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what are your plans for grade 3?


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We're probably a little "behind" what is typical. We are doing third grade now.


Writing with Ease Book 2

MUS -- recently finished Beta and began Gamma

All About Spelling -- about to finish Book 2

Handwriting WO Tears - third grade cursive book

Five in a Row unit studies


We did Easy Grammar for a couple months and got sick of it. I'm thinking of adding First Language Lessons 3 and/or Writing Strands 3 somtime in March.


She also has a Community Bible Study class, Youth Choir, and hip-hop dance class.

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Singapore Math text, wkbk, and Intensive Practice

All About Spelling

SOTW 2 and parts of 3 plus Activity Guides

parts of Sonlight Core 2 (mostly read alouds and the adv reader set)

Usborne Book of World History and Child's History of the World (with SL)

The First Christians by Marigold Hunt http://www.amazon.com/First-Christians-Acts-Apostles-Children/dp/1928832326

maybe SL's 2adv LA, but not sure yet

Prima Latina

Real Science 4 Kids


Suzuki viola + orchestra

Mavis Beacon Typing


I already have most of this -- used it with previous kiddo -- but I'm always open to considering other LA and Science curricula. I seem to collect these. :D

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Here's what I plan to use with my 3rd grader.


Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading-grammar, phonics, spelling, reading and writing.


Math-Either Math Mammoth or CLE (we have both so I'll see which he prefers. He is my workbook student so I think he will most likely use CLE)


Science- Lots of Audio books, Books about Texas trees, plants and birds and Simply Charlotte Mason books "Outdoor Secrets" and "Jack's Insects"


History & Bible- Mystery of History Vol. 1


Music-from MFW Exp1850 (Older brother will use this)


My dc are into survival skills, bird watching, roping and such so we add those in via dvd and buying the necessary stuff (backpacks, survival gear etc.).


That's it for us :)

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I'm planning for 3rd grade next year too and here's what we're doing -




  • R&S Grammar 3 w/ Daily Grams 3
  • Writings Tales 1
  • SOTW 3 w/ AG
  • Trail Guide to World Geography
  • Horizons Math 3 (plus RS math games)
  • MPH Science 3/4
  • Prima Latina/LC I (doing PL now, so we'll go to LCI sometime mid year, probably)
  • Explorers Bible Study - Beginners II NT survey
  • Classical Conversations cycle 2
  • piano lessons, swim lessons, gymnastics, etc




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BJU Math 4

Who Is God? Apologia Bible

Writing Tales

Portrait of American Girlhood

Holling C. Holling books for science lessons with dad

Nature Study

Latin (Stellae class at Lone Pine Classical)

Elementary Greek 1

CLE Reading 3

Harmony Fine Arts for art/music appreciation


I'm still hammering LA out...I have loved CLE LA 3 this year, and I have purchased CLE LA 4 for next year. However, I am very interested in MCT and plan to purchase the Island level to see how it will work for dd.


We'll also have gymnastics, Awana, Girl Scouts and outside art classes.

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I am almost finished planning. Here is what I have so far:


Rod and Staff Math 4

Rod and Staff English 3

Rod and Staff spelling 3(maybe)

Rod and Staff Penmanship 3

Rod and Staff music 3, plus continue recorder and Core Knowledge, children's church choir and possibly piano lessons or homeschool choir. We do different things throughout the year.

Story of the World 3 w/A. G. Plus the Complete Book of Maps and Geography

Science: WTM suggestions. Don't have the book here. But I know it is lots of experiments in 3rd

Art? We have used Core Knowledge and SOTW activities as our art in the past. Possibly a co-op class next year.

Literature: SOTW reading list, poetry units from What Your 3rd Grader Needs to Know

Latin: Haven't decided which to use yet. Will choose from the two WTM suggestions once I look them over at convention. Leaning towards Prima Latina.

P.E./health swimming in summer, ballet, tap and jazz during the year, soccer in the spring. Learn to ride 2 wheeler, lots of scooter rides, etc.


Extras: Brownie Scouts and Bible: Don't know what yet. This year there was a class at co-op. If not, we will do something here. Possibly some Logic.

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I am currently planning 3rd grade for ds. Here's what I'm thinking. Note: we're a little behind in some areas since we started homeschooling this year and I wanted to begin some curriculum at the beginning. So, we are doing some lessons double time to catch up.


Math: Singepore 3A, 3B textbook and workbook, IXL Math Online

Reading: Daily read-aloud with written narration

Spelling: AAS 3

Music: Suzuki Violin (Currently finishing Book 1, wil be starting Book 2)

Handwriting:HWT Print 4, Cursive 4

Reading: 1/2 hour to himself with oral narration

Grammar: FLL 3

Writing: WWE 3

Science: Sonlight 3

Geography: Evan Moore Daily Geography 3

Latin: Prima Latina

History: SOTW 2

Home Ec: Pearables Home Ec Level 1 and Responsibility For Boys

Philosophy: Philosophy For Young Thinkers


Any subject other than core is not every day.

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3rd grade:

Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Tapestry of Grace Upper Grammar Year 2

hist, lit, geog, comp

Rod and Staff 3

Saxon Math 3, then 5/4

Latina Christiana at a slow pace

God's Design Science - Physical science

Spelling Wisdom

Ambleside Online year 2 extras (art study, nature study, literature free reading)

Musikgarten classes

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Here is what we are using this year for 3rd...



Shurley 3 (minus the writing assignments)

IEW - All Things Fun & Fascinating

Horizons Math 3

BJU Handwriting 3

SL 3 Readers

SOTW 3 w/ activity guide and SL Core 3 sprinkled in to flesh out American History

LC 1 (we'll take two years to get through this)

NOEO Physics 1

Meet the Masters


eta: AAS 3

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As of now, plans are: (we actually school year round and start the "new" year in Jan for school :) )


History: MOH 3/4, plus SOTW 3/4 and AO/OFE readings from that time period

AO 2/3 and OFE 2/3 readings for literature

Science: Chemistry (not sure what we will use exactly)

Math: Ray's as main plus a mix of others (MUS, singapore, abeka, miquin)

LA: Looking at Phonics Road

Latin: Latina Christina I (?)

Spanish: undecided

Reading: McGuffy Readers, Pathway readers (in addition to PR)

Writing: narrations and copywork (in addition to PR)

Logic: some elementary logic stuff...still brainstorming

Bible: Bible plus some Godly Womanhood things such as Keepers of Faith, Daughter's training and Doorpost products


She is also a competitive dancer. :) We participate in a homeschooling group, mostly for play.


I think that is it. :D

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We're ahead in some areas, but she's starting over in ancients with the rest of the gang:


Math: Christian Light 400

Reading: Christian Light 400

Grammar/Writing: Either BJU 4 or Rod & Staff

Spelling: Spelling Workout finish C and begin D

Writing: Writing Strands 3 or IEW Ancients

Latin: Latin for Children A

Science: Apologia Land Animals & The Elements

History: Probably using BP to combine MOH 1, SOTW Ancients and lots of Lit. from SL 6


Still undecided on a few things, but pretty well set for most of it.

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Bible: Child's Story Bible & discussion, prayer journal and various other materials we have on hand

Reading: BJU 3 and some TOG 2 lit

Math: BJU 3 maybe w/ hands on equations

Handwriting: zaner bloser

All About Spelling 3

English: Shurely 3 or BJU or R&S (I have all of these)

Writing:IEW SWI level A

History: TOG 2

Science: BJU 3 & Apologia Botany

Lots of extra literature read alouds w/ Mom

2 4H Clubs: Dog & Horse


possibly continued figure skating lesson if we can afford it


possibly Latin or Spanish (she just finished Spanish 3 for elementary at the library)



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Here are our plans (as always, subject to change :D):


*Latin: Finish Lively Latin 1 and Minimus and move on to LL2 and Secundus

*Math: CLE 300/400 with Singapore CWP/IP 3 & HOE

*LA: MCT with Spelling (either Wheeler's, Simply Spelling, or Spelling Wisdom) and GD Italic D


We're trying a two-stream history next year with together time mostly focusing on world history, and independent readings on American history.

*World History: VP OTAE/NTGR

*American: Eggleston's First Book in American History as a tea-time Read-Aloud. Independent reading through Artner's Units 1 & 2 and other books from Biblioplan. Also working through Time Traveler's Colonial Life CD.

*Christian Studies: MP Christian Studies I with VP Bible Cards

*Science: Apologia Astronomy w/ Notebook (1st sem.) & A Child's Geography (2nd sem.) with a couple of GEMS units the kiddos choose thrown in throughout the year.

*Greek Code Cracker--2nd sem (if I can keep it out of dd's hands that long)



*Logic Connections--Introductory

*Worksheet Works Math Puzzles

*Art: mixture of Mark Kistler online, Artistic Pursuits & Lamb's Book of Art

*Simply Music for Piano

*My own "Virtuoso Study": artist/composer/poet/author study

*Irish Dance

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Here is what we are doing for 3rd grade this year:


History: Time Travelers CD...Colonial and Revolutionary War. I have added in A LOT of reading and units on the individual colonies which is why it is taking us the full year.


Science: NOEO Chemistry I


Language Arts: MCT Island, IEW SWI A, Phonetic Zoo, ETC (just as busy work when I am working with his brother), LOTS and LOTS of reading (his nose is always in a book!)


Math: Right Start C (we're "behind"), Math Mammoth Blue


Latin: LFC A


Art: Atelier Art DVDs and Artistic Pursuits Book I


Other: Keyboard Town Pals (keyboarding), Mind Benders

Activities: Fencing, Drama, and AWANA

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Here are our plans for next year:


Math: Horizons Math (2B/3A)

LA: Rod and Staff English 3, IEW SWI A, Reason for Handwriting Cursive, Spelling Workout C/D, reading lists from VP and SL

FL: Latina Christiana 1, Spanish (La Clase Divertida)


Still undecided:

SL 3 or MFW Adventures for history

Science - SL 3 or Apologia

Bible - Veritas Press or Bible Study Guide for All Ages

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My plans so far (mostly from LCC with Ambleside Online):





  • Phonics (DS needs it still): finish Toe by Toe, then use Elizabeth's online phonics lessons with Webster's Speller (I hope).
  • Math: MEP Yr 3 and begin Yr 4 (we school year round). Finish First Lessons in Arithmetic.
  • Composition: Oral narration. Copywork (cursive). Possibly try some light dictation. KISS grammar.
  • Greek: Greek Alphabetarion (slow pace)
  • Music: Mrs. Stewarts Piano
  • Latin: Getting Started with Latin (after reading is better established)





  • History: Greek Myths, Egypt
  • Religion / Church History: Old Testament (over 2 years)
  • Geography: Simply Charlotte Mason rotation yr #2 (as a family), living books and map drill.
  • Nature Study / Natural History: Ambleside Online selections (as a family).
  • Science: ???? something with experiments - earth or life.
  • Literature/Poetry: Ambleside Online (some as a family, some with just Mom). I want to read 1-on-1 with each child twice per week.


Circle Time / Group Subjects



  • Discipleship: Bible stories, the Character Journal (online), Leading Little Ones to God
  • Memory/Recitation: Poetry & Bible verses, Mnemosyne binder.
  • Spanish: Salsa, Poco a Poco (google books)





  • Taekwondo
  • horse riding (we are getting a horse soon!)


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So far the plan for 3rd grade is


MCT - level 1

MBtP literature units

Grammar with a Giggle - grade 3


Writing Skills 3


History Odyssey - Early Modern Level 1


Noeo - Chemistry level 1


Saxon math - whatever level we're at - probably some combination of 3 and 5/4


Minimus and maybe Lively Latin


continue 50 states study per my own plans


art with Dh - we'll see

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This is what I am planning: Math Mammoth, Phonics Road 2, Star Spangled Statebook and workbook, Chemistry: RS4K and Elemental Science


This is what I would do if I wasn't using Phonics Road:


Math Mammoth, AAS, FLL, WWE, Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus, Star Spangled Statebook and workbook, Chemistry: RS4K and Elemental Science


(We are using that geography and science already now in second grade. We have decided to drag them out through third. Fourth grade will be American History.)


I might add Mark Kistler's Draw Squad and/or Calvert Music.


Oh, I forgot Spanish from Discovery Streaming.

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This is what we are planning (and going to use because it's already here :))


Language Arts: Classical Writing Aesop A, Spelling Workout, readers and read-alouds that coordinate with history, we may add grammar using FLL or Rod & Staff (haven't decided yet)

Math: Singapore Math

Science: Elemental Science-Chemistry

History: SOTW 3 with the AG and additional books, 1st year of a 2 year state study

Latin: Prima Latina

Other: Art Adventures @ Home, Artist/Composer Study, recorder

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History/Geography: Biblioplan Y4

Writing: IEW

Science: Following topics from BJU 6(my 5th grade ds is using this)


Vocabulary: Wordly Wise B

English: Shurley 3

Foreign Language: Elementary Spanish 3/4

Math: MUS Gamma/CLE 3 & CWP

Bible: Awana and CLE


Drawing Instruction: 2 is for Toucan

Art Appreciation: Picturing America

Composer Study: Listing to 1 Meet The Masters CD monthly

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My current plans for 3rd:


History:SOTW 3 plus a couple time travelers CD's


Language-Salsa Spanish and Song School Latin


Science-Mr.Q (co-op) and The Elements


Language Arts-WWE 3--FLL3--AAS


Handwriting-HWOT cursive


Math-continue with RightStart C


Geography-U.S. Trail Guide to Geography



We school year around so some of this is summer stuff

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This is what I'm planning for my 3rd grader:


Language Arts - Queen Homeschool Supplies: Language Lessons for the Very Young, Spelling Through Copywork & Words of the Week. Also, Italic cursive and Poetry in Heart of Dakota's Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory.

Math - I plan to order Teaching Textbooks 3 when it comes out this April. Depending on how that goes, he may or may not be using this. He will definately be using MathSee Beta and moving into Gamma during the year. And, he will continue to dabble in Singapore. May drop Singapore if TT goes well.

History - Early American History using Heart of Dakota's Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory plus extras from Ambleside Online and some Sonlight books.

Science - Heart of Dakota's Beyond Little Hearts Science plus extras.

Reading - Heart of Dakota's Drawn Into the Heart of Reading.

Spanish - Rosetta Stone and Getting Started With Spanish.

Greek - Will begin Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek mid-year.

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This is my very tentative list, and is subject to change, as Ariel will be doing second grade work in the fall:


Story of the World: finish Middle Ages and move on to Early Modern Times

BFSU 3-8 if it's out, My Pals Are Here 3/4 if not

MEP 3 and either Right Start D or Hands On Equations

Apples & Pears Spelling B

Writing With Ease 3

Jolly Grammar 2 or Primary Language Lessons

Logic Countdown and Building Thinking Skills

Atelier Art 3

Lively Latin

La Clase Divertida 3

Piano and/or violin

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Not positive we will be HS'ing but if we are:


History: Finish SOTW2 and start SOTW3 w/ AG

Math: Finish CLE3 and start/finish CLE4

Science: Finish CLE3 and then follow WTM recommendations

LA: undecided. We have yet to find what works.


Continue with piano lessons, AWANAS and Cub Scouts. Probably put in additional geography, social studies, foreign language... Perhaps a formal art program?

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Here are my plans that are NOT subject to change since I just ordered it all today! :D


Bible: Reading in the O.T.

Memory work: Hymns, poems, Awana verses

Math:Rightstart D, MEP Yr. 3 and CWP 3

AAS finish 3 and begin 4

History:Ancients (using SOTW as a spine, along w/ other resources)

Science: Physical Science (pulling this together on my own)

Reading: Mainly AO yr 3 ...possibly add in Abeka yr 3 readers (I have them already)

Copywork, Narration, Dictation w/ AO

Grammar/Writing: Don't know yet ....may get MCT or use Rod and Staff (and Writing Strands-already have it)

Composer, Artist, and Nature studies w/ AO (I usually struggle to get these in although they look good in my planner! :tongue_smilie:)

Art: Finish up in Artistic Pursuits, and work in 'I can do all things'


I think that's it. I've thought about starting a foreign lang. but might wait till 4th grade.


I love reading what everyone else is going to use!

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Our plans right now:


Oak Meadow 3

Singapore Math 2b/3a

Rod and Staff Math 3-4

Spell to Write and Read

Ruth Heller's Grammar Picture books (1 per month)

Lapbooks of her choice


And if she is ready we will do Minimus to give her a fun introduction to Latin. Which is one of the 4 languages they recommend an up and coming Egyptologist learn.



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Core - 4x/week

Math: RightStart C

Writing: WWE 2

Grammar, Spelling, Handwriting: Day-by-Day Dictation, Getty Dubay Italic

Indep Reading: Various Sources



Religion: following Mater Amabilis religion

Science: Nature Study, BFSCU

History: American History from GuestHollow

Memory: IEW Poetry

Art: @Public School, CM Artist Study

Music: Piano Lessons, CM Composer Study


I would love to add more from Mater Amabilis, but I have to be realistic. :D If we cover the above well, I will be pleased with 3rd grade.

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I'd love to see what you have used, are using, or plan to use!




Here are my plans for this fall for my second child, and the previous plans I did for my eldest. I adapt as needed.


3rd Grade (Fall 2010):


Math: Singapore Level 3 - TB, WB, IP, & CWP (Saxon 5/4 for review if necessary)


Reading: 1 hr "guided reading" where he reads on his own from books his father chooses.


Language Arts: Rod & Staff 3, SWR, WWE2/3 or Writing Tales 1


Latin: CLAA


Science: RS4Kids Chemistry & Paid Science Teacher classes


History: History Odyssey


Hebrew: Shalom Uvrahah



For my previous 3rd Grader (Completed Fall 2008 - Spring 2009):


Reading: 1 hr "guided reading" where she reads on her own from books her father chose.


English: Rod & Staff 3, SWR, Aesop CW & Writing Strands 3


Latin: Prima Latina


Science: Kolbe Science Gr 4 Harcourt Science


History: Ancient Greece History Links


Math: Singapore Level 4 (and beginning of Level 5)- TB, WB, IP, CWP (We used Saxon as review for her as well)

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We are doing 3rd this year and I have a 3rd coming next year... this is what we are using now....


Grammar: GWG 3

Spelling: AAS (Level 3/4 and we'll probably start 5 this year)

Writing: WWE3 (next year dd will do WWE and CW Aesop A alternating weeks)

Math: MUS Gamma/Delta

Latin: Prima Latina

History: MOH (finish Book 2, go into book 3)

Science: Elemental Science: Earth Science/Astronomy

Music: Piano lessons

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Reading: Classics and history/science related reading

Handwriting: ds did cursive this year, but so did dd in 2nd... so she will not be doing a handwriting curriculum

Bible: an free online program I found

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Here are our plans for 3rd:


Singapore Primary Maths 3B/4A + IP and CWP



Paragraph Writing (Evan Moor)

Spelling Workout E or Megawords 1 (can't decide)

Elson Reader, Book 5

SOTW2 and Activity Guide

Earth/Space Science (splicing together my own)

Science Detective

Song School Latin


Pianimals Books E-G + Music Ace

Online Drawing Lessons with Mark Kistler

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