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Some things just dont seem right...

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a beer battered, deep fried HOT DOG??? Where's the "scary face"?


You could get these with carmelized onion... topped with 4 cheeses... bacon...


oh.... yuck... I like carmelized onions... I like cheeses.... I've VERY picky about hot dogs (prefer natural ones, no nitrites)... but... deep friend hot dogs??? WHY?

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Then then you probably won't like this:




We have a friend who is in Georgia right now and sent us a picture of deep friend peaches (which sound kind of yummy) but also a lot of other weird deep fried stuff he found at a fair he went to. Mmmm...heart attack on a stick.

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OMG fried cheese curds=YUM!!



We have a friend who is in Georgia right now and sent us a picture of deep friend peaches (which sound kind of yummy) but also a lot of other weird deep fried stuff he found at a fair he went to. Mmmm...heart attack on a stick.

Oh I love fried peaches. They are ssooo good.
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Sounds like a corn dog...


That's the first thing I thought.



Bass Pro offered deep fried Oreos last summer.






I shared these with DH once at a county fair. The cookies get pretty soft and the cream pretty much liquefies and disappears. It's an interesting experience but they weren't all that great!

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Wow, that link has some weird things. Deep fried coke?


I can't remember if the substance was coke or pepsi, but the way it worked:

make funnel cake batter with pepsi syrup (the stuff they add to the carbonated water in a soda fountain), fry the funnel cakes then top with additional pepsi syrup. I think they had this at our state fair last year (per the paper, we didn't actually go to the fair).


This Christmas at World Market I saw chocolate coated applewood smoked bacon in the candy bar aisle---definitely one of the odder things I've seen.


One of the sushi places around here does several fried sushi rolls (battered and fried whole after being made then sliced)--I've tried a couple and the hot sushi rice is a very different experience than regular sushi.

crispy maki roll---tuna or salmon rolled in nori, lightly fried, topped with mayo and chili sauce

Mt. Fuji roll---tuna and salmon rolled in nori, tempura fried and rolled with masago, served with hot lava sauce

Big Kahuna maki---tuna, salmon, tai, shrimp and crab, the whole thing lightly breaded and fried, topped with masago, spicy aioli, tobiko

crispy bagel---smoked salmon, cream cheese and avocado lightly bbattered and fried, topped with spicy aioli

Edited by KarenNC
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Reminds me of a time in Scotland that we ordered a pizza.


It was deep-fried.


It was NOT a calzone or a pizza pocket or folded over or anything. It was a frozen pizza--they slipped the disc in the oil and cooked it up.


Oddly, it tasted like Chinese egg rolls.


We found that in Scotland they deep fry everything. We were not enthused.

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a beer battered, deep fried HOT DOG??? Where's the "scary face"?


You could get these with carmelized onion... topped with 4 cheeses... bacon...


oh.... yuck... I like carmelized onions... I like cheeses.... I've VERY picky about hot dogs (prefer natural ones, no nitrites)... but... deep friend hot dogs??? WHY?


a corn dog with onions, cheese and bacon? This won't be the popular answer but... mmmm.... that sounds good! :D Not healty, but good

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I think the worst I've heard is the fried butter that was sold at our state fair this year. I saw someone eating it and I felt sick for the rest of the day. I can't imagine eating something like that.




That's one I just couldn't get my brain around. Now, deep fried candy bars - YUM! Reese's peanut butter cups battered and fried, snickers deep fried, three musketeers - yum, yum, yum!

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Funny... just have to laugh at myself... the thought of a corndog never crossed my mind!! I just pictured beer-batter covered hot dog being fried up and it just didn't work for me...


Now, years ago I had fried ice cream... outside of the fact that it was covered with fruit topping and lots of whip cream and was an entirely too large of a serving for even two people, it was great!!

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a beer battered, deep fried HOT DOG??? Where's the "scary face"?


You could get these with carmelized onion... topped with 4 cheeses... bacon...


oh.... yuck... I like carmelized onions... I like cheeses.... I've VERY picky about hot dogs (prefer natural ones, no nitrites)... but... deep friend hot dogs??? WHY?



Except for the beer isn't that a typical corn dog? Battered hot dog cooked in oil? I have had beer bread before and it didn't really taste like beer (which I'm not fond of) so I doubt the beer in the batter would mean it would taste like a beer dog. Even if it did, so many people eat hot dogs and beer together, why not mix it, lol.


Now....the onion, cheese and bacon seem bit much, but I like my corn dog with just a smidge of mustard so I'm pretty plain. Now...give me a hamburger with grilled onions and cheese and I'm happy!




The weirdst thing I've ever watched someone eat fried was a Snickers bar.....I kept thinking what a waste of a perfectly good chocolate bar! She claimed it was heaven, but the thought of greasy chocolate made me refuse her offer of a bite.


I don't think anything can be fried and then called healthy.....deep frying battered vegetables is called "tempura" in a Japanese restaurant and while it's yummy it's far from a healthy way to eat veggies, lol.

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At a local festival last fall, I decided to try a deep fried Snickers bar. I was well aware of what a travesty it was, but just wanted to try one to see if I was truly missing something great. I also have a rather sarcastic sense of humor. So when the vendor asked me if I would like it coated with powdered sugar after she took it out of the deep fryer, I said, "No thanks, I'm trying to watch my calories!":D


Seriously, it was...okay. Nothing I'm tempted to try again. The batter was very remniscent of corn dog batter, thick and kind of salty. If I was making them, I would have used something closer to a pancake batter and added a hint of cinnamon. The stick was in the small end, so the encased candy bar did look a lot like a corn dog. The chocolate was all melted in side and gooey. Kind of good, but not quite right for some reason.


Nope, I'll stick to healthier options like fried mushrooms, cheese sticks, fried zucchini, fried tomatoes, etc. (there's that darn sense of sarcasm again...)

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I've heard of deep fried chocolate bars, and deep fried Coke at our annual fair.


We don't go because a) too danged expensive, b) I'd have the mother of all anxiety attacks b/c of the crowds now and c) I was the only one that liked rides before, other than Diva, and now I can't go on them.


Wolf won't go on a ride if you put a gun to his head. He worked for a fair before, and saw how they were put together. Now he won't go on them for anything.


Deep frying has a small place in my heart...for french fries, and other appropriate things...once in a while treat. Too much, and I feel just ill.

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