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Where did all you newbies come from?

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I have noticed a surge of new posters here in the last two to three months. Welcome to you all!


I am curious how you learned about the boards. Is it spring conference season? The release of the third edition of TWTM? A facebook friend? Extra web surfing due to an extended winter?


If you have, say, less than 100 posts, please share what brought you here!

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Well, to be totally honest I needed 50 posts to list stuff for sale:)


But, I think I'm hooked. My husband was complaining last night that I needed to get off the computer. I said, "But honey, I'm posting on the thread asking what it is I love about YOU!" LOL


It is the time of the year when a lot of us are looking, buying and selling for next school year. That's my guess for the surge of newbies.

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I'm a little over 100 posts, but I'll share anyway ;) I was active on a few other forums that came up first when I did a google search of homeschool forums. Someone mentioned they had listed an item I wanted for sale on these boards, so I came over and took a look. I've been hooked ever since!

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Ha! I'm over 100 posts, too, but I joined because I wanted to list some books for sale and needed 50 posts.


I've still not listed the books (and have decided not to sell them, actually) but am hooked on hanging out here, for sure.


Our next "semester" will start in June and I'm already dreading the withdrawls I will suffer when I have to limit my time here.

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I'm new to homeschooling (started with my son in late November, and my daughter in late January), and I was looking for a homeschooling forum that welcomed secular homeschoolers as well as Christian ones.


We aren't classical homeschoolers, but I enjoy reading all the posts, and I'm going to start my DD (who will be in 4th grade) on The Story of the World in the fall.:)

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Guest CarolineUK

We started homeschooling last September. Most of the boards in the UK are strong proponents of 'autonomous education', ie unschooling. After a chaotic three months of unsuccessfully trying to interest my then 8 year old in everything and anything I was at my wits end. I'd read about a dozen books on home education and had looked at TWTM on Amazon, but thought it looked rather serious and 'schooly'. Anyway, out of desperation I bought myself a copy for Christmas and, as they say, have never looked back ... What a relief! Having taken on board the idea of 'classical education' I soon began to tire of the UK homeschool boards, mainly because they just tend to whine constantly about how unfair the government/local authorities/schools, etc are, so I looked to see if there was any board associated with TWTM, and here I am.


I love this board. If it hadn't been for TWTM and Hive Mind I wouldn't still be homeschooling. As it is I'm loving homeschooling and have some very happy little boys.

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A friend recommended the WTM book to me so I started researching it. Found the website for the book and discovered the forums. What got my attention the most was the special needs board (I have 2 boys with special needs) and decided to join up!

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I found this forum while doing google searches, trying to find info. on CTY courses.


I've learned alot regarding high school/college planning here, which has been very valuable.


I don't actually post very often...I can't believe some of the folks who joined a few months ago and already have way more posts than me, lol!


You know, (Off Topic here a bit), I've been wondering (not accusing anyone, just wondering) if some of the people on this board are not really homeschoolers themselves, but are actually trying to do research for articles or marketing.


I also was encouraged to find other NaNoWriMo folks here last November!

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My SIL homeschools. As DD approaches preschool I started getting curious and checked out a bunch of books from the library - one of them was the new WTM. I devoured it - it's exactly what I was looking for. And she talks about afterschooling, or supplementing outside school at home. DH is opposed (at the moment) to complete home schooling but strongly supports afterschooling. I googled "Afterschooling" and found these forums. I'm afraid I've become horribly addicted.


Y'all have helped me do things with her that are play related but educational in a relaxed way, rather than trying to "school" the poor thing. Also, I moved from Virginia to Texas in the middle of all this and several members have been so helpful getting me plugged into a bookfair, etc.



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I have been mulling over homeschooling my daughter for high school. My father bought WTM for me about a month ago. I discovered the forum through it, and have been plowing through all the posts since I finished the book. Between the book and this forum, I am feeling quite comfortable about moving forward with my daughter.


I believe this is post number 1.

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Many times when I google for a homeschool review or comparison I will be directed to a thread on TWTM forum. Then I discovered how to come here and just search for topics. I never took the time to join...too much hassle. So I have been here reading off and on for a little over a year maybe.


But not too long ago I had a burning question that I was desperate to have answered by you knowledgeable ladies and could not find the answer through the search feature. There was no way to ask it without joining on so I bit the bullet and signed up :001_smile:


Now that I get to participate in threads instead of just reading random discussions about curriculum, I've found this place to be ridiculously addictive.

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I'm relatively new, I guess. I started lurking,er um, researching in the bleak midwinter. I was as low as a snake from lack of sunlight and feeling discouraged with how school was going. I read TWTM a few years ago when I was preparing and planning and thought maybe I could find some curriculum reccomendations here. I found those, and how! The only other homeschooler I know IRL uses a boxed curriculum so she couldn't give me much advice. I found what I was looking for and posts by others who get discouraged and down at times in their own homeschool trek. For some reason just knowing I'm not alone was a great encouragement. Now of course I am a WTM board habitué. Or perhaps I have been assimilated.....


Lisaloo <who thinks she will get off the computer and go grocery shopping before her family is forced to eat I don't know what, since we don't have any food>

Edited by stormy weather
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I don't have many posts because I lurk much more than I post. I guess it's the introvert in me. :) I "listen" to the conversations more than I join them. I've been here for the last 9 years. My dd is getting ready to start her high school years, and I've been coming to the boards since the summer before we started kindergarten.

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I'm a newbie who is getting ready to start homeschooling my DS this summer. I found the boards after reading WTM. I've been hooked ever since. I read a lot and only post every once in awhile since I am just starting. I had picked most of my curriculum before coming to these boards and it was nice to find a group who was using a lot of the same things that I had already picked out for DS.

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Another introvert who lurks here.


I checked out TWTM a few times from the library then decided to buy the new version. When I went to check the website, I found the link to the forum.


Ginny (who spends WAY too much time lurking 'round here)

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I'm a product of the public school system, and I hated every minute of it. I found the book at my library totally on accident and picked it up out of sheer curiosity. I checked this link out, and even though I'm too young to have a family TO teach, I figured I could at least stick around and lurk/read :tongue_smilie:.

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We aren't classical homeschoolers, but I enjoy reading all the posts, and I'm going to start my DD (who will be in 4th grade) on The Story of the World in the fall.:)


And so the indoctrination begins... :lol:


DH is opposed (at the moment) to complete home schooling but strongly supports afterschooling. I googled "Afterschooling" and found these forums. I'm afraid I've become horribly addicted.


Secretly teach your kid to read early, and then convince your DH to give you the kindergarten year as a test, since you won't lose anything if you blow it in the K year (which you won't). That's how I ended up HSing :lol: (Well, I didn't teach her to read, she taught herself, but that and starting our own playgroup were the keys to convincing DH to let me try just for a year. Now she's almost 8!)


Welcome, everyone!

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Another mostly-lurker here. I've read the WTM boards for (seems like) ever. Been homeschooling (all but two years) since oldest dd was born in 1994! I love, love, love reading all the wonderful questions, advice, and silliness here. I feel so much a part of it....even though I don't post much. I'm too much of an introvert.

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I heard about the WTM and this forum on a twin site I belong too. Dh and I decided this past winter that I will homeschool my twins for K starting in August. I started coming to this board to figure out my game plan and now I'm hooked :001_smile:. You all are such a wealth of information and I love coming here.

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I heard about Well Trained Mind several years ago, but decided it wasn't the direction I wanted to go. Well, unit studies totally flopped, so a few months ago I remembered Well Trained Mind, and thought I would check out the site. I had no idea the forums were so active. I'm not truly a classical homeschooler, but I'm always looking for inspiration.

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I'm another that has been lurking here for years. Since long before DS and DD were born. I have been on both these and the old boards for 8+ years now.


That being said I don't tend to post much since neither of mine are homeschooling age yet. I do tend to collect ideas for what to do with DS when he hit his Kindergarten year in 2 years though!

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We started with K12 last year after taking DD8 out of ps in Febuary of 2008, d/t multiple issues, both social and educational. I originally chose K12 because it was the closest to open and go curriculum that followed the four year History cycle that I had read about in TWTM. We enjoyed the History program but we had issues in the amount of writing required for LA, the lack of real books in Literature, the required reporting to supervising teacher, and mandatory state tests.


I started researching different curriculums and reading reviews but much of what I found was nonsecular and I wasn't comfortable with that. During multiple searches for secular curriculums, this board kept popping up.:D


After reading a few posts, I was convinced. I could do a much better job of meeting DD's learning style and give her the kind of education we wanted. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and wisdom with us newbies!

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I taught math in a public high school for 16 years. DD went to public school thru 4th grade. We hs'ed on our own for 3 years and then joined a co-op this year where a couple of families use classical ed. The latest ed of WTM was in the new book section of local library. I picked it up, found this forum, and have become addicted!! So much good advice (and very entertaining at times)



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I've know for a few years now that we would be returning to Homeschooling when the kids hit middleschool. Someone, somewhere recommended TWTM, and I've been excited to get started. The forums were a natural extention of that.....looking for like-minded parents in my geographical area.


The cool thing...I found friends from "real life" already here!:001_smile:

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I have been lurking for about a year. I don't remember how I first discovered TWTM forums but I love it here. Thanks to you ladies I have discovered there is so much more to life than Sonlight. I still use SL as a core but now I use FLL, WWE, LFC and a few other things I can't think of right now!


I think it is time I start contributing but it is hard because I type one handed while holding a napping (spoiled) one year old.:D

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I have been a lurker for many years. I meet Susan in 2003 at a conference we organized in Sacramento. She was such an inspiration to me.

I read the WTM in 2000 (maybe 2001). I might be aging myself a bit ;)


I have a daughter that graduated two years ago, a son in 9th, daughter in 5th, son in 1st, an 18 mo. old and one due in Dec.


I have found that deviating from my original plan is disastrous.



Edited by MagistraMichelle
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I have owned and followed, in a loose way, TWTM with my ds. At the same time, the homeschooling board that I mostly visited was the MDC homeschooling forum. However, as ds was getting older, I felt we were outgrowing that community. At the same time some google searches led me here. It was like smacking myself on the forehead, "Why didn't I ever think to find a forum here?" Likewise, I have been re-inspired to implement a more strict WTM approach with my dd for next year.

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I am a newbie. I was surfing the web for homeschool forums for information. I came across this site, and lurked for a few weeks. I have learned a great deal from all the wonderful people here. Which lead me to purchase my first TWTM book. I just started homeschooling about 9 weeks ago, after pulling my children out of a stressful situation in their elementary school. I am trying to absorb everything I can. So thank you to all the "pros" here for guiding us newbies (especially me!!!) in the way that works for so many of you! I'm taking extensive notes to incorporate into our schooling next year!

Thanks again!

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So thank you to all the "pros" here for guiding us newbies (especially me!!!) in the way that works for so many of you! I'm taking extensive notes to incorporate into our schooling next year!

Thanks again!


So many of you were sweet to include such sentiments in your posts. We were all new like you, once upon a time! In a few years you will be passing on your wise discoveries. Be encouraged, each of you!

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I was homeschooled for a year long, long ago. I truly believe I would have been so much happier if we had continued, but the opportunity to go to a good private school overseas was too tempting.


So I have always wanted to hs our kids. Dh was adamantly opposed. For 8 years I prayed, and lo and behold! we are finishing our first year of hs.


Of course, actually doing it is different from merely keeping up with the main ideas. So when I needed to find some focus and inspiration after the first couple of months, I re-read WTM, checked out some curriculum ideas here, and now have to deal with the need to exercise self-discipline regarding time spent here!


It is great fun to 'meet' so many people with whom I share this major life choice, including some whose 'voices' sound with wonderful wisdom. Thank you all!

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I read the WTM years and years ago- I found the boards while looking up the book's website. I've been lurking since the "old boards". I'm not sure why I started posting instead of just lurking, but I've been addicted to reading them for years.

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I have been registered since April of last year but have lurked for much longer. Before we were married, dh and I discussed and agreed we would home school our children. I started researching it not long after our children came home from Russia when they were 14 months and 15.5 months old.


One of the first books I happened across was the WTM and I loved it. It just made so much sense to me and seemed like it would be such a great education. Not long after, I searched WTM on Google and have been a regular here ever since. :lol:

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