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Game: No matter how poor I get, I will never . . . (fill in the blank)

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I would never eat pieces parts meat. Ya know what I mean-the questionable bits left over on the floor of the butcher house. Ick! Most everything else on the lists I've done or am willing to do.

Here's a handy tip, should the need arise, my dh and I had a rule when we were first married that one of us always had to work in a restaurant. Why? Because usually the restaurant gives you a shifter, a meal during your shift. I would bring it home to feed my dh and just eat here and there at work when I could. It was our only meal for 18 months or so. I was really thin too, but I don't recommend that diet! LOL Oh, and I took toilet paper home, too.

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Save tin foil.


Wash and reuse baggies.

Regardless of one's economic level, actions like this are simply good stewardship of the earth's resources. The same is true of a good many things people in this country deem "only for poor folk".
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Colleen I am right there with you. :glare: I am not trying to be witchy about it either, really. I guess I just feel like we don't know what we would do about being TRULY truly poor unless we were in that position.


I am sure this is supposed to be a lighthearted thread I just can't "get" there.


I was thinking that a few years ago I would have answered jokingly some of the same things that have been posted here. There were *lots* of things that I said I could "never do" that I have now done.


Eta: Spam is actually expensive - real meat is cheaper per pound.

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Game: No matter how poor I get, I will never . . .



(whispering quitely) wear a bikini! (heeheehee) ;)



(not trying to open another can of worms....just trying to blow off a little steam!)


Okay. I hated where the bikini thread went--thought everything got nasty--but this makes me smile.

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Well, I water down my dish soap and rinse out my plastic bags and reuse them! :)


I am in the "never sell my body" category, which includes auctioning off my organs or selling my blood (there's one of those places not too far from where I live).

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Regardless of one's economic level, actions like this are simply good stewardship of the earth's resources. The same is true of a good many things people in this country deem "only for poor folk".


Yep. My kids will bring home baggies.


P.S. Oldest dd had hoarded all sort of things and brought home empty water bottles (to refill) when she came home from college this spring. Gotta laugh at this child. She loves to buy expensive items, but will re-use whatever is reusable and goes for freebies to share with her siblings.....Not a shy bone in her when in comes to that kind of thing.

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Okay, I don't have time to read the previous 22 pages, so I'm sorry if this is a repeat: Margarine is just one hydrogen molecule away from being the plastic GI Joe your kids play with (sorry @ the bad grammar). Go ahead and try it! Put a slab of margarine out on your table for a while and see if any critters come and land on it to take a lick :tongue_smilie: Be prepared to wait a loooooong time!

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For example: I bought 8 grapes one time, just to have a little for a fruit salad, but none left over.




This is just too funny; I'm still laughing! Why didn't you go for 10 grapes, or maybe a baker's dozen? Eight grapes. How did you come up with that number, and just exactly how big was that fruit salad? That sentence was worth wading through all the other posts!

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Go ahead and try it! Put a slab of margarine out on your table for a while and see if any critters come and land on it to take a lick :tongue_smilie: Be prepared to wait a loooooong time!

That's funny, but I don't think they'd come for salt or oil, either. Or chili powder.

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You would be surprised at all the really good food that gets tossed. I used to leave work each night with a small bakery from Mrs Fields in the Mall. The bagels and cookies had not yet hit the dumpster (they would give what they were to toss to mall employees leaving after closing) but most that were tossed were in bags, never to touch the other stuff. If I were really poor, I would dumpster dive in a heart beat. I find it so sad that the US is so litigious, places like bakeries, restaurants, and such can't give leftover food to food banks or shelters.


Ok, stepping off my stool... back to the game


As an off-shoot, I work at the Wal-Mart deli and you wouldn't believe the stuff we through that's perfectly good. It's so, so sad...

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Buy store brand Q-tips. Only Johnson & Johnson for me. Can you tell I have a serious addiction to clean ears?


(And yes, I know you're not supposed to actually stick 'em down your ear canal, at least that's what the package says... I'm sure I'm not the only one to ignore that bit of CYA packaging...)

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Another one for the cheap toilet paper. And that is because I know it isn't actually a saving. We tried it in college and found that we spent more money (and time) on the cheap stuff because you had to use more. We went one step up (from store economy to store "brand") and saved money. :D

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Well I'm having a hard time coming up with something original here. Everything I can think of has been said already


I will not be a prostitute or a stripper, we can all starve and die first.

I will not eat margarine.

I will not buy Miracle Whip.

I'm kind of stuck on my Q-tips. The generics just don't hold up.

I will not give up my nice bathroom tissue.

I like Eight O Clock coffee, the lesser brands upset my stomach. I'll give up a lot of things before I give up my one cup of that a day.

I will never eat boxed Macaroni and Cheese (that one might be original, I lost track).

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And I was just thinking that the old standby of the Sears and Roebuck catelog is no longer availble. :D.......


Or would Lands End's catalog count? (pun was just a fortunate occurance)


Bet the Rainbow Resource catalogue would go pretty far... last year's, of course, only after the new one arrives...

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