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help me pick out a boy's name?

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Oldest child is Phineas. Middle child is Sebastian. Third child has to be something pretty well matching, old-fashioned, three syllables.


Not all are 3 syllables, but:











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These two popped out at me. Both names give a different picture of the boy in my head, but I can picture Oliver more. He's wearing black trousers, a white shirt with sleeves rolled up, and suspenders, suiting eras gone by. He's a bookworm. Xavier is a redhead with tousled hair and freckles, he suits any era. Ya, I'm a visual person. :tongue_smilie:

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Ah! Should I be excited? anyway I regularly use babynames.com for name ideas.


Here's a few:


Lionel (3 syllable pronunciation)






I like Xaviar too. I'm thinking you might want to stay in the later half of the alphabet if you're names are following a pattern. Unless you don't want to follow a pattern, in which cases the entire alphabet is at your disposal. Yes, I'm too tired to be posting.

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Oh wow! You guys sure do get right on these name threads, don't you?


So far my favorites are Julian, Dorian and Tobias. I really like Theodore, Augustus and Llewellyn too. Ack! Now there are too many choices!


Nathaniel is perfect except that it's commonly used in modern times. It has to be a name that isn't heard nowadays except just enough to still be recognized as a name.

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I'm thinking you might want to stay in the later half of the alphabet if you're names are following a pattern. Unless you don't want to follow a pattern, in which cases the entire alphabet is at your disposal. Yes, I'm too tired to be posting.


No, thanks for pointing that out. I do want them to be as similar as possible, and that's not a part of the patterning that I'd thought to consider.

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It has to be a name that isn't heard nowadays except just enough to still be recognized as a name.


I'm surprised to hear you say this since your other two sons' names are pretty popular at the moment and so are Theodore and Tobias. Among my social circle, I know 5 little boys named Sebastian, 3 called Theo, 3 called Toby, and 2 called Finn/Phinn.


If you want a name that will be uncommon among his peers but traditional, look to ones popular in our parents' generation. Things like Keith, Glenn, Gary, Kenneth, Dennis, Bruce, Roger, Alan, Dale, Craig, Scott, etc. I don't know a single little boy with any of those as a first name. Typically they're used as middle names in my social circle.

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When i was pregnant with my oldest, I met a mom with a newborn named Sadie, and I thought mabe it was a nickname for Sarah or something. It wasn't. The only Sadies I knew back then were in songs. lol


Here's an idea for you: visit an old graveyard. I'm totally serious! When I was pregnant I went to one for inspiration and found some great gems! I wanted to name my daughter Sadie after a lady who died in childbirth 1912.
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