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Anyone want to share their 7th grade plans?


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This is what I have (tentatively) planned so far for this year:


Grammar: Growing with Grammar 7

Writing: Wordsmith

Spelling: Spelling Power

Math: Teaching Textbooks 7, Life of Fred Fractions, & Life of Fred Decimals

History: Story of the World 3 (she'll be doing this along with her brother, but also adding in Kingfisher History, The Human Odyssey, and other supplemental reading)

Science: Singapore MPH (yes, this is techinically for 5th-6th grade, but she'll be doing this with her brother also)

Logic: The Art of Argument

Latin: Lively Latin (we're still finishing up book 1)

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: Continuing 3rd year of flute lessons


A few subjects are at a lower level than what she could be doing, because it's so much easier to combine subjects. She does do a lot of outside reading in different subjects (history and science especially) so I'm not too worried that she's missing out.

Edited by funschooler5
Forgot music and art!
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Our 7th grade plan--


Bible- Proverbs People, Who is God (Apologia) and whatever else I decide on... not all at once, but to last the year

Grammer- CLP Applications of Grammer Book 1

Writing- Jump In, Meaningful Composition (different MC books depending on her needs-Jump In over 2 years)

Reading- Lightning Lit 7 & figuratively speaking

Vocabulary (she finished spelling power in january)- Vocabulary Cartoons and vocabulary vine

Math - Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and LoF Pre-Algebra w/ Biology and the pre-algebra word problems book that is coming out this summer

History - All American History 2 and Mystery of History 2

Science- Apologia General Science w/ knowledge box lap-book and vocabulary vine science roots (over 2 years)

Logic- Fallacy Detective

Latin- Latin For Children

Geography- Trail Guide to US geography



It seems like I am missing something-- I will edit if I can think of what it is LOL

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Bible: How to Study the Bible for Kids by Kay Arthur; Beautiful Girlhood

Grammar: R&S English 5 (2nd half)

Writing: IEW Medieval History based writing lessons

Spelling: R&S Spelling by Sound & Structure 7

Math: Teaching Textbooks 7, (maybe LOF Fractions; Decimals & Percents)

History: Mystery of History 2 (with supplemental reading)

Science: Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space; Exploring Creation with Astronomy; supplemental reading

Latin: Latina Christiana I (she will be doing this with her younger sister & brother)

Art: Phonics of Drawing; Art Fraud Detective

Music: Music Theory; American Composers

Health: R&S Health for God's Glory & Janice VanCleave's "Food & Nutrition for Every Kid"

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7th Grade

Math: Patty Paper Geometry/ Chalkdust Algebra I (Term 1&2)

English: Shurley English 6 (Term 1&2)

Writing: Writing Foundations/ The Basic Essay (Online IEW- 1st Term & Ă‚Â½ of 2nd Term)

History/Geography: Biblioplan 4 (Term 1)

Science: Apologia General Science/ Red Wagon Tutorials (Term 2)

Foreign Language: Education Espanol (United Streaming) (Term 1)

Poetry: Poetry and Humanity (2nd term)

Bible: Walking in Faith (Term 1&2)

Vocabulary: Word Within The Word- Volume I (Term 1&2)

Literature: Lightening Literature (Online G3 Class) (1st term)

Art Appreciation/Instruction: Picturing America (Term 1)/Mark Kistlers Online Lessons (Term 1 &2)

Music Instruction/Appreciation: Piano for Life DVD ( Term 1 & 2)Music Masters w/ BP (Term 1)

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Here's our 7th grade plan...


Math - Saxon Algebra 1/2

Science - Apologia General Science

History - TOG Year 3

Latin - Latin for Children

Grammar - R&S 6

Writing - R&S or TOG Writing Aids

Spelling - Spelling Power

Music - History of Classical Music (Beautiful Feet)

Bible - Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Logic - Building Thinking Skills

Literature - TOG

Health - still deciding whether to do this and what to use if I do

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Here's our plan:


Latin- Latin Alive 1

Math - LOF & Dolciani Algebra

English - WWE, WTM, Megawords, Teaching Terrific Grammar

Literature - Several books pulled from different sources, Figuratively Speaking

History - Asian studies (with focus on Japan)

Science - Earth Science (The Good Earth, mixed with a few other books)

Logic/Philosophy - Aof A (part 2), Aristotle for Everybody, Philosophy for Kids

Religion - New Testament study

Japanese - Irasshai year 1

Art - mostly focused on Asian art

Music - trumpet, music theory

PE - tai chi, hiking

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I still have a few decisions to make, but here's our tentative plan:


Bible: Who is God? (Apologia)

Math: CLE 606-705

Science: ABeka's Order and Reality or Homeschool Science Academy

History & Geography: Biblioplan Year 3 w/ first half of BJU's American Republic

Literature: historical fiction, biographies, and classics with essay 1x/week per WTM

Grammar: Rod and Staff or CLE 6?

Composition: WTM cross-curricular dictation, narration, and outlining

Spelling: Apples?

Vocabulary: EFTRU

P.E.: going to gym with Dad, conditioning to to hike the Grand Canyon's North Rim

Nature Study: co-op

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Ooppss...Not sure why it posted twice.


Here's our 7th grade plan...


Math - Saxon Algebra 1/2

Science - Apologia General Science

History - TOG Year 3

Latin - Latin for Children

Grammar - R&S 6

Writing - R&S or TOG Writing Aids

Spelling - Spelling Power

Music - History of Classical Music (Beautiful Feet)

Bible - Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Logic - Building Thinking Skills

Literature - TOG

Health - still deciding whether to do this and what to use if I do

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posted twice...
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I may not be a good candidate for comparison. I start with a classical schedule in mind, and end up falling back to traditional methods. Also, I outsource subjects because dd12 must have some classroom time. (7 years of really bad time without social opportunities, and last year was her best year because she took outside classes so I'm definitely not changing that)


Grammar: Growing with Grammar 6 (will move to 7 when she finishes up)

Writing: Writing assignments she gets from History; Creative Writing course outside home

Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A

Litarature: WTM reading selections for 6th grade; middle-school Literature course outside home

Math: Math-U-See Algebra, with Saxon Algebra 1/2 as a backup plan

History: K12's part 1 American History (5th grade history, hoping it will be okay for her grade level if we do the more challenging assignments my son skipped when he was doing the program at a younger age)

Science: focus on Biology in a course outside the home

Logic: Mind Benders, and thinking of Critical Thinking Book 1

Latin: Due to multiple failed attempts, I decided to leave any foreign language out of our homeschool program until it's needed in high school

Music: continue piano lessons

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I have waaay too much stuff. I think it's this board's fault! I need to sit down over the summer and see if/how I can actually make it all work!

Things with question marks are things I'm strongly considering but haven't 100% decided on. Wherever it says dd1 or dd2, only one twin will be using/doing that, otherwise they're together.


We're just finishing up 6th grade and starting summer term... Regular school year doesn't start till Sept. You people who are starting now scare me!! :tongue_smilie: For Summer term, we're mostly continuing with math and German - one kid's doing LOF PreAlg/Bio, the other wants to tackle AoPS Number Theory (at least part of it), and they're both doing a German grammar book and we continue with history and we're finishing up some loose ends in a couple of other things. Then in the fall:


History K12 Human Odyssey, The World in Ancient Times, Story of Science, Little History of the World (outline/German), Map Skills

Science CPO Earth Science, Carbon Chemistry, Science Club for Girls (outside, free weekly classs)?

Literature LL8 (partial), LLfLOTR (partial, when fits with history), Figuratively Speaking, Book Club?

Writing Essay Voyage, Lost Tools of Writing?

Poetry World of Poetry (MCT), Keepers of the Flame, Memorization

Grammar Practice Voyage, Sentence Composing for Middle School, Editor in Chief

Vocabulary CaesarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s English II, Word Roots

Math LialĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s BCM (dd1), Discovering Mathematics 1a/b (dd2), Math Detective, Patty Paper Geometry? Math Club (dd2, outside, free class)?

Logic/Philosophy Philosophy for Kids, Critical Thinking I, Grid Perplexors

Art/Art History Outside class(es), Story of Art

Music Violin, Orchestra (dd1), Piano (dd2)

German Sat. School, Little History of the World (combined w/ History)

Spanish Breaking the Barrier II, Juegos y actividades III, Rosa y Ernesto/Cajas de CartĂƒÂ³n, Practice Makes Perfect, Show Time Spanish

Latin (dd1) Latin Prep I

Programming/Engineering (dd2) Snake Wrangling for Kids, Robotics Club, Electronics kit, Thames & Kosmos kit

PE/Performing Arts Ballet (dd1), Skating (dd2)


Yeah, and this doesn't include the montly Engineering classes I'm considering through a local homeschooling group, or the Economics unit I'd just love to throw in, or the musical two of my kids will most likely do. :blink:


And did I mention I have another kid too???

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Grade 7: Some subjects will be taught with younger sibling.


Reading List:

Adam of the Road (Total Language Plus Guide)

The Door in the Wall




Fantastic Mr. Fox http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading48/fantastic_fox.htm

Hatchet http://www.mce.k12tn.net/survival/hatchet/hatchet.htm

The Hiding Place (Progeny Press Guide)

Holes http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading39/holes.htm

Number the Stars http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading23/number_the_stars.htm



The School Story http://home.att.net/~clnetwork/ar/schoolstory.pdf


Where the Red Fern Grows http://www.mce.k12tn.net/dogs/fern/where_the_red_fern_grows.htm


Woodsong by Paulsen http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading29/woodsong.htm

A Wrinkle in Time (Progeny Press Guide)


Fact Monster Finds http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/factmonster.shtml


Internet scavenger hunts (free) http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/hunt.shtml



Easy Grammar Plus

Daily Grams 7th Grade

Every Day Edits (Free) http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/edit.shtml



Wordsmith Apprentice (finish)

The Paragraph book 1 by EPS books


Cursive Practice: As needed from books


Math: Teaching Textbooks Grade 7

What ever happened to Penny Candy?


Math Drill:

Math Trainer online http://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-multiply.html

Math-u-see online http://www.mathusee.com/popup_math_drill.php

Math Drill http://resources.oswego.org/games/mathmagician/cathymath.html

Times Tales

Flash Cards


Spelling: Spelling Power

Spelling City (Free) http://www.spellingcity.com/


Vocab: Vocabulary Vine


Science: Apologia Human Anatomy Elementary Series

Science in a nutshell kits


Nature Study: Handbook of Nature Study by Comstock

Harmony Art Mom Nature Lessons (free) http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/


History: SOTW 4 Book

SOTW 4 Activity Guide

SOTW Audio Volume 4

King fisher History Encyclopedia

A history of the US by Joy Hakim books 5-10


Study US presidents 1-2 per week:

Prsident Fact Sheet (Free) http://donnayoung.org/history/history-files/forms/president.pdf

President Facts: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/

This Country of Ours (free): http://www.amblesideonline.org/TCOOContents.shtml

President Sheets (free) Saved on computer http://www.homeofheroes.com/presidents/book/presidents.PDF

President Cards (Free) http://www2.scholastic.com/content/collateral_resources/swf/95/0439503795_e039.swf

Use Guest Hollow AH 2 as a resource (free) http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/history/americanhistory2/american_history_2_index.html


Geography: Trail Guide to Wolrd Geography

Geography A to Z (free) http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/geography_az.shtml

Where in the World is Mrs. Waffenschmit (free) http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/archives/waffenschmidt.shtml


Map Drill: Outline maps at http://www.eduplace.com/ss/maps/ (free)


Computer/Typing: Kiran’s Typing Tutor (free) http://www.kiranreddys.com/products/typing/


Critical Thinking: Mind Benders


PE: Activities 3X’s Week

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Am I missing anything?


Grammar Rod & Staff 7

Spelling Rod & Staff 7 (might switch to Natural Speller).

Writing IEW level B

Poetry MCT

Vocabulary Classical Roots A, and Words from the SAT Blue Book.

Analogies Book 1

Literature LL 7

Math Chalk Dust Math, PreAlgebra

History History Odyssey, Middle Ages with IEW

Geography Trail Guide to World Geography

Logic Undecided

Science Undecided

ArtMeet the Masters

P.E. Karate and Basketball

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OK, I'll try, but I am nowhere near settled...sigh...


Bible: We are going to read through the New Testament/ Psalms and Proverbs with the family.


Math: CLE 604-wherever we get...LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents


Language Arts: CLE 700, Writing ala SWB


Reading/ Literature CLE 700


History: SOTW 4 w/ AG, Kingfisher and extra reading WTM and other lists


Science: Apologia General


Physical Ed: Swim Team and perhaps a dance class


Logic: The Art of Argument/ Fallacy Detective/ Thinking Toolbox?/ Mind benders etc.


I am sure we will do lots of art and I hope to use my Beautiful Feet History of Classical Music this year with trips to see concerts.



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So far:


Math-A Beka 7, lOF Pre-Alg., Descartes Cove & possibly Duke Tip Math & the Cosmos


Language Arts-Lit Lessons from LOTR, Wordly Wise, GWG & IEW for Composition.


Science-Jason Project Monster Storms, Astronomy, Herbology & either Apologia Physical or Biology and classes at the Science Museum.


Foreign Language-FLVS MS Spanish II & Unitedstreaming EducaciĂƒÂ³n EspaĂƒÂ±ola.

History-The Human Odyssey vol.1 & living books.


Geography-Visual World Geography & living books.


Subject to change, but this is the plan so far. :D

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This year, I am officially doing some subjects as First Semester and 2nd Semester...this will allow us to accomplish everything I have planned, without DS11's days being SOOO long.


Year Round:

Math: Videotext Algebra

Composition: CW Older Beginners (taking the online course)

History: All-American History Volume 2

World Geography: WP Children Around the World

Latin: Finish First Form Latin...start Second Form Latin


1st Semester:

Science: Chemistry (Elemental Science...we're halfway through this so just need to finish it up)

Vocab: Vocabulary from Latin Roots



2nd Semester:

Science: Apologia's Anatomy

Grammar: Anaylitical Grammar

Reading Comprehension: CLE Reading 7th



hmm, think I am forgetting something...but my plan is on a diff laptop...so this is the jist of it.


Of course, there's all of the extracurriculars....HS P.E., seasonal team sports, HS Band...and whatever else pops up.

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Here is the tentative list for what it is worth:


Math - LofF Beginning Algebra/Foerster Algebra I

English - Magic Lens I, Word Within a Word I, my own writing program

Literature - my own program (Medieval to Early Modern), Understanding Advertising

History - my own program (Medieval to Early Modern w/ American

Science - my own program

Interest-driven Friday - logic/philosophy, current events, technology

Japanese - Adventures in Japanese

Spanish - Rosetta Stone

Art - Art in Focus, Art Literacy projects designed by older daughter

Music - History of Classical Music

PE - swim team, hiking

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Now hold on a cotton pickin' minute there, Lisa! Where is all the stuff you "convinced" me to buy? ;)


Where is Duke King Arthur? Where is LLfLOTR? And now I've got Patty Paper Geometry in my Amazon cart thanks to you!! :glare::001_huh::D


Does this mean you won't be using Essay Voyage or Advanced Academic Writing or.. hold the phone... weren't you on those LToW threads?? :lol:


Here is the tentative list for what it is worth:


Math - LofF Beginning Algebra/Foerster Algebra I

English - Magic Lens I, Word Within a Word I, my own writing program

Literature - my own program (Medieval to Early Modern), Understanding Advertising

History - my own program (Medieval to Early Modern w/ American

Science - my own program

Interest-driven Friday - logic/philosophy, current events, technology

Japanese - Adventures in Japanese

Spanish - Rosetta Stone

Art - Art in Focus, Art Literacy projects designed by older daughter

Music - History of Classical Music

PE - swim team, hiking

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Here's what I'm planning:


Grammar: Rod and Staff

Writing: Using Rod and Staff; also some writing assignments related to geography, history, etc.

Spelling: I'm beginning Vocab for the College Bound and may work on spelling of those words....

Math: He's beginning his second year in a small group using a Dolciani algebra book. I'm using Russian Math 6 at home for drill work.

History: Story of the World 3, also adding in Kingfisher History, other history encyclopedias and tons of other supplemental reading.

Science: I'm putting together my own stuff and he's supposed to also do a weekly small group with an organic chem professor I know from UK.....

Logic: Introductory Logic

Latin: finishing up Latin Primer II and beginning Latin Primer III; also doing Elementary Greek and Barron's Spanish grammar (has a once weekly outside Spanish class with a native speaker).

Art: He's going to continue an outside art class and I have some art appreciation stuff to do with him at home. He also does some reading about artists, etc. in association with his history studies.

Music: Continuing piano lessons (I think we're going into about year 5). I have some music appreciation stuff at home, too.....


I also have him doing a mish-mash of things for Bible this year, as well as some geography studies. Reading/lit will be tied to the history period under study. I'm using a variety of things for lit study. He's doing an outside lit class, too......


I'm not sure yet what I'm doing for PE.....

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Bible: R&S 5 (I wanted her to start at the beginning. She'll be moving on to 6 soon)

English: R&S 4, moving onto 5 soon

Spelling: R&S 6, moving onto 7 soon

Math: Life of Fred Fractions

History: Sonlight's Core 4 read alouds (independently)

Science: Apologia General Science

Art: Draw and Write Through History, Art Appreciation

Rummy Roots for root literacy. This is probably as far as we will go with Latin.

Logic: looking at Fallacy Detective, The Art of Argument, not decided yet

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Now hold on a cotton pickin' minute there, Lisa! Where is all the stuff you "convinced" me to buy? ;)


Where is Duke King Arthur? Where is LLfLOTR? And now I've got Patty Paper Geometry in my Amazon cart thanks to you!! :glare::001_huh::D


Does this mean you won't be using Essay Voyage or Advanced Academic Writing or.. hold the phone... weren't you on those LToW threads?? :lol:


My dear, that is where "my own program" is so handy.:D It eliminates all that tedious writing, not to mention the embarrassment. Duke King Arthur is part of history but with half the questions and several of the projects (1 day per week). Writing is a mix of MCT and whatever else. I am a stickler for copywork/dictation and I really like it mixed with lit analysis ala Brave Writer-style. LToW is here and I have listened to the first CD, but am currently buried deep in Geometry with the older kids. Hence the Patty Paper Geometry. My dh is reading the directions for PPG while the rest of the family, myself included do the constructions during dessert - at least in theory. We start on that tonight.:tongue_smilie: I am still waiting for my copy of Don Quixote in Spanish which I foolishly agreed to read with someone on this board and I am now 4 chapters behind. See why I kept my list brief. You all went back to bed after reading this overly long paragraph.

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Here's what I'm looking at for my 7th grader:


Math: Singapore 6A&B

Arabic: Badran, level 4

English: Analytical Grammar, CW Homer, Spelling Workout H

History: SOTW 4

Geography: various US geography (1st sem), homemade Indian geography (2nd sem)

Science: Chemistry kit, Mr Q chemistry along with younger sibling

Logic: Building Thinking Skills (Critical Thinking Co)

Hifz (Qur'anic Memorization): Juz 28, and revision

Islamic History: Seerah and period of the Khulafa' Ar-Rashidun

Islamic Studies: undecided, perhaps unit studies again

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7th grader


Math: Saxon 87

Latin: Lively Latin or Oxford Latin

Grammar & Writing: Rod & Staff 5

Spelling & Vocabulary: Calvert Spelling & Vocabulary CD-roms

Penmanship: Pentime Penmanship 7th grade

History, Geography, Literature, & Writing: History Odyssey Early Modern level 2

Science: Apologia General Science w/ outlining & short papers as per TWTM


Informal: Piano, art, P.E., free reading

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Math - Singapore Discovering Mathematics 1


English - Put That in Writing, Magic Lens/4Practice, Sequential Spelling


World History - American History (multiple resources)


Ancient History - Ancient Greece (multiple resouces)


Science - Earth Science / Astronomy (multiple resources)


Literature - Iliad, Odyssey, Oresteia, Theban Trilogy, Age of Fable, Hobbit, Robinson Crusoe


Latin - online


Greek - online


French - First Start French


Geography - online (plus Mapping the World with Art)


Art - The Phonics of Drawing


Religion - online


Phys Ed - Rowing team, swimming

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I will have two 7th graders this year, 13yob and 11yog (will be 12 in Aug.)


Math: Developmental Mathematics

Spelling/Vocabulary: Soaring with Spelling

English: Rod and Staff

Latin: Lively Latin

Literature: Lightning Lit 7, The Art of Poetry

Geography: US geography, studying one state a week (combined with younger siblings)

US History: various books from library. Tied in to Geography.

Ancient/World history: undecided. Might just use books from library. Might just do US history.

Science: (No formal study until high school). Books from library, NOVA



Susan in TX

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My 12 yo ds:


Bible: Balancing the Sword, Youth Bible Drill

Reading: CLE Reading 7, Lightning Lit 7

Writing & Grammar: BJU Writing Grammar 7

Spelling: Spelling Demons

Vocab: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A & Walch Words

Math: Jacobs Algebra, LofF Algebra

Logic: Orbiting with Logic, Mind Benders, Perplexers

Latin: Henle 1 (second year)

Science: BJU Earth & Space Science

History: 20th century

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7th grade is approaching way too fast...but here is what we have planned:


Math: Dolciani pre-algebra, and/or Lial's BCM

Latin: Finish First Form Latin, start Second Form Latin

Grammar: Rod and Staff 7

History: WTM history, early modern

Writing: WTM writing, hoping to learn and incorporate Lost Tools of Writing

Logic: Memoria Press, Traditional Logic

Vocab: Vocab from Classical Roots A and B

Literature: WTM suggestions

Science, Spanish, and art at co-op

Piano lessons

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I haven't decided on Bible but will be looking through this thread for suggestions!


Grammar & Writing: Bob Jones 7

Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book A

Math: Teaching Textbooks 7

Literature: Beautiful Feet's History of Music

Science: Apologia's Human Anatomy & Physiology

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: Violin Lessons

Bible: ???

History: Veritas Press 1815-Present

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Bible: Apologia Who is God?

English: Finish R&S6 and then BJU7 (figure this will be review)

Science: BJU Life Science DLO

History: Finish the Drama of American History, BJU World Cultures

Writing: The Potter's School Writer's Workshop (excited about this!)

Spelling: Megawords

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Power

Reading: BJU Literature DLO + various books from Classical 1000 Reading List

Math: Finish CD pre-algebra, move into CD Algebra I

Latin: First Form Latin - hopefully

Logic: Finish Prufrock series

Art: ????

Music: continue guitar lessons, maybe dabble in Classical Music for Dummies


That's it for now.

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My dd's plans


Grammar: Oak Meadow 6 English

Writing: Oak Meadow 6 English

Spelling: Spelling Power, working on missed words from writing, and Oak Meadow 6 English

Math: Key to Decimals, Key to Percents (already finished fractions), Lial's BCM and/or Kinetic Book pre-algebra

History: Oak Meadow 6 history

Science: Art of Construction, Engineering the City, and whatever other resources I find

Music: Continuing piano with me and private guitar lessons with teacher

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Our 7th grade plan--


Bible- Read new testament as a family

Grammer- CLE LA 7

Spelling Megawords

Writing- Meaningful Composition

Reading- CLE reading 7

Literature our list and robinson curriculum

Vocabulary Robinson vocabulary or Vocabulary Cartoons

Math - CLE MATH 705- 810, then start singapore discovering math.

History - biblioplan and Mystery of History 3

Science- Apologia Physical Science ( did gen science in 6th)

Logic- Fallacy Detective

Latin- outsourced

Geography- Trail Guide to US geography and online free resources

Music Piano

Art outside class

Physical education training for 10 k, swimming

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This year, we'll have several core subjects taught through our co-op:


Math - Life of Fred Pre-Algebra with Biology (at home)

Latin - Cambridge II (co-op)

Greek - Elementary Greek II (co-op)

Writing - Classical Composition (co-op)

Humanities (co-op)

history/lit - ancients, at home, using WTM method. He will read the Iliad this year.

Science - Rainbow Science (co-op)

Computer programming with a friend of ours


Scouts, soccer, possibly Lego robotics


I'd love to add back in piano lessons, and some art skills, but don't know if we'll have the time.

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Our ds's 7th grade plan:


Literature: Lightning Lit 7

Spelling: Spelling Workout G (& hopefully H...we'll see)

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 4

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 7

Journal: 2 - 3 times a week

Penmanship and Dictation Practice: (on opposing days from Journal)

2 - 3 times a week, using excerpts from Living


Writing: Class offered through hs group + an online course


Math: Saxon 8/7


History/Geography: K12s Human Odyssey A (combined with History Odyssey, as



Science: Apologia's Physical Science


P.E./Other: Swimming, Tennis, Scouting, Public Speaking Group


Music: Piano


Art: Drawing Class (once a month for 3 hours)

I would like to add in some kind of art appreciate for both my ds...



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Courses for 7th grade:

Omnibus I

Latin I and NLE Latin exam I

Algebra I with Foersters

Apologia Biology with Labs and Science Olympiad competitions.

Grammar, Writing, and Poetry



Piano lessons, theory, and music appreciation

Martial Arts

Speech and Debate

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Planning 7th grade is stressing me out. :tongue_smilie: Here's what we have right now, always of course subject to change between now and when I do the big RR order sometime in July. . .


Bible: ARGH. He can't decide which of 15 different choices he'd like to tackle. But the whole family is doing BSGFAA.

Math: Lial's BCM, with Jann in TX from this board!

Latin: Lingua Latina, with local tutor.

Italian: Rosetta Stone Level 2, plus Italian Sentence Building workbook

Grammar and Composition: R and S 7, plus writing a la SWB

Literature: WTM medieval reading list, plus Toolbook for Prose and Poetry

Vocabulary: VFCR A

History: Middle Ages--still trying to locate that one fabulous book to use as a spine. Plus Oxford's Medieval World.

Science: Astronomy and Geology, with syllabus written by me and using a whole bunch of books/resources.

Fine arts: Artistic Pursuits, piano, plus artist and composer study a la CM.

Plus he must, must, must learn keyboarding this year. Must.


Gee, I guess he's going to be busy. :D

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Hi Stephanie,


No, we haven't started using it yet. I heard about it here and then found them at Amazon (both A and B) very inexpensively. I also found the student and teacher guides cheaply, as well. But no, we haven't started using them yet.


I like the content, by what I've seen so far. I just want to make sure they are thorough enough, which is why I started another thread about combining K12's Human Odyssey and History Odyssey. I may still do this...



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We started 7th grade 2 weeks ago, and this is what we're doing:


Bible: Alpha-Omega Bible 7

History: Biblioplan year 3

Science: Considering God's Creation, digging deeper using Elementary Physical Science and Plato Earth Science

Language Arts: Finish last 3 units of Lightning Lit 7, then do some Total Language Plus studies

Writing: Jump In!

Grammar: MCT Town level

Math: Teaching Textbooks (finish level 5, all of level 6)

Latin: Latin for Children 1

Greek: Hey, Andrew Teach Me some Greek, levels 2 and 3

Logic: Critical Thinking in US History, plus fun supplementals





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We use Mater Amabilis which is a Catholic Charlotte Mason with these tweaks:


Latin: Latin Road to English Grammar

Math: MUS Zeta

Science: Apologia General Science

Guitar Lessons

Swimming Lessons

and working on moving from First Class Boy Scout to Star (he will have a 50 miler hike over the summer).

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Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages Unit 3

Grammar: Analytical Grammar

Writing: Classical Writing Homer B, Beginning Poetry B (Already started-move on to Diogenes when finished).

Spelling: All About Spelling levels 4-5 maybe 6?

Math: Right Start Geometry (once a week), Hands on Equations (daily), Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra (when HOE is done), finish up Singapore level 5 and start level 6 (daily).

History: TOG

Literature: TOG

Science: WTM recommendations for 5th grade Biology (Did chemistry last year and physics the year before so we are off schedule).

Latin: Finish Minimus Secundus and start Latin Alive!

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Music: Continue Piano


Logic: Undecided

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History/Bible/Literature: TOG Year 4

Math: LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents followed by Dolciani Pre-Algebra

Writing: CW Diogenes: Maxim online tutorial

Grammar: Harvey's

Science: Apologia General Science

Logic: Art of Argument

Latin: Latin for the New Millennium

Art: ? - maybe Meet the Masters

Music: viola & piano

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are my daughter's 7th grade courses:


Math: Chalkdust Prealgebra

Literature: Lightning Literature 7 (with Figuratively Speaking & some Garlic Press lit guides if time permits)

Grammar: Easy Grammar 6 with Daily Grams 6 plus a 10 wk co-op class

Spelling: Sequential Spelling & Apples Daily Spelling Drills

Writing: Advanced IEW co-op class (20 weeks)

Science: Apologia General Science with Red Wagon Tutorials. Labs will be completed during 24 weeks of co-op classes

History: All American History 1

Music: Homeschool Band Classes (flute)


I would like to add in some Geography, Typing, and possibly Spanish. We own Rosetta Stone Spanish 1-5 but I am not sure if it is the best choice right now. I am looking into the Educacion Espanola videos & workbook on Discovery Education.


She will participate in cheerleading, soccer, and Girl Scouts outside of normal school hours.

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