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How often do you dust?

How often do you dust?  

  1. 1. How often do you dust?

    • Every day
    • Every other day
    • 2-3 times a week
    • once a week
    • once every 2 weeks
    • once a month
    • dust? I do not remember the last time I dusted

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I dust MINIMUM of once a week. Lately (last month) it has been every 2 days- everything in my house. Dust is everywhere and I just cant get rid of it. It is soooo thick EVERYWHERE! I vacuum daily. How can I get rid of dust? I mean, I know I will never get RID of it. But it is so thick on everything even with dusting every other day and vacuuming daily.




PLEASE any afvice would be greatly appreciated!

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I dust MINIMUM of once a week. Lately (last month) it has been every 2 days- everything in my house. Dust is everywhere and I just cant get rid of it. It is soooo thick EVERYWHERE! I vacuum daily. How can I get rid of dust? I mean, I know I will never get RID of it. But it is so thick on everything even with dusting every other day and vacuuming daily.




PLEASE any afvice would be greatly appreciated!


Air filters? I don't know how much they help but we have them for allergies.


Do you have carpets or hard floors? Do you have lots of fabric curtains? Have you changed anything in the house lately, adding fabric? I think these things contribute to the amount of dust in the house, along with having windows open. Sorry this is bothering you.

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I think Nicole's points are good, especially about having the windows open. Do you have brick walls at all? They were the WORST when I had them in an apartment in New York. How about pets? Do you live near major roads?


Mainly, I'm just glad that I'm not the only one in the poll who voted that I couldn't remember the last time I dusted. It's my most despised chore, and one I always save for last--then I always seem to run out of time :confused: :001_huh: :lol:

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We have the same problem - I could easily dust every other day (and really, I ought to, our house gets SO dusty SO fast). We keep our windows shut, vaccum daily & change our air filters regularly, but still the dust is horrible. I used to think it was because we live out in the country, but we're off of a paved road - not even a dirt road. I don't really have any suggestions, but just wanted to empathize!

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I have to dust several times a week. Our current home seems to gather dust very quickly, and I don't recall having this problem with other places we have lived. We have an air filter and carpeting. The carpet is not by choice, it's a rental unit. If it were up to me we would have wood floors. We do not have pets. I like to keep our 3 windows open as much as possible. I feel suffocated in here.

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Does your vacuum have a good filtration system that contains the dust and doesn't just spew it back out into the air to settle later? Do you have forced air (heat or a/c)? We had a lot of dust with this type of system. Agree an air filter would help.


btw, I'm encouraged to see I'm not the only one who answered "I don't remember the last time..." :D

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Air filters? I don't know how much they help but we have them for allergies.


Do you have carpets or hard floors? Do you have lots of fabric curtains? Have you changed anything in the house lately, adding fabric? I think these things contribute to the amount of dust in the house, along with having windows open. Sorry this is bothering you.



We do have air filters, (I think we need better ones though) and fabric curtains but I wash them once a week. We do have carpet in the living room and bedrooms but the kitchen and 1 bathroom are wood floors and the other bathroom is tile. I do have the windows open but I LOVE the fresh air, I cant have them shut so I know that contributes to it, but I am a person who needs the fresh air flow! :001_smile:

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Guest CarolineUK

I tend not to bother unless we have visitors (especially the mil!), it's just too soul-destroying, our house is too big ... I have found we have much, much less dust since our two large dogs died, I think they brought a huge amount of dust in on their coats.

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We live in the dry desert. I only let myself dust once a week because otherwise, I'd drive myself nuts. But, there are a few pieces of dark furniture I run a rag over once a day because the tops are eye level and very noticable. I'm so glad my dh talked me out of dark hard wood floors! He knows me so well! He knew I would just drive myself crazy trying to keep them clean.

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The better the quality of air filter the less dust we have. I also change ours once a month no matter what. With pet hair and dirt, even the 3 mo filters stop working well after the first month.


But I rarely dust as well. Not that our house doesn't need it, but i never seem to get to it.

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Every time we dust, the kids get allergy attacks. I figure it's better to leave it lie. So we do it when company is coming.


We get a lot more dust than we used to. We are in a different house, with newer carpeting, but there's also just more biomass in the house as the kids have gotten bigger. A lot of dust is skin cells and clothing bits. Bigger people have bigger skins and bigger clothes. I've always figured that's the cause of our growing problem. Also, as homeschoolers, we spend a lot more time at home than most people. Even if it's not us "shedding", we're kicking up the dust and it settles on the dark furniture.

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I dust MINIMUM of once a week. Lately (last month) it has been every 2 days- everything in my house. Dust is everywhere and I just cant get rid of it. It is soooo thick EVERYWHERE! I vacuum daily. How can I get rid of dust? I mean, I know I will never get RID of it. But it is so thick on everything even with dusting every other day and vacuuming daily.




PLEASE any afvice would be greatly appreciated!


Oh, the wonderful perks of WYOMING!!!! I deal with the same problem. It doesn't matter what I do. It is always there. I am not sure if it is that it is because it is always so dry here and the wind never stops. I just have not figured out a way to get rid of it. I just dusted yesterday and there is enough dust on my desk in front of my right now to write my name in it.:001_huh:


I am sorry I have not advice, but I really do know how you feel. Also it seems to be worse from right now until the first snow fall again. I have come to the realization that this is just part of life in Wy.

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Oh, the wonderful perks of WYOMING!!!! I deal with the same problem. It doesn't matter what I do. It is always there. I am not sure if it is that it is because it is always so dry here and the wind never stops. I just have not figured out a way to get rid of it. I just dusted yesterday and there is enough dust on my desk in front of my right now to write my name in it.:001_huh:


I am sorry I have not advice, but I really do know how you feel. Also it seems to be worse from right now until the first snow fall again. I have come to the realization that this is just part of life in Wy.




Atlease I am not alone:001_huh:.... ugh so frustrating!!!

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