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Do you suffer from anxious behavior when the barometric pressure is changing?

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I am not sure how else to word this condition. It seems that when there is a storm approaching, I also become a storm. I either get really anxious, or weepy and agitated. I have had this for years. The worse the thunderstorm, the worse my condition. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into a lunatic.

I've read that the change can cause migraines in other people and that it is electromagnetism affecting the brain.

Anyone else suffer from this?

What do you do to alleviate it? This evening we had severe thunderstorms approaching but they blew on past to our north. Today, I had a problem.:001_huh:

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IDK but it does something to MANY people and its probably not even recognized by most folks. I have always noticed a big change in myself (both physically & mentally) when the barometric pressure changes--especially when it's going from cold to hot weather. :confused:

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After 3 spinal fusions I not only get anxious I have significant pain. DH and I tracked it and found 29.8 to 29.6 is my rough zone. That and precipitous drops in pressure. VA is a tough state for this - so sorry you're suffering but it is nice to know I am not the only one.


I get like this when airplanes are descending too. I love flying but get all anxious and jumpy when the plane starts descending. It's actually kind of funny there - start shaking my hands and chattering almost uncontrollably.

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I get very anxious prior to a storm and have since I was a child. There was even a closet in my parents' house that they called my storm closet because I would go in there during severe weather. My husband jokes about it now. He says I'm like the animals trying to find refuge. I sense something, don't even realize it, but I begin changing my behavior. If we're out, I want to go home. If the kids are playing outside, I want them in. If they're upstairs, I want them to play down the basement. I don't get mean; I just retreat like a scared rabbit in her hole.


I also get the migraines to go with it, but the anxiety happens first.

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I get a migraine sometimes. Less often since I take a migraine preventer (400mgs of B2 daily).


What I find is interesting is that either NIH or NIMH is doing a study on migraines and depression in families. It seems that these are related and that families have certain people that get migraines and others that get depression and I suppose some unluckies who get both. Anxiety is well known to be linked to depression so I could definitely see a link there.

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I get a migraine sometimes. Less often since I take a migraine preventer (400mgs of B2 daily).


What I find is interesting is that either NIH or NIMH is doing a study on migraines and depression in families. It seems that these are related and that families have certain people that get migraines and others that get depression and I suppose some unluckies who get both. Anxiety is well known to be linked to depression so I could definitely see a link there.


I didn't know B2 helped... I will have to try that.

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Very interesting, thanks for all the responses this morning!

Like I said, some of us will get migraines, others weird behavioral issues, and other people may get nothing at all.

When I was outside taking pictures of the beautiful changing clouds as they went north, I started feeling a relief, or release;and finally just felt okay. This is stupid, I'm thinking. I had not known most of the day that we were expecting severe thunderstorms, so it wasn't knowledgable storm anxiety on my part. This is not uncommon for me and is really the only time I act anxious or agitated.

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I am not sure how else to word this condition. It seems that when there is a storm approaching, I also become a storm. I either get really anxious, or weepy and agitated. I have had this for years. The worse the thunderstorm, the worse my condition. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into a lunatic.

I've read that the change can cause migraines in other people and that it is electromagnetism affecting the brain.

Anyone else suffer from this?

What do you do to alleviate it? This evening we had severe thunderstorms approaching but they blew on past to our north. Today, I had a problem.:001_huh:


I grew up in South Florida where the barometer fluctuates wildly. My mother used to insist she knew when a storm was coming because my brother and I would fight wildcats. To this day I often get a headache before storms. I call it a rain headache. Barometric stability is one of the pros of living in the desert.



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Right before a low came through, I woke up with intense vertigo. I sat up, and the lamp on which I was trying to focus was moving around in an elliptical fashion. A few minutes later, I tried to make it to the bathroom, but the vertigo increased in intensity. I sat back down on the bed and immediately felt cold and sweaty and felt as if I was going to vomit. It took about 6 hours before I could function. Usually, my teeth hurt a little or I experience sinus pressure, but this vertigo thing literally took me for a loop.

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DH gets terrible migraines, and we also have a horse that gets anxious and colicky whenever there's a dramatic pressure change. Apparently that's quite common, the vet calls it "barometric colic."


I'll tell DH about the B2, thanks for the tip!



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