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How to help DS understand not everyone believes in dinosaurs?

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My DS (4) has a best friend who is five. They play together almost every day after school and they are really great together. My DS has recently developed a fascination with dinosaurs. He reads about them, carries a stuffed one around, wants to wear shirts with them on. I overheard a few funny converstations between DS and his friend that makes me believe that her family doesn't believe in dinosaurs. Now, I never knew that it was optional, to tell you the truth! They are a conservative Christian family and I have a very good relationship with them. I just don't know if I should ask DS not to discuss dinos with his friend or what. I don't want it to cause them to be uncomfortable or to keep their daughter from playing with DS. What would you do?

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I would simply pretend I didn't hear and let his mom handle the questions. I think maybe there is some misunderstanding on the boy's part anyway. He's only 4. The existence of dinosaurs really isn't a faith-based question. Incredibly large reptiles existed on earth at some time in the past, although some believe the timing is in question. Unless his parent have told him aliens put them there...then you have a whole 'nother problem



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Talking to her parents might be best, I'd think. Maybe their daughter has things confused! Like "dinosaurs doesn't exist now" plus "we don't believe this particular thing about them", maybe in some kids minds might equal "we don't believe they existed"?? Or if that is what they believe, then asking the parents about it would help you know what to explain to your DS and also what they'd prefer. Dinosaurs are everywhere. Even if they don't think they were real, I don't see why your DS would need to hold back on his love for them!!:)

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I suppose it is possible she didn't understand what her parent's taught her about dinos. I am the one who overheard the discussion between DS and his friend. The friend said (refering to Dora the Explorer) "Oh, she is an evolutionist. That means she believes in dinosaurs." Then yesterday there were a few more comments about dinos not being real. Like I said, I have never met anyone with this world belief before. But my main concern is not to cause any problems in the friendship between the kids.

Edited by Cammie
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If you've have a good relationship with the mom, I'd just ask.


The children are 4 and 5. It wouldn't be the first time such a young child misunderstood something their parents told them and then relayed it to friends.


Short example: When I was 4 I told a group of my mom's friends that my mom and Santa Claus were intimate(KWIM?). :D I was relaying my version of something my mom had told me, but it had a completely different meaning for the adults who heard me.


Try asking your friend for clarification on what you overheard. :)

Edited by Hillary in KS
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My DS (4) has a best friend who is five. They play together almost every day after school and they are really great together. My DS has recently developed a fascination with dinosaurs. He reads about them, carries a stuffed one around, wants to wear shirts with them on. I overheard a few funny converstations between DS and his friend that makes me believe that her family doesn't believe in dinosaurs. Now, I never knew that it was optional, to tell you the truth! They are a conservative Christian family and I have a very good relationship with them. I just don't know if I should ask DS not to discuss dinos with his friend or what. I don't want it to cause them to be uncomfortable or to keep their daughter from playing with DS. What would you do?


There are Christians who believe that dinosaur bones were put into the earth as a test of faith or put there by Satan to deceive people. However, this is sort of a fringe belief, even among fundamentalists. It's possible the boy has misunderstood something. I think I would ignore it unless the mom talked to me about it.

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I suppose it is possible she didn't understand what her parent's taught her about dinos. I am the one who overheard the discussion between DS and his friend. The friend said (refering to Dora the Explorer) "Oh, she is an evolutionist. That means she believes in dinosaurs." Then yesterday there were a few more comments about dinos not being real. Like I said, I have never met anyone with this world belief before. But my main concern is not to cause any problems in the friendship between the kids.


Sorry. I posted before I saw you wrote this.


Maybe she means that dinosaurs aren't real, in the sense that she will not see dinosaurs in the zoo, or under her bed, or while hiking? In that sense, they're *not* real.


I dunno. It sounds to me like she's misunderstanding something her parents said.

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The children are 4 and 5. It wouldn't be the first time such a young child misunderstood something their parents told them and then relayed it to friends.


Short example: When I was 4 I told a group of my mom's friend that my mom and Santa Claus were intimate(KWIM?). :D I was relaying my version of something my mom had told me, but it had a completely different meaning for the adults who heard me.



And sometimes kids are just totally random. My youngest sister once told my mom's mom that my mom had quit smoking. But my mom never smoked!!

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And sometimes kids are just totally random. My youngest sister once told my mom's mom that my mom had quit smoking. But my mom never smoked!!


One of my kids told all the neighbors that one year Daddy didn't come home for Christmas. None of us have any idea what she's talking about.



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DH is the expert on conservative christian beliefs in our house (he was raised in that environment) and I asked him about this. He said there are people who believe that all evidence of evolution, including dinosaur fossils, was put there by god as a test of faith for the righteous. I have never heard of this, but he swears he has met these people and heard them state these beliefs first hand. I'm not saying this is what the little girl's family thinks, just that there apparently are such people out there.

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I agree with the others that it sounds like she may have misunderstood something her parents have said and/or taught her. I've never heard of people questioning the existence of dinosaurs but hey, you learn something new everyday.;)


If you feel comfortable discussing it with the mom, then I would. Otherwise I just wouldn't worry about it.:001_smile:

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I sorry, I am not sure I understand. What do you mean, "Doesn't believe in dinosaurs"? As in they don't think they ever existed at all? :001_huh: I agree, I didn't realize that was an option. I certainly have never heard of such a thing but learn something new everyday, ya know? :001_smile:


I have heard the fossils were put there to "test" faith, and that such creatures never, ever existed as live things, but only rocks that appear to be fossils of bones; that fossils were part of creation.

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DH is the expert on conservative christian beliefs in our house (he was raised in that environment) and I asked him about this. He said there are people who believe that all evidence of evolution, including dinosaur fossils, was put there by god as a test of faith for the righteous. I have never heard of this, but he swears he has met these people and heard them state these beliefs first hand. I'm not saying this is what the little girl's family thinks, just that there apparently are such people out there.


THis is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. As a family who is into all things dinosaur, this is good to know!

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I have heard the fossils were put there to "test" faith, and that such creatures never, ever existed as live things, but only rocks that appear to be fossils of bones; that fossils were part of creation.




It seems that there are enough problems in this world to test our faith without God having to place false dinosaur bones in the ground. Sounds a little too devious for the Allmighty to me. "Hee hee! This should fool 'em!" :rolleyes:


Sounds more like something the Greek gods would dream up...Like something Zeus would do on a bad day after a fight with Hera in order to cheer himself up. "Those foolish mortals! They really think T-Rexes walked the earth! Bwa ha ha ha!! What idiots! Bwa ha ha ha!" :lol:

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DH is the expert on conservative christian beliefs in our house (he was raised in that environment) and I asked him about this. He said there are people who believe that all evidence of evolution, including dinosaur fossils, was put there by god as a test of faith for the righteous. I have never heard of this, but he swears he has met these people and heard them state these beliefs first hand. I'm not saying this is what the little girl's family thinks, just that there apparently are such people out there.


Just this week one of my dd told me she thought that God cooked up all of science just to make the Bible confusing and test the faithful.

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I'm curious how you responded, but you don't have to tell me. :bigear:


Well, I told her that I didn't think that the Bible was literally true but more that it was written as a way to communicate a truth to man that he was not capable of understanding at the time. I didn't really get a response from her at the time so I think that she is thinking on that for awhile. :)

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Well, I told her that I didn't think that the Bible was literally true but more that it was written as a way to communicate a truth to man that he was not capable of understanding at the time. I didn't really get a response from her at the time so I think that she is thinking on that for awhile. :)


This isn't nearly as salacious as I expected. :D Your dd is lucky to have such a reasonable mother, IMHO. :001_smile:

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It makes me think of the Douglas Adams book where they are creating the planet and they place "fake dinosaur bones"



I would try and act casual and I might ask them about it...gingerly. I cannot imagine a good way to bring that up in conversation.


"Hey! Your son said y'all don't believe in dinosaurs! Isn't that too cute and hilarious??




oh..." :001_unsure:


I think I am too socially awkward to handle that well. I would just stop talking to them. :lol: (no not really)

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There are Christians who believe that dinosaur bones were put into the earth as a test of faith or put there by Satan to deceive people. However, this is sort of a fringe belief, even among fundamentalists. .....
That is so unusual. There are just so many ideas that people have it seems you can never keep up with them all.

I agree with the others that have mentioned asking the girls mother about it. You may just want to let her know that the subject of dinosaurs comes up in your child's play and ask her what her thoughts are on the subject. Sometimes we need to let our children know that others have different beliefs and there are a few things to just not talk about and let others have their own ideas, even when we don't agree. That way you can help them keep their play time peaceful and free of arguments over nonessential ideas. :001_smile:

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When my son was 4 years old he was angry that I didn't believe that Santa Claus was real, and he decided that he DID believe in Santa Claus. Really, who wants to argue with a 4 year old, so I just let him believe in Santa. If someone had told him that dinosaurs were not real, I know he would have just had a fit. That would have really shaken up his world too much, because he loved dinosaurs a lot more than he loved Santa Clause. :lol:

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Another possible angle.....perhaps this young child watched a cartoon or TV show with dinos and became frightened....so of course the parent reassures them that dinos aren't real (because it's a fine line that a 4 year old can't handle yet that they are real but aren't going to come and eat her if she goes to the park). Therefore, the child tells her friend they don't exist, they're not real....just some guy in a purple costume, not gonna eat me, whatever.


Frankly, I'd stay out of it.....preschoolers especially have their own thought process that adults just don't get, lol. I would only deal with it if it becomes an issue between them....like arguing over who is right and who is wrong. But then, I'd probably want the other parent to help explain it so that you don't confuse the children, because obviously you aren't both giving them the same facts. Only if it then became a serious breach between them would I tell my child to not talk about something they were passionate about. Of course you can also do what the adults on this forum suggest.....pass the bean dip.....if the issue becomes heated between the children, it's probably time for bean dip...or a cookie, whichever works better.


Remember, you're dealing with children who think that Big Bird is real....or Barney....or even that Dora the Explorer really goes off on adventures all by herself at her age!

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Since there are people on THIS site that don't believe in dinosaurs or going to the moon, maybe they'll answer....though I assume they might be REALLY scared to because people who believe so differently often get ridiculed, flamed, etc.


I like Connie's explanation though. Maybe the parents went to an extreme because it was easier? Or maybe the child misunderstood what they said (taking it further).

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I've had to go through this, not so much on dinosaurs existing, but on WHEN they existed and various aspects about them. And given the depth of her research and interest in this area, she's probably right.


What we've had to focus on, from the social skills standpoint, is that it is OK for people to believe different things and still be friends, and that there are times that other people may be wrong, but that doesn't mean they're not good people and that we can't learn from them in other ways. We're also working on tact and knowing when to quit-that when someone insists that dinosaurs ate people, and that's why God killed ALL of them in the flood, that's a time to back off, and not go into fossil records, strata of the Earth, and geologic eras. It doesn't mean you're wrong if you choose not to argue.


It's a tough lesson for a 5 yr old, to say the least.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I have also heard that dinosaurs, and other ancient life, didn't necessarily exist but that they were kind of built into the earth "ready-made" to give us fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are God's gift to mankind.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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My DS (4) has a best friend who is five. They play together almost every day after school and they are really great together. My DS has recently developed a fascination with dinosaurs. He reads about them, carries a stuffed one around, wants to wear shirts with them on. I overheard a few funny converstations between DS and his friend that makes me believe that her family doesn't believe in dinosaurs. Now, I never knew that it was optional, to tell you the truth! They are a conservative Christian family and I have a very good relationship with them. I just don't know if I should ask DS not to discuss dinos with his friend or what. I don't want it to cause them to be uncomfortable or to keep their daughter from playing with DS. What would you do?


wow, never heard of not actually believing in dinosaurs. whew!!

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He said there are people who believe that all evidence of evolution, including dinosaur fossils, was put there by god as a test of faith for the righteous.
I find it interesting that anyone would think dinosaurs are evidence of evolution. They're not even good evidence for an old earth given that recent scientific discoveries found soft tissue in dinosaurs.
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I find it interesting that anyone would think dinosaurs are evidence of evolution. They're not even good evidence for an old earth given that recent scientific discoveries found soft tissue in dinosaurs.


I sort of smiled at this comment. Weren't we talking about how to help a kid negotiate a friendship when there's disagreement without debating or having to show the other person they're wrong? :)


I do think that sounds like it would be interesting to discuss in another thread though!

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Wow! I'm a fundamental conservative Christian and have never heard this view before. Why in the world would God "hide" dinosaur fossils here :confused: Well, unless it was to give big boys a reason to go dig in the dirt :D We have daily REAL trials of our faith just living in the world, we don't need made up ones to worry about.

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Since you going by information you overheard during a conversation between a 4 and a 5 year old instead of speculating why don't you simply ask this family with whom you have a good relationship?


:iagree: If this were older children, I'd think differently. It's certainly not a belief I've ever heard before, but I'd also have to consider the source!! 4 and 5yo dc come up with all types of things.


For an older child, my dc have learned to just respectfully change the subject when being told all types of things from ps'd neighbor kids that have to do with "science."

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Since it seems that some people actually believe there were not dinos on the Earth, it might be a good lesson on faith. Let your ds know that not everyone believes the same thing. And how to respect the feelings of those with different beliefs.


This I guess. I never knew there were people who did not believe that dinos existed. I really do learn something new everyday.

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