day 28 type cycle, in fact, they have been irregular somewhat. In all my other pregnancies, though, the first u/s has never been this far "off"-maybe a week, but not a whole month!


They scheduled me for another u/s in a week to try to get a definite heartbeat and some more measurements. You can imagine that waiting a this long for another u/s is agony. I am hoping that all is well with this new little one...

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I always measure "small" but it usually starts off being only a little behind (1.5-2 weeks). By the end, it's often 4-5 weeks behind and my babies are on the small side at birth (last 2 were 5 lbs. 12 oz. and 6 lbs. 4 oz.)


Did they do any kind of blood tests to check your HCG levels?


Praying for you and your little one :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Yes, I have measured behind before at my first appt. I can not remember exactly how far behind now b/c said dd is now almost 9. I remember that I had to wait a week for another u/s and that at the first appt. they should have been able to hear the heart and couldn't. They couldn't find a heartbeat and couldn't tell much at all at the first appt.

One week later, there was a heartbeat and she was conceived at a later date than I thought. I think it moved my due date 2 weeks in the end. I wouldn't go by any measurements at this stage of pregnancy. I know it is hard b/c I have had to wait that week before and it got long and I was anxious to just know what was going on and where the pregnancy stood. Now I have a wonderful dd9 though and that week is a distant memory.


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Crimson Wife,


They didn't do any blood tests to check levels. They just drew blood for the complete workup. Maybe they can use some of that to check?


I will certainly let you all know what is going on. Someone congratulated me tonight at a service at our church and I just about burst into tears. I just don't feel like I can "claim" this pregnancy, yet, KWIM?

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During my last two pregnancies I measured small on my first ultrasound (approximately 2 weeks smaller than expected gestational age). Unfortunately, in my case neither pregnancy was viable and miscarriage followed shortly thereafter in both instances.


The whole "waiting" part is miserable on any account and even though I knew that I knew that my dates and measurements didn't mesh, I held fast to hope all the way.


So anywho, putting my gloomy response aside. . .


They could have done HCG levels and then checked them again in a couple days, but either way - whether waiting for lab results or waiting for the follow-up U/S - you still end up waiting almost a week.


I pray that you will have positive news at your U/S next week and that this period of waiting goes quickly. :grouphug:



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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I just wanted to update you on my situation.

When I had my 1st ultrasound last Tuesday, they put the baby at around 6 weeks instead of around 10 weeks like I thought. I had gotten a + pg test on May 19th, so none of it added up in my mind. The tech thought she saw a flicker of a heartbeat, but the midwife scheduled me for another u/s in a week, which was yesterday.


I had my dh come with me, as I just didn't feel settled about it. They tried it on my belly and couldn't see much, so switched to transv*g. The baby had not grown at all in a week, and they couldn't get a heartbeat. I had also started spotting over the weekend of blood tinged mucus. It has just gotten worse, and it's obvious I am miscarrying the baby.


This is my first miscarriage, so I am pretty emotional and, to be honest, scared. I am scared to see what might come out. My kids are sad that the baby died. I know it will all be ok, but it hurts so much right now!

Thank you for your concern and prayers. They mean so much to me!

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Oh, I am sad for you. I went thru this several years ago at 12 weeks. It is heartbreaking. Do cry, do take time to grieve, do let others do things in service to your family. You will need time off to rest, pray and think.


I agree that you should talk with your doctor about what to expect, particularly what signs or symptoms might indicate your need to go in to the ER.


Prayers for you, your family. It is very sad for all of you, but as time passes you will find that this difficulty has bound you closer to one another.


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Big hugs to you.:grouphug:

I have been through this several times, and it is a heartbreak that is difficult to express to those that haven't been there. Take good care of yourself both physically and emotionally, know that the sadness and grief you will feel are normal, and that you will feel some post miscarriage horomone swings similar to post partum.


Take comfort in knowing that there are people praying for you and accept help offered from those around you. So sorry for your loss, you will be in my prayers.

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Oh Michelle,

I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how devasting it is and how much you hurt, as well as how difficult it is to have to share such heartbreaking news with your other children, while trying to be strong for them as well.


I've lost 2 pregancies to miscarriage in the past 9 months and I wrote a poem to help me through my grief that I wanted to share it with you in hopes that it will somehow bring you comfort and hope as well.


It's called "Until Then. . ." and you can find it on my blog here




Fwiw, my experience was just very heavy bleeding and lots of clots passing. Emotionally I just cried and cried. It disturbed me to think that what "should" have been my baby was now going down the toilet and there was nothing I could do to change that. Just didn't seem right, ya know? :crying: Lots of emotions and thoughts to process. Give yourself time and permission to grieve. This is a loss as real as any other.


:grouphug: Lifting you up in prayer.



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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I am so sorry it turned out this way. I have been there, and it's a terrible thing to have to go through. Please be easy on yourself and let yourself grieve. Surround yourself with people who will love on you and support you. :grouphug:

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