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Yahoo Homeschool Story Comments

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Has anyone else read through the comments on the HSLDA/German Asylum story? I copied some of the more 'interesting' ones for a friend who didn't have time to look through them.



Reality most home schooled people are raised by parents with ideals that just are not up to par with normal stantards when the rest of us went to school to be taut under certified teachers. We don't have the room here, and have to many problems of are own.



Homeschooling should be illegal, esp. when its based on relgion. Public Schools teach tolerence and to work with people of different cultures and relgions.



WTF? You'd raise your children in you house self-educated? Republicans.



I think homeschooling should be illegel here in the United States as well. School is important for many different reason. Children need to be around other children to learn socials skills. children how are being tought at home are at more risk of working at Mcdonals then a high school grad.



personally i think that homeschooling should be illegal in the United States. you don't get the same proper education as you would at a public and or private school and you are sheltering your children from the real world and when they go out there it can be difficult for them to succeed in the world. guess thats what happens when you have overlay religious parents.



Home schooling ? keeps the children from speaking to grown up about weid mom an dad , useally ? what I have seen so far. sad



Homeschooling should not be aloud, ESPECIALLY if its for religious purposes.


Home schooling is absurd, children need to learn to comunicate with others, my sister-in-law did this with her children and they lack a lot today as adults, why would anyone want to take on this responsability if their not quilified to do this!


Home Shcooling should be illegal every where. it is a travesty and it is immoral and it is down right digusting.



If my son learns about darwin in school, I tell him thats thats a theroy but that our "history book" the Bible says What really happened. Its not that hard people!. Use youre brain, if you ever filled it with anything, which i hope so because your kids are not allowed to.



My problem with home schooling is that you only get taught to read, rite, and math. theres no science or social skills are after school activities (because the GOP keeps cutting them) in place of this they focus to much on religion which does not realy belong in school. you go to school to learn not to pray in some make belive person you think lives in the sky and watching us.



How does two people, not growing up in the us able to teach our ways. I have not seen a couple smart enough to teach everything that is needed.



now we are gonne be forced to support even more families who choose to use the pathetic excuse of homeschooling. this is a bunch of bullchit!!!!!!!!!



Omg! People, don't you get it? Why do kids from European countries, Japan and South Korea outsmart American kids in math, physics, chemistry and computer science? These countries don't welcome homeschooling.



I personally don't agree with home schooling at all. I mean if your home schooled you don't learn things that you learn at public school until your much older.


Studies show that home schooled kids are more likely to do drugs , end up in jail etcs...



Home school children= socialy handicap people



Homeschooling should be illegel in the United States!!!

Edited by homeschoolally
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:rofl: It cracks me up how many of them have bad grammar. hehe A lot of these comments sound to me like they were written by public schooled teenagers. hehe People are entitled to their opinions, but I'll wager none of them know a real homeschooling family. I guess one could always counter with the argument about prestigious universities taking homeschoolers over public/private students because they were "independent thinkers", "creative" and had a "well rounded education".

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Ugh-reading that hurt my brain. I gess humschllin means mah kids wunt be smrt like the counmeunters on that artucle. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by bbmom
to add a smilie to emphasize the joke in that 2nd line
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If my son learns about darwin in school, I tell him thats thats a theroy but that our "history book" the Bible says What really happened. Its not that hard people!. Use youre brain, if you ever filled it with anything, which i hope so because your kids are not allowed to.


It's hard to pick, but I think this one is my favorite, since I can't tell if she is saying she supports or opposes homeschooling. :D

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It's hard to pick, but I think this one is my favorite, since I can't tell if she is saying she supports or opposes homeschooling. :D


I should have copied the whole quote--she is opposed to homeschooling.


Yea, I wasted waaaay too much time reading these tonight. =) :001_smile:


I generally don't like to make fun of people--especially for something silly like spelling/grammar errors--- but it was impossible to resist in this case.


The irony....it burns. :001_smile:

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I should have copied the whole quote--she is opposed to homeschooling.


Killjoy. :glare: Fine, then my second favorite is the McDonalds quote. I'm guessing he's comparing working at McDonalds to being completely unemployable. :D


ETA: Wait, wait, I mean "Mcdonals." :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Edited by RaeAnne
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These are hilarious!:lol: Really, though, I only read the comments following online articles for entertainment purposes. For some reason that particular opportunity for editorial comments almost never generates anything worthy of consideration.



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I liked these too---



i've seen home schooled teenagers in the park acting like 5 year olds. they were happy to come out to the open, or does homeschooling include fiz-ed, or sports?






What's funny about the part about being touch things there parents don't want them to learn, is where is the kids choice to learn about lets say evolution at school, then at home, learn about god. But if this was my choice, even though I dislike religion, I'd with the help of my magical time traveling elves would make learning about any god part of the school curriculum.




I for one feel homeschooling is food as long as the education is monitored. as in they are properly tested.




home schooling is just silly the only people who do it normaly are the people who complain that evoloution is used in school, and end up screwing thir kids for life.






Edited by homeschoolally
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Hee, hee, I gave the comments to middle dc so she can correct the errors. You should have seen the look upon her face when she yelped, "Seriously Mom, adults wrote this drivel regarding homeschoolers needing to attend school? The song Man in The Mirror comes to mind."


Wow!! :lol::lol: Way to go dd!! And way to go mom for raising such a smarty! I LOVE that she used the word "drivel" hehehehehe. Awesome! :hurray:

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I liked these too---



What's funny about the part about being touch things there parents don't want them to learn, is where is the kids choice to learn about lets say evolution at school, then at home, learn about god. But if this was my choice, even though I dislike religion, I'd with the help of my magical time traveling elves would make learning about any god part of the school curriculum.



This is so true. I really appreciate how I got to learn whatever I wanted in public school. I just told the teachers, "No, I don't like this textbook, I will be learning from my magical time traveling elves today instead."

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Bullchit is my new favorite word.


I liked the one about how other countries do better because they don't allow homeschooling.


Honestly, and I mean this humorously, I kind of hope a bunch of homeschoolers went on there and wrote a bunch of anti-homeschool replies half-illiterately because the alternative would be sad.

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Bullchit is my new favorite word.






I read some of them yesterday. I just had to stop because it was so ridiculous and, frankly, disturbing. There are an awful lot of illiterate ignorant people out there who got that way going to regular school. Just follow the masses blindly. Don't think for yourself. Just form opinions by stating random ridiculous things not backed up by anything and think you are right about it all. Good grief. It's sad, really.

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I read some of them yesterday. I just had to stop because it was so ridiculous and, frankly, disturbing. There are an awful lot of illiterate ignorant people out there who got that way going to regular school. Just follow the masses blindly. Don't think for yourself. Just form opinions by stating random ridiculous things not backed up by anything and think you are right about it all. Good grief. It's sad, really.

But, isn't that the point to public education? If the masses started thinking for themselves in large numbers....

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Ah, yes. A wonderful reminder of why I choose to "shelter" my children.


Thank you for making my morning. :D


My 9 yo said something in a goofy way yesterday, then exclaimed "Oh! Why did I garble up my speech! I'm sorry, Mom!"


The stereotype of HSing is killing me lately! Luckily, IRL this doesn't happen to me. I have only had a handful of people in 8 years tell me they don't think it's right, or don't get it. Mostly it is positive.

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Hee, hee, I gave the comments to middle dc so she can correct the errors tomorrow. You should have seen the look upon her face.


Awww, your poor DD! She has a lot of work ahead of her!


These are simply hilarious! I say that as both the homeschool teacher and as a former homeschooled student:D


You shoud have seen my kidz when I let them out side last munth for fiz-ed. Boy, wear they ever gratefull to be letout in the open! :lol:

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Gosh, it took me almost 5 min. to figure out fiz-ed. And now that I have, I can't stop laughing about it and start teaching my children...


I can't believe these more-ons. ;)



P.S. This is generally why I don't quake at the part of the New Jersey law which says I am to provide an "equivalent outcome" to schooled children. Though I do sometimes wonder if I could be prosecuted for exceeding it by too large a margin.

Edited by nono
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Has anyone else read through the comments on the HSLDA/German Asylum story? I copied some of the more 'interesting' ones for a friend who didn't have time to look through them.



Reality most home schooled people are raised by parents with ideals that just are not up to par with normal stantards when the rest of us went to school to be taut under certified teachers. We don't have the room here, and have to many problems of are own.



Homeschooling should be illegal, esp. when its based on relgion. Public Schools teach tolerence and to work with people of different cultures and relgions.



WTF? You'd raise your children in you house self-educated? Republicans.



I think homeschooling should be illegel here in the United States as well. School is important for many different reason. Children need to be around other children to learn socials skills. children how are being tought at home are at more risk of working at Mcdonals then a high school grad.



personally i think that homeschooling should be illegal in the United States. you don't get the same proper education as you would at a public and or private school and you are sheltering your children from the real world and when they go out there it can be difficult for them to succeed in the world. guess thats what happens when you have overlay religious parents.



Home schooling ? keeps the children from speaking to grown up about weid mom an dad , useally ? what I have seen so far. sad



Homeschooling should not be aloud, ESPECIALLY if its for religious purposes.


Home schooling is absurd, children need to learn to comunicate with others, my sister-in-law did this with her children and they lack a lot today as adults, why would anyone want to take on this responsability if their not quilified to do this!


Home Shcooling should be illegal every where. it is a travesty and it is immoral and it is down right digusting.



If my son learns about darwin in school, I tell him thats thats a theroy but that our "history book" the Bible says What really happened. Its not that hard people!. Use youre brain, if you ever filled it with anything, which i hope so because your kids are not allowed to.



My problem with home schooling is that you only get taught to read, rite, and math. theres no science or social skills are after school activities (because the GOP keeps cutting them) in place of this they focus to much on religion which does not realy belong in school. you go to school to learn not to pray in some make belive person you think lives in the sky and watching us.



How does two people, not growing up in the us able to teach our ways. I have not seen a couple smart enough to teach everything that is needed.



now we are gonne be forced to support even more families who choose to use the pathetic excuse of homeschooling. this is a bunch of bullchit!!!!!!!!!



Omg! People, don't you get it? Why do kids from European countries, Japan and South Korea outsmart American kids in math, physics, chemistry and computer science? These countries don't welcome homeschooling.



I personally don't agree with home schooling at all. I mean if your home schooled you don't learn things that you learn at public school until your much older.


Studies show that home schooled kids are more likely to do drugs , end up in jail etcs...



Home school children= socialy handicap people



Homeschooling should be illegel in the United States!!!



Anyone else find these really, really funny. The spelling and grammar errors make many of them difficult to read, but they think they've done great on their publik skool edycation.

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now we are gonne be forced to support even more families who choose to use the pathetic excuse of homeschooling.


This cracks me up. Support us? How exactly? Obviously very well informed individuals there - wowza!


Because we are all redneck, religous fanatics living on welfare of course! Just like the Duggars! :001_rolleyes:

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I posted this in the responses on that yahoo article:



In America we have the right to do a lot of things and one of them is teach our children what we believe in. I would think God for this right but I don't believe in the whole ‘Abracadabra, poof God made the earth’ theory. I do however think the military, as they are the ones that give and protect us, our rights and everything else that this country stands for. The home school movement is growing at an alarming rate, the same alarming rate that our education system is declining. We have the worst education system of any industrialized country on the planet.


Dropout rates, crime rates, illiteracy rates, pregnancy rates, drug use and many other things re-prove this time and time again and it will be our downfall! The dropout rate in America is up to 30%, yes, one in three drop out. I have good insight in this as I have traveled all over the globe. There are many reasons for the decline, unions, government and the desire to change our country to a communist state of oppression. Recent testing of home schooled kids has proven that they are way, WAY ahead of there institutionalized peers. Look it up and research it.


Colleges are targeting home schooled kids for academic scholarships, more and more. The social aspect: When I was young, 30-40 years ago, most kids that were home schools were social widgets, but the movement has become so popular, that the advent of home school groups gives the kids better and safer socialization skills then our school system. I never heard of a home schooled kid having to pass through a metal detector of police search station to enter the play ground. All in all, the American Educational system has become the laughing stock of the planet. I am sure some are offended and I am not sorry for that, as we still, for the moment, have the right to offend in America.


You will have to excuse my spelling and grammar errors, I was raised in a public school system!!!


America has a huge financially unsustainable problem called illegal immigration. We will overlook all the illegal’s that come into the country, with gang/military/terrorist ties, MS-13, Al-Qaida, Taliban, scary criminal backgrounds, gift, yes GIFT them every financial aid program possible and force US citizens to give up more and more to accommodate people breaking the law. BUT, here is a family in the U.S trying to take the legal route to become U.S citizens and they are getting hammered. I have no problem with a person coming to OUR COUNTRY, living by OUR LAWS, and positively contributing to OUR SOCIETY!!! And don’t waste my time with the whole ”But we were founded by Illegal immigrants” CRAP. Different time, different situation all together.

Edited by cajunrose
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Has anyone else read through the comments on the HSLDA/German Asylum story? I copied some of the more 'interesting' ones for a friend who didn't have time to look through them.



Reality most home schooled people are raised by parents with ideals that just are not up to par with normal stantards when the rest of us went to school to be taut under certified teachers. We don't have the room here, and have to many problems of are own.



Homeschooling should be illegal, esp. when its based on relgion. Public Schools teach tolerence and to work with people of different cultures and relgions.



WTF? You'd raise your children in you house self-educated? Republicans.



I think homeschooling should be illegel here in the United States as well. School is important for many different reason. Children need to be around other children to learn socials skills. children how are being tought at home are at more risk of working at Mcdonals then a high school grad.



personally i think that homeschooling should be illegal in the United States. you don't get the same proper education as you would at a public and or private school and you are sheltering your children from the real world and when they go out there it can be difficult for them to succeed in the world. guess thats what happens when you have overlay religious parents.



Home schooling ? keeps the children from speaking to grown up about weid mom an dad , useally ? what I have seen so far. sad



Homeschooling should not be aloud, ESPECIALLY if its for religious purposes.


Home schooling is absurd, children need to learn to comunicate with others, my sister-in-law did this with her children and they lack a lot today as adults, why would anyone want to take on this responsability if their not quilified to do this!


Home Shcooling should be illegal every where. it is a travesty and it is immoral and it is down right digusting.



If my son learns about darwin in school, I tell him thats thats a theroy but that our "history book" the Bible says What really happened. Its not that hard people!. Use youre brain, if you ever filled it with anything, which i hope so because your kids are not allowed to.



My problem with home schooling is that you only get taught to read, rite, and math. theres no science or social skills are after school activities (because the GOP keeps cutting them) in place of this they focus to much on religion which does not realy belong in school. you go to school to learn not to pray in some make belive person you think lives in the sky and watching us.



How does two people, not growing up in the us able to teach our ways. I have not seen a couple smart enough to teach everything that is needed.



now we are gonne be forced to support even more families who choose to use the pathetic excuse of homeschooling. this is a bunch of bullchit!!!!!!!!!



Omg! People, don't you get it? Why do kids from European countries, Japan and South Korea outsmart American kids in math, physics, chemistry and computer science? These countries don't welcome homeschooling.



I personally don't agree with home schooling at all. I mean if your home schooled you don't learn things that you learn at public school until your much older.


Studies show that home schooled kids are more likely to do drugs , end up in jail etcs...



Home school children= socialy handicap people



Homeschooling should be illegel in the United States!!!


Wow. :lol: Well I guess these comments prove that SOME people should not home school, but of course that does not mean ALL parents should not. Sometimes people look at their own shortcomings and project them on others.:001_huh:

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Wow. :lol: Well I guess these comments prove that SOME people should not home school, but of course that does not mean ALL parents should not. Sometimes people look at their own shortcomings and project them on others.:001_huh:


Good point, glad they won't be homeschooling.;)

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Homeschooling should not be aloud


...but if you do it absolutely silently, it's ok. :lol:


I don't have time to read all the comments right now, but thanks so much for posting these. Nice to have a chuckle in the middle of the morning!



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I've posted my comment! First one ever! Here it is:



Wow - if I had any doubts about homeschooling my two daughters, they have been put to lie by these ill-informed and barely coherent comments (presumably, the result of public school education). There are 1.9-2.5 million homeschoolers in the US. They cross all demographic lines - religion, income, race, and political views. They homeschool for a myriad of reasons. "Studies show" (and by this, I mean actual research that has been published and peer-reviewed) that homeschoolers are on average ranked 15-30 percentiles higher than public school students on nationally normed standardized tests.


I would suggest that you commenters who have (apparently) never met a real homeschooler, or who know (or probably more accuately - have heard of) only one "weird family" try to meet some actual homeschoolers. There are probably - literally - hundreds around you every day!

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Love the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors in those comments. I can't imagine why I would want to homeschool. Look what fine, intelligent human beings the public school system is turning out!


There wasn't even one remotely reasonable reason against homeschooling. I want to laugh at some of the comments, but I can't.

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There were grammatical and spelling errors by homeschool supporters, too ::shrug:: I mean, I got a good laugh at some of the comments, particularly the ones posted in the OP, but it's not like rampant poor spelling and grammar aren't evident even here.


I just don't think the "us versus them" mentality is helpful in any way, for either side. Of any argument.

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There were grammatical and spelling errors by homeschool supporters, too ::shrug:: I mean, I got a good laugh at some of the comments, particularly the ones posted in the OP, but it's not like rampant poor spelling and grammar aren't evident even here.


I just don't think the "us versus them" mentality is helpful in any way, for either side. Of any argument.


Except "they" would like to see "our" right to homeschool taken away. Given the current political climate these days, I think "we" should be on guard with regards to people like "them". Grammatical errors or not.

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