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A little tiny baby.....and I mean TINY!

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My BFF had a little baby girl on Thursday of last week, and I had the privilege of taking her newborn pictures this morning. She was 6lbs 9oz at birth, but is down to 6lbs 3oz now. So, so tiny. I just love her and wanted to share :)








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Aww, how cute!


I have to admit, when I saw the title, I wasn't expecting a 6 pounder. :lol: My 3 were 6 lbs. 10 oz., 5 lbs. 12 oz., and 6 lbs. 4 oz. at full-term birth.


Mine were 6lb 11oz and 6lb10oz (first borderline preterm, the second was full term). I don't remember my first looking particularly small, but I'd attended a number of births during my second pregnancy, few of which were less than 8lbs, and DD looked positively tiny in comparison, so much so that I asked if something was wrong with her! But no, just on the small side :)

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Aww, how cute!


I have to admit, when I saw the title, I wasn't expecting a 6 pounder. :lol: My 3 were 6 lbs. 10 oz., 5 lbs. 12 oz., and 6 lbs. 4 oz. at full-term birth.


I have a friend who just had twins. Each twin was over 7 lbs! I have no idea how they fit inside her.

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Beautiful pictures and gorgeous baby, but not tiny. She is within normal weight range, just like mine were at 6 lb 4 oz and 6 lb 8 oz.



Yeah, but she seems tiny to those of us with 8 and 9 pounders. My smallest was 8lbs 10oz. I can't fathom any baby under 8lbs or so. It makes me think, "Put 'em back. He ain't done yet." :001_smile:


Cute baby. Great photos. I like the middle and last one.

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Yeah, but she seems tiny to those of us with 8 and 9 pounders. My smallest was 8lbs 10oz. I can't fathom any baby under 8lbs or so. It makes me think, "Put 'em back. He ain't done yet." :001_smile:


Cute baby. Great photos. I like the middle and last one.

I agree! The term small is relative. My ds16 was 10'2", so this baby seems quite small in comparison! My friend had a baby the day before I had my 10 pounder, and her baby weighed 6'2". So, this baby is NOT small in comparison to that one! :001_smile:



These are beautiful pictures!

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Absolutely precious!


Makes me miss my little boy being a newborn. He was 5 lbs 6.5oz at birth (full term) and dropped to 4 lbs 11oz when we was released to go home. Hard to believe that he is now 65 lbs and going to turn 10 on Saturday! Yikes! :001_smile:

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Gorgeous pictures!


Definitely a size is relative thing. She looks absolutely perfect to me. A little on the big side, but hey. My whopper came last. He was 6 and a half pounds.:lol: The other three came home at between 4 lb 2 oz and 4 lb 6 oz. I thought my boy looked quite large.:001_smile:

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Thank you so much for all the compliments!


I just wanted to clarify....I didn't mean to imply that she was TOO tiny. You just forget how small they are (my youngest is 10 months now), and when they're smaller (though normal) on the size spectrum it makes it even that much more apparent. Her little socks didn't even touch her leg or foot. They were HUGE!


Anyway....she IS just perfect.....I love that she is so tiny!

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Beautiful child, beautiful photos!


My twins were born 7#8oz and 6#1oz. Baby girl dropped down to 5#8oz. She seemed so tiny, like a doll! Her brother felt big and heavy by comparison (I don't think he lost much in those first 2 weeks, he just gained from the get-go!). These babes were full term, born the first day if my 39th week.


So, even though she is not too tiny, those of you with 8 pound newborns would definitely notice the difference if you picked up this itty bitty angel!


ETA: It wasn't just the weight, dd seemed to have *bones* that were much, much smaller than her big brother's. She seemed fragile compared to him.

Edited by AuntieM
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Aww, how cute!


I have to admit, when I saw the title, I wasn't expecting a 6 pounder. :lol: My 3 were 6 lbs. 10 oz., 5 lbs. 12 oz., and 6 lbs. 4 oz. at full-term birth.


My first was 4 lbs. 15 oz. at birth (lost down to 4 lbs. 7 oz. and then gained back up to 4 lbs. 11 oz. by the time he came home from the hospital).


When my second was born at 6 lbs. 9 oz. (6 lbs. 1 oz. when we went home), we thought she was HUGE! :)

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Thank you so much for all the compliments!


I just wanted to clarify....I didn't mean to imply that she was TOO tiny. You just forget how small they are (my youngest is 10 months now), and when they're smaller (though normal) on the size spectrum it makes it even that much more apparent. Her little socks didn't even touch her leg or foot. They were HUGE!


Anyway....she IS just perfect.....I love that she is so tiny!



I understand it was just a "tiny little" exageration on your part ;)


I think it's just we were expecting a baby well under normal weight. Just as I wouldn't expect somebody referring to an 8 pound newborn as HUGE either *even though it might feel that way to moms of smaller babies like me*:D!


In complete agreement on your beautiful pictures and the lovely little girl!:001_smile:

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