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Why is it that sellers don't check the WTB boards before or when posting to the FS board ????


I cannot tell you how many things I have posted WTB only to find on the sale board someone who posted, then bumped, over and over! The FS board moves SO quickly it is hard to keep up. (Especially if you don't want to spend all day in front of the computer!! ) It seems to me that sellers would WANT to check over at the Wanted boards just to make sure their post(s) didn't get buried!!


That is all. :rant:



Shari, I'm just not website savvy. I've been on the wtm for 6 years now I think, but even so I don't know what you mean about WTB and the FS board. Here's my dumb question...isn't the For Sale board one component of the bigger, broader WTM "site"? :confused: Sheryl <><

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Shari, I'm just not website savvy. I've been on the wtm for 6 years now I think, but even so I don't know what you mean about WTB and the FS board. Here's my dumb question...isn't the For Sale board one component of the bigger, broader WTM "site"? :confused: Sheryl <><


WTB - Want to Buy

FS - For Sale


They are sub-forums of the Sale and Swap board. You can find them toward the bottom of the main page.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I've tried, but rarely get responses from people. For me, it isn't worth the time because generally it is wasted.


This has been my experience too.

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I don't like to look at the WTB board because people usually do not list what they want to pay for a product and I feel uncomfortable about trying to set a price in that situation.


When I have something I want to buy, I just do a search on the boards. Honestly, I rarely find much of what I want to buy in the condition I want it or for the price I want to to pay.


I do have to say, I have occasionally listed something on the WTB boards and have had some luck finding what I wanted a couple of times.



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Perhaps sellers don't want to spend "hours" perusing the WTB board any more than you want to spend that amount of time searching the FS board...


But in the future I will try to remember to do a search of that board before I post my FS items. It is a feature of these forums that I honestly tend to forget about.

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Perhaps sellers don't want to spend "hours" perusing the WTB board any more than you want to spend that amount of time searching the FS board...


This exactly...I don't assume the seller should do the search. I'd assume the opposite--that the buyer would search for what they want to buy.

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Because I want list everything at once, with my set price. I only ever look for a WTB post if I have a BIG item (and usually then I won't find anyone currently looking for it on the WTB board.)


Skimming the WTB board also makes more work for me. I figure if folks are looking for things they will also be keeping on eye on the For Sale board anyway, so i just list my stuff there.

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I don't like to look at the WTB board because people usually do not list what they want to pay for a product and I feel uncomfortable about trying to set a price in that situation.


When I have something I want to buy, I just do a search on the boards. Honestly, I rarely find much of what I want to buy in the condition I want it or for the price I want to to pay.


I do have to say, I have occasionally listed something on the WTB boards and have had some luck finding what I wanted a couple of times.




My experience with people who *did* respond to my PMs was that they wanted the item for next to nothing. On the FS board, I set a price and people can decide if they want it for that price. From my experience, those who post on the WTB board and still need something more than a few days later are still needing it because they don't want to pay going price.

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I always check the WTB board first...BUT, when I reply to someone's WTB post, I rarely get a response. That's a waste of my time...listing several items, condition and prices and then waiting to hear back from them. At least people could respond with a simple "No thank you."

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I do check the WTB board and SO appreciate when a seller pms me about something I've listed that I am looking for. I have lucked out and found several items this way. I also do a search of the FS boards for items I need.


The latest trend that annoys me is when people post WTB posts on the FS board.

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  • 11 months later...

I try to check the WTB boards first.


What I found worked for me was listing my FS item, then sending the WTB person a PM with a link to the thread stating that they have 24 hours to let me know if they would like it. Then, if someone else contacts me, I tell them what I've done. I'm not willing to wait a long time for a response, and I'm not willing to let them suggest a price.


That way, if they want to negotiate the price, I can say I'll contact them in a week if it's still available.


I agree it's a hassle to check the WTB boards first.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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I've never understood why someone would contact me after I post a WTB but they do! I've had two for two posts work out great for me.


I always search the FS threads but what I want always gets snatched up so, when I feel desperate, I post a WTB.

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What other said:


  • WTB folks sometimes don't update
  • I'd rather post my items for sale at a price and let potential buyers decide, rather than back and forth w/email between WTB person.
  • It all boils down to it's too time consuming to post FS item

Lastly, if I have something rare to sell (like a Flash Master), I'll try to remember to search the WTB board first.

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I periodically look through the WTB to see if there is something on my shelf that I have not gotten around to listing that someone is looking for. That way I can help someone out while clearing my shelves. I don't like to PM someone if I am listing it for sale since it can delay a quick sale. I often do not hear back from people too when I PM so this way I am not out anything.

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I guess I've been lucky. The few times I PM'd someone to tell them I was selling something they posted on the WTB board it ended quickly in a sale. Oh, all but one time which ended quickly with a polite, "I already bought it, but thank you." I sold more things that way than by posting on the FS board.


I posted on the WTB boards once and had someone contact me with a price I found ridiculous for used curriculum, so I have been reluctant to post there again.


I'm thinking one benefit of posting on the FS boards before trying your luck with the WTB boards is that perhaps there is more chance of someone buying more than one item from you (so you can ship fewer packages) if they see your whole list all at once. Just a thought.

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I've had decent success using both the FS & WTB boards (as a buyer & a seller on both).


I check the WTB boards because if someone is asking for something, I think that's a quicker way to find a potential buyer rather than just putting it out on the WTB boards (where you may or may not get any responses). For the most part, everyone has been polite & responded (whether or not they wanted the item). I don't mind setting a price; I price it like I would price it if I were planning to put it on the FS boards.


I don't think checking both boards is a bother. It's a way to find a buyer or seller. Whether you're buying or selling, there are benefits to having both boards there.

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I've never understood why someone would contact me after I post a WTB but they do! I've had two for two posts work out great for me.


I always search the FS threads but what I want always gets snatched up so, when I feel desperate, I post a WTB.




I will usually post on the wtb forum after already looking for something on the fs forum and not finding what I need. Things do get snatched up rather quickly so it's a great way to put what you need out there. I have been able to get a few things this way that I may not have been able to get otherwise. I try my best to keep my wtb threads up to date. It does work both ways. There have been many times that I find something that I need and it is listed as available only to find out once I pm the member that it has been sold.

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Actually, I just received an item I had posted on WTB forum. I had posted the items I wanted to buy AND the prices i wanted to pay.


The sad thing is, someone posted a FS item for $5 LESS than I posted to pay. If she had checked the WTB forum, she would have gotten $20 for the apologia Anatomy book. She sold it for $15 and I live near her and would have saved the postage, too!



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I agree. When I was looking for TT6 I posted a WTB and bumped it a bunch of times to keep it in the first page or two. For a long time, nobody responded.


During that time, two or three times I'd see someone then list it on the FS boards- but of course, by the time I saw it there, someone else had already jumped on it. :P

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I do check the WTB boards. Every time I contact somebody letting them know that I'm about to sell something they want, I either get "I no longer need it" or no response at all. It's very frustrating that people don't update the WTB board when they no longer need it.


:iagree: I have never sold anything by initiating first contact. When I wanted to sell something, I wanted to list it right away. By contacting someone on the WTB board, I was subject to waiting for them to respond. I felt obligated to wait at least 2 business days because I know people don't frequent these boards as often as I do. I sold things more quickly on the FS board, unless what I had wasn't popular and those items aren't usually on the WTB board anyway. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't like to look at the WTB board because people usually do not list what they want to pay for a product and I feel uncomfortable about trying to set a price in that situation.





Yeah, I feel a bit weird about it too, though I know I shouldn't. I mean it's not like I'm trying to sell them something they don't want.


And I just have to say this: I lurked here for years, even on the old board. I started posting because I had stuff to sell and wanted to get my 50 posts. Then I got sucked in. I think I only listed items once or twice, but I come here daily and post often. You all are addictive! :lol:

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And I just have to say this: I lurked here for years, even on the old board. I started posting because I had stuff to sell and wanted to get my 50 posts. Then I got sucked in. I think I only listed items once or twice, but I come here daily and post often. You all are addictive! :lol:


Me too! Me too!! :seeya: Guilty as charged!!! I was posting to sell, and now I'm an addict!!! I feel like I've found a whole new group of friends! It's been fun! I have yet to try to sell! But I do a lot of buying!!! ;)

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I do! I do!


But, as Renee pointed out, I....


I've tried, but rarely get responses from people. For me, it isn't worth the time because generally it is wasted.


I still check, but I can see how it may be considered a waste of time.


ETA - Hey! This is an old thread! But I guess it's a good reminder at this time of year!

Edited by AuntieM
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I've never understood why someone would contact me after I post a WTB but they do! I've had two for two posts work out great for me.


I always search the FS threads but what I want always gets snatched up so, when I feel desperate, I post a WTB.


:iagree: I had one person contact me, I emailed her back, but she never responded back to me. Guess she wasn't selling any more :confused: I've had good luck with other WTB that I've listed. I do have to say I have a hard time finding the FS items still FS by the time I get to them. You guys are fast at buying used curr!





I will usually post on the wtb forum after already looking for something on the fs forum and not finding what I need. Things do get snatched up rather quickly so it's a great way to put what you need out there. I have been able to get a few things this way that I may not have been able to get otherwise. I try my best to keep my wtb threads up to date. It does work both ways. There have been many times that I find something that I need and it is listed as available only to find out once I pm the member that it has been sold.



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