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I'm tired and I quit.

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I'm tired of having every intention of getting out and running/exercising, but by the time I'm able to, the day is completely gone or I'm too tired to do anything. I want to be consistent in my exercising, but it's so hard when I have to get up with dh at 5:00 am to get his lunch ready for the day, school most of the day, run kids to activities, throw is a load of laundry, vacuum the floor, make dinner, be home for dh after his 1 1/2 hr. commute home. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I feel a little bitter when I weigh myself in the morning. I'm not overweight, but I need to "firm up". Will I ever have a chance to do something for myself???:confused:

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To the OP i am right there with you. I have just had a horrid week and had to tell my DH that my bucket is empty i have nothing left to give. Today i went out for a couple of hours and did something for myself, just me, that never happens. My DH works away so i do it all myself without anyone to support me all the time, when he is home, he is on holiday and still doesn't help. So ...


I am sick of running on empty.

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OH - ME TOO!!!!!! And, tired of trying so hard not to be 'mad' at three sweet, precious boys that I love so much and hate that the time is going too fast, but yet they drive me looney most days!!


And, I love these too - I'm not alone in this difficult, yet wonderful homeschooling thing - how can it be sooo both at the same time!!?? Wouldn't want it any other way and yet don't always want it??? SOOO WEIRD!!!


Today I am glad it is Saturday!!!! YEA!!!!

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I love this thread! :D


I'm tired of having to stand and watch the kids clean their rooms because it won't get done otherwise.


I'm tired of the paper piles around my room because I never have the time to file stuff.


I'm tired of having to be by DS's side every. single. second. he's doing school, because he can't possibly do his work without me there.


I'm tired of arguing.


I'm tired of not being able to go anywhere in the car without kids bickering, fighting, yelling, etc. unless the DVD player is on.


I'm tired of the slow death that happens every time I have to let go a little of my idealism of what homeschooling "should" be like.


I'm tired of never feeling like I'm doing enough.


I'm tired of having to slack off from our schoolwork to have a day where it doesn't feel like the house is falling apart.


I'm tired of the dog pooping in the house and panicking every time we leave without him. I understand it, but I still hate it.


On a positive note, DH has gotten really good at his consoling speech. "You do a great job. I'm so proud of our kids. I could never do what you're doing. No one suffers like you." Rinse. Repeat.

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I'm tired of this brain fog I live in most of the time that makes everything hard.


As soon as try to get something accomplished this overwhelming wave of fatigue comes over me.


I don't know if that is ever going to get better.


I'm tired of not living up to my best, not enjoying what I'm doing, and then having the regret for what I didn't accomplish.

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lol I think you covered it. Thursday was an epic night where the 16 yr old schooler thought he was prepared for his finals and so really was not. "But I studied for hours!" All dh and I could do was say 'You didn't study in a sound, coherent way". (And dammit, have we as your parents taught you nothing about how to do that?) Then his tears when we said he needed to study again, and with a bit of parental assistance). It's not fun.


Why would you want to to go to school in the first place if you could hs with such great parents as us? ;) However, if you choose school, you actually have to 'do school'.


And of course, my teen dd nearly broke my heart by saying 'A lot of literature you like and you would like me to read is really deathly boring". Arg. Stab my heart why don't you? :D

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Seriously. Who gave these kids tape worms? How is it they're no longer hungry once I've cooked the meal?!?


This made me laugh out loud -thanks! I can soo relate.


Me too, and I do not open up the socks. If it's in a knot it's washed in a knot, "dried" in a knot and then deposited on whomever's bed in a knot. If it's dirty in the center (or soaked) they can fill out a complaint card. Unfortuneatly, no one wants the job of printing or cutting the complaint cards, so if they want to do that they'll have to make the card too.




And don't get me started on socks! :mad: I wish we lived in a warm climate - it would be flip flops every day - and NO socks!


Great post, urpedonmommy!

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Sometimes I think I am the only mother on this board who has kids who challenge her with their lawyer/argumentative skills. I picture most of you with perfectly behaved teens who say "Yes, mom", when they are asked to do chores or sentence diagramming.


Kinda happy I am not alone here. :D Seriously I don't feel misery, but the only thing I can think to say here is "Misery loves company".

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BTW LibraryLover, I have a 15yo, 16yo and 17yo, trust me when I say they are committed to breaking the intelligent, obedient, overachieving homeschooler stereotype.:D



We're right there with you. :tongue_smilie: My 10 yr old is starting. She called from her cousin's house (afternoon play-date) the other Wed eve (cousin is also hs'd) and asked to sleep over. I said that we had things we needed to do the next day and she was going to be picked up by her father in 15 minutes. She had the audacity to reply, "Where is my homeschooling freedom?" I laughed and I said " Your freedom and our need to take care of all members of this family are clashing at this point. Daddy will be there in 15 minutes. Be ready." "Fine!" I was laughing when I got off the phone. Dh chuckled, 'What is that all about?" and I told him. He cracked up. "She kills me" he said as he was walking out the door. What can you do but laugh when they throw your own language back in your face?


How do you easily explain to a child that being a mother is like never getting rotated out of Triage?

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I would love to play in the thrift store with you. You sound like me....



I have every intention of returning to NY soon so let me know how far Woodstock is from Oxford and we will meet in the middle and doing some serious shopping Thrift Style. Then we will go to a coffee shop, let the kids play on the floor and enjoy our day!

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"I am tired of not being me: An eclectic, rather go to a museum than do History in a book, read-a-holic, movie loving, dancing around the yard, historic architecture, historic anything, long skirt loving, long hair wearing, classical unschooler. Oh yeah and a true, Bible believing Christian that doesn't have to fit your idea of what that is."


I want to live next door to you, Sunshine.


(Sorry for the wonky quote - I don't know how to do the real quote thing.)

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The Russian Aboriginal Gingerbread people link was hilarious. Thank you for posting that!


I thought I was the only one. Oh, I finally bathed today (stuffed head makes showers a no-no for me), but my hair is in one giant clump at the back of my head and I.don't.care.


Seriously. Who gave these kids tape worms? How is it they're no longer hungry once I've cooked the meal?!?


Me too, and I do not open up the socks. If it's in a knot it's washed in a knot, "dried" in a knot and then deposited on whomever's bed in a knot. If it's dirty in the center (or soaked) they can fill out a complaint card. Unfortuneatly, no one wants the job of printing or cutting the complaint cards, so if they want to do that they'll have to make the card too.


Dh says something similar, but it's more like "are you going to do anything today?" He still doesn't understand why I give him the evil eye for that statement :glare: My response is, "same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try to take over the world."

:smilielol5::smilielol5:I don't care who you are...that's funny stuff right there!


I'm tired of having to tell my 9.5 dd to brush her hair. For Pete's Sake! She's trying to look like a Cheetah Girl with her belts and boots and bling, but she can't be bothered to BRUSH. HER. HAIR. :confused::glare:


I'm tired of trying to put on a happy face so DH doesn't think I am tired of everything.


Right now I am tired of seeing all the lonely old people slumped over in a chair, alone in their rooms or in the hallway of the nursing home (when we visit FIL). The despair seems palpable there.


Seriously, thanks for this thread. Right when you think everyone else is SO together and has it going on, this pops up and makes me feel like we're all in it together. :)

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"I am tired of not being me: An eclectic, rather go to a museum than do History in a book, read-a-holic, movie loving, dancing around the yard, historic architecture, historic anything, long skirt loving, long hair wearing, classical unschooler. Oh yeah and a true, Bible believing Christian that doesn't have to fit your idea of what that is."


I want to live next door to you, Sunshine.


(Sorry for the wonky quote - I don't know how to do the real quote thing.)



Can I move onto the street too?? Would love to have you as neighbors!!


[You do the quote thing by pressing the "quote" button at the bottom right of the message.]

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Can I move onto the street too?? Would love to have you as neighbors!!


[You do the quote thing by pressing the "quote" button at the bottom right of the message.]



I say we all move on the same street so that we can enjoy people who enjoy us, babysit for those who need a break and fill an empty spot at a table that has one. Teach each other to garden and share organic cows milk, cheese and eggs (not from the cow). Or just give great veggies to those who have black thumbs or the observers.We can share curriculum, do field trips and save gas, tell each other the inlaws are crazy if they think what you do is, and therefore have a modern Utopia. Except we would not be mean and we would like old people, animals and babies. Teenagers would have to farmed to those of us who can stand them that day. :D


All in favor, say "Aye"

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Sometimes I think I am the only mother on this board who has kids who challenge her with their lawyer/argumentative skills.


Oh my goodness! You are most definitely NOT alone! That's the #1 thing I think my guys do best. That and bring it up 10 seconds later to be sure you haven't changed your mind.


I'm trying to figure out how to balance not treating them like the toddler that needs to just learn to obey and the young men who can talk and reason. "Because I told you so" is unfair to their age but when is it that I keep crossing the line into lawyer/argumentative and I going bonkers?!


Just so you know, you are not alone. :)

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I am tired of my son's procrastination sphincter. The second an unpleasant task is announced, he heads to the BR for 20 minutes of humming and clapping and ALWAYS produces. What am I supposed to do? Tell him, no, pucker up and clean up your play area anyway? I swear my mother never stood outside a BR door and had to command a child to "start wiping NOW".

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YES!! This!! Most mornings my husband says, "Are you guys gonna do any school today?" As my daughter posted on facebook, "No, I'm going to ride my magic unicorn to Alaska."


Also, LOVE Pinky and the Brain!

I may have to use this one morning. Just to change it up a bit (lol, I used to love animaniacs).

:rofl: I'll have to remember that quote for when dh asks me this...again...


And this is a slight topic diversion, but I just got on dh's case yesterday for something he says to me every.single.time.I get a haircut. He always says, "Well, it doesn't even look like they cut anything off." That :auto: drives me completely crazy! It's just a trim, dear. I'm not aiming to come back bald or buzzed. Just getting the sheepdog bangs outta my eyes and snipping off the evidence of too much flat-ironing.

Oh, oh, oh, could you possibly get one of those bald head costume things and surprise him one night with a "real" haircut?

And don't get me started on socks! :mad: I wish we lived in a warm climate - it would be flip flops every day - and NO socks!


Great post, urpedonmommy!

We do barefoot once it's warm enough. It's a little gross, but for some reason my kids are more likely to go out in JUST SOCKS than to bother with putting on shoes, so I put up with dirty feet.

I'm tired of second guessing myself because my dd's look at me like we've never covered the stuff we're reviewing and I just end up feeling like I'M SPEAKING CHINESE!!!!!!


Whew! I feel better.




:001_huh: I thought I was the only one. There are days when I rant, 'you're learning Latin and Greek, English is your native language, what language do I need to learn to get this through to you?!?'

I don't care who you are...that's funny stuff right there!


I'm tired of having to tell my 9.5 dd to brush her hair. For Pete's Sake! She's trying to look like a Cheetah Girl with her belts and boots and bling, but she can't be bothered to BRUSH. HER. HAIR.


I'm tired of trying to put on a happy face so DH doesn't think I am tired of everything.


Right now I am tired of seeing all the lonely old people slumped over in a chair, alone in their rooms or in the hallway of the nursing home (when we visit FIL). The despair seems palpable there.


Seriously, thanks for this thread. Right when you think everyone else is SO together and has it going on, this pops up and makes me feel like we're all in it together.

The non-brusher here is Andrew (older ds). He wants to have longer hair, but I can't get him to understand that he MUST keep it clean and brushed. I've dreamt of sneaking into his room at night and shaving his head. I haven't done it, but I've definitely considered it.


You put on a happy face? Here lately we've been lucky if I croak out an 'how was your day.' :lol: Why is it the more tired I am, the more he needs?


Oh and brag alert. Dd decided to join the TLC missions at church. She and her friend will be visiting the local nursing home twice a month to chat and just visit. I thought you might find that a little heartwarming :grouphug:

I am tired of my son's procrastination sphincter. The second an unpleasant task is announced, he heads to the BR for 20 minutes of humming and clapping and ALWAYS produces. What am I supposed to do? Tell him, no, pucker up and clean up your play area anyway? I swear my mother never stood outside a BR door and had to command a child to "start wiping NOW".



I thought I was the only one that had to do that.


Should I tell ds he's not alone? Should I let him know that others have found the magical ability to poo their way out of work?


I'm shocked. It's like a whole new movement among our dcs...

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I showed my dh the OP's post yesterday and told him that is EXACTLY how I feel.


He took me out to dinner and a movie last night for the first time in months. :001_smile:



If I die tomorrow, I know I have done one noble thing with my life. :D

I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly.

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Should I tell ds he's not alone? Should I let him know that others have found the magical ability to poo their way out of work?


I'm shocked. It's like a whole new movement among our dcs...



Tell no one. The message might spread and then I'll have one more thing to be tired of. (:blink: Really? Pooing your way out of clean up time? That takes ingenuity!)

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I'm tired of my dh being laid off.


I'm tired of worrying constantly and wondering if I should just put the kids back in school and head back to work, even though I know it would be the worst possible thing for my family.


I'm tired of arguing with children.


I'm tired of being tired.


Ugh. I'm super sick today and it shows. But thanks for the vent thread. It's a good one!

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I say we all move on the same street so that we can enjoy people who enjoy us, babysit for those who need a break and fill an empty spot at a table that has one. Teach each other to garden and share organic cows milk, cheese and eggs (not from the cow). Or just give great veggies to those who have black thumbs or the observers.We can share curriculum, do field trips and save gas, tell each other the inlaws are crazy if they think what you do is, and therefore have a modern Utopia. Except we would not be mean and we would like old people, animals and babies. Teenagers would have to farmed to those of us who can stand them that day. :D


All in favor, say "Aye"


Oh and brag alert. Dd decided to join the TLC missions at church. She and her friend will be visiting the local nursing home twice a month to chat and just visit. I thought you might find that a little heartwarming :grouphug:


Very, very nice Julie. Not only will it do those sweet elderly people a world of good, but it will your dd too. It's not going to be easy, but will be rewarding.

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Tell no one. The message might spread and then I'll have one more thing to be tired of. (:blink: Really? Pooing your way out of clean up time? That takes ingenuity!)

Consider it stricken from the record ;)


Very, very nice Julie. Not only will it do those sweet elderly people a world of good, but it will your dd too. It's not going to be easy, but will be rewarding.

Jo did so much when my mom was battling cancer and "helps" is really her gift. It tears me apart going to the local home, I am very proud that she is able and willing to do that.

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A big, huge Ditto! Oh, and I am tired of being tired! Where did the fun person I used to be go?



And when did I get so mean? This was supposed to be fun, right? I had these visions of museums and games and time for crafts and play. That's not what's happening. Why?

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I am tired of my son's procrastination sphincter. The second an unpleasant task is announced, he heads to the BR for 20 minutes of humming and clapping and ALWAYS produces. What am I supposed to do? Tell him, no, pucker up and clean up your play area anyway? I swear my mother never stood outside a BR door and had to command a child to "start wiping NOW".


:smilielol5:I'm crying. Thank you!!!

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And when did I get so mean? This was supposed to be fun, right? I had these visions of museums and games and time for crafts and play. That's not what's happening. Why?

Fun? Hold on... I know, I know that word...


fun fun fun


Is that what all the laughter that has been grating on my nerves all day means? I thought we were supposed to prevent that?!?




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I say we all move on the same street so that we can enjoy people who enjoy us, babysit for those who need a break and fill an empty spot at a table that has one. Teach each other to garden and share organic cows milk, cheese and eggs (not from the cow). Or just give great veggies to those who have black thumbs or the observers.We can share curriculum, do field trips and save gas, tell each other the inlaws are crazy if they think what you do is, and therefore have a modern Utopia. Except we would not be mean and we would like old people, animals and babies. Teenagers would have to farmed to those of us who can stand them that day. :D


All in favor, say "Aye"


"I am tired of not being me: An eclectic, rather go to a museum than do History in a book, read-a-holic, movie loving, dancing around the yard, historic architecture, historic anything, long skirt loving, long hair wearing, classical unschooler. Oh yeah and a true, Bible believing Christian that doesn't have to fit your idea of what that is."


I want to live next door to you, Sunshine.


(Sorry for the wonky quote - I don't know how to do the real quote thing.)


AYE!!!!! I'm coming too!!! Wait, do we have to bring our kids?:lol:

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Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.



I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.


Thank you for listening.


What are you tired of?





Took my son hours to finish one math lesson the other day.


Right now I have a 19 month old baby pitching a fit because I won't let him throw pencils or get on the table. Oh and this is a daily..multipule time a day..occurrence.

Hubby, and older kids are clued to some program they are watching on youtube.

I don't turn laundry right side out or take apart the layers. It gets washed, dryed and folded that way. They can deal with it when they want to wear it..oh and that's only if I even get the laundry. I refuse to collect it. If they want clean underwear then by golly they are bringing it to the laundry room. I am not wading through the messes of rooms to get it.

I did manage to get some schoolwork done including my own...going to school part time.

Looking for a part time job as well.

Dishes need to be done...nope not doin' 'em...they can wait.


Thank you urpedonmommy for opening the avenue needed for someo of us to vent!



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I say we all move on the same street so that we can enjoy people who enjoy us, babysit for those who need a break and fill an empty spot at a table that has one. Teach each other to garden and share organic cows milk, cheese and eggs (not from the cow). Or just give great veggies to those who have black thumbs or the observers.We can share curriculum, do field trips and save gas, tell each other the inlaws are crazy if they think what you do is, and therefore have a modern Utopia. Except we would not be mean and we would like old people, animals and babies. Teenagers would have to farmed to those of us who can stand them that day. :D


All in favor, say "Aye"


(unless MIL gets a pass due to being elderly, in which case, you all can share HER, while I move elsewhere...):tongue_smilie:

And just so you know, Diva has the bladder of procrastination. "Work? Chores? Gotta go pee...."


There have been moments where you hear, "You went pee ten minutes ago! You don't NEED to pee again already!" "But, but...I GOT TO!" "Well then, you must have been just fooling around the last time. Cross your legs while you do the dishes, and pray that you're fast enough at washing them." :o:lol:

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(unless MIL gets a pass due to being elderly, in which case, you all can share HER, while I move elsewhere...):tongue_smilie:

And just so you know, Diva has the bladder of procrastination. "Work? Chores? Gotta go pee...."


There have been moments where you hear, "You went pee ten minutes ago! You don't NEED to pee again already!" "But, but...I GOT TO!" "Well then, you must have been just fooling around the last time. Cross your legs while you do the dishes, and pray that you're fast enough at washing them." :o:lol:


I thought I was the only mother mean enough to do this. I've had to use that line (only it was... clench your cheeks and get your work done first).



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