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S/O which subject do you spend the most money on?

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I have noticed that we spend the most money on books for history. I usually spend most of our money on real books instead of curriculum. Now, I have been wondering where other homeschoolers put their money- besides MCT. :lol: Do you spend the most money on the 3r's or do you spend it on other subjects? What do you pay the most for that you think is worth every penny (IEW, MCT, TT)? Thanks for playing along. :D

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Yes, our biggest investment is definitely in books - literature, biography, history, science, art, music, math... all those wonderful books that are not even technically curricula at all!


That said, once I buy those, I don't have nearly so many to buy for the younger two - i.e., I could get through SOTW 1-4 at this point without any additional purchases (but I wouldn't want to ;)). By the time it's all said and done, I anticipate we'll have spent the most on science supplies. Kits are consumable and relatively pricey.

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Next year for grade 8 so far I've spent the most on Saxon algebra I books & Art Reed DVD's and The Teaching Company courses for history. I may buy Rosetta Stone Spanish so that would be the largest single expense for grade 8.


In the past I've spent TONS of money on history literature (SL) - NO more!

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Individual subjects, history/literature hands down since we use SL and MCT. :D But I look at those as investments because I buy for the first and eliminate most of the cost for the next four with real books, ebooks, and other printable downloads that are all non-consumable. So, if you divide it out that way, then I spend the most in science and math with consumables and online access for programs, hands down.

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High school. Most of our budget goes to high school which aside from math is expensive in every subject. And even math can be costly if you use DVD programs - I used to use VT but now I use Life of Fred so it's cheap.


Science is the most expensive because of the lab supplies home class. We outsource writing (Classical Writing online) and Latin (Lukeion) so that is the costliest.


But for my younger students, I spend the most on Latin and Classical writing (and math for my youngest because she uses Right Start).



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At first I was going to say history, then math, then the more I thought about it I realized that LA and science are a lot too. We use SL and WP, RightStart and Teaching Textbooks, AG, IEW, Oak Meadow high school science and SL Science, and they are all on the expensive end. Though history is probably still the most all together, when I add in things like Time Travelers, VP cards and cds, The Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures cd, and all the living books.

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This year I spent a lot of money on every subject but it was our first year homeschooling. I got a lot of things that won't need to be purchased again and a lot fo things that will be passed down to the youngers.


I'd say our top ticket items were math and music. I can see that music will continue to be pricey because of the lessons.

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Math, science, LA, foreign languages and then history. Hopefully, LA will taper off as we continue and I know that science will take the number one spot even above math by high school. I have already calculated science for high school and it’s going to break the bank. We tend to use the library to the full when it comes to history, and even though we use SL and SOTW, I substitute books if we can’t find them at the library or we don’t already own them. I only buy a few books that I consider absolutely necessary. Of course, if I can find it used at a great price, I’ll grab it, it’s nice to have a home library, but our science library outweighs our history books by far. I hope to use TOG soon and continue to buy used and utilize the public library.

We already had a good literature home library when we started, and many people seem to give me a lot of books since they know I'm homeschooling. :D I love book handouts. I'll always take them!

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Books - so probably literature, history and science books - oh I'll just call it READING as a subject. After that is PE (ski school) and art (art classes). My Rosetta Stone was free from the school district otherwise it might be a contender. I do get to reuse the books for two kids so that helps me to justify, but I'd buy them anyway. The library was way more expensive because I am terrible at returning. :D




I feel much better about the books since my ds started college classes - figure about $100 - $200 per class for textbooks in US universities (his textbooks in Japan are only $40 per semester).

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