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LOST - I need a kleenex!

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Anyone else still wiping their eyes and blowing their nose after tonight's episode! I was so upset for Sayid, he was one of my favorites. And Sun and Jin - that last scene with them holding hands was so sad. And when Jack was crying, I lost it. I sure hope we get a happy ending! :crying:

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My dd20 and I watch it weekly. ;- )

I agree that this is one was sad... and I am still 'lost'. Where will they go from here for next week???


Since Sayid told them Desmond is alive I guess they will go rescue him. Next week we learn more about Jacob and the MIB. Hopefully we get answers.

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That sucked. I was hoping SOMETHING would work out SOMEHOW with Jin & Sun. Or get more info about some of the others back in the parrallel world (Kate/Sawyer/Sayid, Hurley/Libby, AnnaLucia, Desmond's machinations, etc).


I always want more Rose & Bernard! I mean - they're still on the island! How has everyone forgotten that they exist? And why is neither one of them a candidate?! I love them, I wish we saw them more than once or twice a year.

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You might want to put a spoiler alert in your first post. :D


So sad. That scene where it just showed their hands floating apart. . . so so sad. I know it was supposed to be all noble, them dying together, but was anyone else bugged by the fact that there was NO mention of their daughter in those final moments, or that she wasn't begging him to go back and raise their daughter?


Sayid was sad too, but I felt like the writers sort of gave him a way to redeem himself for his past sins, you know?

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Yup - I was bugged that she did not tell him to go back for their daughter. And so much English? Made things easier for us, but faker...wouldn't they be speaking Korean at a time like that????


I was close to tears when Hurley cried. That hurt.


And....I am ashamed to admit it but I got excited that Kate ran to Jack, not Sawyer. As much as I have been pretty annoyed over the nonsense/love triangle, I actually do care:001_wub: Not that I care which one she decides on! I just want some resolution.


Overall, a lot of deaths for 1 hour - so many of Widmore's people too! Left me feeling kind of sick.

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I was saddest seeing the others react to Sun and Jin--have we ever seen Hurley cry?


Question--Do you think Jack was right, that the bomb would not have gone off if Sawyer hadn't tampered with it? I think he was right--and that is sad, too.


I really liked the Jack/Locke exchange in the hospital. Jack's words to Locke were Locke's last words (written down) to Jack in the original timeline.


Dead is dead, so I think everyone who has died will stay dead. We could see the parallels in both timelines in the way Sun died.

I, for one, am glad Jin decided to stay with Sun. I know there's a big feeling he should have saved himself so that he could raise his daughter, but there was no guarantee he could swim out anyway, and I don't know if there were any canisters left for him to use. I just needed him to be true to his word and stay with Sun; there is something honorable in that promise to never leave, and something so sweet in that affirmation of his love for her.


Oh, I'm tearing up now! :D

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Very sad!


I thought it was interesting that Sawyer messed with the bomb and (presumably) caused this explosion and the resulting deaths. It puts him right where Jack was at the start of this season.


Did anyone else catch Sayid telling Jack that he's the one? I can't remember the exact words, but I took it to mean that Sayid was saying he'd be Jacob's replacement -- the new keeper of the island.


I love how the parallel universe shows Jack as the believer and Locke as the skeptic.


This series is just so good!!!

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I had a hard time being sad about Jin/Sun b/c of their choice. Romantic and all, but I'd kill dh myself if he chose to die and leave my kids orphans. (And, yes, there was too much English.)


MIB can't kill candidates, but he can get others to. So the bomb wouldn't go off by itself. Sawyer caused it to.


Sayid's act was so rushed (obviously out of necessity, lol), that it took a lot of the emotion out of it for me. Too much to continue paying attention to to process effectively! But I love him.


But now MIB "knows" that Desmond is alive, since it appears that something would have happened if all candidates were dead. Since he has no idea that 4 got off the sub, it "must" be Desmond.


Anyone notice that the song on Christian/Claire's music box is the one she asked the original adoptive parents to sing to future-Aaron? But she doesn't know about the song in this new time line. Hm.

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But now MIB "knows" that Desmond is alive, since it appears that something would have happened if all candidates were dead. Since he has no idea that 4 got off the sub, it "must" be Desmond.



Oh, of course! I hadn't thought of Desmond being a candidate.


About the English... Jin had lived for 3 yrs speaking English exclusively. In that context, it makes sense that English would feel natural for him in particular.

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My husband sat there last night as we started watching the show and said he hoped nothing happened to Jin, Sun, Sayid, or Frank. I smacked with a pillow for jinxing it and asked him why couldn't he have said he hoped nothing happened to Kate instead.


I do like that Jack's character is finally evolving from the self-centered prick he was most of the show.

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About the English... Jin had lived for 3 yrs speaking English exclusively. In that context, it makes sense that English would feel natural for him in particular.

I don't believe it. Most bilingual people strongly associate other people with certain languages. And they usually switch to Korean when they say really emotional things.


I thought it was stupid. But hard to parse emotionally because we also saw Jin walking in the hospital ward with flowers, in the background while Jack went to talk to Locke as he was being discharged. My mom was watching with me and asked me if it was a flashback. I was so confused about how to even answer that one. Too many timelines.

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was anyone else bugged by the fact that there was NO mention of their daughter in those final moments, or that she wasn't begging him to go back and raise their daughter?


Sayid was sad too, but I felt like the writers sort of gave him a way to redeem himself for his past sins, you know?


Oh my Maude, yes! The first words out of my mouth were, "What if that was us? What about our kids?", and dh said, instantly, "One of us would have to leave!"


When Hugo started crying, that really got to me.


But, in a weird way, the whole thing made me feel hopeful. The Others said Sayid was beyond help or redemption. But they were wrong.


I'm betting they're wrong about Claire, too.

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But now MIB "knows" that Desmond is alive, since it appears that something would have happened if all candidates were dead. Since he has no idea that 4 got off the sub, it "must" be Desmond.


Anyone notice that the song on Christian/Claire's music box is the one she asked the original adoptive parents to sing to future-Aaron? But she doesn't know about the song in this new time line. Hm.


I think Desmond is a wild card. Flocke/MIB doesn't seem to know about him. He flat out said that not all of them died, but he headed off toward the beach immediately, so I got the sense that he knew *which ones* lived. And he didn't seem to know Sayid was lying when Sayid said he killed him. Maybe the electromagnetic pulse thing makes Desmond somehow invisible to Flocke? After all, he knew Widmore was guarding something important, but not what, right?


I noticed the music box thing, too. I was singing it to dh and he was looking very confused.

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I still kind of upset this morning. I bawled, with flashbacks to Titanic (UGH!). The pacing of the episode seemed off, yet you knew something big was going to happen.


I agree, their next step is to rescue Desmond. And no one mentioned the fact their pilot is now gone, who else could fly the plane should they go back to that option? What's the options for getting off the island now? The sailboat?

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I cried like a baby!!!! I was NOT happy to see the sparks between Jack & Kate.
Eh, what sparks? Her crazily sobbing for him after they washed up at the beach? LOL. I found that totally out of character given that she has seemed not to care what happens to him for most of the season and Sawyer is lying unconscious in front of her--the Sawyer that she went after near the beginning of the season. This show! *shakes fist*



I really love Sawyer & Kate together -- way more chemistry.
Me too, but who knows what'll happen with the few episodes remaining? They managed to turn Jack around in the space of this one episode so that he is the wonderful hero yet again---anything is possible! :lol:


On a serious note, the deaths were truly the only thing about this episode that really shook me. I felt something for the show again--yet when I turned off the t.v I realized that the alt-world/sideways-verse/whatever is probably where the show is going to end. I really don't like that idea because it would end with characters that are not the same characters I came to know over the course of the seasons. Sure some people who are dead would still be alive and it appears as if most have some wonderiffic lives....but still, for me, it seems hollow. *shrugs*

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I was NOT happy to see the sparks between Jack & Kate. I really love Sawyer & Kate together -- way more chemistry.


I know, what the heck? I just fundamentally mistrust Kate in a relationship sense. Girl does not know what the heck she wants.


I know what I want. I want Juliette back. She was *good* for Sawyer. Fundamentally good. She needs to go chase aliens on her own time. :D

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I know, what the heck? I just fundamentally mistrust Kate in a relationship sense. Girl does not know what the heck she wants.


I know what I want. I want Juliette back. She was *good* for Sawyer. Fundamentally good. She needs to go chase aliens on her own time. :D



I totally agree. But if I were in her shoes, how I could I choose! They both look good to me!


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I cried last night, but not that much - not for Sayid and I was kind of meh about Sun and Jin after all their time apart. I cried even more the week before when they were reunited. Did any of you Sawyer lovers catch his expression when he looked at Sun and Jin embracing by the fence? Broke my heart. :crying: Someone in the comments section of Doc Jensen's EW column pointed out that it was a good plot device to have an Iraqi become a "suicide bomber" to save others rather than destroy people. I thought that was a good point.

Edited by Karenciavo
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I just had a disturbing thought. What if the end of Lost was like the end of Star Wars episode 6? You know, the Ewoks are playing music as the heroes celebrate, both alive and dead heroes. So Sun and Jin, Sayid, Boone, Locke, etc. happily toast the Losties that remain after they destroy the MIB as ewok music plays in the background. :lol: Time to get off the internet Karen.

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I just had a disturbing thought. What if the end of Lost was like the end of Star Wars episode 6? You know, the Ewoks are playing music as the heroes celebrate, both alive and dead heroes. So Sun and Jin, Sayid, Boone, Locke, etc. happily toast the Losties that remain after they destroy the MIB as ewok music plays in the background. :lol: Time to get off the internet Karen.


No,no,no,no...I've watched since season 1, they better end this well..or... I'll...write a letter. :lol: or quit watching Fringe...or slam the Flash Forward message boards with Lost references.

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I didn't like the whole Sun/Jin thing either. But I didn't lkke the way she came back for him either. You're going back to an island you know will be near impossible to leave. Take the girl or don't do it. She pretty much made her choice then to live without her daughter. Which seems very inconsistant with how badly they wanted to have her.


I also liked Juliet & Sawyer. I think their relationship kinda sours the whole Kate thing. If he chooses her now she's just a rebound conselation prize.

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I just had a disturbing thought. What if the end of Lost was like the end of Star Wars episode 6? You know, the Ewoks are playing music as the heroes celebrate, both alive and dead heroes. So Sun and Jin, Sayid, Boone, Locke, etc. happily toast the Losties that remain after they destroy the MIB as ewok music plays in the background. :lol: Time to get off the internet Karen.


LMAO! Well, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was exactly like that.


Better yet, they will all regain their memories of island life and decide to live in a big commune that just happens to be on a tropical beach. :tongue_smilie:


And I can appreciate Juliet/Sawyer but I don't LOVE it. Especially since it seemed like it fell apart pretty quickly for the sake of reviving Sawyer/Kate. *shrugs*

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She pretty much made her choice then to live without her daughter. Which seems very inconsistant with how badly they wanted to have her.


I also liked Juliet & Sawyer. I think their relationship kinda sours the whole Kate thing. If he chooses her now she's just a rebound conselation prize.


OH, ITA! Also, Sun's father is, by all accounts, A Very Bad Man. Why would you leave your daughter to be raised by him?

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But, in a weird way, the whole thing made me feel hopeful. The Others said Sayid was beyond help or redemption. But they were wrong.


I'm betting they're wrong about Claire, too.


I wonder if the point is that the way others treat us/ interact with us affects whether we choose good or evil. Sayid was brought back by talking to Desmond, Claire seemed to be brought back by Jack, but now them leaving her may push her back to the evil side (unless it's really the good side.)

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I didn't like the whole Sun/Jin thing either. But I didn't lkke the way she came back for him either. You're going back to an island you know will be near impossible to leave. Take the girl or don't do it. She pretty much made her choice then to live without her daughter. Which seems very inconsistent with how badly they wanted to have her.


I also liked Juliet & Sawyer. I think their relationship kinda sours the whole Kate thing. If he chooses her now she's just a rebound consolation prize.



I wonder if at the end, she will be an important piece because she didn't return to the island. She would be pure of heart and would not have had the sins that the others did to land them where they are in the first place.

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I have had to really suspend my feelings around the approach to children on this show, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy it or have much good to say about some of these characters. Kate's behaviour in particular really bothers me as she left Aaron with a woman who was a stranger to him. I imagine in Sun's case that her daughter at least knew her grandparents as a regular part of her life. So I keep telling myself... it's only a plot device. Ignore, ignore, ignore.


That said, Sun and Jin really annoyed me by not even discussing having him leave to raise their daughter. I get that the writers wanted to play up on their committment to each other, but I think it would have been better if they'd at least addressed the subject. Maybe I could have felt more for their situation if they appeared to even care about the fact that they were giving up any chance of their daughter having a loving parent around. Then again, perhaps the writers are pretty smart to do it this way as I'm sure it brought up a lot of strong feelings in parents everywhere.

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I know, what the heck? I just fundamentally mistrust Kate in a relationship sense. Girl does not know what the heck she wants.


I know what I want. I want Juliette back. She was *good* for Sawyer. Fundamentally good. She needs to go chase aliens on her own time. :D



I just can't stand Kate. She has not grown in any way during this show.


I too prefer Juliette for Sawyer

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So sad. That scene where it just showed their hands floating apart. . . so so sad. I know it was supposed to be all noble, them dying together, but was anyone else bugged by the fact that there was NO mention of their daughter in those final moments, or that she wasn't begging him to go back and raise their daughter?


Yes, I agree. Even my dh said the same thing.


And I agree that they would have been speaking their native language.


Question--Do you think Jack was right, that the bomb would not have gone off if Sawyer hadn't tampered with it? I think he was right--and that is sad, too.


Yes, I think Jack was right.


Anyone notice that the song on Christian/Claire's music box is the one she asked the original adoptive parents to sing to future-Aaron? But she doesn't know about the song in this new time line. Hm.


I did notice.

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So, Jack says he is NOT getting on the sub, but Flocke plants the bomb on him. So did Flocke "know" the future (and that Jack would be on the sub) or was he just trying to kill Jack and not everybody else?


This isn't the only thing I'm confused about, lol...

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PEOPLE!! Sawyer is too good for Kate. She's got the morals of a barn cat, and probably half the diseases. Don't you want Sawyer to stay true to Juliette?
LOL. But no, I don't want Sawyer to stay true to Juliet. I'd rather he'd be alone. Juliet was HIS consolation prize for leaping off the helicopter to save the people he cared about. She was his friend and companion for those years in the 70s. But Juliet as his true love? Nope. Therefore, not worth me--as a viewer (a viewer who watched Sawyer/Kate, their chemistry, their kisses and so over the seasons)--getting invested in. YMMV, of course.


I couldn't take Hurley crying.
I'll second this.



just can't stand Kate. She has not grown in any way during this show.


I think this all sort of boils down to how this show writes about women characters in general. Juliet was ambiguous and kick ass and all kinds of wonderful UNTIL she was stuck in the 70s and got all insecure about her boyfriend's first love. She what does she do? Sets off a bomb so that she doesn't have to meet him and lose him. *scratches head*


Sun was an awesome character as well, but last season and this season she was barely present and mainly was there to say, "Where's Jin?" at appropriate times. Again, another waste.


Kate is by far the extreme case, they wanted her to be cagey and with the dratted triangle business they had to keep her viable options for both men---with varying degrees of success. I think her character suffers the most under the weight of the back and forth.


Look at how many of the women characters have been killed off on this show. It really is a shame.

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I did catch that Sayid told Jack he would be the 'one'. Did anyone else notice Jack grabbed Hurley's right shoulder, a la Jacob, when he convinced Hurley to take the O2 tank and get Kate out of there?


Also, Jack asked at least twice for a first-aid kit on the sub and (I think) Hurley said he couldn't find one, yet there was a clear shot of a first-aid kit shown in the control room/cockpit of the submarine. Trying to figure out if that is significant. I can't imagine how it would be though.

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Does Jin and Sun's baby exist in the alt timeline? I know that Aaron does.


If the island timeline ends up being the final timeline, then Aaron was born and is with Claire's mother.


If they all did die on the plane, and nothing that we have been watching for all these years is real, then both babies are dead too.


If the alternate timeline is the final timeline, do Jin and Sun even have a baby?

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Alt reality Sun is pregnant. Adam and Eve are Rose and Bernard. Though I don't remember if that was answered or my assumption.



I don't think they answered who Adam/Eve are just yet. I think it might be coming up soon, but we'll have to wait and see.

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My first instinct was to yell at Jin to save himself for his daughter! I would have been ticked if my dh stayed with me when he could have saved himself because I don't want my children to be orphans. I couldn't believe they killed Sun an Jin. :(


I was upset about Sayid and it was heartbreaking to see Hurley cry.

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The pacing of the episode seemed off,


:iagree: Everything happened so quickly that it lost a lot of its emotional impact to me. So far, I have been very disappointed with this whole season. The characters are all flat. They seem to be lacking emotion and connection with others. We aren't getting any answers and I have given up even trying to figure out what is going on. :glare:

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I did catch that Sayid told Jack he would be the 'one'. Did anyone else notice Jack grabbed Hurley's right shoulder, a la Jacob, when he convinced Hurley to take the O2 tank and get Kate out of there?


Also, Jack asked at least twice for a first-aid kit on the sub and (I think) Hurley said he couldn't find one, yet there was a clear shot of a first-aid kit shown in the control room/cockpit of the submarine. Trying to figure out if that is significant. I can't imagine how it would be though.


If Hurley had found the first aid kit, they wouldn't have opened Jack's backpack.

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Can you post a link to the exact place you read about it? I can't find it! (although I know the home page)


Read the transcript behind the "Are You Sure Button?" if you don't want to listen to the complete podcast. ODI has a very good track record with spoilers, but Team Darlton have been known to release false spoilers from time to time so who knows.

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